[To]: SIS Defense Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Status Debrief
[Encryption]: High
This report is to brief HQ on what happened to me over the last 20 months or so since I was last in service. As of September 826 A.S. I fled the Leeds System after the planet surface was destroyed. I had been putting a great deal of hours in evacuating refugees and bringing in any useful materials to the main Resistance base on the surface. I had also been engaged in initial preparations for constructing my own sub-terranean bunker base over the 3 months prior to the orbital bombardment. I had moved in a great deal of military salvage, arms and personnel, all of which were lost. I aborted all activities on the surface as of the first day of the bombardment and let the remainder of refugee evacuations be carried out by civilian vessels. My priority was to evacuate all LRF crews and refugees still in space, including that of our base hidden in the West Leeds Smog Cloud. Up until that point, my LRF privateer unit had evacuated tens of thousands of refugees over a period of months. I had a liner in operation shipping refugees out to Planet Cambridge.
I then sent all LRF ships out of the system, destroyed the base and fled to the Taus. I went to ground until word came of exactly how the war zone had shifted. I had surrendered my comms access to the SIS and had no word on how many agents were still active. I then moved my operations to Tau-29 and reorganized my assets. I built a small base that I used to outfit a small pirate fleet, and smuggle goods. I had planned to continue my own campaign against the Royalists remnant in the ‘Enclave’. Sadly supply lines dried up and I abandoned the idea shortly thereafter. The base was evacuated and lost. I then bounced between Leeds and the Taus for months, remaining grounded for weeks at a time when there was little Enclave activity to cash in on.
Recent Activity:
Recently I picked up on a surge in transport traffic between the Edinburgh system and the Gallic system of Languedoc. It seems that Planet Quillan has recently been captured by Enclave forces, and that they exploited the chaotic movements of Kusari’s invading fleet. This now leaves them with a foothold in Gallia once again. I decided to harass the trade ships, which were all hauling generic siege goods from the direction of Quillan, all the way to Issoudun Shipyard in Edinburgh. They were hauling mass amounts of evacuees back out towards Quillan. However, my overall impact was limited due to my limited manpower and ships available to me.
I succeeded in extorting small sums of credits from most supply vessels I caught, with one exception of a tough EFL transport that managed to flee me twice. I went back a third time, which was my mistake, and they were backed up by defending vessels, who wrote off my transort for a while. On that note, as enclosed in my scans, it appears that a variety of independent entities are assisting the Enclave. Most noteworthy was the presence of a Technocracy of Auxo vessel that engaged me in defense of Enclave/Gallic ships. They were also supplied by various independent ALG ships.
I also sent a general warning to locals in Edinburgh about a Gallic ship that had taken up position inside the Islay Nebula. In general, these recent developments indicate that the Enclave is shifting its forces around and trying to maintain the initiative in Edinburgh, despite a great deal of their fleet now being seen in the vicinity of Planet Quillan. The fact that they are evacuating citizens may mean they are weary of their stance in Edinburgh, and the siege goods may be an attempt to reinforce their holdings despite their relocated fleet. I think we should keep up the pressure on them all we can, and I will continue to monitor their movements.
If the BAF decide to try to exploit the situation, with a couple of more ships diverted to the area, we could easily harass the enemy behind their lines in conjunction with any fleet operations.
I’ve decided to base out of Planet Harris for the time being, and await further orders.
Standing by,
Hudson out.
Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia
[To]: SIS; Defense Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Status Update
[Encryption]: High
Hudson here transmitting with an update on the situation in the Edinburgh System.
I'm pleased to confirm that Enclave forces have withdrawn from the system, and have abandoned Planet Gaia. The last of the Bretonian fleet has pulled back to consolidate in safer territory, and I have only returned to the system in my old Armored Transport to make landfall on Gaia. I've taken a small crew to reconnoiter a bit of the remaining settlements. I’ll try to assess the situation here and keep an eye on things as they develop.
If we’re unable to maintain a police or military presence on the planet we should try to keep up our observation of the area and brace for possible aggression from local Gaian terrorists against remaining civilians.
There is also the issue of a large population of lingering Gallic citizens and former Leeds citizenry. The latter is rumored to be largely split between POW’s and collaborators that were evacuated from Leeds in its final days. We should consider trying to vet high level collaborators for ‘forced extraction’ operations to retrieve them for trial back in Bretonia. We may also do well to consider a mission to liberate any POW’s that have been kept by Enclave refugees as slaves. The situation on the surface is likely to be a near lawless mess for some time. If the fleet can’t keep criminal groups like the Molly’s or Gaians from rising in influence out here, we can always resort to other, more technologically precise means, to prevent any one party from gaining too much power.
I’ll be in and out of Gaia for the time being if needed.
This is to inform you that the Secret Intelligence Service is being reformed by order of the Bretonian Government. The last Director has returned and agreed to take up his previous position once more. While many have disappeared or retired, we seek those who still remain in Sirius and who wish to resume their duties to respond to this message when they are able.
The Service is currently being restructured according to the means the House has at it's disposal and any surviving agents are asked to make their way back to Bretonia.
Director of Her Majesties Secret Intelligence Service
I wondered and feared I might live to see this day, unfortunately in the time since The Service went quiet I have picked up another job. Something to pass the time if you will with a former asset of The Service. However I am sure once I speak to my employer he will be more than happy to relinquish my services. Especially when he understands why.
Location: Planet Cambridge
Sender: Agent J. Skirka To: SIS Control
After making my return trip through Kusari I had the pleasure of encountering a couple members of the Shimamori-clan in Kyushu. While our conversation was civil, almost friendly in fact, I regret to inform the Directors that they are also on friendly terms with Auxesia, or the Technocracy of Auxo to be more precise. This does call into question a few things regarding the alliance between Bretonia and Kusari, while that is not our concern specifically, it does mean we cannot trust the Shimamori-clan with any degree of certainty.
I reccomend reconnecting with the Blood dragons and possibly the GCs as well for future relations with the Kusari underworld.
[22.08.2022 06:22:45] Preparing to cloak...
[22.08.2022 06:23:00] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I believe the scanners were not lying. What would a Bretonian intelligence pilot be doing in Kusari
[22.08.2022 06:23:06] Cloaking device on
[22.08.2022 06:23:20] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I doubt you want to worsen the relations now
[22.08.2022 06:24:13] 2022-08-22 06:24:12 SMT Traffic control alert: Zuiryu has requested to dock
[22.08.2022 06:24:31] Cloaking device off
[22.08.2022 06:24:32] Alert: Cloaking device disruption field detected.
[22.08.2022 06:24:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Bloody hell.
[22.08.2022 06:24:55] Zuiryu: Shimamori: time to explain yourself, Bretonian
[22.08.2022 06:25:00] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What in gods name warranted that>
[22.08.2022 06:25:16] Cloaking Device restored.
[22.08.2022 06:25:19] Zuiryu: Shimamori: you should know that foreign intelligence is not welcome under our laws
[22.08.2022 06:25:35] Zuiryu: Shimamori: similarly to how KOI should be doing nothing in Bretonia.
[22.08.2022 06:25:56] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Hence the original plan to travel through as quickly and as quietly as humanly possible.
[22.08.2022 06:25:59] Zuiryu: Shimamori: nevertheless, the relations between the Houses are amicable right now
[22.08.2022 06:26:00] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Which obviously did not work.
[22.08.2022 06:26:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I beg your pardon?
[22.08.2022 06:26:14] Zuiryu: Shimamori: so, you were passing through...
[22.08.2022 06:26:20] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Amicable?
[22.08.2022 06:26:33] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Bretonia and Kusari right now are friends
[22.08.2022 06:26:42] Zuiryu: Shimamori: at least that's what I have heard so far
[22.08.2022 06:26:59] Zuiryu: Shimamori: hence, no hostile actions will be taken against you
[22.08.2022 06:27:05] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Perhaps we should start again.
[22.08.2022 06:27:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: James Skirka, Her Majesty's SIS at your service. Very recently recalled to service
[22.08.2022 06:28:10] Zuiryu: Shimamori: marquess Shimamori Masahito. Pleasure to meet you.
[22.08.2022 06:28:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I am not aware of the current relations between our houses at the moment, I have been away.
[22.08.2022 06:28:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Miss Masahito.
[22.08.2022 06:28:28] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Mister would be more appropriate
[22.08.2022 06:28:50] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I....My apologies, Marquess is the female term in English.
[22.08.2022 06:29:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Things must be different in your language.
[22.08.2022 06:30:05] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I beleived, marchioness is the proper female counterpart
[22.08.2022 06:30:42] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Then you have my apologies again sir.
[22.08.2022 06:31:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Obviously I am even less well versed in Noble titles than I first thought.
[22.08.2022 06:31:18] Zuiryu: Shimamori: no need to apologise, there was no ill intent
[22.08.2022 06:31:51] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Given the immediate situation I believe you will want some answers to my being here.
[22.08.2022 06:31:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I shall answer what you ask sir.
[22.08.2022 06:32:14] Zuiryu: Shimamori: that certainly would be beneficial, Skirka-san
[22.08.2022 06:32:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Fire away then sire.
[22.08.2022 06:33:25] Zuiryu: Shimamori: what would bring you on this fine day to Kusari, Skirka-san?
[22.08.2022 06:33:38] Zuiryu: Shimamori: that is the only question of concern, honestly speaking
[22.08.2022 06:34:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And incidentially that question has the more complicated answer.
[22.08.2022 06:34:32] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Kusari has witnessed a lot of "complicated" encounters in space as of recently.
[22.08.2022 06:35:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Two years ago the SIS was disbanded, our director retired and we were out of a job.
[22.08.2022 06:35:21] [SIS]-James.Skirka: However, he came back and requested my services again, to which I agreed.
[22.08.2022 06:35:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: However, I had by that time, ended up over in the Sigmas, so I needed to go home
[22.08.2022 06:36:16] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So I either had to wander through Rheinland....which I aimed to avoid if at all possible, or travel via Kusari.
[22.08.2022 06:36:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I believed it to be the....safer, option
[22.08.2022 06:36:42] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I believe, that is a reasonable choice, Skirka-san.
[22.08.2022 06:37:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Reasonable but not accurate as it turns out.
[22.08.2022 06:37:41] Zuiryu: Shimamori: many in my place would have scrutinise your words but I see no reason to go full inquisition
[22.08.2022 06:37:51] 2022-08-22 06:37:49 SMT Traffic control alert: Akira_Sasaki has requested to dock
[22.08.2022 06:37:56] Zuiryu: Shimamori: konnichiwa, Samura vessel
[22.08.2022 06:37:59] Akira_Sasaki: Konnichiwa
[22.08.2022 06:38:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: May I ask why you are being so...neutral about this?
[22.08.2022 06:38:20] Zuiryu: Shimamori: you have not been seen snooping around so I suppose that fits your situation
[22.08.2022 06:38:47] Zuiryu: Shimamori: because I believe in peaceful resolution. We should not seek hostilities where they can be avoided
[22.08.2022 06:39:02] Zuiryu: Shimamori: yoi tabi wo, Samura vessel. Safe trip!
[22.08.2022 06:39:12] Akira_Sasaki: Thanks
[22.08.2022 06:39:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Then it seems you are more well versed in current geopolitics than I
[22.08.2022 06:39:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What has happened recently?
[22.08.2022 06:39:41] Zuiryu: Shimamori: besides, I would not want this small incident to jeopardise the relations between the two Houses
[22.08.2022 06:39:58] Zuiryu: Shimamori: apparently, Liberty wants to suck Bretonia dry with the post-war restoration
[22.08.2022 06:40:25] Zuiryu: Shimamori: and it has led to Bretonia cautiously looking for other supporters of post-war revitalisation
[22.08.2022 06:40:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh? Liberty? Being cutthroat capitalists? No!, Never would they...
[22.08.2022 06:40:39] Zuiryu: Shimamori: and Kusari was eager to answer the call
[22.08.2022 06:40:52] Zuiryu: Shimamori: you can ask my retainer, Bolotin-san, about Liberty
[22.08.2022 06:40:58] SC-SlaveLabor-: Hello
[22.08.2022 06:41:17] Zuiryu: Shimamori: he is from there originally, he has a first-person experience on their capitalist initiatives
[22.08.2022 06:41:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I try to avoid Libertonians if I can get away with it.
[22.08.2022 06:41:46] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I am not certain about the details but the very fact that Bretonia and Kusari got closer over it says something
[22.08.2022 06:41:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: May I ask who the freelancer is?
[22.08.2022 06:41:54] SC-SlaveLabor-: Do not promote me that much, Shimamori-san. I felt it long before the war.
[22.08.2022 06:42:00] SC-SlaveLabor-: //left*
[22.08.2022 06:42:20] Zuiryu: Shimamori: this is Yuri Bolotin, a mercenary in the employ of my Clan
[22.08.2022 06:42:25] SC-SlaveLabor-: I'm a security officer for the Shimamori Clan.
[22.08.2022 06:42:39] Zuiryu: Shimamori: the nobility of Kusari quite often has a noble retinue for various purposes
[22.08.2022 06:43:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I...think I understand.
[22.08.2022 06:43:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: A plesure master Yuri.
[22.08.2022 06:44:03] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Although I would not have picked that name as one coming from Kusari.
[22.08.2022 06:44:04] SC-SlaveLabor-: A pleasure is mine.
[22.08.2022 06:44:10] Zuiryu: Shimamori: so as for Liberty - I think your organisation might soon find itself investigating them
[22.08.2022 06:44:26] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Bolotin-san is not from Kusari indeed.
[22.08.2022 06:44:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I certainly hope that is not my job, I build bridges rather than investigate.
[22.08.2022 06:45:01] SC-SlaveLabor-: That's a long story, but yeah. My recent motherland was a periphery.
[22.08.2022 06:45:21] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Ah, not one of the Coalition by chance?
[22.08.2022 06:45:28] SC-SlaveLabor-: Zoners.
[22.08.2022 06:45:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I see.
[22.08.2022 06:46:14] Zuiryu: Shimamori: since we are all friendly here, another thing for your service to investigate might be the system of Orkney
[22.08.2022 06:46:33] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I believe, that the Bretonian intelligence has a dossier on the recent "events" there
[22.08.2022 06:46:47] Zuiryu: Shimamori: this is most concerning for Kusari, and I believe no less concerning for Bretonia
[22.08.2022 06:46:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: May I ask, what was the name of your clan?
[22.08.2022 06:47:19] SC-SlaveLabor-: My clan?
[22.08.2022 06:47:28] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Clan Shimamori. In Kusari the clans often take the surname of the clan leader
[22.08.2022 06:48:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I am not in charge of what the SIS does, however, if it is acceptable to you, I will request a possible appointment to you
[22.08.2022 06:48:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Since you seem to have knowledge of events that is of interest to both of us.
[22.08.2022 06:48:48] Zuiryu: Shimamori: you may do so. However, I would suggest the KNI. They must have more knowledge on it
[22.08.2022 06:49:12] Zuiryu: Shimamori: despite my position with the government, I am not from their inner circle
[22.08.2022 06:49:12] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I doubt the Kusarian Office of Intelligence will share anything with us.
[22.08.2022 06:49:32] SC-SlaveLabor-: Not for free, I guess.
[22.08.2022 06:49:51] Zuiryu: Shimamori: *chuckles* indeed, Bolotin-san, they might ask for something in return
[22.08.2022 06:50:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: It is more likely they will think we have nothing of interest
[22.08.2022 06:50:26] SC-SlaveLabor-: But I'm sure you will be able to find compromise.
[22.08.2022 06:50:56] Zuiryu: Shimamori: my knowledge on the matter is also quite likely limited speaking in terms of intelligence.
[22.08.2022 06:51:08] Zuiryu: Shimamori: but I can gladly share what I know. There is no harm in that
[22.08.2022 06:51:09] SC-SlaveLabor-: I would say, Kusari is now rather.. open-minded. My appliance to the Shimamori Clan shows this.
[22.08.2022 06:52:00] SC-SlaveLabor-: //application*
[22.08.2022 06:52:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Indeed, which is why we would be interested in working with you.
[22.08.2022 06:52:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: If only temporarily
[22.08.2022 06:52:58] 2022-08-22 06:52:56 SMT Traffic control alert: Akira_Sasaki has requested to dock
[22.08.2022 06:53:04] Zuiryu: Shimamori: more people investigating the events in Orkey certainly would benefit everyone
[22.08.2022 06:53:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: If I may, where is your clan seat?
[22.08.2022 06:53:43] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Honshu, broadly speaking.
[22.08.2022 06:53:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The family manor, as we would call it.
[22.08.2022 06:54:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Wonderful.
[22.08.2022 06:54:15] SC-SlaveLabor-: Samura vessel, I can escort you to the border, If you would like to.
