All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : Owen Roscoe
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Recruit to full status as an Ensign of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : Madison Sullivan
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Recruit to full status as an Ensign of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : Kaye Brutus
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Recruit to full status as an Ensign of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : Romeo Darkbeat
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted to full status as a Rear Admiral Lower Half of the 46th Strike Force.
This promotion is necessary to improve our High Command status and your professionalism within the ranks of the 46th has been impecible and outstanding.
We would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our High Command and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
Please report to your Commanding Officer Immediately.
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : Kaye Brutus
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Lieutenant to full status as Lieutenant Commander of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers.
This promotion has come because of your outstanding attitude and your bravery in battle especially when you face overwhelming odds and are still able to disable hostile vessels.
You will also be awarded a Medal for Bravery and Continued dedication which will come within the coming days and presented to you by myself at a special ceremony which will be organised soon.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : Ladie Camile Summers
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Recruit to full status as an Ensign of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
This promotion is due to a rather amazing performance in Fleet combat which was above and beyond your duty as a recruit and helped out the fleet immensely.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
I am pleased to announce David Dijon to be promoted from Tentative Recruit To Recruit with all of it's privileges.
Be it facing strange Unioner ships in Bering, overwhelming odds against Outcasts and Rogues in New York or escorting the Detroit Munitions convoy, "Curly" has proven he indeed deserves to be a full fledged officer on the duty side. He even endured a nasty jump drive accident without a single complaint on his part!
Almost more importantly, David has continued his therapy courses, and for now puts effort towards "appearing" normal, and has not shown any disrespect or unequitable behavior when on duty.
Full-fledged Recruit rank and part in the 46th are more than deserved - I am glad I gave you a chance despite doubts of my colleagues, keep up the great work Recruit!
Signed, Blake Wayne Van Leer
Rear Admiral Upper Half
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer : James Reyna
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Recruit to full status as an Ensign of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Fleet Admiral, 46th Strike Force Command
All Promotions to higher ranks will be posted here by the High Command.
46th Strike Force
Certificate of Promotion
Dear Officer's : 46th|james.Reyna and 46th| Lady Camille Summers
I am pleased to announce that you have been promoted from Ensign to full status as an Lieutenant of the 46th Strike Force and we would like you to adjust your rank as soon as possible with one of our superior officers and we hope you have a very successful and long career with us.
Please report to your Commanding Officer for all your tasks and missions
Signed, James Creed,
Vice Admiral, 46th Strike Force High Command