The table buzzes and whirs when it gets initialized. The glow on the Renzu Corp logo fills the area as Maria proceeds to load up the Shukensha schematic. The file gets loaded in and the ship gets displayed in a wireframe format.
"Suppose my first big question... Is the interior of the Shukensha-Class modular? Swap internals around, layouts, walkways, rooms and the like?"
It is modular, that's simplifies construction and gives more flexibility in case you want to customize one. Main question is what you need in your Liner. There will be some limitations, if you want to install…a huge powercore. Renzu Corp also will withdraw any modifications that threaten ship's integrity. But, that's a standart policy. Besides, i don't think you need a huge casino, i suppose your liner won't be the next Golden Dragon.
"What we need? Well, most of the equipment from our Bustard will need to be transferred over. Though, that's going to replace common components of the ship. When it comes to the modular rooms, I'll need to know how many can fit into the Shukensha-Class and what sizes they can be. Once I know this information, I can start piecing together what each room is, and get a material list to construct each one. Each room will serve it's own purpose. I'll get Orbital's input on designing the leisure rooms and quarters... Oh, I almost forgot. If this project does go ahead and things start moving, will the construction take place in Shikoku?"
As you wish. We'll send you detailed list. But majority of this will be included into basic package price. Can I ask you some questions? How much people wil be on board? What about ship's main systems? Any wishes on reactors, engines, hull panels, internal systems? And, Renzu Corp owns all Shukensha designs. So, Orbital can give you design of your leisure rooms, quaters, and anythng else if you want. But I must admit that we'll deny them right to interfere with ship's construction process. And yes, construction will take place in Shikoku. Maria claps silently and gives Leon access to holoprojector system. This system allows you to switch, mix, tear, and basically mess with basic design in anyway you see fit. She puts out of scheme what looked like carcass of a fututre liner and after few spins almost near Leon's nose she quickly puts it back. She steps back a little inviting Leon to try. But this will be a long, long talk. I'd still suggest to move to our bar.
"After the preliminary information, gotchya. As you already know, the purpose of the ship is to explore and research rifts and anomalies. What we do with our vessels on Starflier Base is something called the Starflier Treatment. I'll give you the details of what this is and answer your questions - at the bar."
Before the hologram minimized into the holographic table's interface, Leon saw the Aquila. The perfect Starflier vessel. The ship that will get him out of Kepler, the ship that will allow them to explore the stars, beyond Sirius if it comes to it. His half daydream stopped when the hologram turned off.
"This will be a long talk. What kind of Rheinland snacks have you got?"
Hah, snacks are Rheinlandish as they can be. And beer. There is no Rheinland without beer. Trip to bar was quick. Turbolift, few decorated corridors. Bar's holoprojector system helps to recreate small, but comfortable bar near to what Sirian historician name the Brandenburg Gate. Air, due to advanced climate control system, was sligtly cold, but clear. Just like the beggining of autumn. Wooden tables, bar counter with various sorts of beer and booze. Maria invites Leon to sit, and shortly after that, curvy redheaded waitress dressed in the Dirndl brings cold dark beer and pretzel. She cheerfully smiles to Leon and dissapears as quickly as she came. Good. Maria makes the first chug. So, what is that process, that you've mentioned before?
A seat is taken. Looking at a bottle of beer, he drinks from it, scrunching his face as he tries to push through the taste. The brand isn't one he's tried before.
"It's a mandate I've put in place for all Starflier ships. The process involves making the ships the least threatening as possible. This means we forcefully remove the weapon mounts off our ships. In addition, we install Hyperspace Bacons, HNP-Class Engines and Molecular-Grade shields."
Another sip is taken, with the same reaction. The bottle is placed further away from him this time.
"To make ourselves not a threat, gives us greater leeway on diplomacy with others. I firmly believe arming ourselves will lead to a lot more trouble than it's worth. So in order for me to keep that, I'm instructing my techs to remove the mounts. This same process is what I'd like applied to the Shukensha-Class."
