Teams have been updated, @"Celeste" moved to the Unlawful Team, while @"DariusCiprian" was moved out of Reserve.
Also, in light of this so well timed event, we've come to the decision to delay the event by one hour.
The event will start at Sept. 13th, 21:00 Server Time.
Phase 1 Team: Unlawful
Phase 1 ship slot: Cruiser (Reserve, if someone else wants to fill the slot, let em)
Phase 1 ship, and affiliation: IN|G-INS-Damocles, Insurgency
Phase 2 Team: Unlawful
Phase 2 ship slot: Snub (Reserve, if someone else wants to fill the slot, let em)
Phase 2 ship, and affiliation: IN|G-Samuel.Mason, Insurgency
By registering, I acknowledge, and understand that respawns between Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be allowed, thus I won't file any rule violation reports related to this.
By registering, I acknowledge, and understand that respawns between Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be allowed, thus I won't file any rule violation reports related to this.
Update: We've come to the decision to delay the event for next Sunday (20th of Sept.) due to lack of interest on the unlawful team.
This way the event will take place at 18:00 UTC, or at least around that time, I'll update the event post when everything is settled.
Phase 1 Team: Lawful
Phase 1 ship slot: Liberty Battlecruiser slot
Phase 1 ship, and affiliation:LPI-SWAT-Allenwood, LABC, Liberty Police
By registering, I acknowledge, and understand that respawns between Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be allowed, thus I won't file any rule violation reports related to this.
Bumping time once more.
To be honest as it is right now,, I'm starting to get to the point of just scrapping the event completely, and trying something else for the next weekend.
Phase 1 Team: Lawful
Phase 1 ship slot: Liberty Cruiser
Phase 1 ship, and affiliation: Warship_Washington, Liberty Navy
By registering, I acknowledge, and understand that respawns between Phase 1 and Phase 2 will be allowed, thus I won't file any rule violation reports related to this.