Applicant Chippers denied. We could bother Wedjat for a better backround check but there are more important things to do. Write it down, wait two weeks and then you may approach again.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Golanski, you know my file
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
I'm a spook, not a fighter
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Ask the Grand Admiral, he knows who I am, I guarantee my exploits are above the recruiter's pay grade. Please refer to Wedjat Division 7 Archives for PyschEval.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Already in the chat Timezone:GMT -5
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Relatively, most likely on weekends occasionally evenings during the week,
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I want to help the Order on cleaning the Universe from all the infested people and the aliens that are threatening Sirius.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
I have more then 4 weeks serving for the order as a independent!
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Good commitment to the Order and a little battle experience i gain over my life in Sirius.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
7.25 on the Battleship, 6.5 on the Very Heavy Fighter.
Section III:Pilot History
Well cant tell you much about my life since i was a freelancer all my life to the point i joined the Order. I was born on Planet New London, raised by the age of 18 by my mother, thats when i let the rebbel side just take over and just used the money that i got from my father gathered for college, spent it on a civilian ,,Eagle" and decided to explore the universe for possible jobs or ways to make money. Having my fathers travel logs was a big help for me on exploring the remoted systems such as the omicrons.
To bad he didnt had a chance to see me what a great pilot i becomed, he was a good trader as my mother used to say, he hoped to find other profitable routes and he always was exploring but he only found death.
I dont get fooled around very easy and people who know me , know that i have a anger problem but not to worry i can control it very well, if i do get accepted in the Primary fleet i will prove people that what i say is true.
Dont have much to loose , other than my life so i don't have problems in doing dangerous missions, the harder it is the challenging is to me...
Like i always say what doesn't get you killed, will always make you stronger.[/size][/font]
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Haris Šeta (Red Flag on the Profile Image, I have Black Smoke) Timezone:2h+
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Depends. 7pm-9:30pm; 8am-13am;
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
2 times because I couldn't to controll my anger. Last time when I got sancion was 2 months ago.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Applicant Petronius, accepted. Find your way to the Order medical section at Akabat for the health check, further on from there you will be shown to the primary fleet baracks.
Applicant Tainer welcome back. The Admiral wishes to see you as soon as you arrived Akabat, the usual medical check up will be done directly after your meeting from Dr. Schultz.
05-18-2018, 10:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-20-2018, 04:38 PM by Promotheus.
Edit Reason: Added two performed opps since initial application
Name:Xander Parothia Gender:Male Age:26 Height:1.80 Weight:90 kg
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
My time in the Secondary Fleet has been informative and I've been inspired to protect and enforce Order Ideals outside of our home systems.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
I joined the Secondary Fleet several weeks ago and have since been granted the privilege of piloting an Osiris class battleship in addition to my Order heavy fighter against internal Core and Nomad threats in the Mu system. I have done these operations both solo and in cooperation with members of the Primary Fleet. Additionally, I enforced the Primary Fleet during an AI incursion and in hunting down the MNS SHADOW when it infiltrated Order space.
Additional opps: Aided the CV-Horus in chasing off the MNS-SHADOW a second time after it infiltrated Order space again.
Aided Order|Betelgeuze and several other allies in blowing up two Core Mako's in Delta.
Callsigns my ships go by: Solandros (Very Heavy FIghter)
OCV-Black.Monday (Osiris Battleship)
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
A zealous commitment to the protection to mankind, the eradication of the squid threat and a very big ship.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
7.5 on the fighter, 7.5 on the Osiris.
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Originally a Freelancer exploring the borderworlds, my life took a drastic change when I arrived in Omicron Delta. I was surprised by an enormous ship I had never seen before, an outcast dreadnought (MNS-SHADOW), appearing right before me. Not ten minutes later, a Corsair capital ship did as well. And not 15 minutes after that, an Order battlecruiser also appeared out of thin air. While intimidating, the three seemed surprisingly tolerant and told me about the conflict in the Omicrons, cloaking technology and the hated threat of Core and Nomad.
The Order vessel escorted me to Omicron Minor and told me what had happened to Planet Toledo, showing me the ruins and the immeasurable wrecks that testified the genocide that had occured.
