Lets try to clear some points, starting with thread title:
Is it worth to make RP?
Well mate, this is a RP server, so if to not RP at all, i guess you missing the point and great part of the fun....
You see, devs take in account players RP and input, sometimes, as someone pointed in previous posts (Lyth maybe?) but sometimes they go on exact opposite direction of the players RP for *reasons*. Which reasons? Well, you have to ask to them.
Most of the times however, is clear to everyone but to the guy doing the RP that *IF* he got what he want (usually most RP is done for some ingame aim/objective of the player/group doing it, which to be honest is sad...) someone will be screwed.
Lets say, for example that i make a "New Hessians" and start rping agressivelly about taking control of RHA assets. You think RHA players or the devs will look to it and say "heh, nice to have another hess onboard" or more prolly they will just ignore whatever im doing?
We see everyday people trying RP things that affects other people/factions without having such ppl consent, sometimes devs even allow that, or make it by themselves.
Sometimes that kind of intervention is needed because no one want to lose nothing, never. So if devs dont act, game just stall. On other hand some people ignore the lore, estabilished RP and try canonize what they want, ignoring obvious things like maths (pop numbers, fleet sizes etc) and want consume enemies hundreds of times bigger than them, can you really blame devs when they look at such attempts and say "tsc, tsc someone slept in scholl, nop, wont happen"
Likewise, lets say you decide make that "new hessian" ive used as example, then you decide that you need bite a piece of Rheinland, because Hessian space already belongs to RHA, unless you bring something good to the table i would obviously say "heh, need eat way more beans before coming here kid" and ignore your work.
With those examples im trying to point out that is an RP server, your RP *ALONE* means nothing (or should mean nothing) unless involves the people affected by its consequences and they are fine with it.
By the "flak" you are getting, i assume isnt the case with whatever you are doing, so i would suggest that you analize which groups are affected by your work, get in contact with them, and clearly explain your aims and how it can benefit them, be in activity, RP opportunity or whatever.
Follow that and you may have sucess in short time span. Ignore and you may very well work for years and have nothing to show for your work.
(01-09-2019, 09:31 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Implying acknowledging RP that contradicts established lore and roleplay is a better option
No, I'm implying that it appears that for over 20 months Freeport 1 has received no attention from any of the Official Zoner Factions. At what point are indy's allowed to create something new that will live while OSI, TAZ, and IRG let the facilities that they don't care about waste away.
In fact you've spent more time pissing over Freeport 1 than Freeport 2, when is OSI going to take its Freeport back in Bering? Or because indy's aren't RPing as the admin is that one okay the way it is?
1. was told that he can't do that and you should know it because you were around as well back then
2. broke lore, ignored existing structures, breaks rules and doesn't take the explanation but instead reacts like a child
3. Freeport 2 was ACTUALLY situated in a scenario where pirates and the entire other scum of Bering took over the station and Croft conveniently played along (as story dev - comparable what Kaze does with Canaria right now)
4. OSI is a company and not a militia, not a government and doesn't care about stuff happening on the literally other end of Sirius.
You're comparing apples with turtles. One thing is an actual thing that makes sense, the other is just a bunch of things done by an ambitious indie but the wrong way.
And no, OSI is not responsible for Bering Shipping. Doria's stuff is Doria's stuff.
(01-09-2019, 09:43 PM)Captain_Nemo Wrote: for over 20 months Freeport 1 has received no attention from any of the Official Zoner Factions. At what point are indy's allowed to create something new
What I'm trying to point out is that OSI, TAZ, and IRG are no longer interested in "playing admin" of the bases. What harm is there in allowing an active player to continue to take care of the facility. Especially considering by everyones own admission that said player cannot, in any capacity, change the official lore.
While i'm thinking about it, every zoner faction started in this manner, they claimed a Freeport and built the faction going forward. OSI didn't appear overnight with a Core 5 PoB, IRG at one point in time was nothing more than an indy zoner player who claimed control of Corfu. TAZ was built before me but I'm going to hazzard a guess they were formed in the same manner.
If you wanna go like that, then show us a good example of Official faction RPing around all of their bases.
As I stated already it's impossible to take care of all bases. He could approach us and had a convo but instead walked in and took the base even if he was told why he shouldn't and how to fix it.
Let's not begin repeating last pages of arguments and stuff. It's done.