in my opinion - the pirates don t have the knowledge to make jumpdrives - not to mention not the resources to operate them - if we think of the engines still consuming fuel. - which they usually don t have in their home systems.
so - either the pirates would finally make a desperate alliance and attack the core in one desperate attempt to destroy not only the weapon, but also the plans and people who know about it - or they ll be forced to comply to what the core wants them to do.
such a weapon is much like a nuclear bomb. - it looms over the heads of those that don t have it - ever present and inevitable. - their power would fail and they d become puppets of those that have access to the weapon.
if they do not comply, and the weapon is indeed used to cut them off - they would die. - isolated in the rim worlds, there is not enough resources to really survive - well, almost.
the zoners can provide food. the nebulas provide ice/water. - there are gasclouds in the omicrons that might be extracted for fuel - or the pirates find other ways to operate their ships. - technology would stagnate, but revive after some time.
what the core would do in the end is to isolate itself - and one day in the distant future, they could be overwhelmed by the borderworlds - cause the borderworlds can endlessly expand, the coreworlds are trapped inside - unless they find ways to MAKE wormholes to distant places.
but the most probable scenario is that the corsairs and the outcasts destroy each other even more. - not even the nomads made them work together. - oh, and the core pirates that are on cardamine would prolly die, cause there s no resupply anymore.
I think destroying a JH would be like trying to take out a force of nature. Exceedingly hard to do and ussually with far more dire consquences.
For example you could kill a hurricane with a nuke but would you really want too?
Plus more than just the Pirates would be angry. Think IMG, GMG, OSC, and Zoners, these folk would probally come to some hastey agreements and smack some house fools down.
Plus such a project would require lots of research and testing, I think the Lane Hackers would pick it up and spread the word.
' Wrote:isn t the texas debris the result of tempering with the jumphole? - quite a catastrophic event, i daresay.
The dallas incident occured from initial jump gate testing by ageira, I think. It was an attempt at creating a jump gate link between texas and california - but when they opened the gate and tried to jump through, a dark matter storm crossed between them. The dark matter was pulled back through the texas gate and spilled into the system, causing the jump gate to overload and explode.
The jump hole is still left there, but no gate around it.
' Wrote:The dallas incident occured from initial jump gate testing by ageira, I think. It was an attempt at creating a jump gate link between texas and california - but when they opened the gate and tried to jump through, a dark matter storm crossed between them. The dark matter was pulled back through the texas gate and spilled into the system, causing the jump gate to overload and explode.
The jump hole is still left there, but no gate around it.
I always wondered abouut that. But I thought they instantly connected 2 points in space irrelavent of what was in between the two. Otherwise this would have happened over and over. Hrmm....
Quote:I personally don't believe this. I think that JGs are purely man-made and when people build JGs, the first gate is one-way only, and is set to deposit the travelling in the system that it's supposed to go to. For example, once the Hokkaido side of the Hokkaido-Chugoku JG is completed, the ships can travel through and the JG will be set to deposit them in the Chugoku system. Afterwards, they have to build the JG in the Chugoku system to make the route two-ways. JGs are probably moved away from bases, planets, and dense particle fields because they caused interference on the JGs (confirmed by the Dallas Incident, even though this happened after the construction of the first JGs. Liberty got lucky there...). JGs can only bypass asteroid and debris fields I think. However, JHs can bypass particle clouds, which may be part of the reason why they are so unstable.
Also, about the jump drives (I will call them JDs), they were only used to power the sleeper ships and capital warships larger than a Gunboat. In the intro, the sleeper ships used JDs to get to Sirius, but Atticus Rockford (the Alliance general who survived the Nomad attack on Sol) also used a JD in his cruiser (could be a battleship, but looks like a cruiser to me) to warn Sirius about the Nomads. Transports didn't have the power to use these JDs, so journeys to other systems took months. Also, with no more war, warships no longer needed JDs. When the scientists on Manhattan discovered the Daam K'Vosh library and used its technology to create TLs and JGs, JDs were no longer needed at all. It seems that only recently, warships have been testing JDs once again.
Also, I have this info on the Dallas JG Incident (I posted this a while ago in another topic, so some stuff may be irrelevant, but still interesting to know):
In NY, long before the GMG, Liberty tried to use the anomaly found in the Badlands to fuel their waning resources of H-Fuel. However, there was an accident and the project was abandoned. Maybe a couple ships blew up while trying to harness the energy from the anomaly.
In Texas, sometime in 530 A.S., Liberty tried to create a long distance jump gate to bypass the clouds of dark matter in Texas. However, when the ships attempted to pass through the dark matter in the jump gate, it malfunctioned and created a massive, system-wide explosion that decimated every planet, station, and ship in the western half of the Texas System. Jump gates are required to stop at the Kepler and Galileo systems because of the massive amount of dark matter clouds there.