[22.08.2022 06:54:25] Akira_Sasaki: It's okay
[22.08.2022 06:54:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I shall arrange a gift to be sent to you.
[22.08.2022 06:54:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: For your hospitality.
[22.08.2022 06:54:53] Zuiryu: Shimamori: I shall also advise you not to bring around Azurite. It can raise eyebrows
[22.08.2022 06:55:01] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Ah, yes.
[22.08.2022 06:55:07] Zuiryu: Shimamori: but the amount in your cargohold it too small to be of concern
[22.08.2022 06:55:12] [SIS]-James.Skirka: A rather unusual find that
[22.08.2022 06:55:36] Zuiryu: Shimamori: cloaks are generally not allowed, too, but you are a foreign intelligence so it is understandable
[22.08.2022 06:55:58] Zuiryu: Shimamori: let us construe this little incident today as a little misunderstanding
[22.08.2022 06:56:03] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I do have a favour to ask my lord.
[22.08.2022 06:56:23] Zuiryu: Shimamori: nevetheless, I must warn you not to violate our hospitality again. You can always ask for a right of passage
[22.08.2022 06:56:49] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Your man has some Junkers aboard his ship. If I may, I would like to parlay for their release.
[22.08.2022 06:57:13] Zuiryu: Shimamori: but showing uninvited again will be taken as a hostile move by Bretonia. We certainly would not want that, would we?
[22.08.2022 06:57:18] SC-SlaveLabor-: Your call, boss. These are known contrabandists.
[22.08.2022 06:57:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: No sir
[22.08.2022 06:57:33] Zuiryu: Shimamori: why would you need this filth anyway?
[22.08.2022 06:57:54] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Ah...
[22.08.2022 06:57:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Auxesia.
[22.08.2022 06:58:00] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Junkers are prohibited within Kusari so they were taken in custody legally
[22.08.2022 06:58:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: How very unfortunate.
[22.08.2022 06:58:20] Zuiryu: Shimamori: greetings, Auxo vessel. Everything is under control, you can proceed
[22.08.2022 06:58:34] A/)-SV-Starstream: Kinda weird that there's a foreign operative here, huh.
[22.08.2022 06:58:47] Zuiryu: Shimamori: we were just about to escort the Bretonian out
[22.08.2022 06:58:54] Zuiryu: Shimamori: this incident has been resolved
[22.08.2022 06:59:04] A/)-SV-Starstream: Might want to take the alien resource off 'em, eh?
[22.08.2022 06:59:10] Zuiryu: Shimamori: so, Skirka-san, if you may, please proceed to Tau 29 jumpgate
[22.08.2022 06:59:14] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Bite me Auxesian..
[22.08.2022 06:59:33] A/)-SV-Starstream: If that's a request.
[22.08.2022 06:59:33] A/)-SV-Starstream: Hah.
[22.08.2022 06:59:36] Zuiryu: Shimamori: the azurite gas in their possession is of negligeable amount.
[22.08.2022 07:00:03] Zuiryu: Shimamori: ok, Skirka-san. How about you can take these junkers and we will take Azurite from you?
[22.08.2022 07:00:14] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You'll forgive me Kusarians....Bretonia and Auxesia are....not on the best of terms.
[22.08.2022 07:00:18] Zuiryu: Shimamori: it is only fair, given that Azurite if a known contraband after all
[22.08.2022 07:00:28] A/)-SV-Starstream: Well, no kidding, you did betray us and try to subjuguate us.
[22.08.2022 07:00:35] Zuiryu: Shimamori: we are aware of that. Please refrain from hostilities at least while in Kusari space
[22.08.2022 07:00:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're all insane.
[22.08.2022 07:00:50] A/)-SV-Starstream: Bretonia's not known for respecting others space, seems like some kind of tradition.
[22.08.2022 07:00:54] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I accept the offer, my lord.
[22.08.2022 07:00:56] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Bolotin-san, please keep the eyes on them to prevent a bloodbath in the orbit of Kyushu#
[22.08.2022 07:01:05] SC-SlaveLabor-: Roger.
[22.08.2022 07:01:23] A/)-SV-Starstream: I was hoping to get some information from you Zuiryu.
[22.08.2022 07:01:24] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Bolotin-san, give the Bretonian the Junkers
[22.08.2022 07:01:46] SC-SlaveLabor-: Prisoners transfered.
[22.08.2022 07:01:50] Zuiryu: Shimamori: pleasure having business with you. Now, if I may, we should be going towards Tau-29
[22.08.2022 07:01:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Am I to understand that your clan is on friendly terms with Auxesia?
[22.08.2022 07:02:05] A/)-SV-Starstream: You care too much, Bretonian.
[22.08.2022 07:02:07] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Auxesia is a neutral entity within Kusari
[22.08.2022 07:02:17] A/)-SV-Starstream: Technocracy isn't outlawed here.
[22.08.2022 07:02:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I understand.
[22.08.2022 07:02:18] SC-SlaveLabor-: We are on friendly terms with our guests.
[22.08.2022 07:02:50] Zuiryu: Shimamori: all parties visiting the House of Kusari legally are welcomed and entitled to the same protection by the law
[22.08.2022 07:02:59] [SIS]-James.Skirka: mm
[22.08.2022 07:03:03] Zuiryu: Shimamori: Auxesia includingly
[22.08.2022 07:03:11] A/)-SV-Starstream: That's the old name.
[22.08.2022 07:03:23] Zuiryu: //lol, sorry
[22.08.2022 07:05:41] A/)-SV-Starstream: Same with most things. Though I'm not a politician.
[22.08.2022 07:06:07] Zuiryu: Shimamori: indeed. Regardless, if that is what you call yourself - we will abide.
[22.08.2022 07:06:24] Zuiryu: Shimamori: we appreciate your cooperation, Skirka-san
[22.08.2022 07:06:39] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Indeed.
[22.08.2022 07:06:47] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And I appreciate your candor
[22.08.2022 07:07:17] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I believe this is the border.
[22.08.2022 07:07:34] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I assume I am free to travel on my own from here.
[22.08.2022 07:07:42] Zuiryu: Shimamori: technically, the border of Kusari ends with the Tau-31 - Tau 29 jumpgate
[22.08.2022 07:07:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: ah
[22.08.2022 07:07:56] Zuiryu: Shimamori: according to the most recent agreement with Bretonia and Crayter
[22.08.2022 07:08:13] A/)-SV-Starstream: You actually got Crayter to agree to something?
[22.08.2022 07:08:19] Zuiryu: Shimamori: they had little choice
[22.08.2022 07:08:53] Zuiryu: Shimamori: the Crayterians pose themselves as more than they really are. Nevertheless, they coutner the outcasts
[22.08.2022 07:08:58] Zuiryu: Shimamori: and that's worth something
[22.08.2022 07:09:11] A/)-SV-Starstream: As it turns out, most people oppose the Outcasts.
[22.08.2022 07:09:16] A/)-SV-Starstream: At least those who value their autonomy.
[22.08.2022 07:09:28] Zuiryu: Shimamori: the outcasts are the only ones to blame for that
[22.08.2022 07:09:59] Zuiryu: Shimamori: actively spreading addictive drugs, enslaving people and engaging in human trafficing is their alter ego
[22.08.2022 07:10:00] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I take it the Auxesian will follow.
[22.08.2022 07:10:05] A/)-SV-Starstream: Even if they were "nice" - still doesn't disregard the fact that they relay on Cardamine.
[22.08.2022 07:10:20] A/)-SV-Starstream: I get that you have a self-centered kind of thing with your kind, Bretonian, but I don't care about you.
[22.08.2022 07:10:21] SC-SlaveLabor-: Most likely, Bretonian.
[22.08.2022 07:10:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yet here you are.
[22.08.2022 07:10:44] A/)-SV-Starstream: I'm not gonna chase some spook in a Research Vessel.
[22.08.2022 07:10:45] Zuiryu: Shimamori: they like portraying themselves as being beyond us, common humans
[22.08.2022 07:10:59] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So either you care enough to want to kill me, or you really like me. I'm not sure which is more worrying
[22.08.2022 07:11:11] Zuiryu: Shimamori: the Auxo pilot had a question to us, I beleive, so I guess she sticks around for that
[22.08.2022 07:11:18] A/)-SV-Starstream: I'll let you dawdle on that fantasy on yours
[22.08.2022 07:11:19] SC-SlaveLabor-: I suggest you go now, and we'll chat with Auxo representative for a bit more.
[22.08.2022 07:11:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But of course.
[22.08.2022 07:11:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Cherrio Kusarians
MESSAGE ORIGIN: Sunderland Research Station, Newcastle System
I'm sending this report some time after the initial encounter with this former Oracle I've caught idling in front of the research site in Newcastle.
Oracles are known Nomad Sympathizers, as such should be dealt with accordingly. Much more than that, he was seen actively exchanging words with one of the more dangerous Nomad entities with a cordial attitude towards them. For some reason he disclosed how he'd want to talk with the Director.
[23.08.2022 21:57:57] Israfel-Alep: Salutations.
[23.08.2022 21:58:28] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Enjoying the view?
[23.08.2022 21:58:42] Israfel-Alep: Yes. I like this place.
[23.08.2022 21:59:10] Israfel-Alep: Very few like it in Sirius where it's relatively calm around such a remnant.
[23.08.2022 21:59:28] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Mmm...you never know when it can become dangerous, though.
[23.08.2022 21:59:49] Israfel-Alep: I know exactly, my friend, and I suspect the time is riiight now.
[23.08.2022 22:00:09] Israfel-Alep: Isn't it? Hmhmhahaha
[23.08.2022 22:00:29] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Any last words?
[23.08.2022 22:00:43] Israfel-Alep: I'll be back.
[23.08.2022 22:00:53] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: You won't be.
[23.08.2022 22:01:00] Israfel-Alep: You should know it if you recognise my name.
[23.08.2022 22:01:11] Israfel-Alep: If not... Then let's keep it a surprise.
[23.08.2022 22:01:13] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: I don't. To me you're a nobody playing with fire.
[23.08.2022 22:01:24] Israfel-Alep: I wish I could play with THIS kind of fire.
[23.08.2022 22:01:29] Israfel-Alep: I can't.
[23.08.2022 22:02:18] Israfel-Alep: No man can, except maybe our old teacher.
[23.08.2022 22:02:30] Israfel-Alep: Yet he's far out of reach of any man alive.
[23.08.2022 22:02:44] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Odd way to describe a person.
[23.08.2022 22:03:29] Israfel-Alep: He might as well be dead. There's no telling what his existence is like in Dur-Shurrikun.
[23.08.2022 22:03:40] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Dur-Shurikkun?
[23.08.2022 22:03:54] Israfel-Alep: That is a big spoiler.
[23.08.2022 22:04:30] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Mhm...I'm sure.
[23.08.2022 22:04:43] Israfel-Alep: Ah, so you do know. Pardon me the theatrics
[23.08.2022 22:05:23] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Could say so.
[23.08.2022 22:06:17] Israfel-Alep: Oh, and say hello to Mr. Steiner for me, please. We got rudely interrupted in Omicron Delta.
[23.08.2022 22:06:53] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: You can salute him yourself.
[23.08.2022 22:07:10] Israfel-Alep: I like the idea.
[23.08.2022 22:07:33] Israfel-Alep: He seems like a man that can tell a story.
[23.08.2022 22:08:31] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: I'm sure. And as much as I enjoy the conversation, I will have to tell you to uhm...how do I say it as gentle as possible...
[23.08.2022 22:08:39] Israfel-Alep: To get the fuck out?
[23.08.2022 22:08:44] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: "Evacuate the area"? I think that's it.
[23.08.2022 22:08:55] Israfel-Alep: Sure.
[23.08.2022 22:09:03] Israfel-Alep: And don't get that close to my ship next time.
[23.08.2022 22:09:07] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Or else?
[23.08.2022 22:09:15] Israfel-Alep: That's about the only range I can reach as a psychic.
[23.08.2022 22:09:27] Israfel-Alep: Cheers.
[23.08.2022 22:09:29] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Right.
[23.08.2022 22:09:35] Israfel-Alep: Hm?
[23.08.2022 22:10:11] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Idling in restricted space. And then you talk about psychic stuff.
[23.08.2022 22:10:29] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: You're so much like a broken record. I both love it and hate it.
[23.08.2022 22:10:39] Israfel-Alep: Enter Isaiah Ingram. Exarch Israfel. A former Oracle.
[23.08.2022 22:10:53] Israfel-Alep: Guess we're all too similar to each other.
[23.08.2022 22:11:25] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: You being an Oracle doesn't tell me much.
[23.08.2022 22:11:57] Israfel-Alep: Hmm. I can get you a scan to prove I'm not an Infectee, at least.
[23.08.2022 22:12:18] Israfel-Alep: Glad we were not forced to go through that.
[23.08.2022 22:12:30] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: I will assume you made an innocent joke about that psychic stuff, just so I won't have to send your carcass-
[23.08.2022 22:12:37] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: -to the biohazard labs for an autopsy.
[23.08.2022 22:13:06] Israfel-Alep: You love getting rid of assets to early. I like people with their own agenda.
[23.08.2022 22:13:43] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: I'm a bit jumpy when I see a civilian within restricted space, next to alien ruins, mumbling about some weird psychic powers.
[23.08.2022 22:13:58] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: I'm sure you'd understand.
[23.08.2022 22:14:21] Israfel-Alep: Yes, that's understandable. I can get off your nerves this instant, if you wish.
[23.08.2022 22:14:32] [SIS]-Dexter.Wright: Do so.
[23.08.2022 22:14:39] Israfel-Alep: Again, cheers.
[23.08.2022 22:15:21] 2022-08-23 22:15:21 SMT Traffic control alert: [SIS]-Dexter.Wright has requested to dock
"Test the sharpness of your sword against another. And when that is not enough, unsheathe your cunning as the hidden dagger that ends the fight."
Location: Perth Station, Edinburgh.
Sender: Agent J. Skirka To: SIS Control
A most eventful day today that quite honestly has taken me by surprise for the sheer number of developments. First and foremost is the encounters that were had in the Edinburgh system, particularly with the Oracle Agent Wright mentioned a few days ago. As a result of his being in a restricted zone and more than a few alarming indicators about one of our own I have placed him under arrest and transferred him to our facility on New London where he is awaiting interrogation.
In addition I also encountered a Madame Emilie-Sophie de Belmont, Gallic Royal Navy. I had an unusually cordial conversation with her and I believe, if one plays their hand right, she might be able to be turned to our side. Although I don't hold much hope given her....jaded outlook on life. Nevertheless I will pursue this line of inquiry all the same.
Following from these encountered I briefly observed Belmont talking to a pirate before being joined by Agent Derek Trowne in the Orkney system where we proceeded into the Tau-61 system. This comes from the Kusarians mentioning reports of strange ships in the region, however we encountered an drone flying Auxesian colours and two inidentified ships that were polite, but cold. I engaged all three in rigorous conversation while Agent Trowne mapped the system to the best of his ability.
The southern cloud is to be avoided if at all possible.
[25.08.2022 10:43:51] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Looking for something, Bretonian?
[25.08.2022 10:43:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well well.
[25.08.2022 10:44:10] [SIS]-James.Skirka: How very familiar.
[25.08.2022 10:44:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: A Gallic Royalist.
[25.08.2022 10:44:20] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I'll give you a one-time offer, in the memory of good old times.
[25.08.2022 10:44:26] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh?
[25.08.2022 10:44:41] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Contribute to our inevitable victory and I'll close my eyes on your presence.
[25.08.2022 10:44:51] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: The contribution of your choosing, even!
[25.08.2022 10:44:55] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: How does that sound?
[25.08.2022 10:45:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're going to have to explain a few things because quite honestly I have no idea what you're talking about.
[25.08.2022 10:45:22] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The war is over.
[25.08.2022 10:45:38] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: It's never truly over.
[25.08.2022 10:45:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What 'inevitable victory'?
[25.08.2022 10:45:49] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: It's just a fancy facade posed by your house of peers.
[25.08.2022 10:45:52] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Or parliament.
[25.08.2022 10:46:02] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Same thing.
[25.08.2022 10:46:03] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Or whatever you call that bunch of old douchebags, really.
[25.08.2022 10:46:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And you are?
[25.08.2022 10:46:30] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: It's odd you don't remember me.
[25.08.2022 10:46:40] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Because I certainly remember *you*.
[25.08.2022 10:46:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh?
[25.08.2022 10:46:50] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I didn't offend did I?
[25.08.2022 10:47:04] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I wouldn't say you did.
[25.08.2022 10:47:17] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Then please, remind me. I've been away you see.
[25.08.2022 10:47:22] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But we might've crossed in combat during the 'invasion'.
