==================== Type: Systems / Commodity Bug: Planet Sprague not added to Trade Route Information table ====================
When I dock at Planet Sprague (bw01_01_base) in Omega-3 system, commodities this base imports are not updated with this base as sell point in the Trade Route Information table.
The commodities are hovever listed in the base info card when viewed from the nav map.
I noticed this originally with Niobium Ore (mined) on rather old (years) character with Planetform ID.
And then confirmed with MOX (bought) on freshly created BMM and Planetform characters.
P.S.: I selected "Systems / Commodity" as a type, because I'm not sure in which category it falls.
Haven't found the cause yet but I assume it has something to do with this being the actually recycled Planet Sprague station entry from the campaign. That would make sense not to have in the station list.
I just hope it's not a hardcoded hidden thing like Omicron Major and that green hive one.