Incoming Transmission Sender: Marcus Galway - THP| Recipient:New Initiates Encryption:Low Subject:Application Evaluation Mr Clarkson I am happy to inform that your application to join our organisation have been APPROVED. Please proceed to the enclosed coordinates in your sent orientation data packet so our Engineers can give your Bustard the final going over and so you can receive your first assignment.
Merchant Captain Tordai expects great things from you.
Welcome to the League.
Marcus Galway Chief Adjuntant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors
Transmission End
(01-15-2018, 08:58 AM)The League Wrote: As long as your questions, comments, or concerns are presented, they will be addressed.
If you believe that you have been wronged by one of our guys, contact us for it to be redressed.
If you are a hot chick, kindly show up to our parties undressed.
Name of Person || Hisa Sachiko Name of Ship(s), if applicable || Edogawa_Maru Reason for signing on || Ever since I got my old Pitbull (believe me, it was out of date when the Junkers sold it to me), I've been on my own. Recent pressure from the Rheinland and Liberty authorities, though, have made clear I need some friends. I think you could be those friends. Finally, do you have any immediate relatives or dependents? || Nope. I'm on my own.
How familiar are you with the server rules? || I've read them several times, understand them well enough to have posted clarification questions a couple times. I also understand that they are the be all, end all of Discovery, and I'll follow them to the letter at all times. What is your immediate response to encountering a pirate whilst in a trade vessel of any kind? || GTFO (I tried to use a creative abbreviation here, but the forum gods would have none of it!) Do you know how to operate shared accounts? || Yes. And I promise not to stain the seats. Or if I do, I'll clean them. Maybe. How much time are you willing to invest? || I spend probably 30 to 50 hours a week playing Discovery (yes, my RL is THAT slow). Half that is on my primary RP characters, the other half I don't know what to do with. You all can have as much of that other half as you can earn. Though, I will be unavailable from 10/25 - 11/1 for surgery, so my activity during that time will, sadly, be zero. What is your Time Zone? || US Pacific Time (UTC -7 or UTC -8, depending on if Daylight Savings is in effect or not) Do you agree to actually abide by the server rules? || Of course! Who the hell wants to end up like Exo? (Admins: See "immediate relatives" question note above)
Name of Person || Tsurugi Sato Name of Ship(s), if applicable || Brynhildr Reason for signing on || I want to be the hero of justice. Finally, do you have any immediate relatives or dependents? || I do have a long distance contact but they cannot be mentioned in text or speech.
How familiar are you with the server rules? || So-so. I know most of them but perhaps they changed a thing or two while I was on hiatus? What is your immediate response to encountering a pirate whilst in a trade vessel of any kind? || Depending on how much they are asking, I either pay or kill them. Do you know how to operate shared accounts? || Yes. How much time are you willing to invest? || Couple hours a week. What is your Time Zone? || GMT +5.30 Do you agree to actually abide by the server rules? || I think so, most probably yes.
Incoming Transmission Sender: Marcus Galway - THP| Recipient:New Initiates Encryption:Low Subject:Application Evaluation Mr Sato, I am happy to inform that your application to join our organization have been APPROVED. Please proceed to the enclosed coordinates in your sent orientation data packet so our Engineers can give your Bustard the final going over and so you can receive your first assignment.
Merchant Captain Tordai expects great things from you.
Welcome to the League.
Marcus Galway Chief Adjuntant to Merchant Captain Tordai
League of Einstenian Transitors
Transmission End
(01-15-2018, 08:58 AM)The League Wrote: As long as your questions, comments, or concerns are presented, they will be addressed.
If you believe that you have been wronged by one of our guys, contact us for it to be redressed.
If you are a hot chick, kindly show up to our parties undressed.