Ibiza, the base of bars and loud parties. Enma was wondering if Claire and herself could even make it, considering what happened between her and some no-name Don, hoping that the word of it would not spread out too much. It now would be more or less safe to drop their coordinates to the rest. They did move slowly to not get exhausted, making some pitstops along the way. Even hooked through Sigma-13 to stop at Yanagi Depot, now known as Newport Station for some reason.
Though, Enma looks grim and not too talkative. It now clearly wasn't a matter of physical exhaustion, because they clearly got a lot of rest. She now seems stoic and calm, not really thinking of something either. For a time at may even look like she's giving up, though considering her energy just recently, it's hard to be implied.
Loyola already used her device to order the best luxury apartments that were free, hiring a couple of Loyal guards to stay outside and not let anyone in. Looking down at the display, she decided to check a corporate IMS. Gab is reporting, so he's alive. And there's apparently some other DeFrance that just notified the world about the plans, it will be worth showing to Claire. They lost a lot of time, not doing anything at the media field, and as Enma though of it, losing time.
— This place is known for its bars if you would like to visit some. I mean other options would be going to the apartment and probably starting to do some work.
Enma said with a monotone, slightly boring voice. Now skipping on formalities and sounding respectful. Enma then pulls down Claire's sleeves to hide the handcuff marks, as the landed on neutral stations, Enma couldn't be sure that Claire won't run. It required some extra measures to be sure. And finally getting rid of the damn uniform that is usually to cause a lot of problems. Thankfully new suit was delivered rather quickly, despite it being anonymous order to a shithоle statiоn. Delivery services in Sirius are stepping up. That suit cost her a lot of credits though, Enma usually was not paying attention to the price when she was buying luxury stuff for herself, but this time she did notice it for some reason.
Now, Enma of her not the best mood was staying there in the transition zone of Ibiza, waiting for the princess to decide. It's probably a good idea to give her freedom of choice in things that don't matter a lot.
Claire sighed. She never wanted to go on this station, especially when she learned that it was frequented by either commoners or scientists. She was sad to part away from her Gallic uniform, but it was understandable as to why that was necessary. She now had a proper neutral black suit with a long coat, and had her hair tied in a bun and kept under a hat. She looked slightly out of place with her official-looking attire, but it certainly attracted a lot less attention than a Gallic uniform. The noble didn't feel too comfortable with it, but there wasn't too much of a choice for her.
— I don't know where anything on this station is, I'll allow you to decide. Since we're close, when will I be able to finally see Charlotte?
The woman knew this question was probably going to irritate her as she was going on about "doing work", but that was her main goal from the beginning. She rubbed the marks on her hands while waiting for a response.
For a moment Enma's body tenses, as her right hand is forming up a first to punch this girl. Claire intentionally did not answer the question and... Whatever. Punching her here and now would not help to do anything, maybe even make her cry again and delay business even further. Enma steps in against Claire as close as it gets, cold steel look in piercing the girl, maybe trying to make her regret with psychological pressure.
— You are so beautiful.
Enma then says and smiles, as she took a closer look at a princess. Her eyes did not become any friendlier, but Outcast is obviously not being sarcastic about what she just said. Enma then roughly takes her by the wrist, just at the parts that were sensitive and hurting after the handcuffs. Leading her into the direction of her room.
— We have other problems, some of your male relatives just declared himself a new Roi apparently. As if I don't have enough shit to deal with.
Taking a table in the dark corner, Enma nearly pushes Claire down onto the chair, before taking one herself. She then gives her pocket computer to Claire, with communication opened.
— How do we deal with that?
Enma really wanted Claire's take on this, not hiding that she is struggling with her own opinion on this. Maybe that would be another element of this girl bossing her around, but she needs real expertise, and Claire is the best person to provide one.
— Or rather you. It's up to you to react, I am not getting involved in relations between royalty. I will accept your decision and you are free to answer His Highness as well.
She looked at the communication briefly and her expression promptly changed. Joseph DeFrance?
— I assumed he was dead? He was missing for over a decade on Leeds, where did he just come from?
She spent a few minutes looking through the communication, slightly irritated by his cherry obsession. The message didn't make much sense - he's talking as if he is the Roi and his father is dead, but as far as they were aware, the Roi was still alive. He might be the crown prince, but claiming that you're the king without a base to stand on is a wild thought.
— We'll need to reach out to him.
The noble starts tapping on the pocket computer, writing a draft for a communication to be sent out. At least they had a comm-id to send it to.
Knowing it would take some time, Enma is standing up, she just decided to check what the room service has put to the fridge. It was less than impressive. Midrange stuff at best, some things she would not even touch. Taking a cheese and something that looked like grape. Then again, struggling to find a knife to finally start slicing that cheese. She likes it thin, but this knife wasn't exactly the sharpest. Now she remembers Keiko who proposed making a cooking stream, good thing that she refused, she can't even slide cheese.
Opening a fridge again, Enma now cheks the section with drinks, and the situation here is not much different. Getting a mango juice, hoping it won't be too sweet. Shaking it up, before taking two glasses, as well and sliced cheese and grapes on the tray and moving back to the table with Claire and then says half-way ironically.
