ID: Miyazaki Rin
Recipient: Maltese Leadership
Subject: Shigeakiki
Our product is on offer for all Maltese and we distribute it to any location so long as the payment is good. However, we will not disclose the formula of Shigeakiki. It is a closely guarded secret of the Gen'an Sisterhood and not even the other Golden Chrysanthemum movements know its contents. All and all its a product that is exclusive to our cell and we intend to protect our monopoly on it. Human testing showed that 8 days between a dose is the safety limit. If you want to try to push beyond that, that is a risk you are knowingly taking.
Please, don't be offended Loyola-san. We have already sent shipments to Malta, which we assumed you would get notified of. We haven't forgotten your donation of liquid cardamine earlier. We will send you 1000 units of Shigeakiki to the location of your choosing free of charge.