☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Adjutant J. Royce Recipient:August Kaplan Subject:Application
Your parentage isn't an issue.
The Alliance doesn't discriminate on the basis of the ancestry of its members. That said, your "service" record is spotty at best, makes you look like an opportunist.
I've been instructed to approve your application and put you through the process anyway. But keep in mind that trust will be a premium, something you have to earn.
Please note that as a volunteer you will be a detached element of the Alliance militia acting in service of the Free Republic.
You will be entitled to some basic benefits and incentives, but not the full extent of support that the Alliance offers it's regular personnel.
If you have questions, take it up with one of our representatives at the Fort. Petitions, if any, should be addressed to the Commander's office.
Well, this is a little embarrassing, but I'm sure you predicted this would happen. That's OK though, I have respect enough for the Alliance to admit I was wrong. And smarts enough to do what I should have done in the first place. Sign me up.
My group of Predators never really got much traction, and now I see the error of my ways. I'm willing to work my way into the ranks of the Xeno Alliance and do things right by our people. I've got this Liner we managed to jack, and a couple of snub craft in the bays. She's been retrofitted for cargo piracy and snub support, and is well armed and armoured. I'm uploading the schematics now -
I await your response with interest.
Jimmy out.
File attachment - Application.doc
13.) What's your name? Jimmy "Predator" Predsman.
14.) Any special skills? I'm a decent bomber pilot, and will bring my own assets into the Alliance. I currently operate from a hijacked passenger liner "Predators Nest". I would like to see this used as a mobile deployment asset by the Xeno Alliance.
15.) Where were you born in Liberty? Planet Houston, Texas.
16.) Age and gender? 31 Male
(//ooRP section)
17.) Have you ever been sanctioned? If so, what was the reason? Did you learn from it? Never been sanctioned.
18.) Do you agree to follow all of the server rules while flying under XA colors, and not doing so may result in expulsion from the faction? Of course.
19.) Do you understand that you will be outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed nine times out of ten, but that you must keep your cool? Have seen it first hand. Still keen.
20.) What is your Skype name and display name? If you don't have Skype, get it. It's required. infraredfrost
21.) Have you read the Unstoppable Truth (Optional) and the Xeno Alliance faction information? I read both of these.
Hey... Hey! Is this thing on? Got a bit of a PSA here!
I'm finally out of Attica Supermax... After almost 10 years. And boy do I have a LOT of pent up aggression to exact on our foes!
So you'll be seeing XA-Pit.Viper back in action reeeeaaaal soon!
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Adjutant J. Royce Recipient:Jim Predsman Subject:Application
Whether you're here to re-enlist or not, fill out the form properly.
Your induction is on hold until then and I won't ask twice.
"Fear the White Star."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE-Enlist?! A form? A bloody FORM?! Fine, fine...
1.) Name
JImmy Predsman a.k.a "Pit.Viper"
2.) Date of birth
25th July 794 A.S.
3.) Place of birth
Planet Houston, Texas
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Before I got put away in Attica Supermax nine years ago, I was the logistics go-to for the Xeno Alliance as a Luminary, and once sat where you did previous to that. Remember the Oyster Creek scandal? Might be a bit before your time. After I got locked up the LPI tried to get the coordinates from me, I refused to give them this or the base codes so they tripled my sentence. The base was evacuated and scuttled, and a small number of my ships have been in a hangar on Ouray while I completed my sentence, recruiting to the cause from within prison all the while.
I've had my time in combat as well, and have numerous storied kills against our enemies in the X.A comms archives. Those reports can speak for themselves of my combat prowess if you care to look them up.
On my return, I intend to slip back into a logistics-type roll, running guns and black market goods. I have my eye on an ore centrifuge that has broken away from the wrecked Toronto Station debris that I want to investigate, and although the Junkers have posted a Salvager there this section has drifted several klicks from the main wreck and they seem content to let this valuable piece of equipment fall from orbit. With Copper Ore being found in Coronado now, all the pieces of the puzzle are there to create some much needed jobs for our people without outsourcing any equipment or labor, and make some money for the Alliance in the process. This could be valuable to your new trading partners I have seen docked at Ouray.
That all said, I'll not shy from combat if called up, once I blow the dust off some ships and see what still works and what doesn't.
I trust that this will satisfy your paperwork.
