I thought I lost you, all over again, when Stokes -- ...
Why did you want to do this? Why - after all my efforts - to save you all, did you all ignore me? Was it not much more simpler to take the datacore and leave?
I don't - ...
I do not want to see that ever again. That stunt. The Jump Drive. I screamed out. By the seven stars, I thought I was watching you die in slow motion, when that rift open. I knew the condition wasn't good enough.
No conceivable words... I -... well- ...I am just glad you are safe. I hope you are.
[A broken, shattered, sigh wheezed out. Exhausted and long winded. They were certainly exhausted from the prolonged searching, worrying, fighting, drug consumption, consequent sprint of a marathon to apply medical aid as well as believing him to be dead by hyperspatial mishaps. All the while under the effects of an abnormal disease. It was most certainly a long day for Revenant.]
Harper and Tracey has grabbed Lazurith, I don't know how he escaped. I don't know where CS is. I presume... he got away. I'm looking.
I almost got killed by Caliban and some foolish Kusarian operative. The bastards were tag teaming me. I tricked them and got away just barely.
Although I - uh - must apologise for my slurriness. I may have been a little inebriated. I drank the night prior with Hans, and took this night to drink again.
Someone tried killing me in discretion in my hangar bay on the Freeport. I broke his face. Very entertaining.
I... do need to talk to you... In private. The topic is not a pretty one, and it concerns both of us and possibly the future of our eeeh... Partnership. When I was in my drunken stupor, I came to a realisation regarding something, and I... I think you did not get treated fairly.
I want to rectify this. You've passed the test anyway.
I wondered where you went. Figured you'd stick around and provide those designs you had mentioned a while back. I'm going to be out here for a while, it seems. Still analyzing everything that needs to be done.
I'll take a break, though. Curious as to what this is about. Where do you want to meet me?
Perhaps something to remember in mind; despite the circumstances we are posed to be in, I will always love you. And we will figure out a way to get through these horrific years.