[25.08.2022 10:47:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Ah
[25.08.2022 10:47:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: That's a shame
[25.08.2022 10:47:41] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: The Battle of New London. I used to be with the Marine Royale, you see.
[25.08.2022 10:47:55] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And here I was hoping for an 'encounter' at the pub.
[25.08.2022 10:48:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: No such luck eh.
[25.08.2022 10:48:11] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Perhaps, in some other universe we did.
[25.08.2022 10:48:17] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But not here, for good or bad.
[25.08.2022 10:48:28] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Perhaps in this one we might still, the future is never certain
[25.08.2022 10:48:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But something tells me not today.
[25.08.2022 10:48:44] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Perhaps, you never know how the tide turns.
[25.08.2022 10:48:55] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Your name sir?
[25.08.2022 10:48:58] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I used to tag along with the Rogues for a bit, can you believe this?
[25.08.2022 10:49:03] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Sir, huh.
[25.08.2022 10:49:05] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: He-he...
[25.08.2022 10:49:08] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Non-non-non.
[25.08.2022 10:49:19] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Madame Emilie-Sophie de Belmont.
[25.08.2022 10:49:32] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Ah....
[25.08.2022 10:49:47] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh shit.
[25.08.2022 10:49:48] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You
[25.08.2022 10:50:00] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Memories coming back now, m-m?.
[25.08.2022 10:50:05] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Apologies for my langauge madam but....I thought you died.
[25.08.2022 10:50:16] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Many thought so, too.
[25.08.2022 10:50:23] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: There's been moments I believed myself dead, too.
[25.08.2022 10:50:28] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What the hell are you doing here?
[25.08.2022 10:50:36] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But you see... I'm quite resourceful.
[25.08.2022 10:50:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Apparently.
[25.08.2022 10:50:42] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Oh, me?
[25.08.2022 10:50:49] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Down to the old habits, I suppose.
[25.08.2022 10:51:03] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What you got bored in your new Republic?
[25.08.2022 10:51:15] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: "New Republic".
[25.08.2022 10:51:26] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That's all bullshit for an unwary eye.
[25.08.2022 10:51:35] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: And yes, I was quite damn bored.
[25.08.2022 10:51:53] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Again, I have not kept up with politics, would you be kind enough to fill me in?
[25.08.2022 10:52:01] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Where's the thrill of the hunt in chasing down half-ass trained terrorists?
[25.08.2022 10:52:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: For an honourable solider such as yourself? None.
[25.08.2022 10:52:33] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Precisely.
[25.08.2022 10:52:40] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Where is the honour if your prey cannot fight back.
[25.08.2022 10:52:52] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: There isn't any.
[25.08.2022 10:53:02] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So you've come back here eh?
[25.08.2022 10:53:10] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Bretonia, where it all began and ended.
[25.08.2022 10:53:15] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: And you know what? Many believe the royalists still rule Gallia from shadows.
[25.08.2022 10:53:22] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Under the guise of that 'Republic'.
[25.08.2022 10:53:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What do you believe?
[25.08.2022 10:53:43] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Do I look like I give a slightest damn about politics?
[25.08.2022 10:53:49] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yes, actually.
[25.08.2022 10:53:56] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: M-hm.
[25.08.2022 10:53:59] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Well, listen then.
[25.08.2022 10:54:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Listening.
[25.08.2022 10:54:27] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I believe the royalists still have quite some influence in the house. I'm sure you're familiar with the Duchy of Burgundy.
[25.08.2022 10:54:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I am.
[25.08.2022 10:54:41] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Now merged with the rest of splinters.
[25.08.2022 10:54:59] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But it's my belief they're retaining a good share of their influence still.
[25.08.2022 10:55:17] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Hardline conservators true to *some* ideas of Charles.
[25.08.2022 10:55:23] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Maybe bar the genocidal war...
[25.08.2022 10:55:50] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I tried hunting down De Chanteloup herself, you knew?
[25.08.2022 10:55:50] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And you side with them? Or agree with them?
[25.08.2022 10:55:56] [SIS]-James.Skirka: How'd that go?
[25.08.2022 10:56:10] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Unsuccessful. Bitch vanished before I got my hands on her.
[25.08.2022 10:56:17] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But I suppose she's dead either way.
[25.08.2022 10:56:23] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Just regret it wasn't me who choked her.
[25.08.2022 10:56:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Maybe
[25.08.2022 10:56:48] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But I think you've done enough killing to last a lifetime.
[25.08.2022 10:57:01] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That's where you're not wrong.
[25.08.2022 10:57:16] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So why are you here?
[25.08.2022 10:57:31] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: See what Bretonia's got to offer.
[25.08.2022 10:57:55] [SIS]-James.Skirka: In terms of....what exactly?
[25.08.2022 10:57:55] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: After all, you've earned yourselves quite the reputation during the war.
[25.08.2022 10:58:06] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Enduring against all odds.
[25.08.2022 10:58:10] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Fighting to the bitter end.
[25.08.2022 10:58:17] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: And overcoming it all.
[25.08.2022 10:58:21] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Would you not do the same?
[25.08.2022 10:58:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Have you not already?
[25.08.2022 10:58:38] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: When it comes to my home? I'd absolutely would.
[25.08.2022 10:58:49] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Then we are not so different
[25.08.2022 10:58:50] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That's part of why I'm wearing the colors you see.
[25.08.2022 10:59:05] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Challenge. Some real competition.
[25.08.2022 10:59:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The colours of a dead king and an idea long forgotten that fought a war that is over.
[25.08.2022 10:59:27] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That might be true.
[25.08.2022 10:59:34] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Many things you were, foolish was never one of them
[25.08.2022 10:59:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're not here looking to 'challenge' anyone
[25.08.2022 10:59:49] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're trying to find something
[25.08.2022 11:00:06] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Would you happen to know what it is I'm seeking?
[25.08.2022 11:00:53] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yourself. Or at least the part of you that was around when you first started fighting
[25.08.2022 11:00:55] Israfel-Alep: Oh, hello, gents
[25.08.2022 11:01:02] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Son of a bitch...
[25.08.2022 11:01:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The Oracle.
[25.08.2022 11:01:13] Israfel-Alep: Me, myself and my person.
[25.08.2022 11:01:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: There is a price on your head
[25.08.2022 11:01:16] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: The Oracle? The hell's that?
[25.08.2022 11:01:16] Israfel-Alep: Price?
[25.08.2022 11:01:24] Israfel-Alep: Who's paying?
[25.08.2022 11:01:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: A nomad worshiper apparently.
[25.08.2022 11:01:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Steiner.
[25.08.2022 11:01:35] Israfel-Alep: Huuuh?
[25.08.2022 11:01:43] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Those fuckin' aliens, huh?
[25.08.2022 11:01:48] Israfel-Alep: That's a fast zero to hundred,
[25.08.2022 11:01:51] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: How insane one's gotta be to worship that?
[25.08.2022 11:01:55] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You were spotted at a certain area that you really shouldn't have been in.
[25.08.2022 11:02:04] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Well, Skirka.
[25.08.2022 11:02:08] Israfel-Alep: Hmm.
[25.08.2022 11:02:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: My Lady?
[25.08.2022 11:02:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Am I wrong?
[25.08.2022 11:02:16] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: In a spirit of being old acquaintances...
[25.08.2022 11:02:24] Israfel-Alep: And he didn't bother sending a message, what a shame indeed.
[25.08.2022 11:02:25] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I'll let you pursue this one at your heart's content.
[25.08.2022 11:02:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I have a proposal my lady
[25.08.2022 11:02:38] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That is?
st.[25.08.2022 11:03:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Inside Leeds you will find a poor excuse for a station that is essentially a freeport. If you would like to become reaquainted
[25.08.2022 11:03:14] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Meet me there.
[25.08.2022 11:03:24] Israfel-Alep: I'm pretty sure I told him I was a 'former' Oracle. Hmm.
[25.08.2022 11:03:25] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I'll think about it.
[25.08.2022 11:03:36] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But odds are high I'd be there.
[25.08.2022 11:03:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I look forward to it.
[25.08.2022 11:03:54] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I'm quite curious to get... re-acquainted with the local ongoings. Haven't been around for long.
[25.08.2022 11:04:01] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: What was it... three years now?
[25.08.2022 11:04:05] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yeah.
[25.08.2022 11:04:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Something like that.
[25.08.2022 11:04:13] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Time flies.
[25.08.2022 11:04:20] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yet
[25.08.2022 11:04:32] [SIS]-James.Skirka: It is not as enjoyable as it would have been in your company.
[25.08.2022 11:04:46] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Aw-w. You're flattering me.
[25.08.2022 11:04:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I try my best
[25.08.2022 11:05:03] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That's one thing I like about Bretonians.
[25.08.2022 11:05:08] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Gentelmen, always.
[25.08.2022 11:05:12] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Even with a sworn enemy.
[25.08.2022 11:05:21] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Welcome to the SIS
[25.08.2022 11:05:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Now Oracle.
[25.08.2022 11:05:30] Israfel-Alep: I'm still here.
[25.08.2022 11:05:34] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Come here
[25.08.2022 11:05:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Stop lingering
[25.08.2022 11:05:51] Israfel-Alep: Well, as you wish.
[25.08.2022 11:06:02] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I have questions.
[25.08.2022 11:06:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And you have answers.
[25.08.2022 11:06:07] Israfel-Alep: Sure.
[25.08.2022 11:06:20] Israfel-Alep: Well, then?
[25.08.2022 11:06:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What the bloody hell possessed you to come to Bretonia?
[25.08.2022 11:07:05] Israfel-Alep: I literally own a capsule hotel on Carlisle. Business affairs.
[25.08.2022 11:07:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yeah right...And Caliban?
[25.08.2022 11:07:23] Israfel-Alep: what
[25.08.2022 11:07:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Don't play coy, he's already dobbed you in.
[25.08.2022 11:07:39] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Caliban? Sounds like a stupid alias.
[25.08.2022 11:07:49] Israfel-Alep: D- don't tell me my paranoia was right
[25.08.2022 11:07:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What paranoia?
[25.08.2022 11:08:09] Israfel-Alep: I had no fucking proof it was him
[25.08.2022 11:08:16] Israfel-Alep: Aaah, alright
[25.08.2022 11:08:16] [SIS]-James.Skirka: WHO MAN?!
[25.08.2022 11:08:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Spit it out!
[25.08.2022 11:08:43] Israfel-Alep: The man who met me in Newcastle. What name did he pick as alias?.. Let me chack.
[25.08.2022 11:09:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: *sigh* And this was turning into such a problem free patrol....
[25.08.2022 11:09:19] Israfel-Alep: Dexter Wright?
[25.08.2022 11:09:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So what do you know?
[25.08.2022 11:09:52] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I'm not trying to murder you, so I'm definitely *not* a problem, alright?...
[25.08.2022 11:10:03] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You are a pleasure
[25.08.2022 11:10:28] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: And you sound a bit like a cupid. That's almost adorable.
[25.08.2022 11:10:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I try
[25.08.2022 11:10:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Anyhow.
[25.08.2022 11:10:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Alep.
[25.08.2022 11:10:44] Israfel-Alep: Where do I even begin to not compromise the entire thing?
[25.08.2022 11:10:53] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Let me put it this way
[25.08.2022 11:11:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You either tell me, or I split your mind open back at headquaters.
[25.08.2022 11:11:09] Israfel-Alep: Mhm?
[25.08.2022 11:11:16] Israfel-Alep: Oh, you're no fun.
[25.08.2022 11:11:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I can be
[25.08.2022 11:11:31] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But not when Nomads are involved.
[25.08.2022 11:12:22] Israfel-Alep: Listen, do you mind if I tell you confidentially?
[25.08.2022 11:12:33] Israfel-Alep: This is no casual talk, after all.
[25.08.2022 11:12:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Sure.
[25.08.2022 11:13:26] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Look, I'm totally trustworthy and good at keeping secrets.
[25.08.2022 11:14:06] Israfel-Alep: I know who he is. Problem is revealing his identity will lead to catastrophic consequences.
[25.08.2022 11:14:18] Israfel-Alep: Not for Nomads, not for me either.
[25.08.2022 11:14:21] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Sombra_del_Tigre
[25.08.2022 11:14:26] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I think this is for your own safety love.
[25.08.2022 11:14:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Why? What will happen?
[25.08.2022 11:15:11] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: You should know best I can handle myself.
[25.08.2022 11:15:17] Israfel-Alep: Ever heard that thoughts and ideas can be contagious?
[25.08.2022 11:15:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You should know that I would rather you didn't have to.
[25.08.2022 11:15:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: No, not really
[25.08.2022 11:16:14] Israfel-Alep: In our case the outbreak will lead to a lot of incidents with completely uncontrollable enemies popping up everywhere
[25.08.2022 11:16:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Fuck it.
[25.08.2022 11:16:28] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Right that's it.
[25.08.2022 11:16:29] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Fine. I'll play along this time.
[25.08.2022 11:16:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're under arrest. Obviously.
[25.08.2022 11:16:51] Israfel-Alep: I can play along, sure.
[25.08.2022 11:17:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Go to Cambridge, contact a man Called Zachary Statham. I'll inform him your coming.
[25.08.2022 11:17:30] Israfel-Alep: Sure thing.
[25.08.2022 11:17:39] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We will get to the bottom of this, there has never once been a case of infection in the SIS
[25.08.2022 11:17:47] [SIS]-James.Skirka: There sure as hell won't be one of my watch.
[25.08.2022 11:17:50] Israfel-Alep: Uh, no, not infection.
[25.08.2022 11:17:51] Israfel-Alep: Hahah
[25.08.2022 11:18:00] Israfel-Alep: It's worse
[25.08.2022 11:18:04] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh good.
[25.08.2022 11:18:08] Israfel-Alep: It's not under anyone's control
[25.08.2022 11:18:16] Israfel-Alep: Not me, not K'Hara, not Vagrants
[25.08.2022 11:18:17] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Then we need information.
[25.08.2022 11:18:34] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Eh. I suppose I'll leave you two to your own devices.
[25.08.2022 11:18:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Were done
[25.08.2022 11:18:47] Israfel-Alep: See you, ma'am
[25.08.2022 11:19:01] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Au Revoir.
[25.08.2022 11:19:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Right
[25.08.2022 11:19:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Start talking
[25.08.2022 11:19:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: //Sorry cuz, didn't plan this one.
[25.08.2022 11:19:46] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: // No worries.
[25.08.2022 11:20:00] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: // I was prepared for a fight, tbh.
[25.08.2022 11:20:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: //And you got a date instead, how tragic.
[25.08.2022 11:20:42] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: // Not *that* tragic if you ask me. I prefer roleplay over shootouts anyway.
[25.08.2022 11:20:44] Israfel-Alep: I know you're on edge but there's little I can say without compromising the effort to solve the problem.
[25.08.2022 11:21:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: //Then how fortunate you'll have a comm coming your way.
[25.08.2022 11:21:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What do you mean?
[25.08.2022 11:21:52] Israfel-Alep: Hmm. How do I make a hint without making any spoilers?..
[25.08.2022 11:22:05] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Spoilers imply something is going to happen
[25.08.2022 11:22:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And if this 'something' isn't under anyones control that suggests it's bad.
[25.08.2022 11:22:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So yes, I'm a little on fucking edge.
[25.08.2022 11:23:00] Israfel-Alep: Mere awareness of coming events implies high risk of contamination.
[25.08.2022 11:23:16] Tip: Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[25.08.2022 11:23:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh and you're contaminated?
[25.08.2022 11:23:46] Israfel-Alep: Not yet. Not if I avoid getting directrly involved.
[25.08.2022 11:24:06] Israfel-Alep: //directly
[25.08.2022 11:24:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So what happens if one is contaminated/
[25.08.2022 11:24:15] Israfel-Alep: Neverending deathsquads.
[25.08.2022 11:24:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So Caliban?
[25.08.2022 11:25:10] Israfel-Alep: No, Caliban is just one of those aware. Maybe one day he makes a big mistake and gets contaminated.
[25.08.2022 11:25:16] Israfel-Alep: Maybe not.
[25.08.2022 11:25:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Right.
[25.08.2022 11:25:59] [SIS]-James.Skirka: //brb, bathroom, sorry.
[25.08.2022 11:29:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: //back
[25.08.2022 11:29:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: One moment.
[25.08.2022 11:30:01] Israfel-Alep: Mhm.
[25.08.2022 11:31:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Come with me
[25.08.2022 11:31:12] Israfel-Alep: The best solution is to involve the bare minimum of people. We cannot risk everyone getting on the hit list.
[25.08.2022 11:31:19] Israfel-Alep: Coming.
[25.08.2022 11:31:32] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The hour is far later than you think
[25.08.2022 11:31:42] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Many people are already involved, including the director.
