Incoming Transmission Liberty Navy
First Fleet Recruitment Board
Captain Alina Morrison, Public Relations
Citizens of The Republic!
It's with great pride that the Liberty Navy First Fleet would like to announce the REOPENING of external Officer Candidate Recruitment!.
A Career as a Commissioned Officer with the Liberty Navy offers many great benefits, and the First Fleet is a prestigious posting worthy of those who relish the chance to push themselves to their furthest limits in the name of defending our great Republic!
Please see the attached application below, if you think you have what it takes to live a life of service and honor!
Alina Morrison
Liberty Navy
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
”Non sibi sed patriae.” ”Not for self, but for country.”
- Official Motto of the Libertonian Armed Forces
Officer Candidacy School - Application
A life of adventure - only thirty government forms and a signature away.
If you've found yourself at this Neural Net address, chances are you're interested in joining the Liberty Navy as one of our newest recruits, or you want to know more about the process. Let me first stress that becoming a member of the Liberty Navy is not a simple undertaking - joining one of the finest military forces in Sirius is a daunting task in and of itself, not to mention the sheer amount of responsibility and duty you will hold as a servicemember of the Libertonian Armed Forces. However, despite the responsibility - and the risk - it is a quite rewarding life, and the experiences you have here will change your life for the better, as Commander Marshall will tell you:
"The Gallics took my home on Leeds and Liberty was the best bet to start again. I joined the Navy to fight back and hopefully liberate my home. The Navy doesn't let anyone walk over them, no matter how big the opposition."
- CMDR Malachy Marshall, XO 1FLT-LOG
Before you rush to your nearest recruitment center and sign away the next few years, however, make sure you're aware of what we require of you:
»You are expected to be completely familiar with the rules and guidelines set forth by the Administrators of Discovery GC 24/7, located here. Breaking any of these while within the [LN] may result in demotion, suspension, removal, or exile. »As above, you are also expected to be familiar with roleplaying - this is a roleplaying server, after all. We do not expect perfection, but repeated failure to act in-character whilst in-game will result in consequences. »All members are required to hold at least one hour of activity on a non-shared vessel (or a shared vessel, if it can be confirmed) at the end of each month. Failure to do so may result in demotion or allocation to the Reserves. This can be suspended in the case of extenuating circumstances, although cases lasting longer than (1) month will result in your character(s) being moved to the Reserves. »You are expected to act with respect in regards to all members of the community, both inside and outside the [LN], and both in-game and on the forums. Failure to do so will result in demotion, removal, and/or administrator intervention, if deemed necessary. »Act as a fair player in-game. While this is hard to define, we expect you to conduct yourself with a degree of class and style. Relying on outnumbering or outgunning your foe is not something we encourage. Instead we would prefer to encourage people to hone their combat skills and endeavor to meet people in a more even battle. That is not to say we expect you to win every even handed battle you engage in - but instead to fly with courage, and to learn from your mistakes should you lose.
Still interested? There's only one more step then, hotshot. The NORR-822-OCSA, also known as the Officer Candidacy Application, is the newly standardized method of applying to Officer Candidate School at West Point Military Academy. The candidacy application is split into two parts: the written portion and the checkride. To initially be accepted for a "checkride", or a flight test as it may be more commonly known, you must first submit a biographical statement to this neural net address. These applications are responded to every Friday or at the earliest convenience, typically by a NORR junior official. Please using the following format when submitting your application, or it may be rendered invalid:
[font=Orbitron][color=#FFFFFF]Liberty Navy - NORR-826-OCSA[/color][/font]
[font=Open Sans][color=lightblue]Name:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Your legal name, as it appears on Liberty citizenship, visa, or passport documents.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Date of Birth:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Your date of birth. Format: MM/DD/YYY[/color]
[color=lightblue]Place of Birth:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]The planet, moon, or orbital facility you were born on, the system in which that planet or structure inhabits, and the House it is affiliated with.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Sex:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Male / Female.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Height (cm):[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Your height in centimeters.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Weight (kg):[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Your weight in kilograms.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Relatives:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Any currently living or otherwise notable relatives.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Previous Work Experience:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Any non-combatant work experience that is applicable to the Navy.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Previous Military Service:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Any previous service with either the Libertonian military or a foreign military. Service record should be attached if any such experience exists.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Biographical Segment:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]A short summary about your life. Should be around a paragraph.[/color][/font]
[font=Orbitron][color=#FFFFFF]OORP Part[/color][/font][font=Open Sans]
[color=lightblue]Your experience in Discovery:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]How long have you been around? Have you ever been sanctioned? Tell us -shortly- about your experience.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Are you familiar with the [url=][u]Laws of Liberty[/u][/url] and the [url=][u]Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules[/u][/url]?:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Yes/No[/color]
[color=lightblue]Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]RP: 0-10 PvP: 0-10[/color]
[color=lightblue]Discord Username:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]Your Discord User / ID.[/color]
[color=lightblue]Timezone:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]The timezone you're in, preferably listed in +/- GMT. Ex: -5 GMT.[/color][/font]
Once the application has been received, verified, and accepted, you will be assigned a training vessel from the West Point Military Academy squadron, which is to be used solely during your checkride period. The checkride will be set up in advance with one of our Combat Training Instructors, or, in their absence, a member of the Admiralty. The checkride will last the period of approximately thirty minutes to one hour, depending on the instructor's preference, and will test your attitude, capabilities, and understanding of what is expected of you as a recruit (as detailed in this channel). You will be informed the night of the checkride or the day immediately following as to the success of your application, and, if successful, be added to the appropriate Neural Net frequencies.
