at ze beginning of ze monz, ze crew of ze Rheinland corvette Eisenach noticed some minor violations of ze law caused by ze Eupen Handelsplatz administration. Due ze affiliation change of SEO|, ze trade of military salvage is no longer permitted on a freelancer installation according to §7.7. of ze Rheinland laws. I already informed Herrn Linhardt regarding ze issues and ze crew of ze Eisenach collected a warning fee from zem.
Ze payment of 100.000 credits were forwarded to ze KPR|Bank.
Ze Daumann installations Arnsberg Research Institute and Ruhrpott Mining Facility had to be reminded about zeir quarterly fees. Direktorin Wolf agreed, zat we should impose an additional fine for learning purpose to remind ze administrators about zeir debt.
Ze fine of 500.000 credits were already paid to KPR|Bank.
Zis leaves only McBoyles Schrottplatz in Frankfurt and ze Stuttgart Station in Hamburg in debt for zis quarter.
I'm back on duty from my vacation on Planet Baden Baden.
My quarterly report to ze Rheinland modular base registry got a razer positive feedback. However, ze government has not yet decided to remove ze Stuttgart station from ze list of approved modular installations, alzough ze owner failed to transfer ze fee for renewal. I suspect zis is again a result of ze bureaucratic process. As you can see from my last report, ze administrators of ze Arnsberg Research Institute and Ruhrpott Mining Facility had to be reminded of zeir obligation to pay ze fee for registration renewal.
Ze undesired learning effect kicked in and in ze current quarter zey were ze first, who transferred ze credits.
Zerefore, only ze Handelsdepot and ze Lichtenberg station are now in arrears wiz zeir payments for Q3.
I told my government contact to inform me in a week about zeir transfers.
As of priorities: I'll stick to solve ze Hammersee incident.
last week I contacted ze owner of ze Stuttgart station wizin ze Hamburg system about zeir debt and I gave zem a final warning to eizer pay off or to face ze consequences. Ze Versorgungsschiff Schwaben was at zis moment also in Hamburg to patrol ze area, while I was at ze Lübeck Border station to coordinate ze operation. Ze deadline for Herrn Katzenbauer ended on Monday morning and he did not manage to clear ze outstanding amount of credits. I was already organizing ze siege, when I received a message from ze governor of Hamburg. Seems he was not willing to spend ze funds needed for zis siege. Zis is kind of ironic, because he was ze one who pushed ze situation before. Furzer information has revealed zat Mr. Katzenbauer is no longer at ze station and apparently took almost everyzing wiz him. Ze remaining, innocent workers will be evacuated to ze Altona station wizin ze next days. We will declare zis installation as abandoned and let it rot away like ze Vierlande prison.
Since zere wasn't anyzing more for me to do in Hamburg, I joined ze Schwaben crew on zeir way back. However, ze moment we entered ze trade lane to ze Essen station, an ion storm hit us. We were catapulted out of ze trade lane sequence, some crew men were injured and 4 of zem died unfortunately but zanks to my new shampoo, at least my hairstyle held. After everyone recovered from ze shock, we found ourselves in a razer dark area of New-Berlin. A few minutes later, our sensors reported ze arrival of a big number of unidentified ships. Of course zey were attacking us...
After I pushed ze lifeless body of ze gunner from his chair, I was able to defeat ze first wave of zem. However, due ze movement during ze combat we came near to an unknown object. Ze closer we got to zis unknown object, ze more enemies appeared. Wiz our supplies running low and ze ship and its crew definitely not suited for such a mission, I ordered a strategic retreat. Based on ze weapons used by our opponents and ze prisoners we took, I believe ze attacker is ze Wild. Zeir presence in ze system is worrying. We delivered ze remains to ze Arnsberg Research Institute yesterday for furzer examination and I am curious to find out what ze unknown object is. I also have to find a safe place for ze prisoners. Somehow I don't want to send zem to Mecklenburg.
Speaking of, first I should check, whezer ze Gallic Gendarmerie finally started ze promised delivery of required workforce for Hammersee.
Greetings officers, the today's report
We were sended to patrol Frankfurt and Sigma-15 System, the patrol in Frakfurt system done timely in the first hours of the day, we had a small issue with Mannheim Station and Daumann captains disputes, it seems some perssonal things on them, luckily for me i arrived at a time to calm things down, it appears only to be a issue with the launchpad bays, thankfully it was solved in a manner of minutes, after the discussion was over, we launched and help an Republican Transport with TL issues and some bundschuch patrol near the Sigma gate, our scanner the Katzengeist use was not as powerful to catch data at such distances, it only appear to be a rookie pilot, but nothing too drastic at this point, since i cannot locate the pin-point location i proceeded to make a jump into the Sigma-15.
Once during the Sigma-15 we have something to report.
We come here to investigate some Bases could use some help to advice or something really is happening out there.
Somewhere between sectoring
Bases are located in such status
The First one is currently Lacking on Resources to survive
Second one has not Polizei Access to dock.
There is nothing more to report, we will do a walked patroll on the Prison to see if everything is doing fine before getting back here to report.
Officer Reginleif Luftschloss
Rheinland Polizei - Geist Team
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
PRIORITY:HIGH ENCRYPTION:HIGH IDENTIFICATION:Inspektorin Freyja Wolf RECIPIENT:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:KPR| Headquarters, Neu Berlin Planet, New Berlin System STARDATE:17 | 09 | 835 AS SUBJECT:Crusier Authorization
I am writing to formally document the authorization granted for the use of the vessel RFP|Chemnitz. As the high command, I have approved the use of the vessel under the following conditions:
Authorization: The request to handle the RFP|Chemnitz is approved. This decision is made to expedite the process and ensure operational efficiency.
Documentation: You are required to provide the usable status and maintenance documents for the vessel. This ensures that the vessel is in optimal condition and ready for deployment.
Registration: While you have the option to register the vessel as a KPR| ship, considering its historical and valuable nature, you are permitted to retain its registration as an RFP| ship if you prefer. This is a special exemption granted in this case.
Please ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted promptly to facilitate a smooth transition. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Kaiserliche Polizei Inspektorin Freyja Wolf
Rheinland Polizei
Polizei Inspektorin Freyja Wolf
Kurprinzessin zur Neckar
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
F. Wolf
Discord : Tenshi Kuonji#3786 ✙|✙ Other Networks : Tenshi Hidden Links Best Ranks Ever: 1|IC Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland (KPR| Tagged Vessels) The Arctic Trickster:Tales of Foxy Tenshi✙|✙ Links: (soon) Blogger | Amino | Medium | WordPress | DevArtStories
And so shall they fall, all who bear our mark. No matter who they are, no rank, nor title, nor power shall shield them. When the mark finds them, their time is nigh.
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate Bommel SOURCE:Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin SUBJECT:Solution for ze Hammersee incident
Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,
apart from ze fact zat ze Hammersee incident was 2 months ago, we have now found an acceptable solution for it.
To summarize briefly: Wiz increased, uncoordinated attacks by corsairs (and ozer unlawfuls), we were forced to contact ze kaiserliche Rheinwehr. It is unnecessary to mention zat ze barbaric ships of ze corsairs could not do anyzing about ze concentrated firepower of his majesty. Ze corsairs lost many ships and debris of drifting wrecks fell on ze moon. As a result, some mining tunnel collapsed and buried several zousand inmates.
I have already contacted ze Gallic gendarmerie and proposed a simple trade agreement. We get some prisoners and zey get aluminum (ze main export of ze penal colony). As expected, zey agreed and we had a final coordination in ze border system Köln.
It took a while for our delegation to arrive in Gallia. Ze way back was also difficult, but ze first prisoners from Gallia were successfully transferred to ze Mecklenburg prison a few hours ago. I now have ze burden pleasure of coordinating regular transfers. I have already created ze first forms for correct approvals.
please forgive me ze too late submission of my monzly report, but zis is only due to technical difficulties zat we suffered during ze transmission.
first and foremost, my government contact told me, ze owner of ze Rheinwehr affiliated Lichtenberg Station was received for Q3 and Q4. It seems zere was a problem wiz ze accounting software.
As a result of our last achievement, I made an attempt to improve our PR wiz ze best knowledge and belief. I had an interview wiz Rheinland Nachrichten, ze only reliable source zat should (should) use). It was about ze successful delivery of ze Gallic prisoners. Once again, ze public was able to see zat ze Polizei takes care of Rheinland's economic interests. Since Hammersee currently suffers a lack of workers (ze real reason why we import criminals at all), we were forced to use Krugers aluminum reserves for export. Of course, ze miners were compensated accordingly. So far we have been able to deliver 20.000 aluminum to Gallia. Zis corresponds to about a fifz of ze agreed volume.
I also had Business in ze Stuttgart system. Ze owner of ze ALG installation Koepchen Depot was not only in deficit wiz his fees, on closer inspection, his database entry even deviated from ze truz. Zis is a violation of our law, as in §7.3. written. Of course, I pointed out to ze criminal offender, zat an update of his entry is punished wiz an administrative fee. Alternatively, I offered him to drop ze fee if he did a task for me. As you, verehrtes Oberkomando, know, ze Olpe station has been in miserable condition for a long time. I zerefore asked Herrn Maier to dismantle said wreck.
My next task was one of our cruisers. Some time ago I was given permission to command ze Rheinland Kreuzer Chemnitz. Zis cruiser handed over to ze Bundespolizei from ze Rheinwehr Hauptflotte during ze Liberty-War. After I found out ze current position of ze cruiser, I set off wiz a team to examine ze warship. Unfortunately, it was in a shabby condition. When we first ignited ze cruise engines, somezing exploded in ze reactor area. Ze cruiser is currently in ze Oder shipyard and we are waiting for a message from Daumann.
Last quarter we almost destroyed ze Schrottplatz in Frankfurt. Ze owner had not complied wiz his obligations. Fortunately (for him), ze attack was later interrupted by our merciful Direktorin. Since ze owner promised improvement, I did not interfer. Neverzeless, I did not miss ze opportunity to do it during a mining operation in ze Halle Debris Field and reminded him about §3.2.2.. By ze way, I also collected ze fee for Q4.
My open tasks:
Ze corporation Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing has developed a new ship design, which might be a zreat to ze citizen of Rheinland. Zey declined a first proposal of an agreement. I've to find a way to solve zis.
Ze SEO station Eupen Handelsplatz is up for sale. I already sent Herrn Linhardt a message, but got no response so far.
Ze Gefangenentransportvehicle Spandau was relocated to New-Berlin and awaits ze BDM ship BDM|LV-Bifrost near Brandenburg station.
I contacted an aspiring company, named Weiss Shipping. As far as I can tell zey are affiliated wiz Imperial Shipping and might be helpful.
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
PRIORITY:High ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Gefangenentransportvehicle Celle SOURCE:Vicinity of Mecklenburg Prison, Lüneburg System SUBJECT:Ambush
Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,
the Gefangenentransportvehicle Celle was transfering some criminals from the Elbe border fortress in Omega-7 to the Mecklenburg Prison within Lüneburg. After we reached the Stuttgart gate, an unidentified vessel appeared. The transponder signal was identified the person as a pirate. Since we were already full with prisoners, we gave the intruder the friendly advice to leave the area.
Of course the pirate didn't followed that advice. He was also so keen and demanded a few prisoners for our safe passage. We ignored the demand and entered Rheinland space. He followed and disabled the trade lane near the Ulm Border Station. I felt the urgent need to tell him, that this a violation of §2.5.2., but I resisted. Instead I gave the order to open fire without further discussion with that pirate.
Unfortunately we were not able to damage the offender. So we did, what every sane person in such a situation would do: We sacrified one criminal cell for the well-being of our ship and crew. The pirate grouse was heading towards the Westnebel. He asked I should sing a song for the rest of our prisoners - that is not part of my job description. We continued our transfer and, without further incidents, reached the Mecklenburg Prison in Lüneburg. I have the feeling this was just the beginning.
[04.12.2024 23:07:27] KPR|GTV-Celle: You better leave this area
[04.12.2024 23:07:28] The.Murky.Chance: CO: Oh, that's a little more dangerous than we expected all the way out here!
[04.12.2024 23:07:46] The.Murky.Chance: CO: What's a bunch of stuck up cops doing stuffed in there I wonder?
[04.12.2024 23:08:05] KPR|GTV-Celle: Removing criminals of that area
[04.12.2024 23:08:20] The.Murky.Chance: CO: I think, captain, that your quarters are probably a little stuffy for folks like that.
[04.12.2024 23:08:28] The.Murky.Chance: CO: They needs lot of leg room, you know.
[04.12.2024 23:08:53] The.Murky.Chance: CO: If you were to, say, halt and transfer one of those cargo containers to us, we'd be happy to help out.
[04.12.2024 23:09:04] The.Murky.Chance: CO: Think of it as a civil service.
[04.12.2024 23:09:27] The.Murky.Chance: CO: You sure you want to do that?
[04.12.2024 23:09:27] KPR|GTV-Celle: What was that?
[04.12.2024 23:09:47] The.Murky.Chance: CO: You'll have one last chance when this lane gets cut, "herr offizier".
-Combat here-
[04.12.2024 23:12:04] KPR|GTV-Celle: Fine
[04.12.2024 23:12:07] KPR|GTV-Celle: Take one
[04.12.2024 23:12:52] The.Murky.Chance: CO: Always a pleasure to do business with the Kaiser's own!
[04.12.2024 23:13:06] The.Murky.Chance: CO: Sing a song for the rest of the poor suckers, would ya?
an unmarked Rheinland Polizei unit from anozer department found an unregistered installation during a slog smuggler chase in ze Ruhrfeld of New-Berlin and forwarded zis incident to me. I did not hesitate and confronted ze owner about zis infringement as soon as I had ze capacity to handle it. For now, I assume ze offender is orginated from ze Gallic Union as we saw transports wiz an EFL transponder code docking at zat installation. Zis could also be a misconception, but it is not important for zis case. I levied a fine and ze offender forgot to include ze payment confirmation of 500.000 sc to ze KPR|Bank in his response. I hereby request to check if ze payment is truly received.
I also pointed him to ze Rheinland Modular base registry as he was obviously not able to locate zis on his own. I was informed, his delayed request was denied by ze Rheinland government. Zis resulted in enforcing §7.5 according to ze laws of Rheinland, resulting in restricting ze lawful trade wiz zis station. We publized an announcement in ze appropriate channel. Zis announcement contained temporary measures and legalizly empowered us to confiscate cargo heading to zat station by using §2.2.3.. I informed ze owner about our announcement and offered a reasonable amount of credits to take over zis installation in a less violent way. I'd like to remind you zat ze Kreuzer Chemnitz is still docked at ze Oder Shipyard for ongoing repairs.
Yesterday, in ze late evening, we got a message from ze dedicated Gefangenentransportvehicle Ottweiler, which was transporting Alumium back to Gallia. Ze Schiffsführer informed me anozer gallic liner wiz freelancer transponder codes was heading from ze Ring to ze Ruhrfeld, which would potentially result a violation of ze above mentioned measures. Since ze Ottweiler had no equipment to intercept ze ze offender, we got notifyed after it reached its destination. Ze Rheinland corvette Eisenach, which was still located in Frankfurt, was deployed and ready to head to New-Berlin, when zey encountered an indepedent miner ship hauling Wildcat Gold to Lüneburg. Ze smuggler was fined and ze contraband was destroyed according to § and § While I wished ze commanding officer of ze gunboat probed ze cause of zis infringement, I understand, ze captain was in hurry to stop a more prioritized offense against ze empire. As ze Eisenach was arriving at Essen, we begun to guard ze direct entrance to ze Ruhrfeld. Ze above mentioned ship arrived and ze offender, who was hauling Hull Panels, was ordered to turn around. Ze ship docked at Essen.
Alzough I believe, zat ze intercepted delivery also originates from ze Ring, I presume, zat Daumann Heavy Construction did not knowingly intended to violate against Rheinland law. After all, my governmental contact received ze quarterly payment of zem at ze same day.
[07.01.2025 22:47:06] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: This is the Reichspolizei for [IMG]-Edgar, cut down your engines and prepare for a cargo scan and ID verification.
[07.01.2025 22:47:46] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: Where are you headin to?
[07.01.2025 22:47:47] [IMG]-Edgar: This is IMG Edgar Allen. What's the problem officer?
[07.01.2025 22:48:01] [IMG]-Edgar: Just a quick trip to Sigma-15.
[07.01.2025 22:48:29] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: Indeed I have a problem, you are violating the Rheinland shipping regulations by transporting contraband
[07.01.2025 22:48:55] [IMG]-Edgar: Contraband? I see no contraband. Maybe you're mistaken? Surely we can come to some understanding.
[07.01.2025 22:49:41] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: You are transporting Wildcat gold which is a violation of paragraph 2.2. I have to levy a fine.
[07.01.2025 22:49:59] [IMG]-Edgar: All business huh officer? What's it costing me?
[07.01.2025 22:50:47] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: According to paragraph a fine of 10 credits per unit would be needed. That's 43.000 in your case
[07.01.2025 22:51:03] [IMG]-Edgar: Understood officer. Transferring now.
[07.01.2025 22:51:08] [2025-01-07] 21:49:37 You have received 43.000 credits from [IMG]-Edgar
[07.01.2025 22:51:18] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: Payment received, now drop the contraband
[07.01.2025 22:51:57] [IMG]-Edgar: Well I would of hardly paid a fine had you told me that! Come now officer.. The Bretonian authorities know how things work.
[07.01.2025 22:52:01] [IMG]-Edgar: You telling me you don't?
[07.01.2025 22:52:17] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: A violation of order is considered as subversive conduct.
[07.01.2025 22:52:27] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: Drop the contraband or we will drop it
[07.01.2025 22:52:55] [IMG]-Edgar: You people make it impossible to make a living out here!
[07.01.2025 22:52:57] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: Thank you for your comply
[07.01.2025 23:00:09] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: This is the Reichspolizei for Mr.Banker, cut down your engines and prepare for a cargo scan and ID verification.
[07.01.2025 23:00:43] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: You are going to enter restricted space and ordered to turn back
[07.01.2025 23:01:17] Mr.Banker: am stocking the base <trent's bar and grill>
[07.01.2025 23:01:44] KPR|KKS-Eisenach: This is not allowed since the public announcement of the Rheinland Polizei.
[07.01.2025 23:02:04] Mr.Banker: fine
[07.01.2025 23:02:55] Mr.Banker: place falling apart and get kick out my own base
[07.01.2025 23:03:06] 2025-01-07 22:01:34 SMT Traffic control alert: Mr.Banker has docked
Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland Encrypted Video Transmission
Brandenburg Border Station
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium IDENTIFICATION:Oberrätin Renate von Bommel SOURCE:Brandenburg Border Station, New-Berlin System SUBJECT:Patrol report 8350130
Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando,
I started my patrol #8350130 wiz an experimental Poltergeist from ze Arnsberg Research Institute. Daumann Heavy Construction was able to fit some exotic weaponry in zis vessel. Unfortunately, ze shield generator got some problems and unmounted itself from ze system. I was told to get it fixed it at ze Oder shipyard. On ze way to Brandenburg I found a freelancer carrying restricted materials. I ordered him to stop, but he attempted to initialize ze trade lane sequence. I had to disable a lane ring to get ze attention I desired. Ze ship was a CTE-1770F freighter wiz ze callsign Daesumnor.
I asked ze pilot, what his business wizing ze empire is and he said, he wanted to trade Energy Field Equipment. Zis was a violation of ze Rheinland shipping regulations Article 3, §3.1.1. and according to §3.1.3. it was considered as contraband. After I levied ze fine of 6.200 sc, he tried to argument, because he was not aware of ze law. I told him, it is ze obligation of pilots to get ze knowledge of our publicly announced regulations. He was trying to convince me to get away wiz ze contraband, but I heard ze "not enough credits" excuse too often. I proposed him to ignore ze fine, if he would drop ze cargo. He refused and tried to initialize ze trade lane sequence again. I removed zat smuggler from our space.
[30.01.2025 00:27:17] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Zis is ze Rheinland Polizei for Daesumnor, cut down your engines and prepare for a cargo scan and ID verification.
[30.01.2025 00:27:17] Daesumnor[$40] exited tradelane at New Berlin E-6
[30.01.2025 00:27:45] 2025-01-29 23:26:09 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:27:45] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: I said stop
[30.01.2025 00:28:02] 2025-01-29 23:26:26 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:28:02] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Move away from ze lane please freelancer
[30.01.2025 00:28:25] 2025-01-29 23:26:49 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:28:25] Daesumnor: ??
[30.01.2025 00:28:37] 2025-01-29 23:27:01 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:28:37] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: What are your intentions wizin Rheinland?
[30.01.2025 00:28:53] 2025-01-29 23:27:17 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:28:53] Daesumnor: Trading
[30.01.2025 00:29:07] 2025-01-29 23:27:31 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:29:07] Daesumnor: Got Energy field equipment
[30.01.2025 00:29:34] 2025-01-29 23:27:58 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:29:34] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: You are aware zat your cargo is considered as restricted commodity according to ze Rheinland trade regulations?
[30.01.2025 00:30:12] 2025-01-29 23:28:36 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:30:12] Daesumnor: Didn't know batteries were illegal.
[30.01.2025 00:31:10] 2025-01-29 23:29:34 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:31:10] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Well, you are not allowed to carry your cargo. A fine of 6.200 sc will make sure, you remember zat next time
[30.01.2025 00:31:46] 2025-01-29 23:30:10 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:31:46] Daesumnor: There shoulda been a sign. I spent my last credit on this cargo.
[30.01.2025 00:32:30] 2025-01-29 23:30:54 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:32:30] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Our laws are publicly available. It is not our fault, if you don't read zem
[30.01.2025 00:32:35] 2025-01-29 23:30:59 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:32:35] Daesumnor: How bout a warning this time, officer?
[30.01.2025 00:33:02] 2025-01-29 23:31:26 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:33:02] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: I could ignore ze fine if you drop ze cargo
[30.01.2025 00:33:30] 2025-01-29 23:31:54 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:33:30] Daesumnor: Nah, can't do that. There's folk waitin for these batteries.
[30.01.2025 00:33:46] 2025-01-29 23:32:10 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:33:46] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: So we've a problem now?
[30.01.2025 00:34:04] 2025-01-29 23:32:28 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:34:04] Daesumnor: How bout I just go around? I'll move through Dresden?
[30.01.2025 00:34:29] 2025-01-29 23:32:53 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:34:29] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Negative, ze laws must be followed
[30.01.2025 00:35:20] 2025-01-29 23:33:44 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:35:20] Daesumnor: It's been a doozy of a day. It wont take me long to get out of here.
[30.01.2025 00:35:47] 2025-01-29 23:34:11 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:35:47] Daesumnor: I don't have any credits and I need to deliver the cargo.
[30.01.2025 00:36:38] 2025-01-29 23:35:02 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:36:38] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Refusing to comply is considered as subversive conduct.
[30.01.2025 00:36:55] 2025-01-29 23:35:19 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:36:55] Daesumnor: Ok
[30.01.2025 00:37:13] 2025-01-29 23:35:37 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:37:13] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: You are ordered to drop your cargo now.
[30.01.2025 00:37:26] 2025-01-29 23:35:50 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:37:26] Daesumnor: Not gonna happen
[30.01.2025 00:37:32] 2025-01-29 23:35:56 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:37:32] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Ozerwise I'll use force to drop it.
[30.01.2025 00:38:10] Daesumnor died to KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel (100%)
[30.01.2025 00:38:22] 2025-01-29 23:36:46 SMT
[30.01.2025 00:38:22] KPR|KP.Obt-R.Bommel: Stupid freelancer