Owner's Name (and Organization's Name if applicable): Anton.Strout
License requested and reason(s) for it: Use of a Z-8550 "Pitbull" Pirate Train. In support of transport of Scrap Metal and Premium scrap in Liberty space to smelters and refineries. I have purchased the ship from the Junkers of Vieques Shipyard in Puerto Rico.
Evidence of positive reputation towards LN and LPI:•Attachment
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be adding your license after payment of 50.000.000 credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 and evidence provided.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center
I have taken employment with Bristol Constructions and as such I have renamed my ship to comply with their standard naming conventions. As part of this my ship is now called "B|-BCV-Oldenburg". The registry should be updated to reflect this.
I'm sure you are quite busy, however I thought I would follow up on this as it's a new month on the calendar and was hoping the registry could be updated.
Your request has been reviewed and approved. We will be editing your license after payment of 10.000.000 credits is made to Liberty-Bank-001 and evidence provided.
- William Hawthorne, Director of License Requisition Center