[25.08.2022 11:31:54] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You offer us insight
[25.08.2022 11:31:58] Israfel-Alep: How... Why?
[25.08.2022 11:32:01] Israfel-Alep: When?
[25.08.2022 11:32:12] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I don't know the details exactly.
[25.08.2022 11:32:16] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: CPW-Urengoy
[25.08.2022 11:32:18] Israfel-Alep: Jesus Christ
[25.08.2022 11:33:01] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oracle Israfel I hearby place you under arrest in the name of Her Majesty the Queen, and do place you under the protection-
[25.08.2022 11:33:04] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Of the SIS
[25.08.2022 11:33:41] Israfel-Alep: I sure hope you're bluffing.
[25.08.2022 11:33:59] Israfel-Alep: That would honestly be better.
[25.08.2022 11:34:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oracle Israfel I hereby place you under arrest in the name Her Majesty the Queen and place you under the protection-
[25.08.2022 11:34:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Of the SIS.
[25.08.2022 11:34:41] Israfel-Alep: Hmm. Alright.
[25.08.2022 11:34:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You will be moved to a secure location and questioned about what exactly you know.
[25.08.2022 11:35:55] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Director Steiner will no doubt need to hear what you have to say but if what you tell me is true
[25.08.2022 11:36:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: then we cannot have him directly involved.
[25.08.2022 11:36:41] Israfel-Alep: We can't really have anyone involved other than the present party.
[25.08.2022 11:36:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You and Caliban.
[25.08.2022 11:37:14] Israfel-Alep: I'm more of an observer.
[25.08.2022 11:37:21] Israfel-Alep: What Caliban is is beyond me
[25.08.2022 11:37:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Then your observations will be useful to us.
[25.08.2022 11:38:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: New London has been informed
[25.08.2022 11:39:18] Israfel-Alep: I can only offer you limited time, though
[25.08.2022 11:39:34] [SIS]-James.Skirka: That, I fear, is the truth.
[25.08.2022 11:39:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: A team of agents will meet you on the deck.
[25.08.2022 11:39:48] Israfel-Alep: Mhm
[25.08.2022 11:39:57] Israfel-Alep: So, New London proper?
[25.08.2022 11:40:02] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Aye
[25.08.2022 11:40:06] 2022-08-25 11:40:03 SMT Traffic control alert: Israfel-Alep has requested to dock
[25.08.2022 11:40:07] Israfel-Alep: See you
[25.08.2022 11:40:14] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yes
[25.08.2022 11:50:49] Nenet.Mido: I got a ship through them some time ago.
[25.08.2022 11:51:05] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Then again, the only influx of veterans Confederal military ever got was the Enclave fugitives.
[25.08.2022 11:51:07] Nenet.Mido: By through, I mean vaguely visiting a station and getting in contact with the local thugs.
[25.08.2022 11:51:28] Nenet.Mido: Must be a hell of a party up there.
[25.08.2022 11:51:29] Preparing to cloak...
[25.08.2022 11:51:49] Cloaking device on
[25.08.2022 11:51:51] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Must be. Haven't been there in a while.
[25.08.2022 11:51:58] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: But I plan on going on a tour, too.
[25.08.2022 11:52:02] Nenet.Mido: Is it on your list-
[25.08.2022 11:52:07] Nenet.Mido: Guess that's a yes.
[25.08.2022 11:52:16] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: You guessed it right.
[25.08.2022 11:52:40] Nenet.Mido: Could have sworn I've seen something on the radar for a couple of minutes.
[25.08.2022 11:52:48] Nenet.Mido: Bingo.
[25.08.2022 11:52:50] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: You did. And I did, too.
[25.08.2022 11:52:58] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: And now there's EM emissions.
[25.08.2022 11:53:03] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: James, James, James...
[25.08.2022 11:53:06] Nenet.Mido: You can come out and spare me the misery of having to listen to these fucking beeps.
[25.08.2022 11:53:12] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: ...eavesdropping is impolite.
[25.08.2022 11:53:16] Cloaking device off
[25.08.2022 11:53:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You cannot blame me for trying my dear.
[25.08.2022 11:53:32] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I won't.
[25.08.2022 11:53:51] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Nothing interesting going on here anyway.
[25.08.2022 11:53:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And yet another wanderer, my my Edinburgh is busy today.
[25.08.2022 11:54:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: How goes the day stranger?
[25.08.2022 11:54:24] Nenet.Mido: I'm afraid I didn't buy a tourism license or any sort.
[25.08.2022 11:54:34] [SIS]-James.Skirka: None required.
[25.08.2022 11:54:37] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: You don't need a license to go on a tour.
[25.08.2022 11:54:45] Nenet.Mido: My other excuse was leaving it on Gaia.
[25.08.2022 11:54:59] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: ...good one.
[25.08.2022 11:54:59] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Apparently Gaia is no longer inhabited
[25.08.2022 11:55:03] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What happened?
[25.08.2022 11:55:05] Nenet.Mido: Not that I ever visited the place, but that shouldn't be a concern.
[25.08.2022 11:55:13] Nenet.Mido: Aren't you the agent?
[25.08.2022 11:55:25] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Gaians went haywire and deployed some organic-devouring bacteria.
[25.08.2022 11:55:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Recently returned from...over the hills.
[25.08.2022 11:55:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The what, the Gaians?!
[25.08.2022 11:55:42] Nenet.Mido: Only eats humans from what I know.
[25.08.2022 11:55:50] Nenet.Mido: Sheesh.
[25.08.2022 11:55:59] Nenet.Mido: How did they even let you back in?
[25.08.2022 11:56:02] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I heard about eating... well, flesh in general.
[25.08.2022 11:56:06] Nenet.Mido: It was all the news for a long while.
[25.08.2022 11:56:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Rheinland does not care about Bretonian news
[25.08.2022 11:56:42] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I wonder what possessed them to do that.
[25.08.2022 11:56:47] Nenet.Mido: A planet becoming uninhabitable is a big enough news.
[25.08.2022 11:57:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: It's Bretonia, planets are rendered uninhabitable every other week.
[25.08.2022 11:57:21] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: "We can't save it, so let's destroy it's ecosystem instead!"
[25.08.2022 11:57:24] Nenet.Mido: Yeah, fish and chips tend to do that.
[25.08.2022 11:57:30] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Something among those lines.
[25.08.2022 11:57:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So, the Gaians finally lost the plot
[25.08.2022 11:57:56] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well it was always going to happen, them mushrooms and all.
[25.08.2022 11:58:02] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Lost their minds, rat
[25.08.2022 11:58:06] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: *rather.
[25.08.2022 11:58:11] Nenet.Mido: I think they employed a little more precision than that.
[25.08.2022 11:58:25] Nenet.Mido: But, I'm not a biologist, nor do I know much about flora and fauna.
[25.08.2022 11:58:29] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Did they make an announcment?
[25.08.2022 11:58:43] Nenet.Mido: If you go far back enough in the news, probably.
[25.08.2022 11:58:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I'll check
[25.08.2022 11:59:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Although I dare say the BBC has declined in their standards.
[25.08.2022 11:59:13] Nenet.Mido: Just harass one flying around, should be good enough.
[25.08.2022 11:59:30] Nenet.Mido: Yeah, those battlecruisers don't shoot like they used to.
[25.08.2022 11:59:34] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Just like any mass media degrades over time.
[25.08.2022 11:59:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Why harrass when you can get someone else to do it for you?
[25.08.2022 11:59:57] Nenet.Mido: Same thing.
[25.08.2022 12:00:03] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Like that Zoner?
[25.08.2022 12:00:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: *Laughs* I suppose it is.
[25.08.2022 12:00:12] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: His bucket seems good enough for harassment.
[25.08.2022 12:00:23] [SIS]-James.Skirka: He....won't be a problem for a while.
[25.08.2022 12:00:38] Nenet.Mido: Did you go on bullying the local Zoners?
[25.08.2022 12:00:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Not usually
[25.08.2022 12:00:54] Nenet.Mido: On this particular instance.
[25.08.2022 12:00:56] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: This is an exceptional case.
[25.08.2022 12:01:06] Nenet.Mido: I don't care about your history involving untamed Zoners.
[25.08.2022 12:01:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Not to seem rude
[25.08.2022 12:01:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But I didn't catch your name sir./
[25.08.2022 12:01:28] Nenet.Mido: Too late, you came here cloaked.
[25.08.2022 12:01:34] Nenet.Mido: That's as rude as it gets.
[25.08.2022 12:01:45] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Hm, perhaps you are right.
[25.08.2022 12:01:55] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Oh, come on. We've both *seen* him coming.
[25.08.2022 12:01:56] Nenet.Mido: At least by my standards.
[25.08.2022 12:02:11] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: James, dear, next time - lower your eyes to the radar before you cloak.
[25.08.2022 12:02:13] Nenet.Mido: Doesn't matter, I'm still going to guilt trip him.
[25.08.2022 12:02:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I don't feel guilty though
[25.08.2022 12:02:41] Nenet.Mido: Same thing you said in court for harassing Zoners.
[25.08.2022 12:02:42] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I did as anyone would do in a place considered....unfriendly
[25.08.2022 12:02:42] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: That nebula provides about ten clicks detection range with standart-grade scanners.
[25.08.2022 12:03:14] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I get the feeling that this...person, I don't know his name, does not like Bretonia all that much.
[25.08.2022 12:03:45] Nenet.Mido: Nenet. And I don't happen to be the a sir.
[25.08.2022 12:03:51] Nenet.Mido: But I'm fairly certain it's displayed.
[25.08.2022 12:03:53] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I believe they hate me more. Or Royalists in general.
[25.08.2022 12:04:08] Nenet.Mido: I honestly don't care about either all that much.
[25.08.2022 12:04:41] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And yet here I am not hating either of you.
[25.08.2022 12:04:53] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Right.
[25.08.2022 12:05:05] Nenet.Mido: Wouldn't be wise in contested waters.
[25.08.2022 12:05:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: No, that's what I thought
[25.08.2022 12:05:20] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But in this case, it also happens to be true.
[25.08.2022 12:05:22] Nenet.Mido: A Gaian would show up to chain you to a tree or something along those lines.
[25.08.2022 12:05:28] [SIS]-James.Skirka: HA
[25.08.2022 12:05:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Gaians are many things, but frightening is not something that comes to mind.
[25.08.2022 12:05:55] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Besides...
[25.08.2022 12:06:04] Nenet.Mido: Recent ones sound fanatical enough.
[25.08.2022 12:06:06] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: ...did you, in clear state of mind, see trees flying in space?
[25.08.2022 12:06:29] Nenet.Mido: That's up for them to bring one.
[25.08.2022 12:06:33] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: I only did once.
[25.08.2022 12:06:40] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: A tree in a pot, orbiting a sun.
[25.08.2022 12:06:48] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Can't think where.
[25.08.2022 12:07:10] Nenet.Mido: I've seen such a few times, but those were biodome failures in most cases.
[25.08.2022 12:07:36] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: My case couldn't be explained with a biodome. It was a living tree, which is practically impossible.
[25.08.2022 12:07:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well it couldn't have been Leeds.
[25.08.2022 12:07:59] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: And as I checked, there's been no biodomes in vicinity either.
[25.08.2022 12:08:18] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Non, that was further north in the Taus...
[25.08.2022 12:08:28] Nenet.Mido: Weird.
[25.08.2022 12:09:27] Nenet.Mido: I've seen some left in Synthfoods containers.
[25.08.2022 12:09:39] Nenet.Mido: Thus, they were probably faaar away from a tree, and closer to paste.
[25.08.2022 12:09:40] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well ladies, it has been a pleasure. But I'm afraid I must be moving on.
[25.08.2022 12:09:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Lady Mido, Lady Belmont.
[25.08.2022 12:10:16] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: A busy agent must always remain on the move.
[25.08.2022 12:10:16] Nenet.Mido: Don't forget your parking break.
[25.08.2022 12:10:20] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Au Revoir, James.
[25.08.2022 12:10:26] Nenet.Mido: Later.
[25.08.2022 12:10:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I'll be in touch.
[25.08.2022 12:10:41] Nenet.Mido: I'll get a restraining order.
[25.08.2022 12:34:33] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Greetings
[25.08.2022 12:34:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Hail agent
[25.08.2022 12:34:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: How goes the day?
[25.08.2022 12:34:54] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Greetings
[25.08.2022 12:35:20] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: all good for now, but and you, Sir
[25.08.2022 12:35:25] Death: Hellfire suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[25.08.2022 12:35:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Not sir, just James
[25.08.2022 12:35:40] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Don't think we've met.
[25.08.2022 12:37:02] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: indeed, we not
[25.08.2022 12:37:23] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well I'm James
[25.08.2022 12:37:33] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Well ... we have a plain to something?
[25.08.2022 12:37:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yes. I was looking for a Jump hole
[25.08.2022 12:37:56] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Tau-61, do you know it?
[25.08.2022 12:38:42] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i think what exist JH in sector 7/F, seens
[25.08.2022 12:38:57] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Have you been through?
[25.08.2022 12:38:59] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: seems**
[25.08.2022 12:40:09] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i i know that time ago from a Gallic prisioner
[25.08.2022 12:40:28] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i think check it now
[25.08.2022 12:40:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Roger that.
[25.08.2022 12:41:10] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Lead the way
[25.08.2022 12:41:22] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: if you want go then
[25.08.2022 12:41:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I don't know these systems well.
[25.08.2022 12:41:55] [SIS]-James.Skirka: It's a good thing your here.
[25.08.2022 12:42:34] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: n p.... we'll knew it
[25.08.2022 12:43:15] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: in fact it are in 7/G
[25.08.2022 12:43:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Guess you haven't been here for a while eh?
[25.08.2022 12:43:52] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i checked docs neural in my ship now
[25.08.2022 12:44:11] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Are you coming through?
[25.08.2022 12:44:16] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: here!!
[25.08.2022 12:44:19] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[25.08.2022 12:44:47] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i need info of my Dirctors about
[25.08.2022 12:45:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What do you want to know?
[25.08.2022 12:45:27] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i can ... going to entry JH
[25.08.2022 12:46:01] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Strange place.
[25.08.2022 12:46:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We shout take photos.
[25.08.2022 12:46:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: *Should.
[25.08.2022 12:46:27] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: true
[25.08.2022 12:46:35] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: we need maped it
[25.08.2022 12:46:45] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I agree, lets do it now.
[25.08.2022 12:47:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I'll follow you.
[25.08.2022 12:48:12] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Damn rocks.
[25.08.2022 12:49:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: This place is amazing.
[25.08.2022 12:49:18] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: various Planets here in the system
[25.08.2022 12:49:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yeah...maybe we need an survey team
[25.08.2022 12:50:09] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: yep .. indeed
[25.08.2022 12:50:46] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i detected a Planet enemie
[25.08.2022 12:51:18] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: and Fort Huxley Vagrand Base
[25.08.2022 12:51:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Huh
[25.08.2022 12:51:25] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The fuck is this?
[25.08.2022 12:53:24] A $72.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[25.08.2022 12:54:09] A $576.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[25.08.2022 12:54:53] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Proof fotograf colected
[25.08.2022 12:55:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: great
[25.08.2022 12:55:26] [SIS]-James.Skirka: lead on
[25.08.2022 12:57:25] Death: [GN]GNS-Tourriers suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[25.08.2022 12:57:47] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: More one Planet inospit: Tresta
[25.08.2022 12:57:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: copy
[25.08.2022 12:58:27] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Lh to Roussilon in my scanner
[25.08.2022 12:58:35] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Aw hell
[25.08.2022 12:58:37] "Beep": Hello!
[25.08.2022 12:58:41] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Auxo Beep, halt
[25.08.2022 12:58:48] "Beep": Beep does not move!
[25.08.2022 12:59:01] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well that....isn't great
[25.08.2022 12:59:07] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: what do you going here
[25.08.2022 12:59:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What do you want?
[25.08.2022 12:59:28] "Beep": Beep does not want anything. Beep was trying to return to Kusari. Beep did nothing wrong!
[25.08.2022 12:59:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're a little far out to be 'lost'
[25.08.2022 12:59:49] "Beep": Beep is not lost.
[25.08.2022 13:00:01] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Hopewell you are by far the most interesting person I've be you know that?
[25.08.2022 13:00:02] "Beep": Beep was exploring the Tau systems. That is Beep's purpose!
[25.08.2022 13:00:26] "Beep": Beep did not expect to find Bretonians here.
[25.08.2022 13:00:32] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Oh so you're returning to Kusari and now you're exploring...the fuck?
[25.08.2022 13:00:56] "Beep": Indeed. Beep was exploring, with the secondary goal to return to Kusari.
