Message from: Savannah McEvedy, Security Officer, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 128-bit Ageira WFF
To: Forty-Sixth Fleet, Liberty Navy
To whom it may concern,
I write today representing the interests of Detroit Munitions, a close partner of Ageira, with the intent to inquire about the acquisition of a squadron of surplus BDR-337 Defender-class fightercraft, as well as their accompanying Vengeance and Magma Hammer weapon packages.
As I'm sure you can understand, the manufacture and delivery of high-quality and expensive armaments requires careful layers of logistical and security plans to ensure their safe delivery to the end customer. As a result, the acquisition of military-grade fightercraft would further our ambition to bring our company's security further under our own umbrella, allowing us to operate more efficiently and without further burdening LPI or Navy resources protecting crucial convoys of weaponry and supplies.
Training on the Defender platform by your instructors will not be necessary as we have multiple ex-navy personnel among our ranks, myself included, and thus the only responsibility for you would be the selection and delivery of surplus fighters to Detroit itself. We are willing to shoulder any excessive transport costs that may appear.
I sincerely hope we can come to a fair and equitable arrangement regarding the transfer of the requested fightercraft, and I look forward to your response.
Yours Faithfully, Savannah McEvedy, Security Officer, Detroit Munitions
I am Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen of the Liberty Navy Forty-Sixth Fleet and it is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to working alongside your organization and provide you with anything you might require - within my power and control - to assure prosperity of Detroit Munitions.
I can understand the need of a company of such caliber to not depend on local law enforcement agencies for it's own security and I applaud any efforts made to ease the load on elements of the Navy. Security divisions of various organizations within Liberty seek the Navy's assistance in acquiring wings of high-quality military-grade fightercraft and weaponry for their own needs, requests which are more often than not met with few questions by the Government and the approving Navy Fleet.
This case is no different. A simple request, made even simpler by the fact that you will not require training by our instructors, thus taking no further toll on the Fleet other than the ships and equipment themselves. As far as your request's concerned, you can consider it accepted by the Forty-Sixth Fleet. I will personally arrange that you have a wing of five (5) BDR-337 Defender-class fightercraft ready for transference over to the Detroit Munitions as soon as possible.
I feel inclined to tell you that the Detroit Munitions' next step is to file a registry on the Government's License Requisition Center, but I am certain that as an ex-Navy officer you are well aware of that fact, miss McEvedy.
The Forty-Sixth Fleet will be available to assist in any matter your organization might require our help with, and it will be our pleasure to do so.
Message from: Savannah McEvedy, Security Officer, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 128-bit Ageira WFF
To: VAdm. Maria Uhmen, LNX Akhetaten, Forty-Sixth Fleet, Liberty Navy
Admiral Uhmen,
I thank you for your prompt response, and I appreciate that we have been accommodated in such a generous and supportive manner. I am delighted to confirm that we are, as we speak, receiving delivery of the first two of the five Defenders, as well as the prerequisite maintenance equipment and spare parts associated.
As you have seemingly expressed interest in meeting any further needs we may have, we would enquire as to the possibility of securing permission to use Vengeance and Magma Hammer type weaponry on our wider array of security vessels, not just the five Defenders you have generously provided.
Likewise, as you have extended the olive branch to us, please allow me to express our heartfelt thanks and to remind you that Detroit Munitions is always available to supply any armaments you or your fleet may require, or to work hand-in-hand with your own R&D departments to develop new weaponry.
Yours Sincerely, Savannah McEvedy, Security Officer, Detroit Munitions
It is good to confirm that our people on Norfolk are always hard at work regarding matters that not only involve the Navy, but our allies on top of that. I was informed moments ago that the last of the BDR-337s have been transferred to Detroit, with all of their respective equipment attached.
While requests for Libertonian tech usage do not often come our way, I am in the position to accept that request of yours as well and wish you the best of luck when bringing it to the Government. I trust Detroit Munitions to put the weaponry lent by the Forty-Sixth Fleet to good use, and I am certain it will be of good use.
Lastly, I appreciate the gesture. Considering your status as a close partner to Ageira, I trust that your organization is to be trusted equally. In light of that, I shall get in touch with you within the following weeks regarding a project that's nearing it's end, but may require further help from your capable people in order for the project's utmost success to be accomplished.
Message from: Savannah McEvedy, Security Officer, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 128-bit Ageira WFF
To: VAdm. Maria Uhmen, LNX Akhetaten, Forty-Sixth Fleet, Liberty Navy
Admiral Uhmen,
Once again I find myself in the uniquely privileged position to thank you for your generosity. I will forward this correspondence to the licensing centre as you previously suggested.
We eagerly look forward to working with you on whatever project you have in mind, and await your future correspondence.
Yours Sincerely, Savannah McEvedy, Security Officer, Detroit Munitions