Alec, I believe that we should a wait for a bit when construction works will be finished onboard of the Kadesh and hull integrity will be at 100 percent. Per completion of construction works I command to start production of jumpdrive facility. All necessary information, regarding needed materials transmit to the Trade department.
Christian, structural survey has come back green and all areas are ready for further development. Our architects has also confirmed the layout of the facility and I have approved the security arrangement for jump drive factory to be created in the colony. The following resources, materials and personnel have been estimated as follows, and a copy of this procurement list have been sent to the trade department and as requested.
The trade department has received the procurement list and our trade ships have begun to make their runs. So far we have been able to make a sizeable dent in the required materials and I am please to tell you the liner (\^/)Oberon has transported the final group of scientific personnel via Pentecost Outpost in Omicron Chi.
Currently outstanding materials are,
10,000 Quantum Arrays
20,000 Critical Temperature Alloys
20,000 Magnetic Super Conductors
Acquisition of these goods should be relatively straight forward, albeit with some restrictions on where we can send our big ZBT transports at the current moment which will slow things down a bit. On the bright side, most bases that sell these goods are eager to buy the Palladium Bars that we have in abundance in our stores, along with plenty more available from Planet Akabat.
Friends, I am pleased to report the delivery of 10,000 units of Quantum Arrays to Kadesh Orbital Colony.
Our bulk ZBT transports have also made quick runs to Akabat in Omicron Mu and restocked the Colony with Palladium and Kemwer Munitions for outgoing trade.
Today our escort wing have been encountered with Nomads in Omicron Delta. Their activity was quite high, but our pilots had to plunge into the battle in support of a fellow Zoner vessel. I was startled, but ship logs cant lie. It a ghastly news for us, it seems the Outcasts is collaborating with Nomads, even in assistance to slaughter Zoner outnumbered forces. Avoid any contacts with LG tagged ships and keep your eyes open.
[12.07.2020 20:41:28] [12.07.2020 20:40:32] 2020-07-12 20:40:33 SMT
[12.07.2020 20:40:32] (\^/)Guardian.Omega: Forming up on wing
[12.07.2020 20:40:39] 2020-07-12 20:40:40 SMT
[12.07.2020 20:40:39] Order|Psychic: Shut up with the lies already, and shoot the Nomads.
[12.07.2020 20:41:07] Dagan: form approaches
[12.07.2020 20:41:10] Dagan: HusKShouldLeave
[12.07.2020 20:41:12] Dagan: ArageAnger
[12.07.2020 20:41:15] 2020-07-12 20:41:16 SMT
[12.07.2020 20:41:15] Death: Zoner-Bomber was put out of action by ~{VD}~VDS-Perimedes (Missile/Torpedo).
[12.07.2020 20:41:28] 2020-07-12 20:41:28 SMT
[12.07.2020 20:41:28] LG|S-Buenos.Aires: Moving in to attack Zoner vessels, over.
I’m vaguely aghast to say that, but currently we should count it as an Outcast stance towards us, hitherto it was just a rumors. Further investigation is required.
The docking officers on Kadesh have inform me a further shipment of 10,000 Critical Temperature Alloys and 10,000 Magnetic Super Conductors have recently passed through our port and into the construction zone.
Moving onto the main topic of defence -
Our policy to phase out the core use of the ZBT-1002 "Whale" class to a more defensive DLX series Borderworld Bulk Transport have certainly seen our maintenance crew logging more hours on weapon repairs and re-calibration. The mood is certainly on an upside though as the captain and crew seems to be more content as they are no longer a free shooting target every time they go on a trade run.
