Imagine, accepting feedback. At all. What a meme. And since I am a meme, here's this.
Character List Main Characters
Ghods Charles al'Demichase
(gʰodz) ^normal name^ (ɒl-dɛ-mi-ḳħɑs)
Infested with Vagrant Incubus named Netsakh. Masquerades as Freelancer and sometimes as Rheinland Federalist. Older twin brother of Meko. Very skilled at lying on the spot, hence the Rheinland Federalist bit. Alternative names include Romulus and Wolfblood. Also owns small corp with which he makes questionable market decisions. Hasn't emotionally gotten over splitting up with his brother.
Preferred weapon: Detroit Munitions Mounted .950 Anti Vehicle Cannon, Modified into hand held rifle. This gun is supposed to be mounted to light-infantry vehicles, and uses a combination of magnetic acceleration and standard explosive cartridges to accelerate it's round up to 150 million m/s, or about half the speed of light. The electromagnetic coils draw massive amounts of power, so the ammunition for the weapon consists of both battery packs to power the coils, and .950 caliber cartridges. This takes up a lot of space, and the gun is incredibly difficult to reposition. However, the power of the gun is unmatched, and with a 7 out of the 9 rounds he can disable a spacecraft shield, leaving him 2 shots to take out the pilot. Ghods considers this a decent trade off for the low ammo capacity and general bulkiness of the gun. The scope, stock, and magazine are additions made by Ghods to turn the gun into an infantry weapon.
Neat bits: Can sing, baritone. Can play guitar. Is physically warm unless Netsakh is telekinetically dropping the temperature.
Meko Madrid al'Demichase
(mɛ-ko) (mɑ-dɾid) ^same as before^
Lane Hacker. Mr. Ling. Sometimes goes by Remus. Younger twin brother of Ghods. Lives like a James Bond villain, surrounded by fine alcohol, expensive clothes, stuff that probably costs a lot, and sometimes Chrysanthemums. Has emotionally gotten over splitting up with his brother.
Preferred weapon: the tricks up his sleeves. Literally. He has an undetermined number of cards up his sleeves at all times (as many as plot requires). They are all face cards. The king is thermite, and by scratching the bottom like a strike anywhere match, he has about .5 seconds before it goes up in metal-melting flames. His primary trick is to seal metal doors by sticking one between the door and the frame, welding it shut. The Queen is just a heavy razor. He can throw that thing at pretty extreme speeds and cause significant lacerations. The Jack is napalm. Striking it up the same way as the king, after about a second it will pop and spew sticky flames in a six foot or two meter radius. The ace is a flashbang, except for the ace of spades which is a smoke bomb. When struck, these two will have about a second before they explode brightly and loudly or quickly spew thick, colored smoke, respectively. Also, when visiting people he doesn't trust or in areas he thinks don't have metal detectors, he also has a pistol and a set of Assassins Creed type wrist blades he brings with. All of this he hides in his sleeves.
Neat bits: Can sing, baritone. Can play guitar. Can mix drinks. Smells like whiskey and nice herbs at all times. Is incredibly skilled with his hands, and can do card tricks and slight of hand, cheat at card games very well, and twirl around anything vaguely pen shaped including cigars, silverware, knives. Can also do butterfly knife tricks.
K'Hara Mindshare Nomad. Second youngest advisor, is a kind, sweet, doting individual but wears a mask of hardassery to get the job done. Recently ate a forbidden fruit, and got turned from a "we" into an "I", and is going through such wonderful things as subjective experience, self awareness, and instinctive, reactive, intuitive, and intrusive emotion. She's just a girl, please forgive her for doing little sillies (warcrimes and atrocities). Spent 3 months in a prison in the mindshare debating whether or not she had become human (identity crisis) with her least favorite Wilde (poorly managed identity crisis) just incase she needed to kill him too (literally a teenage girl identity crisis). I have decided that she displays as a teenager because it pisses D.S. off. Hold that L, bozo.
Neat bits: She is very willing to adopt and dote on you and trim you of all that useless human stuff. Currently is Merciful Death, but used to be the Survivor, and before that was the Weaver.
Kazu Chidori
Female KNF officer with more self-confidence than common sense. Upbeat and energetic personality, which clashes very hard with her 198cm of height, cold appearance, love of black trench coats, and sharp gaze. While not being particularly enticed by military service or awards, her father's status as an accomplished retired GMG ace pilot and her sister's success in college and liberal arts have given her ample drive to be successful in what she's chosen to do. She really doesn't like Auxo because in her eyes they're responsible for her dad's retirement from the skies (he chose to stay planetside and raise a family instead of causing problems with adapted nomguns and stealing artifacts). When the Battlecruiser Akatsuki went to maintenance or wherever the hell it is, she patrolled the nearby Tau systems from Fukuoka, and was a very welcome addition because I roleplay attractive women lmao. After that, she was sent to the Arch to help combat Order, and then sent deeper into Mu to help combat Order again. Currently, she is on her way back to regular Naval Forces activities, and is somehow on her way to becoming a very decorated Lieutenant. Two veteran ribbons and a Anti-Aoi ribbon(fighting Order and Blood Dragons who were clearly infested off the Arch) is nothing to scoff at.