It was at that point I decided to end my Freelancing carreer and signed up with the Order, joining the Secondary Fleet.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Would prefer to PM, as it includes RL name. Timezone:GMT+1
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
Activity: daily several hours minimum, I check the forums daily
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
0 times.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Name:Nesrin Khan. Gender:Female (Human consciousness). Age:Forty Seven, AI physically reconstructed Nesrin as belonging to her thirties. Height:Six feet four inches. Weight:Variable. In 0.87G Sirian standard gravitation Nesrin is three times the mass of a regular human.
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
The solar wind blows violent gales.
I've seen good soldiers, good men, psychologically destroyed by those who would turn them into monsters. Not the doing-what-needs-to-be-done monsters, the necessary evils. An evil that doesn't know what it is, why it is. Why it serves. What cause it demands. The Core, the Nomads, the Auxesians, all are that evil. Nebulous, entangled in their own deceptions, waiting for the scalpel to cut the flies free. Such stories.
There’s evil bastards out there. Fairytale witches. Monsters. They don’t think they’re monsters. Some mothers, fathers. Some will justify their evil to the next generation. Others take orders from those monsters. They are Lovecraftian. They will bring destruction to us all.
What the Nomads educated us, when they shot their loryclytic projections into the screaming hulls of twisted steel and sundered pressure plates that was Freeport Seven, is they knew us, better than knew ourselves. They knew that, united, good men are Gods. Corrupt one, you have Apocalypse, wearing the wool of the Lamb, whilst all the other songbirds sing to their tune.
The Nomads didn’t have to corrupt our bodies to corrupt our souls. Auxesia, the Core, the Ingennus, house intelligence services, all evidence, all the damnation of innocence, vilifying the corpses of consecrated, dead soldiers, glass-eyed by vacuum, their souls slipping from their mouths.
Trite? Frick no.
They think they've seen the colour of my cloth. They ain’t seen me coming yet. For I am the end of the wire, yet I do not fray.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
No service record found
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Intimate knowledge of Auxesian stratagy and internal workings from the year Eight Two Three and prior. Combat Experience from Nomad War, independent contractor employment and experience within Auxesia fighting the Colonial Republic, for better or worse.
Technical Qualifications: Photographic record of seventy percent of the Eidolon Wraith's internal space, personal awareness of several Auxesian special projects, the Shield Calibrations and basic project data for an under-RND Auxesian Superweapon, of which Nesrin was briefly part of the design bureu. Copies of all Auxesian internal data up to mid-command level as of two years ago. Nesrin is intimately familiar with Gammuian technology yet will not disclose Gammuian technical secrets to the Overwatch. Technical proficiency and the ability to construct, operate, and mount, APM-originated Auxesian technology upon a variety of strike fighters. Familiarity with edge world weapons systems. Technical proficiency and the ability to construct, operate, and mount Zoner equipment upon a variety of strike fighters. Familiarity with exotic technology such as cloak disruptor. Familiarity with command.
Physical advantages: Photographic environmental memory, the ability to translocate the personality of this unit around two< hours of host body destruction to a physicalised backup. Abillity to think creatively through non-human cognitive eidetic and conceptual reasoning. Abillity to physically interface with non-conscious Gammuian technology. Ability to interfere with the functionality human created VIs under a certain level of sophistication. Ability to fly spacecraft designed for humanoids. She is resistant to physical torture, yet can be psychologically damaged by placing her in quantum-isolated environments, such as a jump bubble or a sufficiently high-mass vault environment. Auxesia used such an environment to torture Nesrin into compliance.
Photographic record of seventy percent of the Eidolon Wraith's internal space, personal awareness of several Auxesian special projects, the Shield Calibrations and basic project data for an under-RND Auxesian Superweapon, detailed psychological profiles on the majority of Auxesia's command personnel, internal workings and manifests of captured Order Osiris Order|Andraste, physical ID. Location of Auxesian bolt-holes within both Kusari and the Independent Worlds, the identity of subject R and subject H's next-of-kin for possible leverage, the location of Auxeia-owned properties within Kusari, Inverness, Bretonia, amongst other locations. Intimate knowledge of Auxesian/APM technology, having served as the Quartermaster aboard the Eidolon Wraith for over eighteen months.
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Sufficient. Seven when practised, likes everything from fighters to battleships.