Jimmy out.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. nuhll
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender:Adjutant J. Royce Recipient:Jim Predsman Subject:Application
With your information in order, I've been approved to facilitate you coming aboard again as a volunteer. Please be sure to speak to our representatives at whatever station you're currently if anything further is necessary.
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
I have worked honest jobs all of my life. I started working young as a warehouse worker as soon as I started walking. On cold days "Heat is in the tools" was heard around the house. I helped my father with ore mining in the Helium fields of Erie. After I got my pilots license I've flown cargo and helped around the Zoner settlements. Building, hunting, farming and even a few longer trade hauls, away from the prying eyes of the LSF. I could have left that planet long ago. I could have built a life far far away on one of those Freeports. But I love Erie. That is where I wanted my kids to grow. Then the Pennsylvania tensions started.
Everywhere I turn there is the boot. The heavy military boot, pushing you down inch by inch into the filth. If you try to lift you head, the boot gets heavier. If you turn your face up, you get spit on. I see them everywhere. The inspectors, the convoys, the so-called guards and peace keepers. And worst of all I see the traitors. People you've helped build their homes, children you watched grow to adults, drinking buddies with now worried smiles. My paradise is being trampled.
My great-grandfather was a Bretonian. He moved to Liberty, for freedom and opportunity. My father was a mine worker on Pittsburg. He took all his savings and family to live on the edge of Liberty, where he though freedom still survived. In our house we had two books - The Holy Book and The Unstoppable Truth by the great Adam Greerson. Now it is my time to take the lead of my family. I choose to stop running. I choose to fight for what is right. I choose to fight for the Xeno Alliance if you will take me.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Dinozavar
Incoming transmission . . .
Encryption pattern: [H3-M4CH-4TU5] . . .
Starting decryption process . . . "Rinkhals" detected . . .
Recipient: Martin Gauhan
Subject: Joining the cause
Displaying message . . .
If the boots come crashing down and the burden becomes too much to bear, it is the right thing to resist. You're doing your family a service by choosing to not tolerate it anymore. You are hereby accepted into the Xeno Alliance as a volunteer. Report to Ramsey at your earliest opportunity and we will kit you out.
3.) Place of birth
Answer: Planet Houston, Texas system
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Come to think of it, my early life was just wandering across the smog-filled streets doing whatever little I could to support my meager living. Both of my parents died while I was twenty. I had already eyed into better employment opportunities, and one poster struck me about the Navy needing more men for their war effort. So, I went to West Point and got some military prepping. I had to contend with all the bullies who constantly talked about my poor upbringing. Yet there was this one thing I didn't quite manage to pass only barely, namely their rigorous physical training.
The navy boys called me a piece of junk. For months I wandered across scrap fields until a Xeno came. Surprisingly, he was friendly to me and offered me a place within Ouray. He also offered me a bottle of Liberty Ale, and I found a place to live at long last. Getting the money was another challenge, but eventually, I got a new freighter.
Knowing that, and how the Xenos stand true in fighting the rampant corruption within Liberty, particularly with officials who get their money from foreign entities, I learned how to fight and overcome my fears. To this day, the Liberty Free Republic has taken the right path and as a step forward, I shall enlist in the Xeno Alliance, knowing that my contribution will spark a light amidst all the darkness I've experienced living under the authorities.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. Already in the discord.
Incoming transmission . . .
Encryption pattern: [H3-M4CH-4TU5] . . .
Starting decryption process . . . "Rinkhals" detected . . .
Recipient: Mark Hill
Subject: Another one for the cause
Displaying message . . .
Tragedy always follows the rightous. A light you shall be and instill the fear of the white star into our enemies. Report to Ramsey A.S.A.P. You're a volunteer in the Alliance now. Take care not to step on the toes of the Steel Circle and you should fit right in.
4.) Describe in your own words your previous experiences, your view of the Xeno Alliance, and your motivation to join:
Answer: I was born on Ouray in the beating heart of the Xeno movement. My parents were part of the 2nd Ouray Defense Wing and, unfortunately, they died on the frontlines when I was a kid. I was later raised by local personnel and spent plenty of time flying with the Ouray raiders. I learned a lot from them and they became my new family. And now here I am, willing to dedicate my life in fighting for the Liberty Free Republic and proceed the deeds of my heroical parents.
(//ooRP section)
What is your Discord name? If you don't have Discord, get it. It's required. wyetolog