Pretty sure my thirteen year old dog is gonna die soon. My wife is gone with the military and I'm trying to raise two boys, one is high functioning Autistic.
I don't normaly post anywhere but RP threads.
What do you do to cope that harms yourself? Excessively drink? Smoke till you cough blood?
I just had to get this off of my chest, sorry if it offends anyone or breaks rules.
Father of two, a toddler and a teenager. You don't scare me.
Listen to music. And what? Your wife goes to serve the military, while you are left with the kids? Do you live in Australia, where everything is up-side-down?
I often found going out into nature helps with coping with stuff. Especially exploring new places I haven't been before. Not only is physical activity healthy for both body and mind, but being surrounded by trees and stuff has been proven to have a beneficial effect on the mind. Being away from loud and hectic urban environment with all its impulses might be cool for your boys too. I realise that it must be easy for me to write this down. I don't know you, where you live and if you have time for that at all. But I've tried drinking, smoking lots of pot too (in my case nothing wrong with the latter but it does not solve anything too). I found nature to be the best medicine for depression, anxiety and stress. Struggled with those things for years and as I am writing I can say that I am genuinely happy and grateful for my life for many years. Its always darkest before the sun rises. Take care!
(06-05-2019, 03:32 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Do you live in Australia, where everything is up-side-down?
USA. Nah man, my wife and I met a few months before she went to boot camp. Fast forward a few years and we were married. It just worked out like that. I knew the Stigma of marrying a female soldier, I come from military family. But life is weird and we make it work well. When she gets off of orders, I go back to my Full Time Job and she stays with the boys. It's a full 50/50 partnership. I worked the first six years in our relationship and now she is doing her part. That way we both contribute to the wellness and lively Hood of our boys and no one is made to feel like they aren't doing anything but staying home.
That and it's funny to hear people say I got a sugar mama.
Father of two, a toddler and a teenager. You don't scare me.
from my Point of view Madvillian is Right, we are a part of nature and nature is a part of us and often it is exactly that what we miss in our modern world that is mostly made of artefical Systems that push us in roles they are not healthy for biological beings. Look on the bright side, you have a real partnership, the most People would Dream of such a relation with there Partner. Get all the love you can and give as much love you can and go out in nature with your Children. I do it a simular way, that keeps me alive and i think it could work for you too.
(fought long years myself with depressions and burnout... and that way rescued me)
wish you all the best and send you all the power i can give.
as allways sorry for my broken english, hope you can decode what i want to say, im still working on my language abillitys.
all People are just Monkeys... People in space are just spacemonkeys...
It looks like a big break! Take a 1/2 year sabbatical with your family, do it on the lowest salary, a little vacation together can only be beneficial, it solves what's cracked, including the mind! Go plant trees in a deforested country, and where the life is not too much expensive!
good luck
PS And don't forget to forget your favorite addictive game, if you know what I mean.