(Yes, I know anime pfp very cringe. However, I didn't like any of the other options, so lol and lmao.)
Neat bits: Ripped like a mf, has a strong cherry blossom perfume. Carries two swords, and can use them as is, but they connect at the handle to form a poleblade, which she spent her childhood training a martial art in. Hugs friends in excitement, resulting in a facefull of tiddy for the fortunate.
The Gardener.
An amalgam-type Wilde, formerly the man Nikolaus Strauss and his Incubus. Strauss lost his wife and unborn son in an unfortunate case of collateral damage while the MND cleaned up Rheinland after the Nomad War. He was understandably distraught, but he had studied psychology and philosophy before he joined the RM, so instead of any sane grieving process he swore revenge on not just the MND, but the entirety of humanity for their clearly sick and twisted nature, and threw himself into a very long space trip to be captured and join the Nomads. Because nothing works out exactly how you plan it, he ended up being so sad, angry, and generally in a bad place that when his incubus connected to him, it did irreparable damage to the both of their consciousnesses. The result was that they fused together into a single being, known originally as The Hybrid or The Beast. He kept is complete disdain for humanity, but also gained some new frankly heretical ideas. Art, poetry, and gardening are the basis of his thoughts, and eventually he became The Gardener. His new pastimes are eating people and absorbing their memories and personalities, offering Faustian bargains, and trying to turn the Nomads into the DKV. Nomads think of him about the same way that humans think of him.
Neat bits: He has a pretty ok amount of psychic power, but instead of blunt psychics like most Nomads, he works by changing perspective, getting people to agree to things, wordplay, and establishing rules. Doing this lets him use his target's psychic power as well as his own, letting him punch way above his weight class in telepathy. The downside is that a relatively wise or spiritual person who pays attention to what exactly he's saying or displaying can also fight on equal grounds against his telepathy. The primary example is his verbal tic, "oh (something) mine", which is literally a cage he puts his target in. He defines his target into whatever he choses (the "something"), determining their fate verbally, and traps them in words (the "oh" and "mine"). He makes his target into whatever he wants, puts it in a cage of words, and all of this defines his target as his own belonging, a personal plaything. Between psychics and psychology, the subconscious manipulation done by this simple verbal tic has gotten him out of hot water plenty of times.
Magnus Carter al'Demichase
Android built by the twins father. Decisively not an A.I., but aware that she is not an A.I., and doesn't exactly mind this. Magnus Carter Sr. completely disregarded house laws on Artificial Intelligence in an attempt to recreate his wife, Helena, who died trying to escape Pittsburgh and Liberty. However, Helena-2 couldn't really become his late wife. He plugged a lot of information about her, and she could pretend to be her very well, but there was always something missing. Magnus Sr. had already lost his mind, hence why he was trying to build an illegal autonomous A.I., but the image of his wife that clearly wasn't his wife drove him over the edge, and one night when his sons were on a long trip to fight street wars with Xenos for control of a satellite city of one of the largest mining colonies, he put Helena-2 in her storage unit, set a release timer for two years, and promptly killed himself.
During the two year hibernation, Meko and Ghods sealed the pre-fabricated unit they lived in after sitting their father's corpse up on a chair, holding his datapad in one hand and a bar of solid Cobalt in the other with an inscription, making the house a tomb, and the dining room a sarcophagus. This is the scene that Helena-2 saw when she woke from hibernation. Her creator dead because she had failed to be what she was made to be, and the sons she was meant to adopt in due time had disappeared from the home, the city, and the planet. Eventually, after a time acting out an idle state that consisted of being a Bounty Hunter, Helena-2 took on the name Magnus Carter II, as she had rationalized that she was unworthy of the name Helena, and proceeded to join the Core in their conquest of the Omicrons.
Hound (or Hound of Magnus)
A very confused Gammu A.I. struggling with a very difficult dilemma. The A.I. takeover of the Battleship Mars granted Hound its freedom. However, it also imprisoned Magnus and sentenced her to an unknown fate. It knows that good people shouldn't suffer, and she was a good person despite which side of its enslavement she was on. Its choices are to either abandon her to a cruel fate that she doesn't deserve, or join with its former slavers in an attempt to take down the Mars and save her. I do not envy it lmao, that is one hell of a choice.
Side Characters
Doidld Tyatsmr
Junker with Coalition ancestry. Made because of meme.
Has a character picture for some reason. Does anyone know where this is from, btw? I found it nestled in my meme folder when I made that one comm with SCRA, and just decided to use it. File name was literally "Doidld". I have exactly zero clues as to where I got it.
Neat bits: Rarely wears a shirt out of habit. Doesn't drink vodka, but splashes it on himself to cool off while he works on his rust buckets.
Agent Ryker Konig
Former boarding marine turned BDM agent. The only thing he takes more seriously than fighting is orders.
Neat bits: Infinite alcohol tolerance. Despite having incredible bloodlust, not a lot of sadism to be found with him.
