Data Upload - File 04.24.829A.S. - Entry 31: Ontario/The Void Got lost for a while. Went north to investigate the storm that cropped up in Kepler, Kryn said she could boost our scanner over the dark matter. I didn't believe her; Turned out I was right.
Came back down through Colorado. Seems quiet. Weird, very.
Ontario for the quick run-thru. Seems abandoned. On a hunch, came within danger-cone of the population, uncloaked. Paid off.
The station seemed active, but didn't fire on us. Docking ports are live, but don't accept hails. Radar showed people aboard, but nowhere near documented.
Liberty must be collapsing, or something has their attention focused.
Course is set for Coronado. I hate the quiet, and arguing with Kryn over the last few months has soured the air.
Wonder if the gang is still around. Might check in.
Data Upload - File 10.13.833A.S. - Entry 32: Err: Location not found Connection re-established. Crew host offline. Neural net connection, good enough.
No idea what that was. Some pulse knocked us out entirely. Enyo doesn't seem to be active past combat suites. Thought she was the one hosting this whole thing, but I guess there are still parts of this computer I'm trying to understand.
Whatever that was, it took the whole ship offline. Only reason it came back on at all seems to be that rotary re-ignition wheel I had Jaime rig up in the reactor. Looks like I wasn't crazy after all. A shame the crew matrix is still offline, or I'd rub it in his face.
I'll need to have a look through some of Enyo's files, and see if there's any way to bring her back up. Upside of this whole integration thing is I can multitask pretty well.
Data Upload - File 10.16.833A.S. - Entry 33: Enyo/Source Brought Enyo back online last night. Still working on the crew, but with her up it shouldn't take nearly as long. They seem to be trickling in every now and then. No sign of Jaime yet, so still need to wait to rub it in his face.
Enyo took some scans, and despite all the fancy equipment we have, she still can't pinpoint where that pulse came from. There were jabs made at some things Kishiro was doing while we were offline, some crazy rumors about jellies that can summon black holes, and of course some pointed at Alaska. Too many potentials to just follow up on willy nilly, so we'll need to do a bit of digging to see what to follow on first.
Who knows? Maybe we'll get lucky, and Casper's ghost will drop the bombshell on us and save us the trouble.
I know ghosts don't exist, Enyo. Calm down and keep working.
Data Upload - File 10.18.833A.S. - Entry 33: Remnant/Alaska Enyo's finally back in full swing. Some gimmicks with her initialization coding or something. Her words, not mine.
Came back up in the middle of a chat with some former Sep, who was a bit offput by us being there. You'd think she'd seen dead people before.
Enyo sure had her fill of questions, though. Practically interrogated her about Alaska, the minefield, et cetera. Got a good feeling myself whatever caused that pulse is locked up in there. Navy always hides the neatest things.
Going to do some scans of the field, figure composition, maybe blast some normies for a laugh. Once we figure out a way inside without tripping their security, then maybe we'll find a way through to whatever's giving me this network headache.
Might even bring the Sep along. Good company, and fodder if we get found.
Data Upload - File 08.01.834A.S. - Entry 34: New Face Been sailing around looking for that Sep, trying to find 'em so I can ask some more questions. No luck yet, and to be honest they're probably dead, but we'll keeps looking.
For now, I've got another potential source: an Uggo.
Calls themselves an 'Uhmen', whatever that is. Maybe their marker's supposed to say 'Human' but someone flummished the letters.
Either way, they seem to hate me, or the ship. Probably not Enyo, which is useful. Not sure why, but the why isn't important.
The why of it, though, that's critical. So is the how, and the where. Probably aboard that uggo ship. Yikes. Just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.
They see us as a threat, probably because I know what's past that minefield, and probably so does that Rheinlander, though I didn't have to do much there. Guy seemed like he knew it all anyway, right down to the damn fishyard.
Anywho, I'm gonna try and have Enyo deal with them. The 'Uhmen'. Not the Rheinlander.
Might shoot that Rheinlander for being so nerdy. Maybe.