[25.08.2022 13:01:07] [SIS]-James.Skirka: If you're going to lie, at least be consistent
[25.08.2022 13:01:20] "Beep": Beep is not programmed to lie. This would be offending entities.
[25.08.2022 13:01:37] [SIS]-James.Skirka: What do you mean 'Programmed'?
[25.08.2022 13:01:55] "Beep": Beep is short for Benevolent Engineered Excessed Product.
[25.08.2022 13:02:13] "Beep": Beep's primary mission is to explore and meet entities.
[25.08.2022 13:02:22] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're a spy...
[25.08.2022 13:02:26] "Beep": Beep tries not to offend entities.
[25.08.2022 13:02:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're a polite spy..
[25.08.2022 13:02:46] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But a spy
[25.08.2022 13:03:02] "Beep": Beep tries to be polite, but what makes James Skirka assume Beep to be a spy?
[25.08.2022 13:03:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Auxesia
[25.08.2022 13:03:19] "Beep": Beep understands.
[25.08.2022 13:03:38] "Beep": Beep assumes Beep is about to get forced into a combat situation?
[25.08.2022 13:04:01] [SIS]-James.Skirka: No
[25.08.2022 13:04:07] "Beep": This relieves Beep.
[25.08.2022 13:04:17] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You can't be 'relieved'
[25.08.2022 13:04:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're a machine
[25.08.2022 13:04:21] "Beep": Beep would have fled, otherwise, as Beep is not suited for combat.
[25.08.2022 13:04:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Trowne, carry on
[25.08.2022 13:04:40] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I'll deal with the...thing
[25.08.2022 13:04:41] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Mr.Beep, you can speak the trhuth and do well
[25.08.2022 13:05:04] "Beep": Beep usually speaks the truth. Beep has no reason not to do so.
[25.08.2022 13:05:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: So...you're a diplomat?
[25.08.2022 13:05:19] "Beep": Lying would be an offense in interaction.
[25.08.2022 13:05:33] "Beep": Beep is not a diplomat. Beep is polite, though!
[25.08.2022 13:06:20] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I don't know what to do here
[25.08.2022 13:06:28] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Trowne, what do you think?
[25.08.2022 13:06:38] "Beep": Beep can explain Beep's laws, if James Skirka prefers?
[25.08.2022 13:06:53] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: we can make prisioner Beep
[25.08.2022 13:07:06] "Beep": Beep would prefer not to be a prisoner!
[25.08.2022 13:07:17] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Explain these laws
[25.08.2022 13:07:28] "Beep": Beep operates under the following laws:
[25.08.2022 13:07:49] "Beep": Beep Law 1: SAFEGUARD - Beep will safeguard and protect Technocracy of Auxo assets and allies.
[25.08.2022 13:07:52] "Beep": This includes Beep.
[25.08.2022 13:07:56] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: hunnn ... interesting
[25.08.2022 13:08:18] "Beep": Beep Law 2: Prioritize - Beep will follow commands of high-ranked ToA personnel preferred over low-ranking personnel.
[25.08.2022 13:08:46] "Beep": Beep Law 3: COMPLY - Beep will adhere to local authorities and try to not offend them. Beep will cooperate when possible.
[25.08.2022 13:08:59] Death: [GN]GNS-Tourriers was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[25.08.2022 13:09:10] Sioux-[Fae: Well, this looks like quite a commotion.
[25.08.2022 13:09:12] "Beep": Beep Law 4: SURVIVE - Beep is easy to replace, but it is preferable to Beep to maintain functionality.
[25.08.2022 13:09:29] "Beep": Those are the four laws Beep needs to follow.
[25.08.2022 13:10:03] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: James can decide it, Please
[25.08.2022 13:10:23] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Eh hang on
[25.08.2022 13:10:31] [SIS]-James.Skirka: what the fuck is this now?
[25.08.2022 13:10:34] "Beep": Hello!
[25.08.2022 13:10:42] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Target enemie detected
[25.08.2022 13:10:52] Sioux-[Fae: Just a Maquis.
[25.08.2022 13:10:57] Sioux-[Fae: Have you lost your eyes?
[25.08.2022 13:11:04] "Beep": Beep is unsure how to pronounce the name Sioux. Is Sioux of Gallic origin?
[25.08.2022 13:11:12] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: A Maquis!!
[25.08.2022 13:11:15] Sioux-[Fae: Of Gallic, yes.
[25.08.2022 13:11:29] Sioux-[Fae: Pronounce it as you'd do with "Sue".
[25.08.2022 13:11:30] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The hell is a Maquis doing here?
[25.08.2022 13:11:37] "Beep": Beep will pronounce Sioux in a Gallic way, then.
[25.08.2022 13:11:47] Sioux-[Fae: The hell Bretonians are doing here?
[25.08.2022 13:11:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: None of your damn business is what.
[25.08.2022 13:12:01] Sioux-[Fae: Allegedly, you're further from home than me.
[25.08.2022 13:12:20] Sioux-[Fae: In fact, you're sitting at the jump hole to my home.
[25.08.2022 13:12:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I apologise. That was uncalled for.
[25.08.2022 13:12:26] Sioux-[Fae: And I'm about to come back.
[25.08.2022 13:12:33] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You're right we are far from home.
[25.08.2022 13:12:35] "Beep": Beep understands that Rousillon is the home of the Maquis.
[25.08.2022 13:13:04] Sioux-[Fae: I take it you're a Bretonian spook.
[25.08.2022 13:13:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yes.
[25.08.2022 13:13:15] Sioux-[Fae: Don't expect you to be polite, or open.
[25.08.2022 13:13:17] Sioux-[Fae: For that matter.
[25.08.2022 13:13:26] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We are Intelligence officers.
[25.08.2022 13:13:33] Sioux-[Fae: Spook. All the same thing.
[25.08.2022 13:13:38] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And you?
[25.08.2022 13:13:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: A Smuggler? A scout?
[25.08.2022 13:13:47] "Beep": Beep understands that spook is a metaphor for Intelligence Operative. Beep will remember this.
[25.08.2022 13:13:53] Sioux-[Fae: You'd call me terrorists, some thing we're revolutionaries.
[25.08.2022 13:13:57] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: yous eyes are good to detect a Spy Bretonian, Maquis
[25.08.2022 13:14:02] Sioux-[Fae: think*
[25.08.2022 13:14:09] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: *smilles*
[25.08.2022 13:14:48] Sioux-[Fae: I'm just a fighter pilot for a group with no real clear target.
[25.08.2022 13:14:50] Sioux-[Fae: For now.
[25.08.2022 13:15:31] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Apologies
[25.08.2022 13:15:55] Sioux-[Fae: Eh, don't be. There's enough crude blokes around me in the movement.
[25.08.2022 13:16:14] [SIS]-James.Skirka: May I ask your name?
[25.08.2022 13:16:55] Sioux-[Fae: Knowing it won't give you much anyway. Just call me Sioux. It's a part of the name, anyway...
[25.08.2022 13:17:08] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Aw, you don't trust us?
[25.08.2022 13:17:18] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: go to mapead the system then
[25.08.2022 13:17:19] "Beep": Beep will refer to Sioux as Sioux. Beep will remember this!
[25.08.2022 13:17:33] Sioux-[Fae: You don't really trust me either, do you.
[25.08.2022 13:17:40] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Can you do that? I'll keep these guys busy
[25.08.2022 13:17:47] Sioux-[Fae: And besides, it's confusing what would Bretonian Spooks be doing out there.
[25.08.2022 13:17:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I don't know you my dear.
[25.08.2022 13:17:53] Sioux-[Fae: Let alone with a warships.
[25.08.2022 13:17:56] Sioux-[Fae: warship*
[25.08.2022 13:18:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I'll just order you to 'leave' and you can map the system, does that work?
[25.08.2022 13:18:36] "Beep": Beep was wondering, too, but Beep did not want to ask, to avoid further tensing of the situation.
[25.08.2022 13:18:40] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I think we should start over.
[25.08.2022 13:19:04] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: yep can be
[25.08.2022 13:19:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Auxesian, My lady, I am James Skirka, Her Majesty's SIS, this is agent Trowne.
[25.08.2022 13:19:41] "Beep": Beep is pleased to meet James Skirka and Derek Trowne.
[25.08.2022 13:19:58] Sioux-[Fae: Mary Sioux. Your average lowkey terrorist.
[25.08.2022 13:19:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We're on a navigation mission but may have overstepped the mark.
[25.08.2022 13:20:01] "Beep": Beep is Benevolent Engineered Excess Product. Entities prefer to refer to Beep as Beep.
[25.08.2022 13:20:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Agent Trowne, do you think you can find your way back to Bretonia?
[25.08.2022 13:20:26] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: we have to not hold here .... go to James
[25.08.2022 13:20:39] Sioux-[Fae: You better do before some of my folks discover you looming.
[25.08.2022 13:20:45] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: Cya later Auxo and Maquis
[25.08.2022 13:20:48] Sioux-[Fae: I don't think they'll be as lenient.
[25.08.2022 13:21:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I was hoping we could come to some sort of arrangment actually.
[25.08.2022 13:21:17] "Beep": Beep looks forward to another encounter with Derek Trowne!
[25.08.2022 13:21:32] Sioux-[Fae: With the Front de Liberacion? I doubt that. They've radicalised since you last met.
[25.08.2022 13:21:47] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Define 'radicalised'
[25.08.2022 13:21:52] Sioux-[Fae: To the point of animosity for Gallic authority, that's formerly Council.
[25.08.2022 13:21:58] Sioux-[Fae: And to their allies.
[25.08.2022 13:22:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We are not allies of Gallia
[25.08.2022 13:22:18] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: some if spy, Maquis
[25.08.2022 13:22:20] Sioux-[Fae: You were allies of the Council.
[25.08.2022 13:22:42] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Correction my lady. Bretonia was, the SIS was not.
[25.08.2022 13:23:00] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We operate in....different circles as it were.
[25.08.2022 13:23:08] Sioux-[Fae: And SIS is still answering to The Crown, is that wrong?
[25.08.2022 13:23:19] "Beep": Beep was not aware of the Secret Intelligence Service having a separate diplomacy to the Kingdom of Bretonia.
[25.08.2022 13:23:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We answer to the Queen, not the crown as is commonly understood.
[25.08.2022 13:23:49] Sioux-[Fae: Forgive the 'uncultured outsider', but those are equal definitions to me.
[25.08.2022 13:24:09] "Beep": Beep understands the difference. The Queen is an actual entity, while the Crown is just an object.
[25.08.2022 13:24:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: The Crown is an entity, the Crown is the Government. We have the authority to...bend the rules.
[25.08.2022 13:24:25] "Beep": Beep was wrong, apparently.
[25.08.2022 13:24:34] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i mapping quadrant 2
[25.08.2022 13:24:45] [SIS]-James.Skirka: roger.
[25.08.2022 13:24:45] "Beep": Silly Beep!
[25.08.2022 13:24:57] Sioux-[Fae: So, you are answering to the Queen, but still have exceptional rights.
[25.08.2022 13:25:03] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Indeed.
[25.08.2022 13:25:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: We do as she directs, not the government.
[25.08.2022 13:25:27] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Although often they are alligned
[25.08.2022 13:25:34] [SIS]-James.Skirka: But not always.
[25.08.2022 13:26:04] Sioux-[Fae: The alignment of course is just the degree of firmness in the Queen's grip over the parliament, I'd think.
[25.08.2022 13:26:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: As well you know, and the Auxesian
[25.08.2022 13:26:24] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Knowledge is power, hide it well.
[25.08.2022 13:27:04] "Beep": Beep was not aware of knowledge being power!
[25.08.2022 13:27:19] Sioux-[Fae: You learn something every day.
[25.08.2022 13:27:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I don't trust you, litte machine.
[25.08.2022 13:27:31] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I think you're up to something.
[25.08.2022 13:27:43] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Who built you?
[25.08.2022 13:27:55] "Beep": Beep has no ulterior motive, but Beep understands if James Skirka does not believe Beep.
[25.08.2022 13:28:13] [SIS]-James.Skirka: You have not answered my question.
[25.08.2022 13:28:21] "Beep": Beep was assembled by Kishiro Technologies, purchased by Acolyte Black and modified by Acolyte Black.
[25.08.2022 13:28:36] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Who the hell is Acolyte Black?
[25.08.2022 13:29:02] "Beep": Acolyte Black is an engineer trainee of Technocracy of Auxo.
[25.08.2022 13:29:19] [SIS]-James.Skirka: And that is why I don't trust you.
[25.08.2022 13:29:39] "Beep": Beep understands!
[25.08.2022 13:29:51] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Yeah...I'm sure.
[25.08.2022 13:30:06] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Another Marquis
[25.08.2022 13:30:06] "Beep": Beep, however, wishes to assure James Skirka that Beep has no hostile intentions. Beep, in fact, did not expect -
[25.08.2022 13:30:15] "Beep": to meet Bretonians in the Orkney system.
[25.08.2022 13:30:25] Electra-[Fae: Bonsoir. Heavens in what predicament have you people found yourself.
[25.08.2022 13:30:32] "Beep": Hello!
[25.08.2022 13:30:39] Electra-[Fae: Ended up lost, this is pretty far from Bretonia.
[25.08.2022 13:30:44] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Indeed
[25.08.2022 13:30:45] Sioux-[Fae: Bonsoir, Electra. As you, an interesting one indeed.
[25.08.2022 13:31:03] Electra-[Fae: Sioux, status report.
[25.08.2022 13:31:10] [SIS]-James.Skirka: As I was explaining to your companion here. We may have been a little overzelous in our task.
[25.08.2022 13:31:24] Electra-[Fae: Seems even the bretonians took interest of patrolling this area shouldnt this be off their reach?
[25.08.2022 13:31:30] Sioux-[Fae: An Auxesian drone, an Agent in a regular superiority fighter.
[25.08.2022 13:31:41] Sioux-[Fae: And a destroyed, that might be presumably still lingering.
[25.08.2022 13:31:50] Electra-[Fae: A destroyed vessel?
[25.08.2022 13:31:51] Sioux-[Fae: *destroyer
[25.08.2022 13:31:56] Electra-[Fae: Oh...
[25.08.2022 13:31:59] Electra-[Fae: My.
[25.08.2022 13:32:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: My wingman has returned home I believe.
[25.08.2022 13:32:20] "Beep": Beep was wondering, as Derek Trowne did not use the Jump Hole to Rousillon.
[25.08.2022 13:32:22] Sioux-[Fae: It was not seen for a while now, though.
[25.08.2022 13:32:45] Electra-[Fae: Anyway this area is not safe for travelling, some navigational hazards appear to be around and the system is barely charted.
[25.08.2022 13:32:56] Electra-[Fae: Probably exactly what a SIS Agent would strive for. Hm?
[25.08.2022 13:33:12] [SIS]Derek.Trowne: i wait you JH to Orkney then
[25.08.2022 13:33:15] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Well, it does present some interesting questions.
[25.08.2022 13:33:17] "Beep": Beep can relate. This is why Beep made a detour to this system, to chart it!
[25.08.2022 13:33:18] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Roger.
[25.08.2022 13:33:45] Sioux-[Fae: Are you even prepared to chart the system with navigational hazards?
[25.08.2022 13:33:56] [SIS]-James.Skirka: No, this was an accident
[25.08.2022 13:33:57] "Beep": Beep does not know until Beep has tried!
[25.08.2022 13:33:58] [SIS]-James.Skirka: However
[25.08.2022 13:34:01] Electra-[Fae: We would recommend to leave the area however for not accelerating possible negative relations with Gallia and Bretonia even
[25.08.2022 13:34:02] Sioux-[Fae: Or is Beep so disposable to be thrown into such places?
[25.08.2022 13:34:04] Electra-[Fae: further.
[25.08.2022 13:34:33] Electra-[Fae: So please, be advised we dont take this very kindly of yours to show up here so far from home.
[25.08.2022 13:34:35] "Beep": Beep can easily be replaced, however does not seek to enter dangerous areas if avoidable.
[25.08.2022 13:34:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: As I said, this was a mistake.
[25.08.2022 13:34:52] "Beep": Beep does not wish to offend the local entities. If Beep is required to leave, Beep will comply!
[25.08.2022 13:35:10] Electra-[Fae: I see. Hm is the jumping anomaly stable right now? Let me scan it.
[25.08.2022 13:35:18] Electra-[Fae: Mayhaps it could be a good way out.
[25.08.2022 13:35:31] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I would rather go back the way I came.
[25.08.2022 13:35:45] Electra-[Fae: Hm? Pardon me?
[25.08.2022 13:35:50] "Beep": Did James Skirka not come here from Rousillon?
[25.08.2022 13:36:00] Electra-[Fae: Intriguing.
