He could be seen rolling his mouth around a little in thought at her offers. Taking one last drag on that cigarette before crushing the tip down to the butt in the ash tray. "No, native designs would set off alarm bells on some of our business partners and cause problems for us, but tell me at these old prototypes." walking back to the laptop, he opened up a small window, it only had a text box and some previous conversations on topics of coffee. He quickly started typing away. "Do these need to be scheduled for delivery too? We might have to make a transaction somewhere in space." Quickly tilting the laptop to face him only, even at an angle the screen became unreadable and blurry along with the contrast whitewashed.
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Keeping her arms folded up, "I'm fairly sure you've seen some of these designs, they've been leaked to the underworld, those who are wealthy would obtain these designs for their own use. You've seen some Cruiser class ones utilised by the Hessians, perhaps? These designs were supposed to be tidebreakers at the time, quickly re-adjusting vessels to fit a purpose without having to go through an entire refit. A Battleship being ever so more deadly to fightcraft and gunboats? Dual Gattling Laser technology can provide. "
Taking a moment to have some silence, she stared into his eyes, testing him.
"What do you have to offer to allow us to deliver such prototypes to you? These don't come cheap. "
A moment of silence stood around, he slouched in the desk chair and folded his arms and crossed his legs as he looked at the monitor "Yeeeaaah~ We picked up a list not too long ago from a cultist attack, they seem to be utilising these prototypes. Speaking of..." He took another moment of silence to type away on his keyboard and every so often after he was done typing a bleep would come from its speakers. "In return we can give you a few schematics on designs we've recovered from cultist attacks. Its quite some hefty stuff. Arrange it with one of my men, Erik Oberhauser. I'm sure that topic over the comm lines won't cause much suspicion." He looked up and saw her just staring dead into his eyes, and in return he looked a little bewildered with his own squinting. "...What?" He questioned, seemingly a little unsure.
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"You appear to have forgotten that we were the only organisation to formerly establish official contact with the Cultists. And that we have ben to war with them and hunted down their operations. That means we already have a massive collection, if not all, of their assets. That includes experimental wormhole technology. Tell me what you found and I will know if its of value. "
He just looks at her a little funny, shaking his head before reaching back to the laptop. "No, i never forgot, I just never knew in the first place." He looked back at his laptop before taking a sizeable sip from his coffee and wiping off the crème from his short stubble moustache. "But about the weapons... We could do with a four pairs of blasters and a few civilian grade weapons. I know it doesn't seem like much to ask for but we need to turn somewhere." He shut the laptop and shuffled his hands into his trouser pockets as he slumped in his chair. "... How is everyone anyway?" His asking was very casual as he let his legs stretch out lazily, his voice maybe so soft it was borderline depressing in the cramped environment.
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As he looked away, she glanced towards the wall, making a brief calculation, "Four blasters and approximately 12 civilian trade turrets. Those blasters are going to be quite a heavy demand, are you certain you can afford this?"
A minor sigh was released when he turned the topic to focus on her side.
"As normal as it could be - somewhat. We're still building, almost done a new fancy recycling and smeltering facility, and the climax of the Gallic war is going to be a bountiful harvest. I'm sure you know of the Bretonian ban they put on us, I told you that before, surely? Well - either way - our borders between Bretonia and us are open again. However, they didn't like the fact that we were accepting refugees to find a safe haven with us. They have yet to act regarding that."
Humored, she smirked, teasing him with the possibility of him losing assets in the future, "I'm sure you'll have some junk for us to burn soon. "
Chuckling, they would change tone in the middle of the setence, "Eheheh, well... Let me be serious though. If you are in serious peril along with your people, you can have a fallback facility on our planet. "
Her arms were still folded, she returned her stare, gazing into his eyes.
"We've been trusting your people to keep back the K'Haran elements within that region of Sirius. If you are going to be factored out of existence, that's going to allow more trouble into Rheinland. More so when the Buro's remains will be plundered by the vultures that is the Rheinland Government, only fund their war machine. Are you certain that your organisation is going to be safe? You do not sound certain of your situation. "
The coffee cup he was sipping on while she talked came down onto the table with some audible force, his finger tips rested on its rim as he twisted it side to side. "Listen..." While his exhale was long and consistent with annoyance, he eventually took the time to compose himself. "-- As much as its nice running away from one greater-hellzone to a lesser-hellzone. I have priorities here with my agency and the Republic and doing a ditch and run isn't going to settle those matters." He gives her a look as his eyes rolled to the side, giving her a glare as the squeaking of his shoes quietly showed the fustration of his feet rubbing together. "And even if I were to re-organise my HQ to your planet, I'd have to go through 6 other absolute fallback positions. But right now we're playing the waiting game, I don't know what the military are up to..."
"But you want to watch it, the Military have been inserting their people and methods into other departments, the Federal Police now have this... Militarized Police force per-thanks to the Military and they used to have a family member in every department... Not mine anymore at least. The Von Thielau's are cliche meat for the Nomads, we could have a Chancellor Neimann and compromised military command all over again, but I can't pull anything---" He stood himself up again seemingly a little shaken while talking about it as he paced himself around the room. "Military has them under protection, not officially, but if our agency even lays a finger on them... Pompous rats." He opened up the fridge again, taking out a cold can of soda. "Besides, if it really is a breach by the Nomads, someone has to stay behind to fight."