Quote:4.4 Every char must have only one type of ID equipped and they must play to that ID. Ship and equipment infocards which specify their use on a specific ID or specific ship must only be used on that ID or ship. In all other cases where these restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules except as described in 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7.
When a Faction is created, the Leader must select an ID and a corresponding IFF for use on every ship within the Faction, based on the group's primary role and identity. Factions must also choose one unified tag for their ships upon requesting Official Status. *
Each Faction or Group can only use one ID.
Official Factions may request their own ID based on the original ID of their NPC faction, to allow for a more specialized line of roleplay or to remove certain restrictions applied to their original ID, which would require GM approval before implementation. The Faction ID can only be requested if the Official Faction's roleplay as a whole, or the roleplay of a sub-group of the Faction can no longer be played out within the allowances of their original ID.
In case of the Player Faction IDs granted to the Faction as a whole, the approved ID will become the Faction's primary ID and every ship belonging to the Faction should be switched to the new ID, and in case of the Player Faction IDs approved to a sub-group within a Faction, the ID must only be used within the approved sub-group. In both cases, the Official Faction will maintain their Faction rights over the NPC Faction of their IFF.
Consequences: As of yet, we are considering how to appropriately react. You will be updated at a later date. Your attack declaration was removed.
You declared a siege on New Hope Outer Station, a Zoner IFF PoB.
New Hope Outer Station Zoners 100%
Your ID reads as follows:
* This Primary ID is only available for use on ships belonging to A/)- official faction.
Auxesia is a powerful non-state actor devoted to the preservation of technology and humanity. Comprised of Nomad War survivors and military defectors from across the entire Sector, Auxesia serves as a vanguard against a second apocalypse by using alien technology to augment and advance the human race itself, presenting a trans-human doppelganger to the Nomad infection.
The user of this ID is a Quasi-Lawful entity that can:
-Can attack any ship in self-defense, to protect an allied or friendly ship, or in defense of bases belonging to friendly or allied factions.
-Can demand Alien Artifacts, Nomad materials, Narcrahtite, Azurite and Cardamine of any form, from any ship within their Zone of Influence, and can attack them if they refuse to comply.
-Can attack ships which belong to a house or organization considered hostile by Auxesia within their Zone of Influence, except transports.
-Can engage any ship within a 20k radius around Valravn Citadel.
-Can attack any Nomad and Wild ships anywhere, except transports.
-Cannot use Transports with more than 4300 cargo.
-Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.
Zone of Influence: Liberty, Bretonia, Taus, Omegas, Omicrons, Independent Worlds
You are allowed to attack ships that are hostile to Auxesia within ZoI. ID lines regarding engaging ships apply to PoBs in spirit. Therefore, the Zoners needed to be hostile to you, which they were not, according to your forum rep sheet. You were also not assisting a friendly or allied faction, as you were the initiator of the siege declaration.
Given a previous warning a couple weeks prior, the team is going to decide how to proceed soon. This was posted preliminarily to alert you of the removed siege declaration.
If you require evidence, you may request such via PM from a Staff member. Only the accused or an official faction leader of the accused person's faction may request such. Once you have the evidence, and if you wish to dispute it, you may post in the Sanction Thread below. Do not continue PM'ing a staff member, as that will result in your Appeal being denied. If you PM a staff or post in the sanction thread and you are not directly involved, you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbors, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of GM Right #CTE 750AE