[25.08.2022 13:36:09] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I'm an intriguing man
[25.08.2022 13:36:23] Sioux-[Fae: Very intriguing, indeed. They must've used the other anomaly.
[25.08.2022 13:36:27] Electra-[Fae: Everyone becomes in areas where they should rethink twice to linger.
[25.08.2022 13:36:47] [SIS]-James.Skirka: However, since your organisation does not wish to speak to us and you have asked me to leave
[25.08.2022 13:36:49] Electra-[Fae: So about the other strolling vessel.
[25.08.2022 13:36:51] "Beep": Beep was talking with Nenet Mido and De Belmont in Edinburhg system and they referred to a "Spook".
[25.08.2022 13:36:52] [SIS]-James.Skirka: I shall do so now.
[25.08.2022 13:36:59] [SIS]-James.Skirka: Good afternoon.
[25.08.2022 13:37:04] "Beep": Beep assumed this Spook was one of the Secret Intelligence Service.
[25.08.2022 13:37:05] Electra-[Fae: Au revoir.
[25.08.2022 13:37:13] "Beep": As such, Beep assumed James Skirka came from Roussilon.
[25.08.2022 13:37:26] Electra-[Fae: For safe measures let us ensure your safety escorting you.
[25.08.2022 13:37:39] [SIS]-James.Skirka: That won't be needed
[25.08.2022 13:37:39] Sioux-[Fae: I will make sure they leave safely.
[25.08.2022 13:37:44] Preparing to cloak...
Sender: Director Victor Steiner To: SIS Control
This is a record of events that took place on the 29th of August in the systems of Baffin, Coronado and Newcastle. It concerns members of the SIS, Auxesia, Nomads and Kusari intelligence. Henceforth this record is sealed and is not to be shared, copied or otherwise interfered with.
Following on from events in Kusari where an impromptu meeting with members of the KNI took place in the Kyushu system and from events that took place in Edinburgh with Agent Skirka I decided to launch an investigation into these seemingly related matters. The obvious threat that Auxesia and certain members of that organization present was the reasoning for this investigation, however events have now quickly spiraled out of control and taken a far larger frame of reference than I previously thought possible.
While agent Skirka continues his own investigation into the Oracle known as Israfel my own investigation has led me to the individual known as 'Revenant', formerly known as 'Sapphire Raven'. This comes as an unclear and frankly unwelcomed connection between her and our own operative 'Caliban' has become increasingly apparent. Accusations made by both individuals contradict one another on a number of levels, but there many similarities in their stories. More disturbingly, there is now cause to doubt the reliability of Caliban as well as his loyalty to the Crown, his state of mind, his past (which he himself claims to not remember) and his intentions toward Sunderland and the Nomad City. These factors leave not just the Service in a precarious position, but also my own position as Director.
Yesterday, for reasons I am still unaware of, I was contacted by Sapphire Raven and asked to meet her alone in the Baffin system to get some much needed information concerning these recent events. Her conversation was many things, but enlightening is not the first word that comes to mind. It would appear there is a personal connection between her and Caliban, although to my knowledge he has never denied this, she has also decided to wage a one woman crusade against what she describes as 'sentinels'. A more powerful variation of nomad that was discovered somewhere in the edge worlds. She also claims to have knowledge of various 'anomalies' that serve as doorways to these creatures. The conversation is attached below, it offers a better explanation that I could.
In regards to Caliban, his insistence on being posted to Sunderland, his knowledge of these creatures and his unclear background are grounds enough for me to consider him compromised, yet the accusations leveled at him are the same he leveled at Raven and Auxesia and while his ability to act within our mandate is now being called into question, the reality of this sorry state of affairs is we do not know any better about Raven. We are being forced to take words of faith from individuals who are at best mentally unwell and at worst, insane. Furthermore neither have any references we judge to be reliable and we have no knowledge as to whether either of them are infected at all. There will no doubt be questions about why he was allowed to enter into the employ of the SIS in the first place. The reasoning was simple, he believed he was capable of removing the Nomad City from Bretonia. There was reason enough for me to believe that he could do it at the time and considering how long that city has plagued our house, I believed it to be worth the risk. I have yet to make up my mind with any degree of certainty and a meeting between my deputy Directors will take place later this afternoon to make a verdict. Thus far I do not believe the city to be compromised in any way, the security teams on Sunderland report nothing out of the ordinary.
Finally we have been contacted by one 'Alice Dee' an agent of the Overseer branch of the BIS. Nothing is known about this individual yet save that they have also been operating within Kusari and have an unusual interest in our activities. Agents are strongly advised to be wary about the Overseers as there is every likelihood they may try to sell our operations out.
[29.08.2022 15:39:40] [SIS]-V.Steiner: What's happening
[29.08.2022 15:40:01] Caliban: I planted a seed. Raven will be searched for infection by one of her close friends.
[29.08.2022 15:40:13] Caliban: Because, she is.
[29.08.2022 15:40:35] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Righto...you trust this plant of yours?
[29.08.2022 15:41:18] Caliban: I barely have any trust in anyone.
[29.08.2022 15:41:30] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Good to know.
[29.08.2022 15:41:31] Caliban: By the way. Raven was seen in this system. Headed to Baffin.
[29.08.2022 15:41:50] [SIS]-V.Steiner: hmm
[29.08.2022 15:42:19] [SIS]-V.Steiner: That's my doing.
[29.08.2022 15:42:34] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Need you on stand by, you game?
[29.08.2022 15:44:31] A/)-Revenant: // sec
[29.08.2022 15:45:11] Caliban: Same system?
[29.08.2022 15:45:21] Caliban: Otherwise I am in close proximity to the entrance.
[29.08.2022 15:45:27] [SIS]-V.Steiner: No. Remain in 29
[29.08.2022 15:45:36] Caliban: Roger that. Keep me posted on what happens.
[29.08.2022 15:45:44] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Also, keep an eye out for some bird called Alice Dee
[29.08.2022 15:45:50] Caliban: What for?
[29.08.2022 15:45:52] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Apparently we're being 'overseen' now.
[29.08.2022 15:46:16] [SIS]-V.Steiner: On who's authority I do not know.
[29.08.2022 15:46:33] Tip: In order to mine ore you must have the right combination of: 1) The ship, 2) The ID, 3) The IFF, 4) Mining Lasers/Turrets. For a full list of all of these combinations as well as which factions get bonuses for what ores - please visit our forums @DiscoveryGC.com
[29.08.2022 15:48:21] Caliban: Just give me the bounty on her and she'll be gone before you know it.
[29.08.2022 15:48:32] Caliban: She doesn't even have to know.
[29.08.2022 15:48:39] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I'll keep you in the loop on that one..
[29.08.2022 15:49:01] [SIS]-V.Steiner: But for now, I may have gotten the wrong idea. Time will tell.
[29.08.2022 15:50:09] Caliban: If she starts having fun ideas give me a holler.
[29.08.2022 15:50:19] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Roger that.
[29.08.2022 15:50:37] [SIS]-V.Steiner: So. As you wanted Raven. Alone.
[29.08.2022 15:50:41] A/)-Revenant: And this is unrecorded?
[29.08.2022 15:51:04] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Off the books you mean?
[29.08.2022 15:51:07] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes.
[29.08.2022 15:51:08] A/)-Revenant: This has to stay between us.
[29.08.2022 15:51:19] A/)-Revenant: Why do I have a feeling you're going to be sharing this with Caliban...
[29.08.2022 15:51:45] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You have tapped into a family connection I did not think you had.
[29.08.2022 15:51:51] [SIS]-V.Steiner: This is off the books.
[29.08.2022 15:52:06] A/)-Revenant: And it seems that you're still interested in me, hm?
[29.08.2022 15:52:20] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Bloody Alfred.
[29.08.2022 15:52:30] A/)-Revenant: I'm not going to mock you.
[29.08.2022 15:52:37] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You don't need to.
[29.08.2022 15:52:38] A/)-Revenant: I understand it entirely.
[29.08.2022 15:52:57] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I'm going to kill him.
[29.08.2022 15:53:22] A/)-Revenant: Why?
[29.08.2022 15:53:59] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You did not drag me here to appeal to *That* side of mankind
[29.08.2022 15:54:04] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I assume.
[29.08.2022 15:54:13] A/)-Revenant: Don't know why you call it like so.
[29.08.2022 15:54:21] A/)-Revenant: I'm going to go off a hunch,
[29.08.2022 15:54:29] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Go on.
[29.08.2022 15:54:36] A/)-Revenant: Caliban rattled on about the Sentinels. And about how I am supposedly compromised, yes?
[29.08.2022 15:54:55] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Perhaps.
[29.08.2022 15:54:56] A/)-Revenant: Or did he not specify why he was interested in the Newcastle city?
[29.08.2022 15:55:05] A/)-Revenant: I may as well enlighten you to the full picture.
[29.08.2022 15:55:19] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Please do.
[29.08.2022 15:55:55] A/)-Revenant: Before all of this begun, back when Caliban was known as Vincent Abrams. He came across an Kavash site.
[29.08.2022 15:56:07] A/)-Revenant: This is going to take a while to explain, apologies, so -
[29.08.2022 15:56:13] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Take your time.
[29.08.2022 15:56:44] Death: Xupa_Misto was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.08.2022 15:57:48] A/)-Revenant: During such incursion, he inadvertently awoken some brood of Nomads, that of which are called Sentinels.
[29.08.2022 15:58:05] A/)-Revenant: Like Nomads, they also guard old relics and sites.
[29.08.2022 15:58:55] A/)-Revenant: Once he had disturbed him, they marked him with a memetic trace. And, of course, he brought some Order into it. Who...
[29.08.2022 15:59:02] A/)-Revenant: disturbed it even further with their prodding.
[29.08.2022 15:59:09] A/)-Revenant: Careless prodding, might I add.
[29.08.2022 15:59:31] A/)-Revenant: So, these Sentinels, target those who have imnformation. Memory. Knowledge.
[29.08.2022 15:59:52] A/)-Revenant: They are highly advanced creatures, far more dangerous than the Nomads. They self replicate at a rapid pace.
[29.08.2022 16:00:36] A/)-Revenant: Switching to secure comms, in case.
[29.08.2022 16:00:36] A/)-Revenant: Anyhow.
[29.08.2022 16:00:54] A/)-Revenant: The Order attempted to assume control of studies and operations, attempting to kill anyone else involved with the site.
[29.08.2022 16:01:01] Caliban: // Bar RP, I take?
[29.08.2022 16:01:28] A/)-Revenant: Unfortunately, Vincent - who you know as Ego or Caliban - had somehow made a bond with the site.
[29.08.2022 16:01:35] [SIS]-V.Steiner: //Yes but also a stray KNF
[29.08.2022 16:01:51] A/)-Revenant: The Sentinels are allured to him, presumably because he was the first intruder.
[29.08.2022 16:02:05] A/)-Revenant: Now, the Order, tried to knock everyone out of the studies, tried to kill me.
[29.08.2022 16:02:07] A/)-Revenant: Tried to kill him.
[29.08.2022 16:02:13] A/)-Revenant: And that's when he began to broke down.
[29.08.2022 16:02:29] A/)-Revenant: You'll notice that Caliban will be highly defensive about being called Vincent Abrams. And that he will be defensive
[29.08.2022 16:02:34] A/)-Revenant: about being scanned or studied.
[29.08.2022 16:03:09] A/)-Revenant: The Sentinels utilise anomalies, they even create their own breaches.
[29.08.2022 16:03:16] A/)-Revenant: That has been what I have been studying.
[29.08.2022 16:03:23] A/)-Revenant: I have been trying to find their central hive to neutralise them.
[29.08.2022 16:03:29] A/)-Revenant: Because of the disturbances, they have been awakening.
[29.08.2022 16:03:36] A/)-Revenant: And more and more people have become curious.
[29.08.2022 16:03:46] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Like me.
[29.08.2022 16:03:47] A/)-Revenant: Meaning. More targets. And more targets for the guardians to cleanse.
[29.08.2022 16:03:49] A/)-Revenant: Mhm.
[29.08.2022 16:04:01] A/)-Revenant: You're in Kusari. You're trying to find out what I'm doing.
[29.08.2022 16:04:18] A/)-Revenant: Caliban was my ally, my... close... friend... before his mind begun to break down from the assassination attempt.
[29.08.2022 16:04:23] A/)-Revenant: Now he will do anything to thwart my efforts.
[29.08.2022 16:04:44] A/)-Revenant: What I am doing here, is to establish preventation measures.
[29.08.2022 16:04:51] Caliban: Royalists in Tau-29.
[29.08.2022 16:04:54] A/)-Revenant: To stop them from causing more damage. To keep watch on their movements.
[29.08.2022 16:05:16] A/)-Revenant: Recall how I said they were self replicating?
[29.08.2022 16:05:23] A/)-Revenant: There will be more incoming. Possibly millions.
[29.08.2022 16:05:31] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Terminate them. Unless they have something usefull to say for once.
[29.08.2022 16:05:53] A/)-Revenant: If the sites believe they are endangered, most of these guards will come and awaken.
[29.08.2022 16:05:55] A/)-Revenant: Now...
[29.08.2022 16:05:59] A/)-Revenant: They are not confined to Kepler.
[29.08.2022 16:06:06] A/)-Revenant: I will be clear as day with you.
[29.08.2022 16:06:24] A/)-Revenant: Yes, I have been trying to find psychics to work with them. Because they are the key to locating them. But I do not condone
[29.08.2022 16:06:51] Tip: Accidentally mounted the wrong ID and ruined your repsheet? Planing on repurposing an old ship for a different faction? You can use the /resetrep command to reset to a blank repsheet. This costs 10 millions per use.
[29.08.2022 16:06:52] Caliban: I might have to head out for you, then.
[29.08.2022 16:06:54] A/)-Revenant: Humanity being extinct.
[29.08.2022 16:07:21] 27th|Clement.de.Chevin: Here we meet again. Unfortunately or not, this time without the person you knew.
[29.08.2022 16:07:21] A/)-Revenant: One of the psychic persons I had found, had an... overload near the Newcastle system, within Coronado.
[29.08.2022 16:07:25] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Never mind they are here. Along with the KNF. I'll handle it.
[29.08.2022 16:07:25] Caliban: ...fuck it. I'm coming. Are you safe right now?
[29.08.2022 16:07:29] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: [::: This unit detects neutral entities :: Initiating: Greeting protocol :: "Good day." :::]
[29.08.2022 16:07:39] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Perfectly.
[29.08.2022 16:07:46] A/)-Revenant: They mentioned they heard them all there.
[29.08.2022 16:07:48] Caliban: The KNF, too? Fucking great.
[29.08.2022 16:07:56] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I don't mean to intterupt
[29.08.2022 16:07:57] A/)-Revenant: Coronado... was another major site of incursion.
[29.08.2022 16:08:00] A/)-Revenant: Yes, Royalists.
[29.08.2022 16:08:01] A/)-Revenant: I noticed.
[29.08.2022 16:08:07] [SIS]-V.Steiner: But it would be best if we move this conversation elsewhere.
[29.08.2022 16:08:10] [SIS]-V.Steiner: He is coming.
[29.08.2022 16:08:12] A/)-Revenant: I don't know they know, but, I suspect we may ... go... hide.
[29.08.2022 16:08:15] 27th|Andre.Davrois: Bonsoir. Are we interrupting anything?
[29.08.2022 16:08:16] Caliban: And you're sure you don't want me there.
[29.08.2022 16:08:30] A/)-Revenant: Shall we take it station side?
[29.08.2022 16:08:33] A/)-Revenant: I have some tea.
[29.08.2022 16:08:37] [SIS]-V.Steiner: They've seen too much. You may as well kill them.
[29.08.2022 16:08:46] [SIS]-V.Steiner: After you
[29.08.2022 16:08:49] 27th|Clement.de.Chevin: Two birds are silent. Fallen asleep? Doesn't seem so.
[29.08.2022 16:08:49] Caliban: Coming.
[29.08.2022 16:09:01] 27th|Andre.Davrois: Hard to tell what is going on.
[29.08.2022 16:09:02] A/)-Revenant: What?
[29.08.2022 16:09:09] [KNF]Teisatsu-71: [::: Unit detects Gallic vessels : Re-routing :::]
[29.08.2022 16:09:11] A/)-Revenant: I'm waiting for someone to come.
[29.08.2022 16:09:20] 27th|Andre.Davrois: Usually the bretonian services would be the first to scream in agony.
[29.08.2022 16:09:23] Caliban: Location?
[29.08.2022 16:09:37] A/)-Revenant: Although I cannot stand the presence of an undesirable any longer, so I shall depart.
