Other than her, I didn't sleep the entire time. And I was certainly a bit tired. "Uhm, I don't think mud baths are something for kids, really. Dinah would probably start slinging mud around all over the place out of boredom. She's a clever girl, though, she'll find something to keep herself occupied. Baden Baden is certainly more safe than the foster home." Dropping Woofers on the floor again, I glanced at Maren again. She evidentally needed more rest. "Adrianna can take a look at your hands whenever you want. We could do that tomorrow, after the mudbaths. I personally would think it would be best if we do that at the weekend, so we can take Dinah with us. And Mittens and Woofers, since you probably need to stay for a day or two. I'll tell Sherry to free some space for the family."
The more I thought about it, the more I realized how heavily Dinah was impacting on our schedules now. I couldn't just have Maren with me for days without the child, the puppy and the cat. If anything, now was the best time to show Dinah that we are available for her. And then I realized how I allowed a child to dictate my life. It made me frown, followed by a sigh. Then I took off my T-shirt and folded it. I stood up and put it on a chair, and then took off my black jeans, folding them as well, leaving the studded belt on it. Socks off, and then I slipped out of my boxer briefs, just to turn around to Maren. "How is that with Woofers, by the way? Do you allow him to sleep in bed?" I asked her and moved to the other side of the bed to join her, stealing a bit of her blanket to cover my schlong.
Seeing him join me, I scooted over a little to make room. I took my time before I answered, not really feeling the same way he did about Dinah and the animals. To be honest, I would have expected it to feel different. I would have expected to feel more, well, fulfilled now that I had reached my goal of having a child. I figured that would come later. It was a long-term investment after all. I could wait. "He'll do it anyway, so I don't really tell him off," I admitted, not seeing much wrong with it as long we cleaned his paws after walkies.
Turning around, I hugged him, playing my head on his chest. "Can you do me a favour?" I asked, hearing him hum in response. "Can we just be quiet for a while?" This was nice. It had been a while since we'd been like this. I didn't want to ruin it by saying something stupid.
And that was it. We just lay there for hours, enjoying being together. Later that day, we did the things we talked about. A mudbath, a walk with Woofers and Dinah, getting a few groceries and all that. It was a nice day on Baden Baden, but there was still work waiting for me. On the next day, I returned to the Apahanta. Once more, a new adventure lay ahead of us. And while I knew the Vagrants weren't actively hunting for us, we kept our distance from them. It was some sort of relief.
Little did I know the times ahead of us wouldn't bring good news at all.