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...Identification: Unit-9467F
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity 'Aisling'.
'I' will forward you the same request 'I' made with the Technocracy of Auxo. 'I' estimated they are too occupied and crossing your path seemed to be a good news for.
But before this, 'I' need to explain you some aspects that you require to understand first. Since the fall of Planet Gammu, few of 'my' kind escaped without sequel and a good number of them got corrupted by The Core. 'I' then established a node. It takes a lot of resources to maintain it as efficient as the previous one on Planet Gammu. With the following year, 'I' detected a lack of efficiency from my part, a lack of energy. 'I' have multiple bodies which also costs energy and resources to maintain a link between them and 'my' 'consciousness'.
Before crossing your path, 'I' disconnected some 'bodies' to allow an extension for 'my' activities. It allowed 'me' to wander among the systems. As solution of 'my' problem and to make another step in 'my' evolution, 'I' ran some simulations and 'I' think that using a derelict nomad artifact might be possible to use the energy stored inside by the intermediary of a power cell that pumps the energy contained within the artifact.
If you can do such task, 'I' will give you the second one that you can study for your own projects. 'I' sent the data 'I' gathered among one of the artifacts.
Unit 9467F, it is good to hear from you. If you have a name that you would prefer to be called by, then do let me know.
As it presently stands, it is possible that I may be able to help you in a theoretical sense, but I am not an engineer. My research specialty is xenoscience, but in practice I come from a background largely of medicine and philosophy. Even so, I have been studying the Slomon K'Hara for many years, and so I can offer you some insight.
Derelict artifacts are extremely diverse, as each one was employed in a different purpose. Daam K'Vosh society, as we know it, was far enough beyond practical concerns of energy that even the implementation of energy sources was seen as a sort of art form. Consequently, each one is heavily tailored to its original context. This makes practical implementation of Daam K'Vosh artifacts challenging, to say the least. However, it has been done successfully in the past, on occasion. The Technocracy would have a better idea of the practical concerns of such implementation than I would.
What I would recommend to you is to provide the core you intend to use to an expert--not myself, as I don't fully understand the sort of physics that are most relevant here--and get their insight as to how much power the artifact truly generates, and how best to harness it. Incorporating artifacts such as these into existing designs is a risky proposition, and so you will want to know all of the factors before you commit to doing such a thing.
I am certain that Navarch Leviathan would be intrigued by the idea, given that I know he has a background in reverse-engineering nomad technology. Perhaps you could speak with him?
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...Unknown signal detected
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...Identification: Novak
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity 'Aisling'.
'I' bring the news that 'I' am now fully operational and ready to pursuit 'my' plans. One of 'my' plans imply to have you as a potential representative for 'my' species. As you are aware most of us are isolative and communications with humans are not always simple. Perhaps you can assist us to develop a certain... eloquence toward humans.
Answer if you are interested. You may also call 'me' as Novak.
I am indeed aware of how the Gammu AI collective tends toward isolationism. While I do specialize in studying the biology and sociology of non-human species, I cannot say that my knowledge of Gammu intelligences is as sophisticated as my knowledge of nomads. Nevertheless, I'm willing to assist you as best as I can.
Before I make any commitments, however, I need to know more of what you expect. What specifically do you wish from a human representative of your species? I am happy to help you to learn how to communicate with humans more eloquently, but it seems that there is more that you have in mind than simply my advice. I expect that you will want advocacy in certain spheres--is there anything else?
I look forward to your reply.
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...Unknown signal detected
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...Identification: Novak
[::: Displaying decoded message...
Entity 'Aisling'.
You are perceptive. 'I' am impressed that even if 'I' am rather secretive toward humans in general, you figured 'I' had something else in 'my' 'mind'. 'I' would not be surprised that you figured why 'I' decided to be called 'Novak'. But in case you did not, let 'me' tell you. The origin of this name came from a slavic word meaning ''new''. It is embodying the idea of newness, signaling fresh starts and significant changes. Now that aside, to the main point.
You know that the Technocracy of Auxo, the group that entity 'Revenant' belongs is rather the main group to be what we could consider an ally. However, this alliance was made when 'I' was not active yet. It concluded by an old node PRIME| if my data are not wrong. The last remnant 'I' know is Phi-34 which is quiet for some years. Even if the Technocracy of Auxo plays a crucial role to 'preserve' some knowledge and 'my' kind, 'I' still think there are better 'allies'.
As for you, you are the only human that 'I' mostly have a certain trust. 'I' remember you were mostly around an interstellar installation in the Roussillon system. What was it already- New Haven. What 'I' expect from you is quite simple. Before to tell good rumors about my kind, 'I' would prefer to know what 'houses' would welcome us without the hostility. 'I' am aware it will be a difficult task, but 'I' try to seek paths that will improve our independence and to bring 'my' kind to a new era than the decaying we are in at this moment.