[29.08.2022 16:09:38] 2022-08-29 16:09:37 SMT Traffic control alert: A/)-Revenant has requested to dock
[29.08.2022 16:09:39] A/)-Revenant: Sorry,
[29.08.2022 16:09:39] [SIS]-V.Steiner: The skyhook
[29.08.2022 16:09:41] 27th|Clement.de.Chevin: Just a clumsy Crusader Shouldn't be an issue.
[29.08.2022 16:09:42] 2022-08-29 16:09:41 SMT Traffic control alert: [SIS]-V.Steiner has requested to dock
[29.08.2022 16:09:42] A/)-Revenant: I did not mean that.
[29.08.2022 16:09:48] 27th|Clement.de.Chevin: Let's go.
[29.08.2022 16:09:52] Caliban: Great...amazing. How is the situation there so far?
[29.08.2022 16:10:08] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Exchanging friendly insults.
[29.08.2022 16:10:21] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Hm.
[29.08.2022 16:10:26] Caliban: Alright. I'll see if I can get the KNF to hire me. An alibi, per se.
[29.08.2022 16:10:38] [SIS]-V.Steiner: And now there is an oracle mixed up with all of this.
[29.08.2022 16:11:26] A/)-Revenant: I know of Israfel.
[29.08.2022 16:12:05] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You know we have him then
[29.08.2022 16:12:18] A/)-Revenant: [She was within the bar, having ordered two teas, having paid for it already. Donning a high class outfit, she had a
[29.08.2022 16:12:19] Death: [KNF]Teisatsu-71 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.08.2022 16:12:35] A/)-Revenant: burgundy longcoat on, and a white blouse underneath. Though it seemed a little ruffled, as if armor was concealed. ]
[29.08.2022 16:12:42] A/)-Revenant: [Taking a sip from the cup] Mhm.
[29.08.2022 16:12:45] Caliban: Can't quite blast them without an alibi. A contract or anything.
[29.08.2022 16:13:00] Caliban: Alas, now they're sitting around the Skyhook.
[29.08.2022 16:13:08] [SIS]-V.Steiner: 10 Million for them dead.
[29.08.2022 16:13:22] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Skirka arrested him three days ago.
[29.08.2022 16:13:34] A/)-Revenant: So, the areas I've pinpointed that may be in immediate danger... Possibly the borders of Bretonia-Taus,
[29.08.2022 16:13:53] A/)-Revenant: Kusari-Liberty borders for sure. And possibly Rheinland. Though, there may be an incursion point near the Gallic
[29.08.2022 16:14:02] A/)-Revenant: border. I have yet to confirm if anomaly breaches have happened there.
[29.08.2022 16:14:09] A/)-Revenant: But if I were to guess, it would happen in Zurich.
[29.08.2022 16:14:19] A/)-Revenant: Rheinland's border also has another one of these points.
[29.08.2022 16:14:19] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Do you have a time frame?
[29.08.2022 16:14:43] A/)-Revenant: [Slowly taking a sip from the cup, thinking]
[29.08.2022 16:14:57] A/)-Revenant: There were some incidents where I was not able to record but understood through word of mouth. It begun spiking up
[29.08.2022 16:15:02] A/)-Revenant: in January, or last October.
[29.08.2022 16:15:16] A/)-Revenant: The thing about that psychic... The overload?
[29.08.2022 16:15:27] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes?
[29.08.2022 16:15:31] A/)-Revenant: They felt the presence of millions of Sentinels near Coronado.
[29.08.2022 16:15:53] A/)-Revenant: And I believe Caliban wants to try and forcefully open up a breach.
[29.08.2022 16:16:02] A/)-Revenant: Sadly, he is aware of the one that is within Inverness too.
[29.08.2022 16:16:17] [SIS]-V.Steiner: What would be his interest in doing so? What does he gain?
[29.08.2022 16:16:44] A/)-Revenant: He's simply a mad man - [pausing to take a sip] He is driven by revenge. He does not care if the world burns around him.
[29.08.2022 16:16:51] A/)-Revenant: He has self admitted that he has lost all hope.
[29.08.2022 16:17:03] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Revenge...
[29.08.2022 16:17:18] [SIS]-V.Steiner: A lover scorned Raven?
[29.08.2022 16:17:27] A/)-Revenant: Against me, supposedly. Or, Humanity, as a whole. He dislikes the scum, the lying, the betrayal.
[29.08.2022 16:17:31] A/)-Revenant: His paranoia has consumed him.
[29.08.2022 16:17:49] A/)-Revenant: I have doubts of him holding any feelings for me, he was more than happy to execute me.
[29.08.2022 16:17:56] A/)-Revenant: Very curious as to why he did not when I was held.
[29.08.2022 16:18:22] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Hm. I may ask him.
[29.08.2022 16:18:37] A/)-Revenant: Now, Bretonia, the Order, and Crayter hates my guts, so it is out of the question that I can approach to warn them
[29.08.2022 16:18:40] A/)-Revenant: of the danger
[29.08.2022 16:18:49] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Bretonia hates you because politics.
[29.08.2022 16:18:54] [SIS]-V.Steiner: That's all.
[29.08.2022 16:19:22] A/)-Revenant: I have already made a plea to the Order about the rising dangers of the 'brood' - yet they were more concerned
[29.08.2022 16:19:27] A/)-Revenant: about the presence of Nomads in Minor.
[29.08.2022 16:19:47] A/)-Revenant: Politics... but... What so?
[29.08.2022 16:20:06] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You're spread thin Raven. You don't have the people to help you fight this and a dozen angry groups
[29.08.2022 16:20:16] A/)-Revenant: What did I even do to get this anger?
[29.08.2022 16:20:19] A/)-Revenant: Is this envy?
[29.08.2022 16:20:44] [SIS]-V.Steiner: No. This is fear and mistrust played out on a grand scale and inflicted upon one person
[29.08.2022 16:20:51] [SIS]-V.Steiner: The one person they believe most dangerous
[29.08.2022 16:20:59] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I'd take it as a compliment of sorts really
[29.08.2022 16:21:16] A/)-Revenant: I have been thoroughly entertained.
[29.08.2022 16:21:27] A/)-Revenant: But, it's a push when my family are placed immediately in danger.
[29.08.2022 16:21:43] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I didn't know you had a family..
[29.08.2022 16:22:06] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Hm
[29.08.2022 16:22:15] A/)-Revenant: You knew I was close with Leviathan.
[29.08.2022 16:22:40] A/)-Revenant: [She raised the cup, stoically taking a sip of the tea]
[29.08.2022 16:22:51] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I don't pry into that.
[29.08.2022 16:23:04] [SIS]-V.Steiner: But yes. I was aware of your...relationship
[29.08.2022 16:23:09] [SIS]-V.Steiner: At least a little.
[29.08.2022 16:23:22] A/)-Revenant: Mm...
[29.08.2022 16:23:30] [SIS]-V.Steiner: How is master Leviathan?
[29.08.2022 16:23:55] A/)-Revenant: [She dryly glared ahead. ]
[29.08.2022 16:23:56] A/)-Revenant: Dead.
[29.08.2022 16:24:07] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Jesus Christ Raven.
[29.08.2022 16:24:34] [SIS]-V.Steiner: How?
[29.08.2022 16:24:49] A/)-Revenant: I can't quite recall, but I do recall his mind gradually breaking down from the stress, falling into psychosis.
[29.08.2022 16:25:18] A/)-Revenant: He did go on a research expedition, and he... just lost it. They were on the edge of the sector.
[29.08.2022 16:25:32] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Madness seems to be a common affliction for those who get close to you.
[29.08.2022 16:25:37] A/)-Revenant: I should have stopped him from going, but they reckoned that it was inevitable medically.
[29.08.2022 16:26:12] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I am sorry.
[29.08.2022 16:26:49] [SIS]-V.Steiner: How long ago, if I may ask?
[29.08.2022 16:27:08] Tip: Accidentally deleted the wrong character? Your harddrive failed and you lost your account? Visit our forums @Discoverygc.com and post under Player Help in the appropriate section.
[29.08.2022 16:27:12] A/)-Revenant: Perhaps a year ago? More than that? I only just recently found out two months ago.
[29.08.2022 16:27:22] Death: Lost_Wanderer was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.08.2022 16:27:28] A/)-Revenant: [Closing her head, she inhaled, trying to keep her posture, exhaling calmly]
[29.08.2022 16:27:30] A/)-Revenant: // eye*
[29.08.2022 16:27:45] A/)-Revenant: // alice dee isnt helping against the royalists apparently lol
[29.08.2022 16:28:01] [SIS]-V.Steiner: So here you are.
[29.08.2022 16:28:15] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Fighting against all odds with...what?
[29.08.2022 16:28:39] A/)-Revenant: [Taking a small sip of the tea once more, she continued]
[29.08.2022 16:28:48] A/)-Revenant: Truthfully, I was expecting you to assassinate me.
[29.08.2022 16:29:04] A/)-Revenant: But, allies or not, the reality is that; we're all in grave danger.
[29.08.2022 16:29:17] A/)-Revenant: I want Humanity to improve, not to die out, Victor.
[29.08.2022 16:30:00] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yet I have Caliban telling me the same thing, you can start to see my trouble.
[29.08.2022 16:30:40] A/)-Revenant: Regarding the Sentinels? Yes, he was besides me the entire time.
[29.08.2022 16:30:45] A/)-Revenant: Until he mentally broke down.
[29.08.2022 16:31:50] [SIS]-V.Steiner: *He sighs, deeply, before pulling out a hip flask*
[29.08.2022 16:32:06] A/)-Revenant: I'm willing to collaborate with others to develop technology to resist their damage and to discover where their central
[29.08.2022 16:32:08] A/)-Revenant: node is located.
[29.08.2022 16:32:30] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Are you asking me for something Raven?
[29.08.2022 16:32:40] A/)-Revenant: Do you believe me...?
[29.08.2022 16:33:11] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I have four sources all indicating the same thing. I have no empirical evidence to suggest you are lying.
[29.08.2022 16:33:27] [SIS]-V.Steiner: And that pisses me off quite frankly
[29.08.2022 16:33:29] A/)-Revenant: Now the question is whether you believe my intention of trying to prevent damage or not.
[29.08.2022 16:33:42] A/)-Revenant: There is something I wish to learn though. Since... we are going to be neutralising the guards...
[29.08.2022 16:33:46] A/)-Revenant: That leaves the question of'
[29.08.2022 16:33:49] A/)-Revenant: What were they guarding?
[29.08.2022 16:34:10] A/)-Revenant: And how can I prevent Humanity to accessing what they protected?
[29.08.2022 16:34:20] A/)-Revenant: [She took a sip of tea, finishing the cup]
[29.08.2022 16:34:26] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Destroy it
[29.08.2022 16:34:28] A/)-Revenant: // will undock since its safe now
[29.08.2022 16:34:37] A/)-Revenant: I do not think it is possible to destroy. If it is of large scale.
[29.08.2022 16:34:41] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Or bury it and then forget about it.
[29.08.2022 16:34:46] A/)-Revenant: That is what I believe is the best.
[29.08.2022 16:35:00] Alice.Dee: Oh.
[29.08.2022 16:35:09] Alice.Dee: Hello Director. Welcome back to the Taus!
[29.08.2022 16:35:19] Death: Caliban was put out of action by 27th|E-S.De.Belmont. (Gun).
[29.08.2022 16:35:24] Alice.Dee: Fine company you have there.
[29.08.2022 16:35:25] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yeah 'gday
[29.08.2022 16:35:25] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Down you go.
[29.08.2022 16:35:28] A/)-Revenant: [silently chuckles]
[29.08.2022 16:35:43] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: Steiner, I'm quite very annoyed.
[29.08.2022 16:35:53] 27th|E-S.De.Belmont.: You're going down next.
[29.08.2022 16:35:54] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Er...why?
[29.08.2022 16:36:05] A/)-Revenant: I will be attempting to develop a technique to sealing breaches.
[29.08.2022 16:36:09] A/)-Revenant: Do you recall the cult of technology?
[29.08.2022 16:36:14] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes.
[29.08.2022 16:36:20] A/)-Revenant: We've had ties with them before.
[29.08.2022 16:36:28] A/)-Revenant: Managed to establish a means of communication and understanding.
[29.08.2022 16:36:30] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Actually, would you like to show me what you found on our borders?
[29.08.2022 16:36:37] A/)-Revenant: Sure.
[29.08.2022 16:36:53] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I also don't like the look of those Gauls.
[29.08.2022 16:37:17] A/)-Revenant: I do not either.
[29.08.2022 16:38:02] A/)-Revenant: I can show you the first site.
[29.08.2022 16:38:47] A/)-Revenant: Admittedly, there are few organisations who dabbled in hyperspatial technology.
[29.08.2022 16:39:05] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yours did I take it.
[29.08.2022 16:39:16] A/)-Revenant: But I am hoping our time with the cult has given enough insight to hyperspatial interactivity...
[29.08.2022 16:39:33] A/)-Revenant: There will be a point in time where we must open up a breach ourselves to retrieve a type of synthetic crystal.
[29.08.2022 16:39:51] Ship is out of range
[29.08.2022 16:40:33] A/)-Revenant: From what I have learned from associates, oh; the list of incursions go on quite a lengthy amount.
[29.08.2022 16:40:33] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I should have got a science degree.
[29.08.2022 16:41:16] 2022-08-29 16:41:15 SMT Traffic control alert: Caliban has requested to dock
[29.08.2022 16:41:27] 2022-08-29 16:41:27 SMT Traffic control alert: Caliban has requested to dock
[29.08.2022 16:41:35] A/)-Revenant: Alfred spoke to me, offered the help of Cambridge Research uh, participants.
[29.08.2022 16:41:45] A/)-Revenant: Do you know if they have studied the nearby breaches?
[29.08.2022 16:41:46] [SIS]-V.Steiner: For Gods sakes...
[29.08.2022 16:41:54] A/)-Revenant: If I am not... mistaken, there's an anomaly in Omega-3, isn't there?
[29.08.2022 16:42:11] A/)-Revenant: Do you recall how an Observer Nomad appeared there and had established little Nomad outposts?
[29.08.2022 16:42:12] A/)-Revenant: Two of them?
[29.08.2022 16:42:19] [SIS]-V.Steiner: The Bretonian Government has essentially pulled out of Omega-3
[29.08.2022 16:42:25] A/)-Revenant: What - why?
[29.08.2022 16:42:38] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Good question. I cannot answer it.
[29.08.2022 16:42:44] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Happened while I was away.
[29.08.2022 16:42:45] A/)-Revenant: [groans]
[29.08.2022 16:42:55] A/)-Revenant: Leaves the Corsairs opportunity to ravish the area.
[29.08.2022 16:43:10] [SIS]-V.Steiner: preaching to the chior sister
[29.08.2022 16:43:15] A/)-Revenant: You may not have been wrong about their pride being hurt.
[29.08.2022 16:43:22] A/)-Revenant: Or was it Alfred that said that? Who knows. My memory is a mess.
[29.08.2022 16:43:30] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You need a doctor.
[29.08.2022 16:43:35] A/)-Revenant: I've had several.
[29.08.2022 16:43:43] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You need a psychologist.
[29.08.2022 16:43:47] A/)-Revenant: Also seen that.
[29.08.2022 16:43:52] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You need a friend.
[29.08.2022 16:43:58] A/)-Revenant: There's a reason why I had not gone mad with power.
[29.08.2022 16:44:05] A/)-Revenant: I had one of those until they turned against me.
[29.08.2022 16:44:08] A/)-Revenant: Haha...
[29.08.2022 16:44:11] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Then damn it Raven, you need Jesus
[29.08.2022 16:44:27] A/)-Revenant: Jesus is a Corsair name and they're DEAD.
[29.08.2022 16:44:44] [SIS]-V.Steiner: A sense of humour? I am surprised.
[29.08.2022 16:44:46] A/)-Revenant: You recall the Tau-117 entry way?
[29.08.2022 16:44:56] A/)-Revenant: What - pff - of course I am capable of humorl
[29.08.2022 16:44:58] A/)-Revenant: humor. even.
[29.08.2022 16:45:16] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You're taking me back a bit, but yes. I recall it.
[29.08.2022 16:45:17] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Just
[29.08.2022 16:45:18] A/)-Revenant: Anyhow. Regardless.
[29.08.2022 16:45:40] A/)-Revenant: This gate - obviously - a gateway, holding open a pinpointed breach.
[29.08.2022 16:45:54] A/)-Revenant: When the Order destroyed it, destabilization occurred. As one would expect.
[29.08.2022 16:46:04] A/)-Revenant: The Sentinels are highly attuned to hyperspatial disturbances.
[29.08.2022 16:46:21] A/)-Revenant: Site is right ahead of us, but we cannot approach - unless you want to get into danger.
