I'm going to suggest this as a replacement for the Talon VHF once I get the model tweaked how the community likes it. The goal is to have it as a small and fairly agile VHF with high firepower, but low armor, low bats/bots, and low cargo space. According to the current Talon readme notes and infocard, it's supposed to be a very agile VHF - but it has about the same turning as a nephthys and not much more than some bombers. The model is also very large compared to other VHF's, which makes it very easy to hit.
Here's the current stats for the nephthys and talon:
Both have a 30m/s strafe speed. Here are the turning rates:
Nephthys - 1.0732
Talon: 1.0714
Praetorian: 0.9956
This is the current Talon infocard: This powerful and agile fighter is an experimental model created by The Order. Origins of technology used in Talon remain unknown.
Now the suggested stat changes (note that all weapons and other hardpoints MUST stay the same - any change of the weapon classes or any reduction in the total number of hardpoints forces a character wipe. All I can have changed here are the stats like armor, turn rate, etc.)
Name - Guns/turrets - cargo - hull - nb/sb - price - notes
New Talon - 6/1 - 35 - 7250 - 40 - 2,380,000 Agile heavy Fighter
Turn Rate: 1.2000
Gun/Turret Mounts: 6/1
Armor: 7250
Cargo Space: 35
Max Batteries/NanoBots: 40
Optimal Weapon Class: 8
Max. Weapon Class: 10
Additional Equipment: M, CM, CD/T
Price: 2,380,000 Credits
Availability: Order Only (perhaps it should be moved to omicron 100? Comparatively, this would be in the upper power spectrum for VHF class ships, so it needs to be restricted in who can use it - I dont want to see mercs and freelancers running around with one of these)
6x Class 10 Gun Hardpoints (Forward-Fire)
1x Class 5 turret Hardpoint (Rear-Fire Only)
New Infocard: The Talon is a prototype strike fighter created by The Order - combining the design of the Nephthys, Corsair power systems, and alien technology. Small size, extreme agility, and unmatched firepower make the Talon one of the most formidable fighters in Sirius today.
Now, these stats put it at about light fighter capacity for cargo and bots/bats, and slightly more hull strength than the mk2 light fighters. It may be a drastic reduction in armor, but keep in mind that the hitbox would be getting reduced a bit, and the turn speed is being boosted by a little over 0.1000 turn rate - making it only a hair less manuverable than a sabre VHF. Also keep in mind that the Talon has 6 forward firing class 10 gun/missile hardpoints, giving it a -lot- of firepower. The power core would remain as current, as it runs out of energy somewhat quickly but can still easily fire codes if attacks are regulated by the player.
As for the hitbox on this ship, it could fit fairly easily within the Anubis/Nephthys hitbox as shown here:
The hardpoint positioning is about the same as the nephthys - one on the top of each wing (2x), one on the bottom of each wing (2x), and one on each side of the cockpit (2x) for the six main guns. The turret can be put on top of the vertical wing, just like it is on the avenger/nephthys fighters, but it can be restricted to a rear-only firing arc to help balance the ship some.
The cruise disruptor/Torpedo hardpoint is just below the cockpit, same as on most ships of similar design. Countermeasure / Mine droppers can be hardpointed either to the vertical wing where the two squares are (preferred), or to the little squares that stick out to the sides from the back portion of the body, near the engine. Thruster hardpoint would be put underneath the engine at the back.
Chances are someone else will have to do the texturing on this, as I have no experience with texturing for freelancer models (or any other game models for that matter). Hardpointing will be a similar issue, I dont know how to do it.
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That looks pretty awesome. My only concerns are that you would be taking all the best parts of the Titan (powerplant), combining it with the best parts of the Saber (turning), marrying this with no vanillia vunerability, giving it six class 10 hardpoints and expecting it not to get whored. People use Omicron 100 as a part of a trade route. Tenacity, you of all people know that. The guard system won't stop people getting their grubby mitts on it.
I can garuntee there with be at least one of these sitting outside Crete at any one time, for example and it will probably more or less replace the Nephthys overnight. Well... That might not be too bad a thing, variety is good. Meh... Maybe I'm just interpreting it wrong. I was never very good with ship stats. Could you post the Saber stats as a comparison?
Oh, and the model looks great. Please get it textured at least!:)The hitbox could do with some compressing though. Squash the nose and tail towards each other so they fit that way, and squash both the wings together until they line up with the tips of the model. that should cover it.
the talon is an order ship, the ravens talon is IMG.
however you miss one characteristic of the talon, tenacity - the talon has almost all its weapons in a single weaponpod. - that makes aiming easier - maybe you can keep this characterictic.
Right, I wouldn't say those stats are too overpowering but..
Well, I can say that it WILL get whored.
And it's a pretty big boost.. From brick, as it is now, to a super-powerful ship.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
wait, what will this even be?
We have a heavy fighter, will have a very heavy fighter and a light fighter in the next mod version, so is this going to be a super heavy fighter despite its size or something?
And yes, sekhmet is the name for the upcoming Order bomber for which some of us are psyched for!!!