Initially, the plan was to replace Warhammer/Makhaira with the upcoming Barrier Gate SHF, but tbh it just didn't feel right to ditch the old nose and replace it with something completely unrelated... After all, as much of an acquired taste that thing might be, someone liked it enough to add it back into the game after it was removed once. So, I figured it could probably be worth trying a different direction - Rearranging the updated Falchion's component in a way that at least has a nod to the original Waran's design... Then things spiraled out of control as things do and now we have... this. Whatever it's supposed to be.
The ship is not intended to be a part of the actual IW snubline. The lore fluff behind it is instead supposed to be a heavily modified Falchion retrofitted with a crude forwardgun-style heavy torp, tho the infocards will likely stay the same (or quite close to) the current ones.
Some parts of the ship still need to be refined, and the visuals of guns are still subject to change as their specific functions get decided by balance team and properly tested ingame. For now the idea is to make them gimmicky enough to feel unique but not too gimmicky to be inconvenient or useless. Feel free to send suggestions my way if you have something specific in mind. They'll likely be 2 ammo-based and 3 energy-based FWGs each with their own specific function. The ship will still have a separate CD mount, but whether or not that'd allow for mounting a regular fighter torp would be up to balance team to decide.
And since I know there's always that one person who's gonna ask - No, none of the FWGs will be for mining. Already tried that ingame and it's awfully awkward and uncomfortable to use.
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Pff, jfc... Do you understand that you can just ruin someone's plans when so easily, spitting on everything except your own wishes, moving ships into completely different groups, eh? But ofc you don't care. You convinced that you make things better , yah-yah. So tired of your shit, ae. Just make it besides of IW shipline, as a brand new ship, gosh.
(02-08-2021, 09:06 AM)Save My Soul Wrote: What's that got to do with Falchion?
Pff, jfc... Do you understand that you can just ruin someone's plans when so easily, spitting on everything except your own wishes, moving ships into completely different groups, eh? But ofc you don't care. You convinced that you make things better , yah-yah. So tired of your *****, ae. Just make it besides of IW shipline, as a brand new ship, gosh.
The current Warhammer model needs to go. How is everyone supposed to know your plans?
Am okay with the looks of this. The reintroduction of the Warhammer was ridiculous.
It's not just my plans. There could be other people. I don't know. I'm just an example. Just a person who tired about this kind of attitude. Warhammer is ugly af, but it was BW SHF. So why tf is "Barrier Gate shipline"? The desire to make a bunch of almost identical ships is that great? Keh, then make it separate from IW shipline. Or make proper BW SHF, if you re-e-eally want. First he destroyed Kingfisher, now this. I'll give you a small humble hint: it isn't necessary to make all ships as series. And even more, it isn't cool to take ship of one shipline and pin to another, imo.
(02-08-2021, 09:21 AM)Save My Soul Wrote: It's not just my plans. There could be other people. I don't know. I'm just an example. Just a person who tired about this kind of attitude. Warhammer is ugly af, but it was IW SHF. So why tf is "Barrier Gate shipline"? The desire to make a bunch of almost identical ships is that great? Keh, then make it separate from IW shipline. Or make proper IW SHF, if you re-e-eally want. First he destroyed Kingfisher, now this. I'll give you a small humble hint: it isn't necessary to make all ships as series. And even more, it isn't cool to take ship of one shipline and pin to another, imo.
If access to the ship isn't affected in any negative capacity then it's quite hard to identify a legitimate problem in any of the inane rambling you've resorted to. Additionally, there doesn't seem to be anything humble about your hint.
(02-08-2021, 09:25 AM)Reeves Wrote: If access to the ship isn't affected in any negative capacity then it's quite hard to identify a legitimate problem in any of the inane rambling you've resorted to. Additionally, there doesn't seem to be anything humble about your hint.
I don't use ships of different shiplines in one faction. If faction doesn't have its own shipline, then I choose a line (BW, fex) and strictly adhere to it when create ships for this faction. Because "everyone can fly anything" that becomes actively permitted lately isn't really good for RP game, imo. But you, and ae, and many many others just don't give a fuсk. You don't even think there might be people for whom it matters. Yah... Whatever.
(02-08-2021, 09:25 AM)Reeves Wrote: If access to the ship isn't affected in any negative capacity then it's quite hard to identify a legitimate problem in any of the inane rambling you've resorted to. Additionally, there doesn't seem to be anything humble about your hint.
I don't use ships of different shiplines in one faction. If faction doesn't have its own shipline, then I choose a line (BW, fex) and strictly adhere to it when create ships for this faction. Because "everyone can fly anything" that becomes actively permitted lately isn't really good for RP game, imo. But you, and ae, and many many others just don't give a fuсk. You don't even think there might be people for whom it matters. Yah... Whatever.
I find it ironic that you raise the point of contention about factions which do not possess their own ship series to the leader of a faction that very much feels the sore void of not having its own series of ships, as so pertinently stated. Furthermore there's simply the fact that trying to be so rigid in terms of ships utilized has never been feasible, and there is nothing problematic or otherwise unbecoming for such factions to dabble into filling class voids with ships of another series. Such is the logical thing to do, and it's a thing people continue to do without so much of a fuss.
Whether or not I fornicate has no bearing on this, surely you realize that in trying to impose your own standard for how lines are organized that you might be revealing a subtle degree of hypocrisy that betrays your own alleged concern for such systems? To put it simply, you seem to be more concerned with finding a reason to be upset rather than actually being upset over anything that can be rationally quantified, understood and duly investigated.