If you are successful enough to be accepted to the First Fleet as a Cadet, you will be required to fly four hours in a Libertonian fighter craft (Patriot, Defender, Avenger, Executioner, Upholder, and Havoc Mk II) in order to maintain your position within the Navy and be promoted to Ensign.
The Naval Office of Recruitment & Retention wishes you the best of luck in your attempt, and hopes to see you among the Navy's finest in the near future.
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Liberty Navy - NORR-826-OCSA Name:Paula Beasley. Date of Birth:03/06/800 A.S Place of Birth:Pittsburgh. Sex:Female. Height (cm):178 cm. Weight (kg):65 Kg. Relatives:The Mom still on Pittsburgh. Previous Work Experience:A couple of years worth of experience working in the mines of DSE. Previous Military Service:Member of the secondary for a few years.
Biographical Segment:Born and raised by honest and hardworking parents, both also from Pittsburgh.
Having been raised and also having worked in that environnement allowed me to develop of sense of respect for both hierarchy and elder people, unfortunaly incidents happen a lot, and dad's life was taken.
That event made the need to take off from the place grow, and ultimately, to enter in service with the Navy, despite the protest of the mother being afraid to lose someone else.
Luckily, I was able to survive with the basic training from West Point, though that wouldn't always mean that the leased Defender would make it back in one piece.
Having heard that the First Fleet was re-opening their recruitement channel, it felt natural to try and apply for a Cadet position, as it would mean for me the access to a better training and a stronger, more able leadership than in the secondary.
OORP Part Your experience in Discovery:Been around since 2017, never been sanctionned, mostly flew snubcrafts, also had a very short time under [LN] on another char. Are you familiar with the Laws of Liberty and the Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules?:Yes Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:RP: 5 PvP: 7 Discord Username:nazawo/Nazawo#3340. Timezone:GMT +1.
Incoming Transmission Liberty Navy
First Fleet Recruitment Board
Commander Lillian Olson
Good evening,
Candidate Paula Beasley, your application has been reviewed, and has been approved, please report to West Point at 0800 hours.
That is all. I wish you the best of luck moving forward.
Lillian Olson
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Name:Rebecca Cotton Date of Birth:10/30/805 Place of Birth:Planet Manhatten, New York, Liberty Sex:emale. Height (cm):176 Weight (kg):65 Relatives:Jonathan and Sophie Cotton Previous Work Experience:Not really Previous Military Service:The Marshals
Biographical Segment:Born into a fairly wealthy family Becky had a much better and happier start in life than others. Her parents, Johnathan and Sophie Cotton, were both higher-ups in a large oil company on Planet Manhattan so they both brought home a sizable wage which would support her heavily in her future life. Being in a rich family offered so much to Becky especially since she was a lonely child. She had all the latest gadgets and toys to herself and on top of this her parents paid for the best schools and tutors around to get her the best possible education.
Education was one of the most important things she valued, just after her family. Ever since she was young, she had her eyes set on the stars. Her dream was to travel to space and venture out and visit other worlds so she had to work very hard to get there. During her junior and high school years she was very shy and timid so she mostly kept to herself. Library's were her favourite place. She could study in peace and finish her assignments. This would out incredibly well for Becky as she managed to get into the best University on Manhatten where she decided to study two degrees; Law and Order and Gallic Language and Literature.
