Planet New-Paris, Île-de-France
26th of February, 746 AGS
Sender:Ministre de l'Économie of the Gallic Union and Maréchal de La Rochefoucauld Recipient:Government of Rheinland; CC: Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix Subject:Next cooperative step for Köln (Cologne)
To the Government of Rheinland,
I, Philippe-Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld, Ministre de l'Économie of the Gallic Union and Maréchal.
Here, in the Great Assembly of the Gallic Union I am part of, a motion has passed concerning the Gallic Union and Rheinland, as well as the economy: after it passed, the Great Assembly ordered all Gallic corporations and the Gallic Navy - if you accept on their presence, as detailed explained below - to help with Köln (Cologne), and the damaged bases repair.
Our motion also implies the deployment of an small expeditionary force in Köln (Cologne) to assist the Rheinland Military, and in addition to the two Gunboat-class ships you allowed us to deploy during the sorties of our corporate ships: to weed out the remaining terrorists alongside your Armed Forces once and for all, which have been only more than a pathetically weak roadbloack for both our economy.
This expeditionary force would mainly oversee the "Gallic part" of the system, as to ease the efforts of your Armed Forces for the whole system as well as protecting our companies' assets. The motions includes the assistance of ALG with the debris clean-up to the system, while continuing the recovery efforts to make Köln (Cologne): a safer, and commercially-viable place - especially between our two respective Houses. And finally, as another step taken in the close partnership between our two Houses. If you need a copy of the passed motion, so be it; we will transfer it to you.
Naturally, any military sortie would have to be first accepted, then telegraphed to the Rheinland Governing Officer of Köln (Cologne), etc.. Any sortie, outside of protection of civilian ships, will be under the responsibility of the highest officer present, and will have to make a report of their action to our both authorities. I invite you to contact Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix for this. For the deployment of privately-owned ships not for profit, it for the betterment of our two Houses. I assure you, and you can question me, or Maréchal Louis de Viliers, the objectives behind it: the various factions are interested in the relatively intact yet unused station - Esther Wreck.
And I cite:
[b]Esther Station[/b] is recently-known, relatively intact station - and shall leased to the Gallic Union for a 99-years lease. It will not be used as a staging point nor a Freeport, but as a station for potential maintenance of the jump gate, research, or any other action the Union needs to do.
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.
Philippe-Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld, Ministre de l'Économie of the Gallic Union and Maréchal.
To ensure that Gallia and Rheinland remain friends.
· Sender: Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix · Recipient: Government of Rheinland, Ministre de l'Économie of the Gallic Union and Maréchal de La Rochefoucauld · Subject: Agreement terms
I am presenting the agreed terms between the Gallic Navy and the Rheinland Military:
The Kaiserliche Rheinwehr and the Gallic Combined Fleet acknowledge their interest to patrol together in Zürich and Köln.
The Kaiserliche Rheinwehr shall not station more than a total of 1 (one) Bismarck-class Battleship and its Fleet within the system permanently unless approved by a member of the Gallic Admiralty.
The Gallic Navy Combined Fleet shall not station more than a total of 1 (one) Valor-class Battleship and its Fleet within the system permanently unless approved by a member of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr Admiralty.
The Gallic Navy Combined Fleet and the Rheinland Military agree to share information on all hostile organizations operating within Köln and Zürich over a shared communication channel.
Economic Articles
The Rheinland Military Handelsmarine (Merchant Navy) will receive permission to enter the Union's systems with a total of up to two Gunboats as escorts.
The Gallic Navy transport vessels in return will receive permission to enter the Kaiserreichs's systems with a total of up to two Gunboats as escorts.
Célestine Delacroix
Grand Amiral Gallic Navy Combined Fleet; Gallic Union
K-H. von Thielau
Großadmiral; Oberkommandant der Rheinwehr Kaiserliche Rheinwehr; Kaiserreich Rheinland
The Reichtag has been in quite a furore over your message. A lot of our members found it highly amusing that seemingly you voted unilaterally to annex a base in our borderlands. This may or may not have been your intentions, however some argued it could be seen this way. They thought this does not seem like the move a friend would make. Perhaps someone forgot to ask if we'd be ok with such an arrangement? Thus a long discussion has ensued on how to handle this matter.
There does not seem to be much political good-will for accepting your proposition of a lease at this time. Escher station or it's remains will not be leased, lent, or occupied by any gallic military or government forces at this point.
There is goodwill towards allowing EFL, a corporation the government of Rheinland has contracted to maintain parts of the trade-lane systems, to lease said station, for the explicit purpose of maintenance of trade-lanes and gates.
Many representatives think such an agreement could improve trade-lane system uptime and reduce any eventual disruptions whilst also help establish a bit safer area around the gate structure.
I have been informed by the office for Internal Affairs, that no lease will be granted for longer then 30 years. For the time being.
In regards to security agreements attached by Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix, the Rheinwehr and Gallic navy has a understanding the Government is willing to accept. This matter shall henceforth be handled between our respected military forces. The government of Rheinland will maintain oversight on our end.
The government of Rheinland is also looking into further ways to deepen the ties of our two great houses, we look forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Kasimir Gorman, Ministry of Foreign Affairs