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Origin:
Nesrin Khan was a well-documented nomad war survivor enlisted within the BAF reserves during the 800 conflict, coming into contact against Rheinland infected forces within the Tau 31, Leeds, and Omega 3 systems during the Winter of 800 and the spring of 801. Retiring from service, Khan spent the next seven years of her life in civilian circles. Listless in the years of peace and concerned of being drafted to quell the ambitions of an expansionist Emperor Kogen, Khan joined the a Zoner colonial expedition outbound with supplies to Omicron Theta as a for-hire mercenary escort, a life Khan settled to readily, developing a fledgling family amongst the colonists, thus successfully weathering the Tau War and the initial phases of the Gallic invasion without being drafted. Khan’s familial life started to decay over the childrearing of her son, Marten, with Marten’s Father, Jabin Rodhan demanding custody of Marten to peruse a safer, more formalised life amidst the core worlds, apparently causing significant damage to Khan’s ability to perform her duties appropriately. Khan was due to leave the vessel at Corfu Station before the unexpected destruction of the flotilla by unknown assailants, that Khan has alternately speculated may have been the nomads, but was most probably the Gammu themselves, bringing the flotilla down in low Pygar orbit. Her escape pod stripped to the structural plates by Pygars incessant ablative sand hurricanes, Khan survived only by the luck of her pod landing in the trough carved out by the massive frame of a fallen Gammuian sentinel. With the sentinel’s ability to transmit its consciousness impaired by the damage wrought upon its frame, the sentinel reconstructed Khan’s comatose body via its self-repair nanites, transforming her frame into a useful carrier for its own sentience, rationalising that a human would carry a marginally higher chance of rescue than an obvious Gammuian sentience. Incapable of adequately replicating human conscious behaviour to the point of being able to pass as human, the Gammuian retained most of Khan’s neurological connectome structures, preserving her consciousness within its newly adopted body, sheltering Khan in-status within the protective frame of the cruiser’s carapace.
Unfortunately for both Khan and the Gammuian host, the first humans to recover her were not Zoners or independent prospectors, but a collective of independent freelancers searching for any K’haran remains within Pygar’s subterrain, obstensibly for the purpose of transferring their findings to the Core. Khan’s pod was delivered, along with the rest of their findings, to the hold of the Core|Eidolon.Wraith for transfer to Durban. By accident of fate, the Eidolon Wraith, long before its arrival at Durban, became involved in a well-documented shooting coup against the Core, lead by former temporary guildmaster Sapphire Raven. Nesrin’s pod remained isolated, forgotten within the hull of the Wraith until the Gammuian host, through what little information passive scans could acquire through the mass of the pod, deemed the environment sufficiently suitable to resurrect itself, largely to avoid being spaced in the significant refits to the Wraith that occurred following the vessel’s arrival in the Kansas System.
Whilst initially considered a security hazard by the Auxesians, Nesrin, selectively fed information by the Gammuian host, spent several months in trauma recovery aboard the wraith, adjusting to the circumstances of her new life, and that which she had lost. Panicked by the implications of her own existence, Nesrin became increasingly self-aware of her duality. Initially thankful to the Auxesians for inadvertently preventing her vivisection at the hands of the Core, the Auxesian high command in-turn tolerated Nesrin due to her apparent fulfilment of the goal Auxesia itself was, has, and is progressively evolving; true human interspecies transcendence and augmentation. Nesrin presented the potential to the Auxesians to form close-knit ties with her (albeit, unwelcome and unwanted) newly adopted species. Nesrin, keen to earn her keep and only superficially briefed about Auxesia’s true objectives, enlisted, becoming one of Auxesia’s most capable field agents. In turn, as Nesrin started to wield increasing control over her Gammuian cognition, she became privy to the accumulated knowledge of the sentinel entity Di’TaraAlpha that had rebirthed her, gradually showing personal adeptness in technology development programs. Di’Tarau became increasingly receptive to Nesrin’s contest for the control of her being; a hands-off approach assisted the subject’s mental and emotional development, which in-turn increased the effectiveness of the symbiote as a means of studying the Auxesians as a potential threat against Gammu, a role in which the AI eventually excelled. Nesrin became increasingly individualistic, engaging in personal investigations into figures such as Enma Loyola, the Church of Sirius, Ezrail Vertiga, Tara Snow, Jared Nomak, amongst others, primarily for the purpose of gaining accurate character