In my opinion I certainly agree the direction being taken, but think we can also go one step further to diversify our transport fleet to contain more firepower. The idea is somewhat unorthodox, but we should utilise our close relationship with the order to source alternative vessels. Two class of ships have caught my eye based on their capability required for the edge worlds, and it happens so the Order also have existing technical requirements to manufacture and operate theses ships. I believe we should look into acquiring the following vessels -
C5 "Bison" Liberty Heavy Transport
Containing similar cargo space to the Borderworld Bulk Transport, the C5 class however yield 28% more hull displacement and impressively holds 80% more power. Although only fielding 10 turrets, their firing arcs are twice the coverage compared to the DLX series. The ship is also capable of mounting 4 heavy turret, opening up the availability for a flak turret normally seen on capital vessels. This will certainly help if the transport is being targeted by pirates and nomads armed with torpedoes.
DL-Hai "Grizzly" Liberty Shuttle
Developed from the renowned Rhino mainframe, DL-Hai class is a specialised freighter different to what the rest of the market can offer. Although it contains much smaller hold, it boasts more power and armour compared to most of its class. Furthermore, it is capable of equipping a cloak and countermeasure at the same time. I believe this could become an invaluable vessel when it comes to carrying sensitive goods or information across the omicrons, or generally trying to evade the nomads. Whilst having said all that, I don't think we will need to acquired this vessel in large quantity, but it may be useful to have few in the hanger to fill certain operations or ad hoc missions that are not normally capable for other freighters.
I will admit we need The Order's help procure and train our personnel to fly these ships to its full proficiency, but I think this is also a good opportunity to forge closer relations and collaborate on this strategy. After all, their supply line to the rest of Sirius is only be as good as our ship can handle, so it is also in their best interest in the long run to help us. Nonetheless, I will let the trade department also have a say in the matter as to not overstep their authority.
The (\^/)Miranda was also at that battle. It was holding in a defensive position near the Freeport and captured this gun cam footage moments after the fighter wings were destroyed. It at least seems to indicate they were willing to engage with the alien forces, however I must point out that I saw ships from many rival military's, law enforcement agency's and groups such as the Outcasts among others who could not seem to decide to engage each other or the aliens, confusion was abound. This lack of co-ordination between groups that would normally wish to fight each other was a significant factor in our defeat there.
I can say that my ship was in very close proximity to the Buneos Aries and I do not believe I was fired upon. All I can say is our transports continue to have safe passage in their territory.
On a much more positive note, I am very pleased to report the final delivery of construction materials for Kadesh Orbital's Jumpdrive factory.
Which brings me to you Alec,
I am very excited to hear of your proposal. Recently our trade fleet has been scrambling to press any transport ship into service capable of defending itself with little or no escort. This includes the recent retrofit of a Shukensha Class Liner into a freighter capable of hauling H-3 to the recommissioning of a near ancient AS-1300 Transport.
Neither of these ship options are suitable to use as a backbone of any trade fleet and are one offs at best.
I can absolutely see and agree with your choice of the C-5. I specialized in transport combat tactics during my time at the Liberty Naval Academy and I can honestly say that it is near the capabilities of my refitted Renzu produced liner the (\^/)Ganymede for a fraction of the cost. If we can acquire these vessels I am sure that between my expertise and that of our Order allies, we will be able to use these vessels to their full potential.
The choice of the Grizzly is somewhat confusing to me. I keep comparing it to the Renzu Anki and can't really understand why we need it necessarily. Admittedly the Grizzly sports a slightly more robust armament and improved power-core along with more storage for nanobots and shield batteries but the Anki also has its strong points that should not be brushed aside. It does sport slightly better armor and has a hold over twice the size and thus can make better use of available armor upgrades. I am not turning my nose up at it, but perhaps I am unclear as to the specific mission profile you had in mind for it.
That's good news, Alec. Keep me informed regarding ongoing progress on Kadesh, I am still resident on Corfu and my responsibilities held me there for some time. I would like to extend our production possibilities by survey module, as I believe our ships are indeed in need of an independent source of newly made coordinates, to ensure their accuracy and this safety of our flotilla within edge worlds. Occupy yourself with preparations for construction of survey module, once works with jumpdrive factory will be completed.