— Your Highness.
While landing the tray, Enma unintentionally makes a loud noise, unloading glasses and everything. Enma purs juice into Claire's glass first then hers. Leaving grape and cheese at the centre for them both to grab.
— I know it's weird, but it's the most eatable stuff they got here. Maybe they will have something else, I will have to check and then maybe order.
Sitting down next to the noble, Enma is shamelessly looking into the screen, not respecting princess' privacy at all.
Claire was still working on the computer, but Enma could see a general preview of the document she was typing up on the screen.
11 of Janvier, 742 A.G.S.
Omicron Alpha system
Sender: Duchesse Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans Recipient: Prince héritier Joseph DeFrance Subject: Cooperation
Prince héritier,
I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting, but I am incredibly glad to hear that there's more DeFrance family members alive, and especially someone of your stature.
My name is Claire DeFrance, and I was the duchess of Orléanais before the Council terrorists took over the system. We've managed to survive the fights in Gallia as the ship we were on was deployed in the Taus, but we couldn't make it back in time. I've found some unlikely allies that pledged allegiance, and I'm trying to recover another family member before we take any further steps.
I've seen your transmission, where I've found your comm-id. I'm very concerned over the implications - you seem to be presenting yourself as the Roi, but as far as we're aware, the Roi is still alive and there wasn't a coronation? Would you kindly provide an update if you have any information?
In addition, I would like to request a meeting at some point, as we're all interested in the Crown's return to Gallia.
In the name of His Excellence,
Duchesse Claire Sophie DeFrance d'Orléans
Kingdom of Gallia
Transmission Terminée
She tried to ignore the sarcastic addressal, but she couldn't help having a scornful look at Enma after she nearly dropped the plate on the table.
— It's going well. Is there anything else to mention?
The gaul still wasn't comfortable with Enma's complete disregard for privacy, but at least this time, she actually needed her to look at it. She'll just have to keep dealing with Enma's absurd mood swings and disrespect until she manages to find Charlotte so they can escape together, she thought.
Outcast reads the thing diagonally, only to get a general idea of the message, not reading into a detail. It took only a few moments as she leans back and sighs. Claire asking her opinion on this was really weird. Loyola is raising her eyebrows.
— Do I look like a person who managed to find a common tongue with DeFrances? Looking at the experience with you and your sister I am not so sure if I am the right person to ask.
She sounds somewhat demotivated, sad and desperate. Trying to get done anything proper she only fucks everything up. It seems not to be able to control herself or her emotions for a number of good reasons. Being explosive when she gets on the edge is no fun, she's not able to explode for long and it makes her feel really empty after. Now with some pity looking at marks at Claire's wrist and some other minor marks that she has left. Wanting to say something, but then deciding that it's better not. She won't be forgiven anyway, and there's no need to waste breath like that.
— In truth, I haven't done anything successful in the matter of diplomacy for years. I don't know, it all happened so quickly, I am not quite sure what to do now. I usually make plans on the fly, but now I am afraid...
— Then leave the diplomacy to me. I've been dealing with this my entire life.
Claire was curt with Enma's self-depreciating statement. For a second, she felt sorry for her - but she couldn't allow herself to forgive that woman. Not after what kind of abuse she's had to go through. She took a second to look at the wounds on her arms to reinforce her mindset, and went back to working on the computer.
She turned to look at Enma, who simply sat there, disillusioned. Not sure how to comfort the woman, or whether she would even want to, she decided to keep the conversation going about their plans.
— If I may offer, I would still like to see Charlotte. She would have good ideas on how to proceed, if you're not certain about your own plans. I'm sure she would be eternally grateful for finally having the chance to stretch her legs outside of that planet...
— You may not. I maybe will be coming down to a planet and pick her up, maybe not.
Then she suddenly addresses a completely irrelevant to Claire's point.
— You know, I was a beloved ruler around here like 3-4 years ago.
Enma is hitting one slice of cheese of depression with a fork, directing it into her mouth. Following it up with the mango juice of sadness, all that while she's breathing in the air of gloom sorrow. At least that's what she thought of herself while thinking of princess bragging of her diplomatic skill.
— Well, maybe you should address the Outcast Dons then. Tell them that I got you here and now your highness will be so kind as to accept their oath of fidelity on the behalf of his royal majesty. We could force them to get in line and bring gifts among other things.
Loyola sounds dead serious there, and Claire, who didn't know the Outcast specifics, could actually buy it. Especially since it would to stroke her royal ego. Enma herself thinks that it may be even fun at some point, though, maybe a little suicidal on the other side of things.
— We've had a Don attack us because they heard I was with you. He seemed intent on taking me and killing you. Will these ones be different?
She didn't seem to pick up on her attempt to misguide her. The question was sincere. Seeing how much Enma enjoyed her snack, she reluctantly took some juice and sipped it. It wasn't as bad as she thought.
— I trust you know how to deal with them, much like I can deal with royalty. And what do you mean when you say maybe not? The entire agreement was that I would see Charlotte as a result of this trip.