profiles, pressure-points, motivations and kompromat on beings potentially threatening to Gammu itself. However, increased detachment from Gammu within the core worlds had lead to an individualist attitude within Di’Tara, that began to increasingly regard itself as just another facet of Nesrin’s personality. Nesrin is known to have formed temporary romantic connections with one of Sapphire Raven’s clones, personal friendship with Doctor Michael Glass, and moreover a close, familial bond of brotherhood with Auxesian sentinel, now Keeper, Michael Foulke. However, as both Nesrin and the Gammuian gained increasing awareness of the working of Auxesia’s inner circle, both alien and human alike became increasingly disturbed, both at the personal behaviour of the command, and the apparent deceptions through which the organisation lead its movement; enhancement of the human race rapidly transformed into forced augmentation with alien technology, fed by bounty-hunting efforts and overt tech robbery. Khan became increasingly alarmed after gaining access to a number of Auxesian biochemical and gravitational doomsday weapons blueprints, along with becoming direct witness to multiple instances of Hunt and Raven directly spying, interfering, or otherwise ordering the assassination of targets arbitrarily. Fraternization with Nomads, including temporary alliances with both their former enemies The Core and with the Nomad Vagrant Mindshare exclave resulted in the total anhilation of Nesrin’s institutional trust. Equally, Raven and Hunt’s own faith in Nesrin, never particularly extensive to begin with, was progressively eroded as they realised their project was acting with excessive personal autonomy, often disappearing from the Wraith without explanation or stated agenda. The end outcome of the dispute resulted in Khan’s sudden incarceration and attempted psychological hijack by a mutilated Gammuian consciousness enslaved by Hunt as a proxy for himself after Raven and Hunt attempted to first torture, then wipe, the entirety of all sensitive information Khan could possess from her mind. Whilst the brainwashed Khan was given the opportunity to remain, Khan voluntarily left Auxesia, stealing her personal EI47 Marlin fighter in a final act of resistance. An unintended consequence of the wipe was the continued degradation of the Gammuian’s ability to prevent sublimation into Nesrin’s human consciousness; Nesrin became gradually aware of the forbidden knowledge of the Gammuians; how to synthesise Gammuian technology separate from her own physical form, how to translocate her own consciousness without depending upon Gammu itself as a host. Over time, continued degradation lead to the decay of the personality engrams Hunt had attempted to overlay against her; Nesrin became increasingly violent, indulging herself in suicidal acts and compacts, becoming a bounty hunter for hire, increasingly embittered with both her former employers and Sirius itself. Determined to learn of the truth despite possible risk to her own cognition, Nersrin temporarily befriended representative of the Commune, Jared Nomak; not from any institutional agreement with his beliefs, but out of simple rage. Nomak, fascinated by his former enemy, turned Nesrin over to David Synk, who conducted a series of bioneurological interface experiments upon her in an attempt to crack the secret of Gammu/K’haran communication through the use of Khan’s human connectome as an interface. Whilst the project was itself a failure, the experience was sufficiently traumatic to re-catalyse Nesrin’s access to her entire memories, along with the stabilisation of her personality. Khan now roams the sector, horrified by what she has learned, determined to prevent others from becoming pawns of the alien just as she has herself been. She maintains a vengeful attitude towards both Auxesia, the Core, and the Nomads, whilst fervently believing that she has the capacity to aid in their destruction. Nesrin may not be empirically human, but she maintains that her humanity is beyond reproach.
- Personality: Nesrin is known to switch between levity and cynicism. She has a world-weary attitude born of both the deprivation of the Nomad War and through repeated observation of what Humans, Nomads and Gammu will do to one another for fleeting agendas. She's highly adversarial to what she sees as hypocrisy or self-deception, and is, in highly conscious self-irony, a virulent opponent of transumanist factions, or those who would use human augmentation as a means to an end. She opposes any interstice of human physiology and neurology with K'haran, Daam K'vosh, Gammu or separate otherworldly entities, as she believes the logical consequence of such action would be universal destruction. Neither race belongs within the sphere of the other. This is the opposite of the worldview Nesrin's Sentinel progenitor was born into, upon their first incursions into Human space. With continued observation it becomes apparent to compatriots when her Gammuian side, and when her human side, exerts itself. Usually the more expansive the subject, the more strategy than art, the more her Gammuian self becomes apparent.
