Trevor. You talk big talk, but from where we're standing it just seems like hot air. You don't get special treatment, it's not as if you're the Widow. That kind of attitude is sure to get you whacked by one of the big-shots or aces if you can't back it up with action. Get your D.I.S.C.O.R.D set up or get off this frequency. Don't got time for ambitious idiots.
1.) What's your name, age and gender?
Sophia Johnson, 26, female.
2.) What was your previous line of work?
Deep Space Engineering, Repairs supervisor.
3.) Have you received any technical training(In skills such as ship maintenance or combat aviation)?
Station maintenance, and ship repairs. The only good thing that came out of wasting 8 years of my life away in that hole was the technical training I will leave with.
4.) How far are you willing to go to be free?
As far as I have to go to be free, otherwise what is the point?
5.) Are you aware that by joining us you will face trials like no other "criminal" in the sector?
I am aware. However I have zero intention of getting caught to face trial. If I go down, I take as many out with me as I can.
6.) Do you agree that it's better to die a free man than to live as someone's slave?
Yes. We have had this discussion. I have seen what happens on Pittsburgh, I have watched how the world works from the sidelines. I have worked for the man... The man says jump, you ask how high.... This is no way to live.
7.) Are you willing to put particle burns in anyone getting in the way of that freedom?
Short answer - Yes.
8.) Even if it's 10:1 odds and a certain loss, will you fight alongside your wing-men with nothing but conviction and focused intent?
Those with nothing left to lose are the most dangerous, are they not? The ultimate motivator. If I was not willing to do this, I would not have made the decision to leave my life behind. I would be wasting everyone's time here.
(//ooRP section)
1.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it? No sanctions.
2.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction? Yes. I understand.
3.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool? Yes. I understand.
4.) What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Widow#6557
5.) Have you read the Xeno Alliance faction information? Yes.
Johnson. The Commander told us to expect you. That won't be making it any easier for you. But we figure that with your background you'll actually prove useful. Try not to become a pretty splatter.
1.) What's your name, age and gender?
Answer:Robert Ward, I'm 17 turning 18 this year. Male. Born at Nome.
2.) What was your previous line of work?
Answer: Just one job in my life sir, started at 11 in the ship workshop at Nome fixing and restoring on-board Nav CPU's.
3.) Have you received any technical training(In skills such as ship maintenance or combat aviation)?
Answer: As I stated above It was my only work, I guess I was lucky, and this is a secret I told nobody, but... I managed to get some credits from a Hogosha wreck that some fighters bringed to Nome, enough to get a ship, I took a job from Ronnie, the guy at the Nome bar, It was a alcohol delivery job... Still do that, and some other little things. You won't believe me but people at Beckley seems to have alcohol in their veins instead of blood... Oh, sorry I went far. That's all.
4.) How far are you willing to go to be free?
Answer: Far enough to see my people rise up sir. I learned such a big lesson from the bases and the people from our bases. Now I know my roots, I know what the government did to us. We're few, but if we unite, we can make the difference. I'm willing to give my last breath if our people needs it.
5.) Are you aware that by joining us you will face trials like no other "criminal" in the sector?
Answer:Yes sir, I perfectly do.
6.) Do you agree that it's better to die a free man than to live as someone's slave?
Answer: No doubt about that.
7.) Are you willing to put particle burns in anyone getting in the way of that freedom?
Answer: Sir. I know I'm a boy, but I'm willing to jump naked to the space and cut the throat of whoever interpose in our freedom.
8.) Even if it's 10:1 odds and a certain loss, will you fight alongside your wing-men with nothing but conviction and focused intent?
Answer: I will not dare to abandon a fellow Xeno. I'll do my best.
(//ooRP section)
1.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it? Nope.
2.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction? As always, enjoying RP
3.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool? Yes I do.
4.) What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Working on that right now.
5.) Have you read the Xeno Alliance faction information? It's my holy bible.
Bedford, you did alright flying with the Commander. Anyway, get your D.I.S.C.O.R.D set up ASAP or we'll be forced to reconsider your application in a negative manner.
1.) What's your name, age and gender?
Answer: Brian 29 Male
2.) What was your previous line of work?
Answer: Spectator
3.) Have you received any technical training(In skills such as ship maintenance or combat aviation)?