Maria frowns a bit. First, HNP-type are not common sight among liners. Actually it's Rheinland Militar design. So, why would we, Renzu Corp, mess with them? Second, we have our own suggestions to add to your design. Maria chugs her beer again. And i think, we'll add some additional radiation protection, and mebbots with bio-stab monitors. Because, you will start to glow pretty soon. Same waitress quickly puts away his bottle and repalces it with liberty premium ale. But….something tells me that your people can't sit in that hole. Because, they will have to glow as well. That's puts us in intresting situation. Radiation poisoning of that kind cannot be removed that easily. So, your crew is about eight hundred souls, am I correct? Maria takes another chug, while looking at Leon. We're your neighbours after all. But, i have intresting piece of information for you. Once there was a group of rouge unioners, who decided to move their homebase by installing special drive on it. Quite intresting endeavour I'd say. Maria puts her bottle a little away from her. Now, you've mentioned special equiptment on your Bustard. What exactly are we talking about?
"We've had issues in the past of the standard civilian engines. Broke down one too many times, have you ever had a ship towed?"
staring at the same bottle he's sipped twice, he goes for a third. Less of a reaction, still not used to it. An acquired taste.
"Doesn't much matter, I imagine dealing with military technology from another house would be problematic. So, could the engine array be modified? Or is this the kind that's proprietary?"
Snacks decorate the table, one jumps out to the Starflier. Looking like a small brownie, he unwraps it to be greeted with a very weird smell. Rheinlandic delicacies aren't ones commonplace when Liberty and Kusari are the only Houses easily accessible without using a Jump Drive. A bite was taken from it, and after a couple seconds, another was taken. Leon expressed his delight with how tasty it is by pointing at the brownie and nodding.
"800 souls. My plan is to have about two to three hundred move onto the Shukensha-Class. With some of the equipment relocated from Starflier Base, I hope it will feel like they never left. When it comes to my station, installing a Rift-Leaping drive inside with a field big enough is unimaginable. We'll rely on medication from Cryer until it's too much for us."
A smile comes as the NX-01 is mentioned.
"Let me show you."
Leon pulls out his personal device and takes a moment to pull up the specifications of the Starfliers capital ship. Placing it on the table, the device was slid towards Maria, rotating as it travels, stopping in front of her with the screen facing the right way.
"The NX-01, our flagship. There's the full specifications. If you have any other questions, fire away."
Maria rubs her chin. We can install it, but we can't guarantee anything. HNP was not tested and/or approved for Liners, as far as I know. Plus, we'll need one of engines for test purposes. And, you know, I'm not gonna fly to Rheinland and ask a nice guy from Buro to give me one. She smiles and sips her beer while she glances through NX's specs. Back to our Bustard then. To be honest better is to bring to it our shipyard. We'll try to fit all that you need into your Liner. We have onboard facilities to train your crew. So they will be ready. She spins Shukensha hologram. We'll add reinforced bulkheads into basic frame. My idea was to place special bays that, indeed, will be conveniently located near jettisonable openings. I think that will be usefull. Just in case you'll find something nasty out there. As I've mentioned before I want to get you some medbots and other goods. Sadly, we can't add some engine tunes. Due to obvious reasons. What about reinforced hull panels. Hmmmm…i think i can get you something really good. She magnifies central part of the ship. Ship's mainframe will use fastest optronics straight from Kishiro combined with multiplexors from Samura, 3+ GEN, we're aiming for top performance. Normally I'd go for bio-neurals. But, they are not very good for deep space. I'd recommend to install our tuned long-range sensor suite. We also will install backup one from DSE. Pretty standard, simple and reliable. I guess, we'll make critical systems more accessible for repairs. Just in case we can fetch you nice cold sleep system, if you wish. She magnifies back of the ship. I'd go for Renzu stadard main reactor. There and there we'll two smaller ones. Plasma divertor goes there. Plasma conduits can be rearranged. She glances at engines themselves. Bring me them and probably we'll make them work. If not, well, we get you Ageira's Long Burn.