Despite her origin, Nesrin’s dedication to the survival of Sirius’s individualistic sentient life is razor-focused. Despite being directly conceived as an aggregate organism by one of Gammu’s most notorious intelligences, one with a significant history of K’haran fraternisation and anti-Order strategic action, including organised incursions into the pre-aligned systems of Omicron One Hundred, Omicron Zeta, and Omicron Iota, Nesrin’s human side has progressively asserted itself over the last four years of her combined existence. Nesrin has a defined sense of morality – she is flippant when threatened yet is not blasé when confronting the subject of life, death, and its allocation. Despite being a soldier and a (rather overt) former career as an intelligence operative for the Auxesians, successfully infiltrating the church of Sirius, for example, Nesrin values honesty amongst her kin, if discretion amongst enemies. She believes that absolute authority comes from being true to one's own nature; Humanity must remain human if it is to survive, in body, in soul.
Nesrin has spent the last several months searching for a cause that satisfies her worldview. It is only by circumstance that Nesrin has hounded upon this Neuralnet channel. She has since become obsessed with it. Now, Nesrin yearns not for revenge, but to deliver salvation.
Nesrin regards herself as both Human and Gammuian, as, consciously, she is the first, physiologically, the second, in physique. She does not hide or conceal either of her identities, yet regards her Gammuian self as a tool, as one would regard an limb, rather than an aspect of her belonging. Whilst she could synthesise an adequate dermis to conceal her bionic nature, Nesrin usually refuses to do so unless required by the circumstances of the mission.
Despite being neither physiologically or psychologically human, Nesrin is forcefully pro-human, and moreso, decidedly humanistic or even spiritualistic. She frequently refers to "souls" as an interchangable concept with "truth", that humans, being neither biological machines like the Nomads, nor hegemonic collectives such as Gammu, have the greatest possible chance to to succeed at surviving both Sirius and one another, provided they are left to their own devices. Nesrin believes that she is working in the interests of Gammu, irresepective as to if Gammu's own worldview aligns with her own. As one of the oldest continually active Gammuian entities separated from the cycles of collectivity that comprise the Gammuian noonet, she believes she has a superior understanding of Gammu's function within the Sirian sector; as archavists for that which corporeal humanity cannot preserve.
This isolation makes Nesrin significantly more vulnerable to physical destruction than the average Gammuian, as she cannot overtly access Gammuian shellforms to conserve her own intelligence within celestial space. Instead, Nesrin's consciousness is known to recoup within a series of improvised intranets collected within the modified hulls of human fighter craft; modifications sufficiently complicated to obfuscate IFF identification. To date, Nesrin will not reveal how she achieves these modifications, in-part due to her commitment to avoid the proliferation of transhumanist technology throughout the sector, except in situations where such technology is mandated to ensure the destruction of the threat itself. Nesrin is known to be a privately practising Sunni, being descended from the small Islamic diaspora that came to Sirius aboard the Bretonia and the Hispania respectively, although her physical belief in the faith is questionable beyond her genuine enjoyment of ritual.
Nesrin is fastidiously loyal to those who are loyal to her. Burn her and she will torch the oceans. Equally she is rigid to chains-of-command that she believes have proven themselves, and will follow orders she does not personally agree with, provided that she does not view the command infrastructure as intrinsically corrupt. The Order are hard-asses,yes, but they're her kind of hardasses.
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
BAF light fighter pilot, retired. Flight Engineer and colonial security aboard the ZMF Polyhemi, retired. Representative of the Gammuian Progenitor, connection disconnected. Former Auxesian qus artermaster and figurehead for their transhumanism program, tortured for non-compliance and discharged.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:duncan.lawrey Timezone:GMT: 0 /UTC
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
(I can be very active. For now, I think I'll start forum-only, especially since this is an SRP character I'll have to RP into Order. Having a short disco-break. By fall/late summer, I'll be around lots)./color]
[color=#b8e2dc]Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
No, although I've been controversial. I'm trying to reign that in.
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
I'll try to be. I love this character and won't consciously abuse it.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
⧫ Planet Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ FROM: The Order Primary Fleet, Admiral Shepard
⧫ TO: Applicants
RE: Applications
First of all, I am hereby accepting Xander Parothia into the Primary Fleet. Report to the office of Dr. Josephine Schultz to get cleared for active duty, and get your vessel cleared for transfer into our forces. That means your fighter, you big showoff.
As for you miss Khan, your application has given us a lot of information to process, and given us a lot of background checks to perform. Your application is currently considered to be pending. We will discuss it further and let you know once we reach a consensus.