During her time in University her personality changed quite a bit. She became very extrovert as she got used to the University life style. Over the years she finally got out of her shell and turned into a playful, fun and flirtatious person who became friends with everyone. She was a very outgoing person who loved to party and meet new people. Education was still one of her huge priorities however. Often when she was studying she would find out about older groups that were no longer around and many of them peeked her interested but one took her interest to a new level. This group was called the Marshals. Reading up on this group about how they were loved and did all of the right things really changed what she wanted to do. Her eyes were set on joining the Police hoping one day the Marshals would come back.
Her dream came true when the Marshals were reinstated and the search for the best pilots came around. Unfortunatly due to her inexperiance she was put on the back burner however her sheer determination to join would provail and eventually the Marshals would cave and let her join. Rising to the rank of Deputy Marshal after a short time, albeit still a minor position, she dedicated her heart and soul to policing Liberty, routing out corruption, meeting lots of new people and experiencing the new worlds she would encounter.
Now that the Marshals have been disolved and are no longer on active duty Rebecca is looking for a new opportunity to flex her wings and fly once more under the banners of Liberty upholding the law and protecting it's people from any danger it may face.
OORP Part Your experience in Discovery:Been with Discovery far too long. Done pretty much everything you could think of. Are you familiar with the Laws of Liberty and the Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules?:Yes Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:RP: 6 PvP: 4 Discord Username:the.snoopy Timezone:GMT (Well I think it's currently BST which is GMT +1 at the moment but that'll change soon. I live in the UK)
Incoming Transmission Liberty Navy
First Fleet Recruitment Board
Captain Alina Morrison
Good evening,
Candidate Rebecca Cotton, your application has been reviewed, and has been approved. You will be contacted in short order to coordinate your check-ride flight period and initial in-fleet training.
Welcome to the First Fleet, Cadet.
Alina Morrison
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Name:Randy Williams Date of Birth:01/31/810 Place of Birth:Outskirts of Crichton Springs, Planet Denver, Colorado system, Liberty Sex:Male Height (cm):180 cm Weight (kg):70 kgs Relatives:Many living relatives on Denver, Pittsburgh and Houston. Previous Work Experience:See Biographical Segment Previous Military Service:See Biographical Segment
Biographical Segment:Growing up in the '10s was a terrifying prospect for most Libertonians. They were told that the colonies lived together in peace for centuries, but now all they hear of is war, war, war. War that even reached the homefront. Sufficient to create delusions of now living in a world that will never know peace like their ancestors, yet enraging enough to want to do something to protect one's Home.
Unfortunately for Randy, this meant falling in with the all too common Xenos fronts on Denver, first recruited as an errand boy, soon escalating into a proper initiation. By age 17, 827 AS, Randy had seen and done things most should never even experience to begin with, something that weighted heavily in his mind. Seeking an out, he contacted the Bounty Hunter's Guild and put his trust in them - thankfully, he was pointed towards the Xenophilia Recovery Program, XRP, a rare non-profit in Liberty that tries to heal the Xenos plague by offering alternatives and healthy education concerning life in the Colonies all around Sirius.
This led to Randy finding a healthier outlet to protect his home: joining the Navy. Still following the program to this day, he has received a rehabilitation certificate from the nonprofit, and his experience flying the retrofit Xenos vessels such as the Rebel made him already familiar with Liberty designed vessels such as the Defender.
OORP Part Your experience in Discovery:Joined Disco in 2008, got sanctioned a few times when I was a dumb teen, even permabanned once for hex editing. Led a few official factions, was in the command structure of a few more. Are you familiar with the Laws of Liberty and the Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules?:Yes Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:RP: 8 PvP: 4 Discord Username:Castorien Timezone:-5 GMT.
Incoming Transmission Liberty Navy
First Fleet Recruitment Board
Commander Lillian Olson
Good evening,
Candidate Randy Williams, your application has been reviewed, and has been approved, please report to West Point at 0800 hours. The Recruitment Board went through your references thoroughly, and found them to be satisfactory. The brash mistakes of youth do not define the rest of your life, and I find your willingness to take the path to redemption to be quite admirable.
That is all. I wish you the best of luck moving forward.