Crystal al'Demichase
Ghods' surprise adopted (kidnapped) daughter. Body modified by Ghods, very strong girl. Weighs in at a good 600kg. Why? 90% of her body is basically living metal. Bulletproof, kinda lazer proof, a little plasma proof, inhumanly fast, strong enough to rip a steel bulkhead open like paper. No neuro-enhancements like Ghods, so no powers and stuff, but she is physically stronger than Ghods by a few orders of magnitude.
Preferred weapon: Model 188 PDW. The first answer to light shielding on ground units, this gun has long been out of combat use. The gun features electric differentiator, charging rounds as they leave the barrel and delivering electric impulses on impact. Until the advent of plasma-based infantry weapons, the Model 188 was a military mainstay as a submachinegun. Crystal uses two of these now obsolete guns, capitalizing on the shield-breaking nature combined with the rounds-per-minute. Due to her ridiculous strength, the recoil of the guns are near-nonexistent to her, so her maximum bullet connection is only limited by the rounds-per-minute and how fast she can reload the drum magazine.
She also occasionally uses the earlier P95 bullpup variant, which sports no electric differentiator, instead having two types of ammunition separated by a fire selector: The drum mag of lighter sidearm rounds, and the casket magazine of higher caliber rifle rounds.
Neat bits: Can sing, soprano. Doesn't have a Netsakh to do any funny energy business, so is physically warm all of the time.
Anton Kress (Cháurez, but he mispronounces it)
Frenzied Order pilot. Maltese decent. Has seen some shit. Very little regard for personal safety.
Neat bits: Both Kresses will speak very fast español when in proximity to other Hispanians. When near others of their family, they tag team through sentences. They also share an instinctual fear of their mom and LA CHANCLA.
Maxamillion Kress (same as the other)
Rude Zoner. Maltese decent. Lazy, just living life with the flow. Actually just vibing.
Arthur Brandon Wellerman the Third.
Excessively British Bretonian, sailor style. Captains The Wellerman, a penitentiary ship currently contracted to Planetform as a research and recon vessel. His crew is made up of some of Bretonia's finest captures, including Taminba Mufefwe, former captain of a Coalition Battlecruiser, Jeanne and Joan d'Auvergne, the "twin fox Countesses" from the Gallic Royal Navy, and Matthew O'Shay, of the Mollys. The rest of his crew are from the Bowex transport The Milkmaid, who pledged to follow him after his astounding rescue of the crew after capture by a Maltese Destroyer. This capture ended with an honorable sword duel between the captains, where Arthur's gunsword exploded, destroying the right arms of both captains. They agreed to call it a draw and pick up where they left off later.
Preferred weapon: Gunsword MKII. Custom Gunsword built by Arthur. Plasma weaponry, but he decorated the heat exhaust port to look like a flintlock.
Neat bits: Despite being a penitentiary ship and all the criminals being locked in bomb collars, they like him because he's just a really genuine guy. He thinks that he's just a day away from getting stabbed in the back, and he's depressed enough to welcome it. Everyone sings sea shanties of one kind or another because literally look at his name. Look at his character. He's a sailor. A sailing captain. I'm not subtle in my roleplay.
Jacinto De La Parca
Character from way back forever ago, long since lost to time. Jacinto the Phoomslayer, Corsair that killed a Cruiser, but now he has a wife and kids and is 69. How did he get married? Lost a duel to his wife, La Parca Rosa, and she was all "And for my prize, I take you". Changed his surname too.
Neat bits: Grandpa energy. Great with kids. His cane has a sword in it. Burns incense inside his fighter. If the smoke plume moves, he knows to make his movements smoother.
Reverend Dr. Mattaias Armstrong / Agent Excelsus
LSF agent. Strong belief in "By my country, For my country". The perfect patriot. Believes that the love of Liberty lives in the heart of every Libertonian, and will not hesitate to pick Libertonian factions over other factions when the choice is presented. Firmly believes that Liberty Unlawfuls are simply misguided, some more so than others. Also holds no value in non-Libertonian life, sees deaths of other people as a benefit to the perfect Libertonian society. Views Rheinland as unintelligent, Bretonia as weak, Gallia as barbaric and uncivilized, Kusari as ignorant and tech-reliant, and Hispanians as parasites.
Neat bits: Despite being your average Manhattan University grad, he knows a lot about other Liberty cultures, and can accurately throw up gang signs, write rap, write a thesis, attend formal parties, attend regular parties, and attend ghetto parties. Loving Liberty means loving every side of Liberty, and that he does.
Forgive my lack of effort on bbcoding this. (or don't, up to you). Post feedback, cyberbullying, memes, whatever below. Literally judge my characters. Make a funny or two.
No "activity" or "priority" tabs, because who I log is basically random. Roll a few dice, you'll find which character I'm playing next.
I'll do something about my superiority complex when I cease to be superior.
"Whatever happened to catchin' a good old-fashioned passionate ass-whoopin and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?"
Kazu added to main characters for the purpose of further harassing KNF players and various other things that probably have nothing to do with bullying Werdi into submission. Probably.
I'll do something about my superiority complex when I cease to be superior.
"Whatever happened to catchin' a good old-fashioned passionate ass-whoopin and gettin' your shoes, coat, and your hat tooken?"