Take a glance at the post above yours and you will understand. Also pay heed to the words of a wise man/thing/creature/whatever Mep is:
let me find it
bullsh.it inside your headToday at 1:23 PM
for base sieges you don't give fair fights
base sieges are about piling and crushing the opposing team as hard and quickly as possible with as few lossess as possible
you don't get given vhf 1v1s around a base siege lol
bullsh.it inside your headToday at 1:24 PM
ganking people unncessarily is just being a fucking retard cunt fuckhead
but sieges are different
also you can't gank a ship that has turret zoom
the wisdom of mephistoles
pay heed
for he is always right
If you don't like sieges, don't come, there's plenty of other places to find pew at. Though I am not sure about that, since you did exactly the same thing you're complaining about when you were sieging together with the Enclave.
Regardless, since the base is dead and the siege is over, the BAF will be fighting fair again.
As the one who did not cancel Isca's siege back then, I agree with @Thunderer about siege tactics on Disco. During the siege, the goal is not fair fight and joy for both sides but destroy the POB under siege.
Outside the siege mode, I have had fair fights with them and quite a lot of duels with separate members and Thunderer himself in particular. Thus, your complying about "BAF is gay" in that case of POB's siege is nothing more than fart to nowhere.
(05-16-2020, 02:50 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Additionally, I also hope that your experience on your Coalition characters will not affect the judgement of your Core characters?
unlike some certain individuals i can clearly see a border between myself and my characters
so no, unless you do something to make my character think less of you
and my point was not about pobs; it was about your capitals not only taking part in a snub pvp but also pursuing snubs
(10-13-2023, 12:51 AM)Haste Wrote: This is a feature as most Discovery players would not receive a response from women.
Yesterday I chased one of those Mollies to Arranmore, where he docked, with that same character. But if you insist, I could invent some kind of a hereditary genetic sickness induced by generational overconsumption of black tea which causes one's eyes to be squint in such a way that they can see everything except what is directly ahead, exactly the size of Arranmore at about 1K distance! Naturally, such people would usually not be allowed to serve the military, but this disease is unbelievably common among Bretonians. Khatri is of Indian descent, his ancestors have been consuming black tea even longer than most Bretonians.
It seems that this same sickness has impacted Khatri's awareness of the battlefield as well. Teeze usually flies bombers because he too has a form of this sickness which is making it hard for him to aim, but aiming at capitals is not very difficult. Or so it is thought. He might have just been supposed to become a poet instead of a soldier. This is why Khatri assumed Teeze was a bomber now as well. However, this time, Teeze was a fighter. And Khatri noticed that when he scanned him before intending to fire. Khatri is not a very nice bloke, but only when he is alone. However, because Teeze was present, Khatri had to be nice and let you kill Teeze (and that other BAF, and the Mollies as well, damn the incomprehensible drunks, where do they keep coming out of!?). And so he did, meanwhile dealing with the automated patrols and accidentally nailing a crewed Scylla, the same one he chased until Arranmore the day before, with a triple battlecruiser mortar.
Bretonia is doing all it can to cure the Black Tea Blindness, but the funding has been poor lately. It may take some time. Until our pilots can see directly ahead of them again, enjoy being able to amaze the random onlookers with your masterful skills by shooting them down one by one, like headless flies!
And make sure to remind us once in a while. The Sicnkess can cause memory loss too, and thus our feedback thread could use a post every now and then, no matter how unimportant -- lest we forget it exists!