Lillian Olson
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Liberty Navy - NORR-826-OCSA Name:Mike Haden Date of Birth:09/19/799 Place of Birth:Planet Manhatten, New York, Liberty Sex:Male Height (cm):175cm Weight (kg):91kg Relatives:Eric Haden Previous Work Experience:Student and Trainee at West Point Military Academy, Civilian Transport Pilot, Trade Lane and Border Patrols as a Navy trainee. Previous Military Service:No experience with foreign military, Former member of Liberty Customs & Border Organization.
Biographical Segment:Born on Planet Manhatten with two hard working parents. My father was a civilian transporter at the time and my mother worked as a jeweller down on Manhatten. Unfortunately a tragedy happened and my mother passed after becoming very ill when I turned 8. Now it was just me and my old man Eric. We were never very rich but had enough. After my father lost my mother he had to stop the transporting business to be home more often to look after me. He was lucky and got a job at West Point Military Academy as a janitor working late night swifts. He would always come home late in the mornings telling me stories of what he had seen, and how it is to work there and seeing all the Vetern Liberty Navy personal with all their medals and awards on their beautiful and neat uniforms, wishing that was something he could have done. That only inspired me to one day join the Liberty Navy and in doing so I can make him proud as he is too old for it and in doing so grant him his final wish in seeing me became a Liberty Navy Officer.
A few years passed and I desided it was time for me to start earning credits and help my father. I took the small transport that my father still had and kept for me, transporting different goods between Pennsylvania and New York earning those extra credits and saving some to be able to pay for my studies and the training at West Point Military Academy. I worked really hard, doing overtime over weekends to be able to afford all the classes and different training courses. Things went well and I was able to study and do all my training but I lack the experience to be able to fly anything else but a transport. To my surprise my father introduced me to a Navy friend he made while working at West Point Military Academy who was a High Ranking Gunboat Captain. He gave me the chance to come with him on his patrols that I can learn more and also made arrangements that I can fly other spacecrafts such as Fighters. I conducted long flights and patrols with him, learning as much as I can. Finally after all that time spend I made it into the Navy program for West Point Military Academy.
Now I am finally there and just have to face my final obstacle and pass the final test to become a Liberty Navy Officer that I can make my father proud and reach my goal. If granted to me I can finally help keep Liberty safe from all that threatens it.
OORP Part Your experience in Discovery:Been around for many years, 10 years intotal now. Last 5 years I have been consistently playing and trying different things. Yes been sanctioned for doing something stupid. Are you familiar with the Laws of Liberty and the Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules?:Yes Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:RP: 6 PvP: 6 Discord Username:fhoxi Timezone:GMT +2
Blessed in he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Incoming Transmission Liberty Navy
First Fleet Recruitment Board
Commander Lillian Olson
Good evening,
Candidate Mike Haden, your application has been reviewed, and has been approved, please report to West Point at 0800 hours.
That is all. I wish you the best of luck moving forward.
Lillian Olson
Liberty Navy
Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Liberty Navy - NORR-826-OCSA Name:Vincent Marshall Date of Birth:1/6/800 Place of Birth:Planet Los Angeles Sex:Male. Height (cm):187cm Weight (kg):79kg Relatives:Father, Mother. Previous Work Experience:Secondary fleet, Liberty Security Forces. Previous Military Service:Several years of secondary Navy fleet, three years primary Liberty Security Forces.
Biographical Segment:Born into a family with wealth on the planet Los Angeles, I had no siblings, which made for a rather uneventful upbringing. I completed my basic high school education and went on to pursue a degree in solar engineering at a university, although I ultimately dropped out. After a few years of living off my family’s fortune, I decided to join the Liberty Navy.
Upon joining, I received the basic military training they provided and later attended West Point Academy. There, I earned my advanced snub craft piloting certificate. I excelled in assignments involving stealth, reconnaissance, and even assassinations, which eventually led me to become an operative for the Liberty Security Force.
After dedicating three years of my life to serving as an operative with the Liberty Security Force, I’ve come to a crossroads in my career. I find myself increasingly drawn to the idea of transitioning into a different role.
OORP Part Your experience in Discovery:One can say for too long. Lots. Are you familiar with the Laws of Liberty and the Discovery RP 24/7 Server Rules?:Yes Respectively, rate your RP and PvP skills on a scale to 10:RP: 7 PvP: 7 Discord Username:Lev has it. Timezone:GMT+1