The purpose of this thread is to document all of my old and existing characters and their presence in the game environment.
This also includes a few characters that existed in lol-groups but were used later on for other endavours. It also includes certain groups that were created at some point. Feel free to comment on the oldies or remind me of ones I left out. This thread serves a purpose for me as to not forget about them. The character list is not specifically chronological.
One of my older Junker projects, was hectic as hell. People came, people went. Gave an offshot version called the Baker family as well.
People came, people went, the family name became wider used and outside of my direct control or RP influence as it branched and twisted.
Status - Inactive (Shelved)
Andrew Mort - Roguebro
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
Dave Cyprus - Bunter
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
Yatza - aka "Lick A Brick" - Local Sniffer
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
Yatza - aka "Lick A Brick" - Local Sniffer
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
(nameless) - A part of the That.Mute.XXXXX series of Rogue dessies.
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
Egmund Tauber - Rheinmil, Rheinpol, Turned Junker
To be filled out. Status - Kinda there?
Daniel Prosper - Ex LSF, creator of the Firestalker Drones.
To be filled out. Status - Maybe?
Ron Malique - aka "Unbiased.Hipocracy" IMG duud
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
Moe Knox - Fat LPI
To be filled out. Status - Inactive (Shelved)
And a few others.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: