The Insurgency has somewhat reluctantly agreed to accept the offer of the Gallic Union for support on Planet Quillan. The stipulation of this is that all able bodied men, women and people beyond the binary will undergo mandatory deployment in the military structure of Gallia sooner or later. Gendarmerie convoys and transports have begun to offer transit to Planet Quillan, but many people from the Insurgency territories have decided to seek other means of transportation as well.
Source: Planet Veracruz
Commodity: Refugees
Destination: Planet Quillan, 6C/D Languedoc
Lasts until: Insurgency official loss or victory
Highest volume: 150,000,000, 50 Sci-Data
Second place: 100,000,000, 25 Sci-Data
Third Price: 100.000.000
Open to: All IDs
Post proof of Delivery and Time as a reply in this thread. The numbers will be counted and used for player roleplay in the long term. Convoy mini-events with bonus rewards might take place and will be announced here.
The demand for transports to Quillan from Veracruz has increased signifficantly as the terrors of the corrupt houses of Liberty and Bretonia are pushing more and more refugees to join our great incorruptible house. Our just and equitable rule of the military is the only way forward.
Be wary however - the corporate greed of Liberty will not allow them to let the Veracruz people join us peacefully - they need slaves in their factories and stand against our military and house gaining new citizens - you might be targeted for
your efforts:
I could not let it pass to help out those in need, with those in need I don't mean myself needing a profitable business venture.
Anyway, I'm drifting off the subject. I took it upon myself to move some of this cattle, Did I say cattle?? I mean people in need.
I must say it was quite the trip, I had an encounter with some strange fellas but besides that, it mostly went smoothly. It took a bit to get used to the fact that if they were running around in the cargo hold they were not trying to escape.
Not like that is something I normally have to worry about... But you know what I mean... I should really stop drinking while writing these messages. anyway, you can see the reports of my journey in the attachments. You probably might have even seen me on Veracruz!