That would be a surprising turn of events, but I don't think so, probably just fainted. We should take her back home. He said standing up and moving over to her. Perhaps we should take her to a doctor first however, just in case.
Girl moves and demonstrating signs of life soon enough. "Don't worry, I am sorry for that." Alex says, trying to relax while sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. "I am not used to that stress. Thank you again, I am sure you are great people if my father was ready to give his life to save..." Alex looks down into the floor again. "I am so worried if I will get along with lady Hall. She is my only family right now." Ward says with a sad, even tragic smile.
That we know of William said, now buried in his files again But, so long as you are here you can call on us. In fact I believe you have a meeting with Elizabeth in a few hours. Victor picked the woman up Indeed, Elizabeth will no doubt talk to you about us before being you back to our estate. In the meantime it is probably best if you avoid mentioning that you have met with us.
Alex is gladly accepting Victor's help and getting back on her feet. "Thank you again, you are so kind. I will make sure to ask you if I need anything." Said Ward, knowing that she won't need too much. Only basic room to calm down and sort down things in her head. "You said it's in a few hours?"
Ward is taking a moment to think, quickly coming to conclusion that the answer is obvious. "I don't know anything around here, I had never been to the planet surface. I will need help to get there, I am afraid." Alex is making an awkward smile, finding herself less worried than before."
That can be arranged. I'll take her Victor told his brother. Fine, that'll give me some time to get her documents in order and add her records to the Bretonian database. Should all be ready by the time she comes back to the estate.
Victor opened the door to the main corridors and set a brisk walking pace, motioning for the lady to follow while William left to return to his office. You'll have to forgive my brother, he's not known for his warm bedside manner. They turned a corner before running headlong into a mass of Students hurrying to and fro from their various lectures. The SIS agents were careful to keep people from getting too close to the pair as their pace slowed. Welcome to the University of Cambridge by the way. Not the smallest or quietest place in the world I grant you, but a nice place to have a meeting at all the same. Thousands of Students wandered along the corridors of the University, many more crossed the internal bridges that lay many meters above their heads. The noise was near deafening until at last they stepped outside into the warm Cambridge sun.
The landing pads are this way. Victor said, once more setting a brisk pace.
"It seems to me that your brother is just concentrated on his work. He's living it and you know and that's something we have in common. My workplace was my life." Only now Alex is trying to pay attention to details. Having this wide ceiling and open space are causing light panic. She's also trying to avoid thinking about how important he is. She's trying to think of him as just a gentleman with good manners, one from the books. And, she appears to have a skill of moving through crowded places, but many students would make some space for Victor to pass. Ward is taking a short look into one of the mirrors on their way, yeah, she's indeed dressed much worse than absolute majority of the local students.
"Oh, so this is the University of Cambridge. I didn't know, I was afraid to ask those agent guys about the final destination. It was a scary situation." Alex is trying to walk elegant, but she feels like she's failing at it.
Well we're off to give you a quick flight around the city before we drop you off and your meeting. The University is just a sensible central location. They arrived at a small two seat shuttle, their protection detail would follow in Templar's, not that it was required of course but they wouldn't leave the Director alone.
Victor flew the shuttle above the University and directed it toward the central city. It was a bright sunny day so the skies were mostly clear, the city below spread out in all directions for hundreds of miles below them. It was, by all accounts, one of the largest cities on Cambridge, and it had only grown during the war. The influx of refugees had caused a housing crisis that was only just being controlled now that the war was over. They flew over various parks in the city center before landing in amid a grove of trees. We're not too far away, I'll walk with you if you like, show you around a little first?
Alex looks amazed by how big planets actually are. And how awesome are simple green trees? They look fantastic. She simply can't find words to describe it. But it's all just written on her face. As a good professional, Victor could read that very easily. Ward seems to be relaxing entirely, as even her lips don't look so pale anymore. But then she's been sent to another shock again. Why would someone this important as Victor would want to walk with her? And Ward is not in a position to decline such a kind offer coming from him.
"Sh-sure. I would gladly walk with you, I want to take a closer look at those green plants." Alex is looking weird, being overexcited over something so simple.