Hello, had problems logging in today after a long time, and thought that maybe the update went wrong. I was always kicked out as soon as I entered my ships (logging to the ship, 1-2 seconds in the base - poof). Re-installed Discovery and patched without antivirus to not mess up any files. Didn't help, the problem of insta-kick out persisted and now I am banned. Could anybody please analyze what the problem is?
One account contains the ships Tampopo and Peach_Trees, the other contains Hand_of_Buddha, Moray_Firth, Grassy_Knoll etc.
Thanks in advance!
- My internet connection, although stable for years, has been an on-and-off freak show for the last two weeks. Fault of the provider, switches on and off like every minute.
- Maybe I need to uninstall Freelancer and Discovery completely or is an over-installing and patching enough?
PPS: Tried uninstalling Discovery and Freelancer, reinstalling both, patching, creating new account with a test character. Doesn't work either.
PPPS: Single Player works flawlessly, however. (Apart from the fact that the "insert separately saved save game" doesn't work.)
I received the Vet-package and since then, I was not able to undock from the starter planet.
It kept telling me "The connection to the server has been lost" whenever I tried to undock.
The day before, it was not a problem (without the Vet-package).
I tried a reinstall and disabled my Norton firewall, but after a few tries I received the message, that my account has been banned from the server. (maybe too many tries?)
Character name: QuatroEnte
Thanks for your help.
PS: With a new ID, I am able again to log-in, undock and play the game. It really seems like the problem is caused by the Veteran-Package. Nevertheless, I would appreciate an unban of my Character "QuatroEnte", thanks a lot.
Since the latest update, unable to log in for more than a second without receiving the 'Connection is lost' message.
Tried 2 Accounts, first of which has subsequently been banned (second is unknown due to stopped trying).
It isn't just a matter of unbanning the said accounts, but also knowing what is causing the issue.
AV hasn't quarantined any Files.
PM sent ~TheDoctorXI
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
one of my accounts got banned before i put one *.dll that it was saying that is missing, and still says it. i might have tryed too many times ... sorry!
Hi folks, I too got banned. All DLL's present, no forum ban and update is applied correctly. No further OS changes since last game (I know it's Patch Tuesday for Microsoft)
Also, has been posted as a question in the Help Section on Discord. @Haste is aware.
Please assist. Character name is [MFE]Hippocrates.
Issue seems resolved as of now.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list...
Blimey. After the new update I have a similar issue as before. I log into the server, then it tells me I don't have the new version of "visual studios c++ redistributable" installed, so the game is shutting down. So I uninstall that, install the new, several tries, several laptop restarts, nothing. The game doesn't recognizy my software anymore.
PS: Just scratch that, after reading some troubleshoting online, one obviously has to install the latest version of c++ x64 AND x86. That seems to have solved ALL my problems of the last two weeks.
But nonetheless, please unban my account containing Moray_Firth, Hand_of_Buddha, Grassy_Knoll etc., it has been two weeks...
Have a Plier Gallic Miner Stuck on a player base ,because the Devs replace the normal class 4 engine
with a class 2 engine slot .
The problem is can't drop a engine on Player base and just mount it ,when i try to login on base it say ERR Not in player base.
Had it before with a Retrofit transport then a Admin mounted a good engine for me and the problem was fixed
Ship name is : GMS|Gallia.Sandstorm
If you can mount a class 2 engine on it that would be great .
Thanks works fine now
Mounted. Please let me know if you have further issues ~TheDoctorXI
From last one-hour i'm trying to enter in game but server is kicking me out and now my account is banned.
Ship names: -
Zoltrix-Zoner transport
Please unban my account.
Thanks in advance.
Unbanned. Please let me know if you have further issues ~TheDoctorXI