All capitals should be locked to ZoI or a set region of space. In many cases it makes no sense why capitals can just go so far outside of their standard operating zones. We also get silliness like LNS farming in Tau-44.
The Ships & Systems Classification proposal seems very straightforward, and that's totally a plus, for the old and new players. Convoluted server regulations with RP laws are redundant in a roleplay environment that develops itself, so I welcome this change.
(03-22-2021, 01:21 PM)Dhomie42 Wrote:
(03-22-2021, 09:29 AM)Connor Wrote:
(03-22-2021, 09:27 AM)Decktare Wrote: Poole should be like a hard border system. Since why you should have a chance to siege PoB in the capital system of the Coalition?
I guess the same reason as to why coalition sieged and destroyed a base in New London?
Also I want to look at Outcast and Corsair ZoI for this as well. Potentially Coalition as well. Thoughts?
OC ZoI is a can of worms, anyhow I'd suggest restricting caps to non-House Controlled space, so they can be used in the Omicrons, Taus, Sigmas, and IWs/BWs already stated on the ID description.
Like...the Order? Who logs reactively against another caps and limited cap movement in Sirius? The restriction would certainly cripple the ID. Goodbye big battles in Houses and it isolates people even more. You have been using OC caps in Houses constantly, like many of us...then we get a big good pew and gg. Do you want to end that? Seriously? Allowing caps to move encourages activity with big fleet battles, people flooding the channels "here, huge battle in X system" and having a good time killing each other. IT'S FUN and that's all it matters in the end.
It is simply out of the question. People complain each and every time that playerbase is too spread...and restrictions like this will put things just worst.
(03-22-2021, 02:31 PM)Kauket Wrote: Restricting caps to zoi doesn't solve anything. If a cap is somewhere it shouldn't be, just kill it.
My thoughts exactly, just remove the guy. If a restriction like this goes active, people still will continue to drop caps anywhere they want, people will complain even more and staff will have to handle much more sanctions.
Just stop nerfing IDs and buff the ones that could possibly bring more interactions between players. Outcasts and Corsairs IDs are fun to use, why not the other IDs? Extend them their playground more and accordingly.
(03-22-2021, 02:43 PM)Lusitano Wrote: just a smallcorrection
"Freighters: Trader ships with cargo holds smaller than 650 uni" The Ragnar is a freighter and has 850 cargo!!
By the rules it is a transport. Which rarely has any ramifications.
Please stop thinking that Outcasts/Corsairs having cap zoi in houses is a good idea. It takes away whatever incentive there is to play local factions with caps because you can just log an Outcast and raid half of Sirius. However, I cannot give a solution for this other than adding a restriction similar to indie Nomad IDs and/or restricting the caps to edge and border worlds.
(03-22-2021, 03:36 PM)DariusCiprian Wrote: Please stop thinking that Outcasts/Corsairs having cap zoi in houses is a good idea. It takes away whatever incentive there is to play local factions with caps because you can just log an Outcast and raid half of Sirius. However, I cannot give a solution for this other than adding a restriction similar to indie Nomad IDs and/or restricting the caps to edge and border worlds.
People will play what they want to play and roleplay.
Let's say we approve the idea that caps will be restricted: Ok, I have my Legate in what? Do I have to wait for my common enemies for possible RP and PVP, right? Playerbase is low, so maybe there are no Outcasts or Nomads atm. Maybe Core they log in? Then, there are Bretonia and Rheinland, tons of systems and some players there...ah but you can't go there, of course.
Well, I guess I will log off my Legate and do something else. Cap players will only sit and wait endlessly.
I prefer any day with nomad invasions everywhere and newbies making RP mistakes, than sanctioning everyone for wanting a bit of big pew outside their comfortable and boring frontiers.
It has been said tons of times already: These kind of limitations do not encourage anything.
(03-22-2021, 03:37 PM)monmarfori Wrote: Simple. Restrictions could potentially kill activity.
(03-22-2021, 03:32 PM)WiseTaurus Wrote: The Ships & Systems Classification proposal seems very straightforward, and that's totally a plus, for the old and new players. Convoluted server regulations with RP laws are redundant in a roleplay environment that develops itself, so I welcome this change.
Like...the Order? Who logs reactively against another caps and limited cap movement in Sirius? The restriction would certainly cripple the ID. Goodbye big battles in Houses and it isolates people even more. You have been using OC caps in Houses constantly, like many of us...then we get a big good pew and gg. Do you want to end that? Seriously? Allowing caps to move encourages activity with big fleet battles, people flooding the channels "here, huge battle in X system" and having a good time killing each other. IT'S FUN and that's all it matters in the end.
It is simply out of the question. People complain each and every time that playerbase is too spread...and restrictions like this will put things just worst.
Just stop nerfing IDs and buff the ones that could possible bring more interactions between players. Outcasts and Corsairs IDs are fun to use, why not the other IDs? Extend them their playground more and accordingly.
Frankly I'm against the idea of nerfing IDs to make bad IDs "better", it won't work in my opinion. I'd suggest buffing the less popular IDs with unique lines or FLHook plugins (TLAGSNET for Police factions for example), however to me this looks like an "almost" already decided matter, though hopefully I'm wrong about that.
Also, people have been suggesting an OC-Corsair ZoI nerf for a lot of time now, which is a can of worms, there are good arguments supporting a ZoI nerf, and good arguments against the ZoI nerf.
I'd say that preventing FR5s by lawfuls in IWs/BWs from being issued due to general law breaking should be considered.
Also, can we like not consider Gunboats as Capital Ships, please ? Most IDs that have some form of ship restrictions are for Cruisers and above, and it'd be nice if it stayed that way.
Gunboats have always been capitals. I'm really confused why that is the point people discuss. "Capital Ship" never even appears anywhere.
They are capital vessels for Freelancer in a way that they're "large_ships" - multi crew and have a ship name.