Originally, before the Dark Matter Storm of 784 in Kepler, the jump gate was just required to stop at Kepler because Deep Space Engineering wanted to setup Ames Research Station. As a result, that system became a trade route between Kusari and Liberty. However, when a dark matter storm was expected in 680, Liberty created an expensive alternate route to Kusari by setting up a jump gate to Galileo and trade lanes to go around the dark matter. However, when the storms didn't arrive, Ageria Technologies and Interspace Commerce, who had lost millions in the Galileo project, used many high-ranking executives as scapegoats and fired them. Later, these executives founded the Lane Hackers. However, the Dark Matter Storm arrived 104 years late and destroyed the trade lane in the eastern half of Kepler, taking 2 or 3 transports with it. Apparently, trade lanes and jump gates don't function in dark matter clouds. Basically, Kepler was just a stopping point because of DSE wanted to setup Ames Resesarch Station, but if Liberty wanted to, they could pass Kepler. Although, if they had not seen the Dark Matter Storm coming, it would've led to another incident similar to the Dallas Jump Gate Incident of Texas. When Liberty created an alternative jump gate, they were forced to stop it at Galileo because of the dark matter clouds there. As a result, additional trade lanes had to be built to go around the clouds, which was very expensive and led to the formation of the Lane Hackers.
Btw, the California JH was probably already there before the Incident because the JH is in the North Dallas Debris Field. However, the infocard for the West Dallas Debris Field says that that field is the remains of the JG. The North and South Debris Fields are most likely the remains of large Supply Depots and Research Stations (maybe one was researching the California JH in the first place).
I posted that whole thing a while back in this thread. All that stuff about the Dalla Jump Gate Incident has been confirmed by in-game rumors too (trust me, I spent a lot of time digging up that info in bars).
Carlos Rivera: Corsair Brotherhood Pirate - Retired, shifted to Tripoli Shipyard's Research and Development engineering teams Anthony Cameron: Guild Core Bounty Hunter - Killed in Action, committed suicide after being trapped in Omicron Minor following its destruction Juan Ruiz: Outcast Ghost of Razgriz Pirate - Killed in Action, killed by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army during Bretonian piracy raid Michael Winchester: Liberty Security Force Agent - Missing in Action, likely killed during Rheinland espionage mission or trapped in Rheinland Space Eric McCormick: Order Pilot - Retired, shifted to planetside training of new recruits
' Wrote:I always wondered abouut that. But I thought they instantly connected 2 points in space irrelavent of what was in between the two. Otherwise this would have happened over and over. Hrmm....
Well, that's because it's DARK MATTER!!! Oooohh.... 'cause it's freaky DARK MATTER that does whatever we say DARK MATTER does!!! Ooooo... ALL HAIL THE DARK MATTER!!!!!:dry:
' Wrote:I always wondered abouut that. But I thought they instantly connected 2 points in space irrelavent of what was in between the two. Otherwise this would have happened over and over. Hrmm....
Not if you take into account just how much 'space' there is between solar systems.. Something the size of a sun but emitting no light would NOT be seen from any system.. It'd simply be too far away.. Light travels through our solar system to Pluto in 5.3 hours. Light from our sun takes 4.37 years to reach Alpha Centauri, the nearest solar system. There are 8,760 hours per year, multiplied by 4.37 is 38,281.2 hours. Divided by 5.3, the time it takes for light to reach Pluto, is 7222.8 hours, divided by two, for we need the diameter of our system, not radius. That gives us 3611.4 hours. 3611.4 'Light Hours' (rather than Light Years) between us and Alpha Centauri. 10.6 Light hours is our system's diameter. 3611.4 / 10.6 = 340.7.. We could fit 340.7 of our solar systems between us an Alpha Centauri.. That is a BIG amount.. Now think of that in 360 degrees. There is a TON of space, and solar systems really are not that big in comparison. I'd say the distance between Cali and Texas is roughly the same as it would be between Sol and AC. And then between the other systems its the same, slightly smaller, or even bigger..
Now, Darkmatter is theoretically what makes up the emptiness between normal matter.. But we're talking about a Darkmatter STORM. Even though it doesn't technically exist, it apparently does in the minds of one of Digital Anvil's employees.. And the changes of a Darkmatter storm happening DIRECTLY between two connected jump gates is slim.
Worm Holes are what will (again, theoretically) take you from one point to another instantaneously. But these are Jump Holes, not worm holes (DA would've used the word Worm Hole if it were supposed to be the same). JHs may not actually exist (we don't know for certain if WHs do either..) in real life, but they do in this game, and from the sequence, it takes time from one point to another.. That would mean there would have to be some route somewhere that your ship travels through, probably at insane speeds (Light Years per seconds perhaps?). Meaning that a 'Darkmatter Storm' could get in the way and be pulled in by one of the JHs/JGs.
Apologies for the rant, but I'm sitting here waiting for someone to call me to tell me they finally need me to head over and pick them up, and can't fall asleep due to that.. I also went over my numbers.. I believe they are correct, but if not feel free to bash me for it.