Admiral Sara Shepard
Black Fleet, 2nd Fleet "Homefront"
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
+6 months
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
I can bring activity,passion and all kind of ships needed in any situation
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
Snubs [6/10] Capital ships [8/10] Gunboats [7/10]
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
I originate from small town on Planet Houston,i used to have normal childhood nothing special.After highschool i ended up in in West Point Military Academy,after that for brief period of time i was in Liberty Police department.
After few encoutners with nomads and other interesting subjects,and after i prove i am not infected and i am sane,i got a new assignment at a guard system(i cant name due to oblication).
There i met some order pilots they told me some truths about Liberty as a hole and convinced me to join secondary order fleet.
After few months of flying with those pilots i think iam finaly ready to join the primary fleet as a full on Order pilot.
Ive assisted in countless skirmishes with Core and Nomads.Was active durring Dobadoru assault by Core whenever i could.I have fully decked out Osiris and Order Gunboat,also a snubcraft all ready to used acording to the situation
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:dragomir..stoyanov Timezone:UTC +2
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
I can spend atleast 2 hours a day(if needed) as order pilot,yes i do check forums daily
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Yes once i enganged w/o role play by accident wont happend again
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
⧫ Planet Akabat
⧫ Omicron Mu
⧫ FROM: The Order Primary Fleet, Admiral Shepard
⧫ TO: Applicants
RE: Applications
Malcolm Graves, I am sorry for the delay, my work has kept me really busy for the past weeks. I am hereby accepting you into the Primary Fleet. Report to the office of Dr. Josephine Schultz to get cleared for active duty, and get your vessel cleared for transfer into our forces.
Admiral Sara Shepard
Black Fleet, 2nd Fleet "Homefront"
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
Name:Frank Woods Gender:Male Age:37 Height:195 cm Weight:89 Kg
Section II:Inquiries.
Why do you want to join the Primary Fleet?
I want to join primary fleet because I want to protect Sirius from Wild and Nomads with more important pilots
How long have you been in the Secondary Fleet? (Indie)
I was in Secondary Fleet for about three years
What do you think you can bring to us in the Primary Fleet?
Loyality, discipline, honour
Please rate your combat skills out of 10 (10 being the best) (Please note: Having a higher score does not affect your application)
My combat skills: 7
Section III:Pilot History
Please provide a brief history of yourself.
Some things you can include are;
- Your Origin
- About your personality
- Any previous ventures you have undergone
Well I was born on Planet Manhattan 788 A.S .I grew up with my parents Stefani and Alex.When I complete my elementary and high school I went on a millitary college.When I was 11 years old I lost my father in Nomad War.He was on Battleship Omaha.I was so sad and depressed and angry on that "The Order" because news on Manhattan was showing you as a criminals and they didnt tell us that Navy and other colonies were infected by Nomads, and that you are fighting for a Sirius.When Nomads were stopped by Order I knew something was wrong in past so I wanted to investigate it . I joined Liberty Navy and they gave me Guardian.It took me a long time to make progress until i became Captain of Navy cruiser.After that I asked Navy Leaders to gave me permission to classified data.They knew I was loyal to them so they give me the permission.When I read Top Secrets I was really suprised and shocked after I read that.It was all write there about Nomad War.The whole Libery Colony was infected by Nomads (LPI, LSF, Navy).And I found out that Pilots who recognized that from beggining were joined Order.And I also found out that the main people in Navy now in 825 A.S. are still infected.When I found out all of that I left Navy and joined Order Secondary Fleet.Well now something about me: Often Im team pilot and I like spy assignments, Im loyal for a faction I work.
Section IV:Other (OoRP Section)
NOTE:Skype is a requirement for communication purposes
Skype name:Lady Gaga Timezone: UTC +2
Please provide a summary of how active you think you will be in the Order|? Example: What hours do you come online? Do you check the forums regularly?
But if faction is active I will be for sure.I come online....well very very often.Yes I check forums regulary
Have you ever been sanctioned on the Discovery RP 24/7 Server? If so, please provide details.
Yes I was santioned twice. 1st time for attacking without RP and second time becasue I was telling one player that I will report him if he dont stops shooting miner
Do you agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players?
Yes, I agree to be excellent, follow and the rules of the server and forums, and to respect the admin and moderation team and your fellow players