Imho they should ditch the scorp and use the RM gunboat. Oh wait, that wont happen, won't it? Oh wait...just remove nomad tech from Wilde ships and they will.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Tundra is unique, and we need no more of that kind. Honestly, let's concentrate our attention on roleplay improvement rather than whine about stuff we want.
' Wrote:Imho they should ditch the scorp and use the RM gunboat. Oh wait, that wont happen, won't it? Oh wait...just remove nomad tech from Wilde ships and they will.
How comical. I have a Wild RM Gunboat, and not a scorp. In fact I've even flown the current scorp and still prefer the RM GB. So please, stop making claims over things you don't know about.