Auxo and Prometheus are different entities entirely. Comparing the two and treating them the same is silly, so punishing an indie faction for actions that aren't being accurately represented anyway isn't helping anybody and just perpetuating a cycle of negative action.
At no point have we ever camped anybody's station or fired upon them the moment they undock. There's no fun in that. The first day, we sent the caps in, for a cap fight. A couple indies did get involved but these sorts of things happen. I'm sure there's a video on our end, as I know someone was recording it to reference. That's just a poor justification for being a bad actor imo.
"Everything has happened before and they will happen again." - Chris Anders
Both sides have taken untasteful actions against the other and frankly no one is sorry.
Everyone has a taste of the medicine and gags at it. A constant want for payback is what got us here and only leads to everyone crying.
We play within the rules for a reason because we'd happily treat each other way worse.
Play the event how you see fit, everyone else will too!
Auxo and Prometheus are different entities entirely. Comparing the two and treating them the same is silly, so punishing an indie faction for actions that aren't being accurately represented anyway isn't helping anybody and just perpetuating a cycle of negative action.
At no point have we ever camped anybody's station or fired upon them the moment they undock. There's no fun in that. The first day, we sent the caps in, for a cap fight. A couple indies did get involved but these sorts of things happen. I'm sure there's a video on our end, as I know someone was recording it to reference. That's just a poor justification for being a bad actor imo.
I have to concur with this. Either as Ouroboros, Auxesia or TFP, I have been involved in nearly every major PVP engagement in this event, and not *ONCE*, did anyone pursue the idea of "Let's all drop on top of Tuscaloosa and shaft whoever pops out of the hangar of it"!
Name one time, with proof, that we did this, and my tune will change.
I'm trying to have a conversation about a bug/oversight, not the morality or etiquette of Freelancer PvP. I apologize deeply for anyone who misunderstood that, and I am not trying to take this thread in that direction.
My issue is that it's the same reason you don't put two hostile dockable solars next to each other and tell the community "hey, only one side can restock."
I understand that a carrier is technically killable and that players become vulnerable on dock, but we all know that goes away when anything capable of killing said carriers is effectively able to be deleted on undock the second invulnerability wears off.
Yeah, he said she said. I'm sure there have been plenty of 20 something versus single digits fights that have taken place. That's fine, I'll fly on the losing side of those without complaint if I'm able to score a kill instead of having them legally combat dock and reengage.
Posts: 6,381
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
Staff have been observing the effects of this event over the last few days and after internal discussion have made the decision to end the PvP element. This means effective immediately, PvP bounties, points and rewards are being withdrawn. This is obviously a disappointing outcome, and is something we haven't had to do for many years.
The reason we have done this is because of the consistently poor conduct demonstrated by event participants on both sides. The purpose of the game is to have fun, and the purpose of these events is to provide an incentive for people to come together in a specific area and provide entertaining combat opportunities.
When instead, people have created situations intentionally designed to deny their opponents any opportunity to have fun, resulting in explosive drama across the community, the event has obviously failed. There are a few takeaways that have come from staff discussions:
1) We expect better from all players, but official factions in particular. Action will be taken against groups failing to demonstrate basic levels of fairplay and consideration in server events going forward.
2) We are unlikely to run long-form (week long) PvP events going forward. Instead, long-form events will be PvE and economy focused, with PvP events taking place on specific days, at specific times to play out particular scenarios.
3) There are serious, deep seated divisions between certain groups in the community that are poisoning the atmosphere and driving players away. This needs to end. Staff are willing to mediate and find good faith solutions to these issues, but this continual cycle of grudges and petty vindictiveness will not be tolerated.
Great constructive feedback from Jammi and potentially support from others on the Staff team, only managed to play a few hours of this event but i can see it has taken a turn for the worse.
Not managed to dock my LSF BC anywhere adequately and poor participation from players as a whole, but only the PvE element is working at the moment, which is a huge blow to community project there should have higher expectations from the community moving forward.
Not surprising to say the least but great that Jammi has highlighted these issues so we can learn from these mistakes moving forward.
This event, the... apocalyptically abysmal mess the PvP portion turned out to be - though what has manifested as a result of, has been good to see - aside - has been great. I've had some of the best RP on forums and in game that I've experienced in a long time, even netting me PvP kills that I thought I wouldn't be able to get, even after the PvP incentive was removed.
Kudos to everyone involved. Here's hoping one day we can try this kind of thing again when fairer attitudes prevail on both sides of the coin.
I hope as many people got to find an enjoyable experience with this event. I had some great fights towards the end after the PvP counter was turned off.
This following weekend there will be an unofficial respawn event reflecting the aftermath with this official one with the same participants. I'm hoping this will give us a chance to show that we as the community can have fun together without it getting so hot in the room. We're better than this.