2.) Date of birth
Answer: 802 A.S. - February 22nd
3.) Place of birth
Answer: Planet Houston
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Being born as the second child of a poor family, Gustav grew up on Houston but could not stay with his family, since they were barely able to raise Henry Foster, Gustav's older brother.
Gustav's mother has decided to give him into the care of the youth welfare office.
There he was put into a family, which was able to raise him as a normal kid.
He knew that this wasn't his biological family, but decided to take the last name of either way. He knew he was a Foster, but yet wanted to be called Ahr.
One day, Gustav read a newspaper article, saying that the son of Henry Foster, died in one of many moments of reckless brutality of the LPI. He knew he couldn't stay out of contact with his bother and searched him.
On his search, he found out that Henry is volunteer of the Xeno's Alliance and finally decided to make a step into a change.
An important change that is needed for whole Liberty, a new political system without the brutality and reckless being of all military organizations.
Gustav wants revenge for his brother, aswell as for his nephew and is ready to kill every hostile vessel on his way, into a better life of a new system.
He himself has seen the incompetence of liberty military so many times in space, that his negative attitude brought himself into a lot of trouble.
Gustav's hatred started one day in his school time, when there was a bomb threat on his school by some terrorists. The LPI came and searched the whole school, without finding anything. They thought people were making fun and trying to play a joke.
Further more, the LPI, as always, put on their reckless and rude attitude towards everyone that isn't perfectly behaving as they want.
Gustav didn't cooperate with the LPI, because of their ultimately inappropriate behaviour and attitude.
The LPI started pushing and beating him with multiple operatives, while laughing at him.
Hatred started developing deep inside him, and he said, right into the LPI's face, that he will find, and murder them all.
The time has come.. will you ignite the spark?
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Leeon26#1906
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient:Watchman; Gustav Subject:Being a Beacon
You two are on different ends of the spectrum.
But that's the beauty of this cause, it doesn't care what end you're on, just as long as you're dedicated to the idea of breaking every shackle holding us back. So welcome aboard, start breaking them at your leisure.
1.) Name
Answer: Jon Moxley
2.) Date of birth
Answer: December 7, 796 A.S.
3.) Place of birth
Answer: Planet Denver, Colorado System, Liberty
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Umm, hi! My name is Jon Moxley, but call me just Mox, please. My parents were both from Denver. My father never got into all the tech. Honestly, I don't think he's ever left Colorado. He was a miner. He always made enough credits to feed us and provide for our family. You could even say I had a happy childhood. But then that deal came up. Kishiro made some god knows what kind of a deal with Ageira and DSE but it really struck us, the economy in Denver was collapsing because of this, my dad lost his job and we didn't have any savings, we didn't know what to do so I had to take some actions because I am sure we would starve to dead. I am always pretty reckless, I stole a ship at the Denver landing pad and hid myself in Cheyenne Asteroid Field because I knew from my father that this field is deserted, there are no mining operations. I was thinking to myself I need a quick way how to get credits so I decided to stop one of the transports coming from Kusari to pay me some good money. After all, because of them we had no money! It wasn't really that great idea doing this all alone with no experience, the Kishiro convoy called for the reinforcements and I got caught by the LPI patrol and transported to a prison. I've never seen my family again since then. I had no idea what happened to them, but I think they are all dead now.
I'll be straight with you, after this, I've spent most of my life in and out of the prisons. But gaining more and more experiences both in and out of the prisons. I've just got released from the Sugarland several months ago and it ain't all sugar over there, but it totally changed my life. I met a guy there, his name was Dean Ambrose, really crazy dude but I really liked something about him. We talked a lot and I gained his trust. I found out he was a member of a group that calls themselves Xenos. He told me everything, everything about what he's done, everything about what Xenos stand for. He also told me about this book, Unstoppable Truth. I've never really heard a lot about the Xenos. From time to time I saw them on news, I always thought they are just some nutcases. But You know what, I've never felt more like I belong somewhere, I've never felt like this but here I am - sipping bourbon at Ouray base bar, ambushing foreign transport convoys, getting to know more and more about the Xenos and Xenos Alliance.
Now something personal about me. I am a proud owner of the Eagle ship. I love Liberty Ale and Liberty Bourbon. Have you ever had that catpiss they have in Bretonia and call it whisky? I haven't. I also love fun, you know what, give me 5 galons of sake, a funnel, a kusarian and I will show you what kind of fun I love. Man, I just can't stand them.
My motivation to join Xeno Alliance? I think my life story is the motivation. I am seeking a liberty, a freedom in a land of 'free'. My dream or to be precise my goal is to set Liberty free and make it the place like it used to be. My goal is to make Liberty for Libertonians.
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Answer: i worked many years in pittsburg, many jobs, but few places, i was born on the planet manhattan, and i always felt that our people are always put down because of more lucrative transactions, I believe that the Xenos value the real potential of our nation, and will not leave us because there is someone else who can do it cheaper.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Reply Oblivion_RT
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient:"Xenophobic" Subject:Being a Beacon
While I appreciate a clever alias as much as the next guy.
I'd prefer if you'd provide us with an actual name. I'm content to let you come aboard as a volunteer, but I'd like to talk first. To that end, please join our network.
Posts: 882
Threads: 73
Joined: May 2020
Staff roles: Story Developer
1.) Name
Answer: Rebecca Green.
2.) Date of birth
Answer: 04.04.804.
3.) Place of birth
Answer: Oakensprings, Denver, Colorado System.
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Answer: I'm Rebecca Green, and I'm from the planet Denver. I've heard about you most of my life, but I've ignored you as just another criminals. Life was never easy for me, but with the help of my parents, I managed to find a job with the DSE - I joined the crew aboard one of their transports and worked my way up to First Officer. If LPI hadn't come into my family, I would never have even considered a new life among you.