And by the way, that's quite nice idea you have brought. BW series transports are indeed are quite cheap at maintaining and its running costs, but unfortunately there’s another side of the coin: its simplicity which bordering its primitive design and unfriendly-ish conditions for the crew and pilot. I would like to be more concerned in regard of C-5 “Bison” transports, as they seem to be a great replacement of Borderword Train. According to what I’ve heard, its a ship quite comfortable to travel, reliable vessel and afterall the complexity of defensive systems is impressive, once I’ve paid a visit on such class vessels on a business trip on the Erie, as some of my relatives are still working on libertonian corporations. Though I hold no information regarding the Grizzly, I shall depend on your knowledge.
I’ll contact Order in the regard once next breakdown in the negotiations, I believe we could get several C-5 and Grizzly with all required technical information. Most likely it’ll be a good experience for the Construction and Development department, I want to hear would it be possible to adopt these ships to our technical standards, to be less dependable in question of tradeships gear, like with borderword technology, furthermore I believe in first time we could service them on the Cairo, as I remember local shipdealer offer these vehicles.
Dirk, I am glad to hear everything went well with your ship, but I wouldn’t restrict our tradefleet passage through Outcast space, it is still a vital path for various commodities for construction of Kadesh Colony. Perhaps it’s a time to contact Outcast representatives, and see who’s who and set diplomatic channels with our neighbors. Lives of pilots we’ve lost shouldn’t be forgotten.
Catching up my week of businesses, I have temporarily moored the Aegeon in Freeport 11 with a task to map out strategic sectors in Omicron Delta, and establish paramilitary relations with the local habitats. During my rounds, I met a Corsair captain in his deployment to deal with the nomad threat, and as we got to know each other better over the course of time, he revealed a station in the Corsairs homeworld is selling rare Derelict Nomad Artifacts.
With this new information, I dispatched a Democritus class light command vessel stationed in Freeport 9 to make haste down to Omicron Gamma to verify. It turns out the information is correct, but the artifact is also much more expensive than expected. Nonetheless, as the potential research and knowledge gained from this could be immense and it would be a shame to miss out, so I have authorised additional funds to proceed with the transaction, although this will slightly stretches our budgets in the short term.
Furthermore, with recent the situation unfolding on Gran Canaria, I have also asked the command vessel to also make a brief detour to Corfu base on its return. At the moment, the base is currently selling Corsairs and other factions weaponry components destined for Gran Canaria. However, with Bretonia's rapid withdrawal from the planet, I am unsure if the current cooperation with the Corsairs smugglers will continue on. I also fear this new potential power vacuum may cause the Omega system to descend into a hot zone, with different factions including the Corsairs at the wrong end of the stick. In case of this scenario playing out, I have asked the ship to stock in some specialised components in case the need for tactical research and reverse engineering is required to secure strategic advantage.
The light command vessel will now make its way back to Kadesh Colony under stealth. Local reconnaissance patrols will be advised when the cloak ship gets closer to home port.
Well, I'm not even sure what to say. I feel stupid. I just like always being working on my brand new borderword train, getting new commodities for the colony… Suddenly as I’ve jumped from Alberta to Ontario I can’t remember anything. Flightbox picked up extremely high energyspike nearby of the Apamea, although it may misbehave sometime. Right now I’m next to Ames, I don’t even remember how I came here. My transport still hold the cargo, it seems that wasn't pirates... Although one cargo bay is picking up live signals…*Anderson checks the camera of the pod* Sensors picking up something unusual, in cargo pod 42... Something is moving inside, escape pod is about to deform.
I feel myself totally brainwashed, I feel lost. *the pilot of escape pod managed to get inside of cargo pod, he’s furious, something was thrown in the camera and live-feed was lost* It seems my guest want to pay a visit to me, I’ll block all gates and locks until now according to our security protocols. I request to be escorted to the Kadesh Colony from edge of Kusari space. Hell, I even can to jettison this cargo pod and purge it with the fire, before it'll be too late, I suppose that pilot is infected, but what about me?.. What about me!!! Awaiting for your transmission, before I'll be plunged into something.