Answer: Can be discussed
4.) How far are you willing to go to be free?
Answer: As far as the Universe will let me go
5.) Are you aware that by joining us you will face trials like no other "criminal" in the sector?
Answer: No Comment
6.) Do you agree that it's better to die a free man than to live as someone's slave?
Answer: It's better to die fighting for what you believe to be true
7.) Are you willing to put particle burns in anyone getting in the way of that freedom?
Answer: If my they are in weapons range, they will be in my way. so yes
8.) Even if it's 10:1 odds and a certain loss, will you fight alongside your wing-men with nothing but conviction and focused intent?
Answer: Yes, because 10:1 then becomes 5:1/10:2 with a brother to fight with. Odds can be beaten if you make sure of it
(//ooRP section)
1.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it? Reply No
2.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction? Reply Ofcourse.
3.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool? Reply Gotta learn how to overcome the odds some how
4.) What is your Discord name? N/A - I will be In Contact VIA private un-disclosed Comms
[b]5.) Have you read the Xeno Alliance faction information? Reply In Progress...
1.) What's your name, age and gender?
Answer: Kai Keaton, 29, Male
2.) What was your previous line of work?
Answer: Gun for hire
3.) Have you received any technical training(In skills such as ship maintenance or combat aviation)?
Answer: Informal combat training, and experience
4.) How far are you willing to go to be free?
Answer: All the way to the end
5.) Are you aware that by joining us you will face trials like no other "criminal" in the sector?
Answer: Absolutely
6.) Do you agree that it's better to die a free man than to live as someone's slave?
Answer: Always willing to die for a cause I believe in
7.) Are you willing to put particle burns in anyone getting in the way of that freedom?
Answer: Anyone who opposes it is a threat and should be dealt with
8.) Even if it's 10:1 odds and a certain loss, will you fight alongside your wing-men with nothing but conviction and focused intent?
Answer: As long as we stick together and keep shooting there's always a chance to get through it.... Or die trying
(//ooRP section)
1.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it? Reply: Not yet. Let's keep it that way
2.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction? Reply: Yeah fully.
3.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool? Reply: Yup!
4.) What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Reply: ⎧⎩⎠⎫⎝#0977
5.) Have you read the Xeno Alliance faction information? Reply: Yes
Keaton, we have a bit of a resentment for hired guns, but if you've seen the light and decided to actually fight for a cause, then there's no sense in turning you away. Welcome Home.
1.) What's your name, age and gender? Answer: Penny Greene, 28, female
2.) What was your previous line of work? Answer: Various positions as Chief Mechanical Engineer, transportation
3.) Have you received any technical training(In skills such as ship maintenance or combat aviation)? Answer: Guess what, yeah, otherwise nobody would have let me touch their crap. Learned the ropes of maintaining big haulers for two years, gathered experience ever since.
4.) How far are you willing to go to be free? Answer: As far as they are willing to go to try and prevent that. May that entail what it must.
5.) Are you aware that by joining us you will face trials like no other "criminal" in the sector? Answer: Call me slow in the head, but yeah I am, and I'm still handing this in. Go figure.
6.) Do you agree that it's better to die a free man than to live as someone's slave? Answer: That one's a lesson it took me a while to learn. I've been on the run for eight years. From my past, from my home, from my problems. And over the years I've made myself the dog of many a man. But this ends now. No more running.
7.) Are you willing to put particle burns in anyone getting in the way of that freedom? Answer: I'm not going to be going around murdering people just because of the symbol of their goddamn passport. But let me make it clear: If I shoot, I shoot to kill. And I'm going to end up shooting, we both know that.
8.) Even if it's 10:1 odds and a certain loss, will you fight alongside your wing-men with nothing but conviction and focused intent? Answer: 'Either suceed or die trying', is something my old man used to say sometimes. I tended to tell him to sod off. But he was certainly right with that one. So yes, let's right out the big wave or drown together.
(//ooRP section)
1.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it?I have never been sanctioned ever as far as I can recall.
2.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction?Yes and yes.
3.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool?Yes, I've gotten used to that.
4.) What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required.You know it already.
5.) Have you read the Xeno Alliance faction information?Yes.
Squished bigly ~Champ- Thanks, you're a champ. "What's the word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is all right?"