There were arrests at my parents' company and my parents were among the suspects. Our family was one of the ones that couldn't afford lawyers because of mortgages and other loans, so we gradually ended up in detention. I was eventually released thanks to the DSE, but they were not. By the time I was able to arrange the loans and the courts began to rule on their innocence, they were already shipped off to Houston.
In debt up to my ears and with a court verdict in sight, the DSE let me go and I couldn't find a new job. The interest rates kept rising and I became practically a criminal in just a few months. I ended up in one of the Houston's penal colonies and while in prison, I joined one of your 'gangs'. I did two years out of ten when I got out and they smuggled me into your movement.
My family is still in jail and they're sure to add more years as punishment for my escape. Everything I had is gone or in jail, I can't live a normal life anymore so I have nothing to lose. Teach me to fight hard and maybe I can get some of it back.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Reply OOF
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient:R. Green Subject:Being a Beacon
We'll gladly teach you how to fight.
But instead of settling for just getting back what you had, consider a life dedicated to tearing away everything these corporates take for granted and don't deserve.
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient:"Xenophobic" Subject:Being a Beacon
While I appreciate a clever alias as much as the next guy.
I'd prefer if you'd provide us with an actual name. I'm content to let you come aboard as a volunteer, but I'd like to talk first. To that end, please join our network.
3.) Place of birth
Answer: Jacinto District, Planet Houston, Texas
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Answer: I grew up on Planet Houston in a destitute family. My mother died when I was just twelve, and that lead to my father getting hooked up on drugs. The result? My family started accumulating serious debt as my father could barely afford paying for all the bought drugs. Though he never cared much about me, beyond offering me sufficient credits to complete a middle school's worth of education, he sent me to my uncle, who owned a shuttle, being a freelancer.
The decision saved my life, and whatever I have fought for so far in life, I owe it entirely to my father's decision. With the help of my uncle, I worked both as a freelancer for several years and as a dock worker on Houston. It was a nightmarish job, but I managed to steal away small portions of cargo, ranging from food to alloys, and sell them for extra credits. It was not much by any standards, though still enough to allow me to pay for my family's expenses and earn a bit on the side.
It all backfired, however, once the LPI got wind of this. They understood what was happening and didn't take too long to respond to it in their well-known style. My father, uncle, and I all got arrested within days of each other and ended up on one of Houston's planetary prison sites. We spent about a week there, in conditions hardly good for even animals.
In a stroke of luck, the second week went less worse. The conditions slightly improved, but what mattered was that a group of Xenos raided the installation itself and made a large amount of prisoners escape, until reinforcements could arrive. Unfortunately... neither my father nor my uncle made it out alive. They were gunned down attempting to escape, but I managed to slip, at the last second, into one of the Xeno ships that brought the raider squad on planet.
We held brief talks, but nothing could be more convincing, for any sole person that looks forward to joining the Xenos, than seeing the death of your family members and the conditions people are kept in. The Xenos left me off on Ames, but not before I had promised to, one day, be a member of the movement, in the Kepler system. With access to the shuttle lost, I worked for several weeks on the station, attempting to earn some credits to keep for myself.
Now, I want to keep to my promise and join this cause. A cause that's worth dying for. A cause that's worth more than anything I own. And one that I want to devote myself to. That is why I am sending this transmission.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Groshyr#7934
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Answer: I was born on Freeport Two, Mom was a natural mechanic and my Dad worked on the administrative side of things for one of our local merchant groups, keeping track of income and expenditure, all that stuff.
As I was growing up I must have caught some of the sparks that possessed my Mom when it came to ships, and I decided I wanted to follow in her footsteps, 'course things didn't exactly work out that way, what with the war and the whole Jump Gates going being shut down. Things got tougher and tougher as the years went on and more reputable traffic in Bering died down. My parents decided to cut their losses and eventually moved to Erie. At the time I was still a bit too young to understand the complexities of the situation in Bering, and to be honest I was kind of distracted by the stark differences between life on the station and life on a planet.
Anyway, to avoid getting caught up in a nostalgic trip down memory lane, I'll summarize and fast forward. As I got older I began to understand what happened in Bering a bit better. And slowly but surely my focus began to shift from fixing ships to flying them. So, by the age of seventeen, I already had my sights set on learning to fly and taking up a position as a part of a convoy escort. I figured there wasn't exactly much to be done about Freeport 2 at the time, but at least I'd be able to stop the same kind of dirtbags who ended up running the show there from picking on our people doing supply runs and trying to scratch out an honest living.
It took me a while to even start working towards that goal, after all, I quickly learned that nobody in their right mind was going to take a rookie on her first flight out of the atmosphere onboard as an escort, but a year and a bit of hard work I managed to make enough credits to get a bit of experience from the flight school at Valley Forge. It wasn't much, but it did eventually land me the chance to tag along on a few milk runs. After some time passed and I somehow managed to not freeze up during a Rogue ambush, the team was content to bring me on some of the further runs and I learned a lot from them and the years I spent flying with them.
This brings us to recent events, I'm sure I don't need to tell you anything about the mess the fall of the Insurgency seems to be causing and the change of atmosphere in Pennsylvania and on Erie itself with the noose of Liberty and its corporations tightening around us. However, unfortunately, most people are either blind to the signs of history repeating itself or are only taking half measures to stop it.
Enter the dream of the LFR, I've spent my fair share of time at Ames, and I'll be honest, from my talks with the people there and some of the people from your cause, I hear a hell of a lot of sense being talked and the more time goes on the harder it gets to find flaws in the argument and whether it's for the LFR or Erie, one thing remains clear to me and that's the fact that there is no price too expensive where freedom and independence is concerned.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. it me