So one of the ideas for new potential ship classes without the need of adding new weapon slots as Forward Guns are restricted via Flhook is the idea of Broadside Dreadnoughts.
The concept of these ships is pretty straight froward - multiple ''Forward Guns'' in fixed arcs situated on either side of the ship (or one side) and given a fairly good DPM and projectile speed. The usual counter argument to this was regarding aiming.
The fix for this potentially is to add a type of forward gun with the same speed and range stats, but with an invisible projectile, 0 damage and with a zapper-kind muzzle flash effect, that being a simple red laser. It would be then used in the same group as the broadsides themselves.
This would be used to figure out aiming at a distance and would instantly allow the potential targets to know they are in danger of losing a chunk of their ship.
Something something.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
It's a great idea, but what is actually slow and immobile enough for these things to shoot at, other than POBs? Even battleships can effectively steer out of the way.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
I dont think theres a lack of ships waiting to be finished or to get a new model. It might be senseful to first finish jobs at hand instead of dropping them for an ambitious project that might as well turn out to not work.
You can tinker with the idea right now if you want. Just take a copy of a battleship you choose, fix the its hardpoints so they dont rotate, point them sideways, put nomad heavies with the guiding beam animation and test it
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Haste wanted to add this but after all the discussions the consensus was it sounds cool in theory but wouldn't really work in practice because of combat in a 3D space and some ships would be at a big disadvantage.
I've never understood the fascination for broadsides in space. We had them for naval warfare, and they went the way of the dinosaurs the second rotating turrets were invented. There really are no benefits to casemate emplacements in today's warfare, let alone one as advanced as Disco, the way I see it. You want a bigger cannon, make a bigger turret and voilà ! It really is an anachronism made only possible by the rule of Cool. I'm a sucker for that as much as the next guy, but space broadsides in a 3D environment go too far to my tastes.
(06-14-2019, 12:25 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: If everyone was a bit more like Lanakov, the entire world would be more positive. Including pregnancy tests.
Pointers not gonna cause any problem but Fixed guns will cause lots of problem. It will look like hostile ship firing its fixed guns somewhere else but they will hit you.
When haste was Balance Leader, we were planning to make Broadside only capital ships. However not like what you suggest here. This idea can cause lots of PVP issues and can take months to fix
What we decided to do is reducing capital ship weapon amount and giving them new arcs. Like;
+Ships will fire 5% of its weapons to forward and backward, 90% of its weapons to broadside
+Zero fixed broadside weapons
+Cruisers and BCs will have this mechanic aswell
+Maybe slower turn speeds and different ship speeds
+Needs complete capital ship weaponary rework
+Requires lots of Time and Testing
This causes problem though, It will make them very useless against Heavier Ships and Smaller ships. Unless we give weaker ships faster speed and stronger ships slower speed
Also most of discovery capital ships not suitable for Broadside-only combat because of their Design.