We are glad to see a woman like you stand up for her rights, you saw the corruption yourself and know what has to be done. I am sure our immortal Matsuda taught you a lot of our ways already and we welcome you as a Sister in our middle.
Your skills in arts and poetry shall proof of good use to all of us and do not worry about your lack of flight experience. I have decided to assist you there myself.
Name: Robayashi Maru
Age: 28.
Your personal experience with Cardamine: Regular user
Previous knowledge & Experiences with the Golden Chrysanthemums: I have grown up in a family where the father was gone for most of the year, and was raised by my seven older sister and mother who were all following Yuyu Matsudas teachings. I was raised to treat women as equals and i firmly believe in equality.
I have joined Blood Dragons as soon I was able to establish contact with them. Why? Kusari Navy took my father, Kusari police took my family, and I wanted vengeance.
My career in Dragons started well, I was a competent fighter. Many victories against the Navy followed.
But then... As my fellow Dragons got to know me better, they discovered my gentle side. I am afraid to say they did not take my feminist beliefs and feminine side too kindly. Despite my vicious desposition on the battlefield i have become a subject of their constant jokes. Though I am not afraid of my gentle and feminine side as i find it equally as worthy of respect as I do my strong and masculine traits, the feeling of not fitting in started to eat me slowly. I found my solace in Cardamine.
Soon, the Dragons found out about my addiction, and one of my senior officials said to me jokingly that i should join the Golden Chrysanthemums. Clearly trying to humiliate me, to downgrade me infront of my peers. But that was actually the best advice someone could give me.
Because even though I am male, i belong with you, so I beg you to help me fulfil my destiny, and accept me home.
I do not resent the Dragons for shunning me. For they helped me find my cause.
Any previous sanctions? (If possible list them):No
How would you rate your experience with Kusari related RP? (1-10): 5. I used to do it a lot... 10 yrs ago
How would you rate your general RP skills, your PvP skills? (1-10): RP: 5, PvP: 3.
Discord: Goddess rcro#0987
Your case is by far the most unusual one I had to face in the recent months. A Blood Dragon raised by sympathizers and active Sisters of our cause is an odd sight. Most families belonging to our civilian parts prefer to stay out of the ongoing battle we fight in Kusari. That's fairly unusual, more so are the reasons why you wish to join our ranks.
We generally do not accept men among ourselves, not for the active cause atleast. All I can offer you at this point is to mark you as a sympathizer of the movement yourself, grant a designated vessel of yours docking rights to one of our installations and offer you a hand in regards of Cardamine supplies. Perhaps also a job here and there, we will see.
For additional talks please contact me directly in a separated channel.
INRP: Name: Nanami Yachiyo. Age: 17. Your personal experience with Cardamine: Addicted, regular user. Previous knowledge & Experiences with the Golden Chrysanthemums: None yet. A brief biography: Nanami's family roots back to the coup of the Sakura festival, that have resulted in the exile of the Shogun's guard and the formation of the Blood Dragons; for two centuries they kept their loyalty to the Shogunate, but faced the inevitably traditional society that inherited the paths of the old regime, one Yachiyo's ancestors couldn't get along with; the family crumbled in a matter of months.
This have brought Nanami's women to the Sisterhood - initiation and usage of Cardamine seemed like a minor price to fit into the Golden Chrysanthemums - and find a new family there
Yachiyo have been adopted into the Nanami family in 825 A.S. - when it's current head secretly visited Honshu - and encountered the runaway lone girl; when her cold gaze crossed with the one of the Chrysanthemum - it felt like she found understanding in her eyes, and ended up leaving the planet surface along with them, and have pledged her loyalty to the Sisterhood as they have arrived to Ainu. Why do you seek to join the us?: As a gratitude to the Nanami family i, Nanami Yachiyo, hereby devoting myself to the cause of the Golden Chrysanthemum. OORP: Any previous sanctions? (If possible list them): None in the past six months. How would you rate your experience with Kusari related RP? (1-10): 8 How would you rate your general RP skills, your PvP skills? (1-10): RP: 8, PvP: 7 Discord: Homura#5863
Peace, being the distant dream it is, comes inevitably, and goes hand in hand with justice.
Cursed be the war. Heroes never die! @Vitoniz30 @Connor
⧫ Your application.
Your application has been reviewed. Nanami-san, while you are still at a young age to make a decision like this, we honor it. Not many women have the courage to step up and actively fight against the tyranny and discrimination within Kusari at such a young age. You could have chosen the path of a civilian, residing in safety our stations or at our planetside hideouts, but instead you wish to take up arms to honor the cause and the family who gave you a new perspective. But you did not just find yourself a place within the Nanami Family, Īe, you will find yourself a place within our large family - within the Sisterhood. Ask one of the Sisters on Ainu to guide you to my workplace, we will discuss your first tasks there.
For Kusari we fight, even if it is blind. We will never surrender, we will never obey. Matsuda and Amaterasu to guide us on our ways. For the Matriarchy and for Empress Red, we give our lifes.
Welcome within the family, Yachiyo.
INRP: Name: "Lost Daughter" Age: 34 Your personal experience with Cardamine: Addicted for 14 years Previous knowledge & Experiences with the Golden Chrysanthemums: Previous Elder for the Lost Daughters of Kusari A brief biography: I used to be from a "respectable" Samura family. I was given a ship, a crew, everything you would expect from nepotism. I gave it up, I couldn't stand the hypocrisy, sexism, racism, and blatant horribleness that the company is plagued with. I left, was disowned, and started my new life on Ainu. After the destabilization of our movement 9 years ago I helped found the Lost Daughters of Kusari, and was an elder on their council. We didn't last, and I needed to leave Kusari to re-examine our methods. I worked with Universal Shipping and the Archangels Fighter Club before returning to Ainu 4 years ago. Why do you seek to join the us?: To officially rejoin my sisters OORP: Any previous sanctions? (If possible list them): Yes How would you rate your experience with Kusari related RP? (1-10): 0 How would you rate your general RP skills, your PvP skills? (1-10): RP: 0 PvP: 0 Skype(Can be send via pms): None
⧫ Your application.
Your application has been reviewed. After a little bit of searching through Ainu's old archives, we found out everything else we desired to know about you and your lifepath within the Lost Daughters movement. We are glad to welcome you back within the Sisterhood today. A Sister who smelled the air of freedom in Liberty sure has many tales to tell and we look forward to your valuable experience in the world out there being put to great usage for the Golden Chrysanthemums and Kusari.