I get what you're saying there Cobalt but my preferred way of handling it would definitely be to fix all the lead indicators and rebalance accordingly if they are actually located somewhere other than the ship's Effective Center of Mass and not the 3d center of the model's boundaries. My issue with that is a lot of the ships people have claimed have 'off' crosshairs actually do not. If that image Kaz posted is accurate, the Falchion certainly does, and I believe its worth fixing. If that suddenly makes the Falchion underpowered, we could see about perhaps undoing the armor and b/b change. It's the difference between having a problem that has been fixed rather than a problem which has been patched over to compensate for, essentially.
(06-12-2019, 10:10 AM)Thunderer Wrote: I think the Liberty carrier should receive the same treatment.
Force one heavy to always be backwards? What'd be the point in having a heavy alternative with 3 forward heavies when you can just go LibDread and also have 3 forward heavies? Because it can tank a handful more novas?
That among other things, but mainly the fact that it can force lighter battleships to move away. The side that is chasing has an advantage in fleet combat, at least if its battleships are difficult to hit, and the Liberty carrier is the most difficult to hit heavy battleship from the front or back. Don't worry, it can still charge Valors. The trick is to get above/below/behind them, not stand in front of them, and the Atlantis would die standing in front of them the same with 4 front heavy slots as with 3, since it has less armour and doesn't have a forward gun. It is very OP against smaller battleships and smaller caps as it is now, though. Probably the best battleship of all for that task currently.
In fact, my worry is that, when the Atlantis' heavy slots get re-arranged, there will be no reason to use a Libdread, because the Atlantis will do everything better -- yes, including kiting.
(06-12-2019, 11:45 AM)Skorak Wrote: It also has no shield bubble I think.
Yes it does. It doesn't have a custom made one, but it has one which convex wraps to the furthest extremities of then hull. It isn't like you can shoot between the fins while the shield is up or anything.
I support the rollback of Falchion, and fix of the crosshair problem, if they are that problematic. It just doesn't feels right, to me, for an existing problem to be fixed with this solution.
(06-11-2019, 09:16 AM)Durandal Wrote: - SNACs now will deal full damage against SHFs, Bombers, and Freighters
that means that one shf ... a big and slow ship that only advantage is a more armor and bigger power core , can be destroyed by one snac, no matter the armor upgrad it has?!
(06-12-2019, 09:23 AM)Pillow Wrote: the problem with the falchion wasnt its armor or bot count, its the crosshair being on its 2d nose making it cancer to hit
the change did nothing to it lul
Okay snark aside this is the kind of feedback that makes it a lot easier to investigate why a balance thing is A Bad Problem. My understanding based on this post is that the lead indicator is too far forward, causing the bulk of the ship's hull to be to outside of the impact area. If that sounds right, then please observe the following:
The red cross is the current lead indicator placement. The blue cross is one that would be more fairly distributed taking into account where the "core" of the ship's hittable parts are -- the wings and the rear half of the hull.
Now, you all know I am not a very good snub pilot, so I'm not just going to say "yeah looks good on paper let's throw it in". So, I'll ask here: does this crude diagram look like a solid explanation of where the problem with the Falchion is and what would be an adequate fix for it?
(06-12-2019, 09:53 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: AFAIK the Falchion doesn't have a proper shield bubble.
It has a shield bubble, we confirmed that the other day in-game and I've confirmed it just now by taking a dump of the hitbox data.
please be my friend
and yes, that's pretty much the only issue the falchion currently has, and if it were up to me i'd roll it back to its old stats before this patch as soon as the crosshair location gets fixed
(06-11-2019, 09:16 AM)Durandal Wrote: - SNACs now will deal full damage against SHFs, Bombers, and Freighters
that means that one shf ... a big and slow ship that only advantage is a more armor and bigger power core , can be destroyed by one snac, no matter the armor upgrad it has?!
welp, looking at all the buffs it got, iz seems like a fair deal