This is a priority announcement to all Coalition Pilots.
Comrade Junior Lieutenant Vladislav Vaska has proven himself decisively. He has successfully made the time-honored journey to the Hispania, and has added his name to the list of Comrades to do so. For this he is awarded the Hispania Memorandum Medal and is slated for promotion to Lieutenant. However, the young and aspiring Lieutenant has also proven himself in the fires of battle against the Bretonian Capitalists. His fighter buckled and burned, but it and his resolve did not waver. The Lieutenant has also, as a result, received direct commendation from the Commissariat for his devotion to the People and the Army. Henceforth Vladislav Vaska is elevated to the rank of Senior Lieutenant effective immediately.
Go now, and bring the Red Banner to the oppressed masses of Sirius!
Incoming Transmission Encryption Level: Very High Sender: Major Michael Thornton Destination: Revolutionary Army Command Priority: Very High
[Message Begins]
Recently a number of events have taken place in the past few days. The Tempast-Class Carrier "Lenin" was used in a number of operations against our enemies. Here are the results.
Senior Lieutenant Valdislav Vaska reporting in on the latest mission:
I was called by tovairsh Daemon to investigate a group of miners.
Shortly after,a Liberty carrier appeared in Dublin, me and Daemon kept it occupied until CPW Lenin arrived and engulfed it in the glorious fires of communism.
A freelance gunboat jumped to the aid of the crippling capitalist carrier, of which hull I easily liberated from it's pilot with the help of tovarish Daemon.
Today I have escorted a People's transport supplying our Hessian comrades with Volgograd ordinance and bringing back light arms that we may use against those who seek to intrude upon our glorious settlements.
While in capitalist space I couldn't help but be amazed by the trade lane technology that they possess.
The technical background from which I originate praises development of technology that helps the Coalition People's cause.
I have not been made aware whether or not we are planning similar projects of our own, but if nobody has taken up this task yet, I seek permission to enter the Houses undercover and attempt to "acquire" schematics or other information that may help us in developing similar technology.
The savings we will make on fuel consumption as well as the speed of superluminal goods delivery and traffic within New Moscow are obvious advantages that these trade lanes bring with them.
However the technician in me saw more tactical advantages as-well:
Trade lanes not only speed up the traffic but they monitor it as-well, if enemies of the Coalition will be stupid enough to use trade lanes in New Moscow our agents can track their exact location in real time, and if they avoid the trade lanes, we will gain a considerable speed advantage over them, decreasing the chances that they will escape with intact information by a large percent.
This is a priority announcement to all Revolutionary Army pilots and Militsiya Units.
As of this moment, 17:44 on date 032.825 AS (February 1) Premier Mehmed Selim has issued a formal CEASE-FIRE ORDER applicable to House Bretonia effective IMMEDIATELY. UPON RECEIPT OF THIS COMMUNIQUE all forces located within BRETONIAN BORDERS (INCLUDING GALLIC-OCCUPIED ZONES AND OMEGA-3) are to RELOCATE TO COALITION SPACE. SCRA AND MILITSIYA UNITS ALIKE (INCLUDING VI TRANSPORTS) are NOT TO ENTER BRETONIAN SPACE until FURTHER NOTICE from the office of the Premier. All Units are advised to treat Bretonian forces as neutral entities and assaults against Bretonian forces will be considered treasonous acts by the Ministry of Truth and Commissariat. Negotiations are underway to refine the terms and conditions by which Coalition and Bretonian forces will cooperate, and further bulletins will be dispatched to military personnel as soon as they are available.
I detained a Junker Salvager in New Moscow for questioning as to it's reason being here.
It did not comply to the interrogation as such I chased it out by force.
It managed to get to Poole, due to the non aggression pact currently in effect I abandoned the pursuit.
In Omega 49 I met with the militsya officer Gena Belov.
I made sure to inform her of the current non agression pact with Bretonia.
We were en route to the Tau sector in order to keep an eye on both the Gallic forces and the drug and slave trafficking alike.
We passed through Omicron Gamma where we found two Zoners with dubiously Cryer transponders which we suspected of smuggling artifacts given the circumstances, after a brief interrogation we learned that they were supplying an automated base in Omicron Theta with industrial hardware, therefore we let them about their business.
We had to turn back from our route when we received an alert of Corsair activity in Cayman, by the time we got there the Corsairs were already gone.
This combined with the activity we investigated in the periphery of Omicron Gamma leads me to suspect that the Corsairs are probing our positions in Cayman for weaknesses, if this is correct then they must be planning for something to happen soon.
I have moved my personal fighter and the recently requestioned gunboat Vostok to the Cayman system in anticipation of any further Corsair incursions, although Vostok is not yet properly outfitted for combat.
In Cayman I intercepted an iridium filled Pilgrim Liner belonging to a Junker in a rather joking mood, given it's proximity to our installations and it's contents I interrogated the vessel but I failed to get any information out of it before it reached Gran Canaria.
Threatening with arrest and interrogation by the commissariat didn't help either.
To avoid incidents with the Zoners I decided the best course of action was to not forcibly liberate the cargo from it's hold.
I am currently also stationed on Gran Canaria so that I may reach both Cayman and New Moscow should any further incursions occur.
The more time I spend outside the Coalition's borders, the more I understand why people are so wary of us.
The Alliance's propaganda machine is still strong even in the waring Houses.
People are taught from young age to be wary of communism, to despise it, to avoid it at all costs as it is something dangerous.
These people grow up never knowing the different side, our side so this irrational fear remains embedded in them so much so that they would rather choose death over experience.
One particular group has caught my attention: The Xenos in Liberty.
These people were Liberty's working class before they have been tossed aside in favor of cheaper foreign labor.
They have lost their jobs, their assets have been seized and forced into poverty.
They saw a way out by targeting the foreign transports supplying Liberty with goods, they blame the foreign influences in Liberty for their misfortune.
What if I were to attempt to show them that their misfortune was not caused by foreigners, but by an oppressive system that favors saving money over the well being of their citizens?
They have spent so much time building their hate for foreign corporations that they may be too far gone to be brought under the red banner, but is not worth a try? Words do not use up rations after all.
Turning a group in Liberty sympathetic to our cause will erode it's power while spreading our ideals and influence in the worst place for a communist in all of Sirius.
If this is approved, may I be instructed by a trained agent as to the best way of approaching them?