S-CEV01 "Vector"-Class Starfliers Compact Exploration Vessel A vessel that's designed to be the best exploratory ship for use under the Starfliers
Starfliers Research Project
The "Vector"-Class is designed to be the best cartography vessel to ever be constructed. Starfliers pilot Halpert Kennedy first came up with the idea of this ship after flying not being happy with the "Kali"-Class Borderworlds Fighter. This ship embodies the principles of the Starfliers, remaining weaponless and sporting a wide array of research tools accompanied by rudimentary extraction tools. After unsuccessfully completing the project, the Starfliers leadership formally renewed it, now wanting to complete it in it's entirety and give themselves a ship as distinct as the Starfliers themselves.
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Exploration &
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Halpert's previous attempt to get Hyperspace Starfleet to build the ship didn't go to plan. The vessel made was one not compatible with our operations and considered a failure. Though with this experience under us, I have renewed this project and learned from what our Fighters and Freighters are capable of. Collating these ideas and designs will make the rest of this project much easier to accomplish.
My efforts at this stage will be centered around the design of the ship. Making a list of what is important and piecing together a vessel, at least statistically, to match the Starfliers ethos. Halpert's reduction methodology in his own attempt does help us a lot here, to remove everything unnecessary to us and keep what is important. The result is a vessel that is a merge between a Light Fighter and a Freighter, while staying true to what the Starfliers stand for.
The final stage of this project. We will require significant support from a lawful company who is experienced in building small ships. Our plans would need to be submitted to them. All resources and financial requirements will need to be discussed with them, ideally resting on the financial end as we aren't able to bring massive amounts of resources. In the end, if everything goes well, seven of these ships will be built to replace our Dromedary fleet we currently have.
This project serves as a complete "Custom Ship Special Roleplay" request. With this perk, I'd like to ask to have both Starfliers explorers ('\S/'CEV-Luna and '\S/'CEV-Selene) to be replaced with the Vector. Due to the roleplay linked above. The ship is designed to be made on PoBs, not purchased from NPC bases. Any additional ones we will build ourselves as an internal rank reward for members.
Called the "little brother" of the "Corvo"-Class Explorer, the Starfliers Compact Exploration Vessel is designed primarily to be an exploration vessel. Aided by a generous cargo capacity and an in-built mining laser, the ship is capable of quick mineral extraction when needed. A huge amount of focus was given to the subsystems, prioritizing fuel efficiency and power routing to scanning systems. The vessel's internal makeup allows for a small two man team to live on board, allowing the rest of the space to be filled with custom designed consoles. A forward-facing scanner allows identification of stellar objects at longer ranges and the undermounted hinge mechanism is designed to quickly drop off and pickup cargo pods within one maneuver.
Although most explorers are put off by the lack of armaments, those that are willing to rely entirely on their diplomatic skills to defend their ship have found a valuable asset in the powerful scientific tools offered by the vessel. The Starfliers advise their ship is perfect for explorers and scientists alike, exceeding the "Draugr"-Class in terms of research potential. Being an extremely niche design, the "Vector"-Class isn't mass produced, rather reluctantly built on stations to be flown outside of the Houses where it best operates.