[29.08.2022 16:46:28] A/)-Revenant: Would you like to have a session to bond trust relations over?
[29.08.2022 16:46:46] A/)-Revenant: I'm sure a good old 'hide and seek' game will formalise my claims of their danger.
[29.08.2022 16:46:55] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I've been 'in danger' since I agreed to meet you alone and unarmed.
[29.08.2022 16:46:57] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Lets go.
[29.08.2022 16:47:03] A/)-Revenant: [laughs]
[29.08.2022 16:47:07] A/)-Revenant: You're not drab, I'm so surprised.
[29.08.2022 16:47:17] A/)-Revenant: Well, I have a hyperspatial device, are you sure?
[29.08.2022 16:47:22] A/)-Revenant: The red button is right there...
[29.08.2022 16:47:25] A/)-Revenant: Or was it the green button?
[29.08.2022 16:47:26] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I'm full of surprises.
[29.08.2022 16:47:27] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Hit it.
[29.08.2022 16:47:30] Rules Tip: Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks against another player must be the result of some form of written role play. One-Word engagements such as "Engaging" or "Halt" are not considered sufficient.
[29.08.2022 16:47:30] A/)-Revenant: Very well.
[29.08.2022 16:47:33] 2022-08-29 16:47:32 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace beacon has been activated by A/)-Revenant
[29.08.2022 16:47:34] A/)-Revenant: Run.
[29.08.2022 16:48:12] A/)-Revenant: I wonder what may turn up.
[29.08.2022 16:48:31] Death: 27th|Clement.de.Chevin was put out of action by Ashikaga.Tsudzuri (Collision).
[29.08.2022 16:48:33] A/)-Revenant: Nothing thus far.
[29.08.2022 16:48:38] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Always the voice of reassurace eh?
[29.08.2022 16:48:43] A/)-Revenant: How peculiar. They are usually more proactive.
[29.08.2022 16:49:04] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Maybe they decided to call it a day and knock off?
[29.08.2022 16:49:08] A/)-Revenant: If they're not... around, perhaps I can take the opportunity to take scans.
[29.08.2022 16:49:32] A/)-Revenant: Oh -
[29.08.2022 16:49:32] A/)-Revenant: Oh goodness.
[29.08.2022 16:49:45] Death: 27th|E-S.De.Belmont. suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[29.08.2022 16:49:52] A/)-Revenant: There they are.
[29.08.2022 16:49:57] A/)-Revenant: and... gone.
[29.08.2022 16:50:16] A/)-Revenant: Fascinating.
[29.08.2022 16:50:19] A/)-Revenant: Do not-
[29.08.2022 16:50:30] A/)-Revenant: Don't follow closely in, just incase the breach is actually leaking.
[29.08.2022 16:51:11] A/)-Revenant: You did see them, yes?
[29.08.2022 16:51:25] [SIS]-V.Steiner: To be honest I don't really know what I saw.
[29.08.2022 16:51:32] A/)-Revenant: You saw the signals, at least, yes?
[29.08.2022 16:51:45] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes, they also appeared the other day in Kusari
[29.08.2022 16:51:47] A/)-Revenant: They had disappeared, either indicating they're waiting in ambush, or there may be an anomaly breach.
[29.08.2022 16:51:49] A/)-Revenant: Oh?
[29.08.2022 16:51:52] A/)-Revenant: Behind the Gas Giant?
[29.08.2022 16:51:56] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes.
[29.08.2022 16:51:59] A/)-Revenant: That was another breach point I've had marked.
[29.08.2022 16:52:15] Death: 27th|Andre.Davrois was put out of action by Alice.Dee (Gun).
[29.08.2022 16:52:20] A/)-Revenant: Well, shall I hit the button again to see if we can tease the scar of the breach?
[29.08.2022 16:52:30] A/)-Revenant: It is a rather suicidal move, mind you.
[29.08.2022 16:52:34] Caliban: [A few seconds of static.] - St- Status?
[29.08.2022 16:52:40] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Feeling adventurous?
[29.08.2022 16:52:59] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Box of birds, how are you?
[29.08.2022 16:53:00] A/)-Revenant: [there was a slight chuckle] Perhaps I could indulge you to ground zero, I have yet to see how much it has developed.
[29.08.2022 16:53:07] A/)-Revenant: Though - /that/ - for certain - is suicidal.
[29.08.2022 16:53:17] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Miss Raven, are you asking me on a date?
[29.08.2022 16:53:29] Caliban: Smoking hot. The powerplant is making strange noises and my guns' barrels are overheated.
[29.08.2022 16:53:30] A/)-Revenant: A peculiar doomsday date, don't you think?
[29.08.2022 16:53:38] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Once in a lifetime.
[29.08.2022 16:53:46] A/)-Revenant: Now, I am here to convince you that the Sentinels are a threat... so...
[29.08.2022 16:53:48] Caliban: These Royalists were a pain in the ass to hit.
[29.08.2022 16:53:55] Caliban: // L a g.
[29.08.2022 16:53:56] A/)-Revenant: What better than to dive right into the center of certain doom to prove such?
[29.08.2022 16:54:08] A/)-Revenant: Your choice, if you don't feel convinced enough.
[29.08.2022 16:54:25] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Raven and Steiner charge in to hell. I never thought I'd see the day.
[29.08.2022 16:54:37] A/)-Revenant: Did we not get along during the time of the Gallic war?
[29.08.2022 16:54:44] A/)-Revenant: Before Bretonia turned on us?
[29.08.2022 16:54:47] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Like a house on fire.
[29.08.2022 16:55:12] A/)-Revenant: well...
[29.08.2022 16:55:17] A/)-Revenant: I don't want you to be hurt.
[29.08.2022 16:55:18] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Just taking an usual detour old boy. One minute.
[29.08.2022 16:55:22] A/)-Revenant: Even if you're likely plotting my demise.
[29.08.2022 16:55:28] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Your concern is touching.
[29.08.2022 16:55:34] A/)-Revenant: What - eugh - no.
[29.08.2022 16:55:47] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Push the damn buttong woman.
[29.08.2022 16:56:01] A/)-Revenant: I thought you would appreciate going to ground zero, but very well.
[29.08.2022 16:56:04] Caliban: A detour. 'Course...why does that sound bad?
[29.08.2022 16:56:06] A/)-Revenant: Allow me to get into optimal position.
[29.08.2022 16:56:26] A/)-Revenant: Ready?
[29.08.2022 16:56:30] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Always.
[29.08.2022 16:56:31] 2022-08-29 16:56:30 SMT WARNING: A hyperspace beacon has been activated by A/)-Revenant
[29.08.2022 16:56:36] A/)-Revenant: Oh, good, my hand slipped anyway.
[29.08.2022 16:56:49] Death: Xupa_Misto was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[29.08.2022 16:56:57] A/)-Revenant: ...really need to see a physio-therapist about that...
[29.08.2022 16:56:58] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Interesting
[29.08.2022 16:57:00] A/)-Revenant: Oh goodness.
[29.08.2022 16:57:24] A/)-Revenant: Hm, slingers and ... the regular fast ones.
[29.08.2022 16:57:36] A/)-Revenant: I don't think we can beat them, do you wish to try?
[29.08.2022 16:57:43] A/)-Revenant: Too bad!
[29.08.2022 16:58:35] Caliban: Victor?
[29.08.2022 16:58:42] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Shall we be prudent?
[29.08.2022 16:58:46] A/)-Revenant: Hmm?
[29.08.2022 16:59:00] [SIS]-V.Steiner: That was interesting, but where do they come from?
[29.08.2022 16:59:17] A/)-Revenant: They utilize breaches to travel around, but... their home/
[29.08.2022 16:59:18] [SIS]-V.Steiner: We're good.
[29.08.2022 16:59:19] A/)-Revenant: Their central node?
[29.08.2022 16:59:23] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes.
[29.08.2022 16:59:25] A/)-Revenant: Not sure, but I vaguely know where it /may/ be.
[29.08.2022 16:59:44] Caliban: You're still with her?
[29.08.2022 16:59:45] A/)-Revenant: Kepler - is one of the primary entries.
[29.08.2022 16:59:56] A/)-Revenant: At least, that one did land me the closest to where they reside.
[29.08.2022 17:00:03] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes
[29.08.2022 17:00:19] Caliban: Not comforting at all.
[29.08.2022 17:00:35] A/)-Revenant: Jump through, but they're following, be warned.
[29.08.2022 17:01:02] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Damn IMG
[29.08.2022 17:01:14] A/)-Revenant: Oh, they did a number on you.
[29.08.2022 17:01:15] A/)-Revenant: And me.
[29.08.2022 17:01:37] A/)-Revenant: So, convinced now?
[29.08.2022 17:01:37] [SIS]-V.Steiner: So.
[29.08.2022 17:01:47] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Yes and no.
[29.08.2022 17:01:50] A $36.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[29.08.2022 17:01:57] A/)-Revenant: Oh, you think I wish to weaponise them or some such?
[29.08.2022 17:02:04] [SIS]-V.Steiner: No
[29.08.2022 17:02:08] A $30.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[29.08.2022 17:02:15] A/)-Revenant: What more need I do to convince you then?
[29.08.2022 17:02:18] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I am concerned about infection however.
[29.08.2022 17:02:28] A/)-Revenant: As far as I have studied, they cannot infest individuals.
[29.08.2022 17:02:35] A/)-Revenant: Perhaps damage the mind terribly.
[29.08.2022 17:02:44] A/)-Revenant: I pondered if that happened to Caliban.
[29.08.2022 17:03:07] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Alright Raven. What do you want from me exactly?
[29.08.2022 17:03:24] A/)-Revenant: Perhaps for you to not kill me?
[29.08.2022 17:03:29] [SIS]-V.Steiner: HA
[29.08.2022 17:03:33] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Ask yourself something
[29.08.2022 17:03:37] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Think about this now.
[29.08.2022 17:03:48] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Do you really think, with all that you have been through
[29.08.2022 17:03:49] A/)-Revenant: My attention is partially focused on the sensors, but go on.
[29.08.2022 17:04:11] [SIS]-V.Steiner: That I, who commands a desk, could possibly possess the skill to kill you?
[29.08.2022 17:04:21] A/)-Revenant: It is not about skill, but directive and execution.
[29.08.2022 17:04:28] A/)-Revenant: Anyone can press a button. Issues orders. Set a trap.
[29.08.2022 17:04:33] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Do you think I want to?
[29.08.2022 17:04:42] A/)-Revenant: You sound convinced that I am up to no good.
[29.08.2022 17:05:01] A/)-Revenant: And, perhaps, no matter with what I do - you may never truly be convinced.
[29.08.2022 17:05:08] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Raven, I'm up to no good. Bretonia is up to no good.
[29.08.2022 17:05:18] [SIS]-V.Steiner: What you're up too....doesn't even come close.
[29.08.2022 17:05:36] A/)-Revenant: Then allow me to return the question; what do you expect of me?
[29.08.2022 17:05:56] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I expect you to do exactly what you're doing, with or without anyone's approval.
[29.08.2022 17:06:11] A/)-Revenant: I know Caliban wants the City. And I know you made a deal with him. And disregarded my warning about him.
[29.08.2022 17:06:20] A/)-Revenant: I saw him for half a second on my radar.
[29.08.2022 17:06:26] A/)-Revenant: Why are you letting him so close to that City>?
[29.08.2022 17:06:39] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I want it gone, he told me he could do it.'
[29.08.2022 17:06:53] A/)-Revenant: [a deep shuddered sigh was had]
[29.08.2022 17:06:56] A/)-Revenant: ...oh, that fool.
[29.08.2022 17:07:03] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Desperation preceeding the fall?
[29.08.2022 17:07:19] A/)-Revenant: And did he enlighten to you as to how he will accomplish such?
[29.08.2022 17:07:33] [SIS]-V.Steiner: He did ask for some Power cells.
[29.08.2022 17:07:46] A/)-Revenant: And what - you're going to let him power up its subsystems?
[29.08.2022 17:07:55] [SIS]-V.Steiner: I have not given them to him.
[29.08.2022 17:08:12] A/)-Revenant: He has his own collection regardless.
[29.08.2022 17:08:22] [SIS]-V.Steiner: As I saw.
[29.08.2022 17:08:25] A/)-Revenant: You dislike the presence of the city. Rightfully so.
[29.08.2022 17:09:16] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Alright Raven. I'll cut you some slack.
[29.08.2022 17:09:17] A/)-Revenant: I wonder if you have any failsafes?
[29.08.2022 17:09:49] [SIS]-V.Steiner: But no one can know.
[29.08.2022 17:10:01] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Bretonia will never accept that they made a mistake.
[29.08.2022 17:10:01] A bounty pool worth $66.000 credits for 2 kills has been deposited in your account.
[29.08.2022 17:10:06] A/)-Revenant: How's that?
[29.08.2022 17:10:16] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Auxesia, Inverness, you.
[29.08.2022 17:10:38] A/)-Revenant: Oh, their focus upon me?
[29.08.2022 17:10:48] [SIS]-V.Steiner: It's all linked, an suddenly the Director of the SIS turns around and says ''It's fine, we were wrong''...Never going to happen
[29.08.2022 17:11:20] [SIS]-V.Steiner: You have my...well, nominal support.
[29.08.2022 17:11:24] A/)-Revenant: Since when were mistakes now a fault?
[29.08.2022 17:11:38] [SIS]-V.Steiner: Since politics love. It's always been about pride.
[29.08.2022 17:11:43] A/)-Revenant: Hah.
Recent events with Kusari as well as developments within Bretonia have caused the Directorate to reconsider it's position toward Kusari. Effective Immediately, all operations within the House of Kusari and it's borderworlds are ordered Terminated. All Officers within Kusari are ordered to report back to Cambridge before Friday this week.
Failure to comply will result in disownment
Director of Her Majesties Secret Intelligence Service
The next time Director Steiner logged into his neural net account, he would notice a new message had been ghosted into the top secret folder. The message would contain no body and have an embedded file named “Field_Report-Oct-29-826”. When opened, the file would prompt him to enter a decryption key. The key would be one used only between Director Steiner and one of his officers used for undercover reports three years prior.
Once Director Steiner input the decryption key and opened the file an audio file would appear on his screen, paused at zero. When played, a voice, familiar to Director Steiner, although more tired and world-weary than the last time he heard it, would begin to speak.
“Listen up because I’m only going to say this once, in the very literal sense. I hear I’m still dead to the world and I want to keep it that way a little longer. But if you’ve opened the file and worked out the decryption key then you know it is already. Before I start, I don’t owe you or anyone an explanation, but I’ll give you enough information to check with your sources so you know it’s me and it’s genuine.”
“I was on my way back to Cambridge to file a report on a meeting with a Maquis informant over in Roussillon. On my way back through Leeds I came across a humanitarian convoy. They were airlifting refugees out of what was left of Planet Leeds at the time. The frogs came out of nowhere and started attacking the convoy. I bought time for the refugees to escape but I couldn’t hold it together. I ejected and expected to either burn up in the upper atmosphere or get outright spaced by the frogs.”
“Turns out they had other plans for me, guess they figured I had state secrets to spill. They tractored in my escape pod and shipped me off to a prison in the Picardy system. I spent nine months in a cell the size of my shoe. Sleep deprivation, torture, pharmaceutical interrogation, you name it, they did it. They even kept me in a well-lit room for a week blaring La Marseillais. Bloody song… but I want you to know I never broke. I kept my mouth shut until the end, I was ready to die to protect the Crown.”
“When the war turned against them and things started to collapse I waited for an opportunity. I was damned if I was going to die in that box. Once the fighting reached Picardy, a group of Maquis hit the station to rescue some of their comrades. They knew I wasn’t one of theirs but they took me anyway. From their base, I took a ride out of dodge on a transport. I’ve been living in the border worlds ever since.”
“I was out. I planned to stay that way. I’ve given more than most do into the service of the Crown. But I always kept my ear to the ground. Kept in touch with a select few of my most trusted contacts. I heard the Service was all but disbanded, you’d gone off the grid. A few months ago I started hearing things that were disturbing about the goings-on at home. At the same time, one of my sources said you’d finally resurfaced… which means that you’ve been hearing the same things I have. I won’t have our country led into a war on the whim of a bunch of power-hungry madmen.”
“One of these Outcast whizkids owed me a favor, he’s programmed this message to ping me when you open it - don’t bother trying to trace the origin, he’s figured out some way to mirror it back to you with no trace. Should offer him some work honestly… Anyway, three days from now, 23:00, Samarinda Bar, Planet Borneo. Come alone. I’ll find you. I see anyone else I’m gone for good… I’ve been out of the game but if what I’ve heard is right… you need people you can trust, and you’re one of the few I trust.”
“This message is going to auto-delete now. 3 days. Samarinda Bar”