COMM ID:Jacqui-Emilia Delcroix de Montmartre TO:Harold Hopper, CDI TOPICEnlistment Process
I must say I am aware of such... potential difficulties for such work. Such risks are not entirely unfamiliar to me I admit, though there is a certain element of, what is the word, volatility to such a place, non? Regardless, the mere fact that my application made it to your desk means I cannot squander such a chance, even if this is some, how you say, practical joke. Still, I shall perhaps bite my tongue in public more than normal while planet side if those men are to be so indiscriminate then.
Blegh, such a pseudonym feels like speaking with rocks in my mouth, but I am willing to stoop to certain levels. Lord knows I already have. Such a thing may not be able to be avoided, especially with how when you Bretonians turn to crime it becomes particularly distasteful and fiery. There is a type of horrific irony to all this which I- . Wait, no, that sounds wretched, computer, ah... remove line... remove sentence?... effacer la dernière ligne? Unmake last text. Oh, merde.... Computer, begin message again, no do not send it I need to edit it!
- Jacqui-Emilia Delcroix de Montmartre
- Jackie Montgomery
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From: Harold Hopper, CDI.
To: Mary Arai.
Topic: Enlistment process
Ms Arai
Thank you for expressing interest in the Civil Defence Initiative.
I understand that many applicants looking to join the Militia may be, for a lack of a better term, "cagey" about their history. This is something we can potentially overlook - within reason, and to an extent - for candidates who can bring particular expertise to the protection of the realm. That said, we do still need to carry out some basic checks.
You've described mercenary work in Kusari and Liberty - please provide a description of the categories of clients you were working with, and a contact we can approach for a character reference. We would also need to understand the nature of the issues you are facing in Liberty, and whether this could compromise your work in Bretonia. If you would instead prefer to sidestep these particular questions, you could instead demonstrate that you possess an essential skillset we need.
Recently we have incurred several casualties from Corsair raiders, making your mercenary experience potentially useful. Killing or capturing a Corsair raider in Bretonian space - preferably one associated with the Black Sails or Deterrence gangs - will handily complete the initial filtering and pilot assessment process. Following an interview with one of our inspectors, you would then be eligible to take your attestation and receive a warrant as a special constable.
We would, of course, also require warranties from you that the 826 - 828 period did not involve criminal activity within Bretonia.
I expected follow-up questions. Let me assure you, my client base was little more than corporate entities of all colors and stripes. However, I must admit the wariness towards entering Kusari stems from my personal actions during the Tau War and shortly after its end. I do not believe my contacts from Leeds are still alive to confirm this. On another note, I have not entered Bretonian space for many years, the last time having been around 823 A.S. - so I could hardly commit any crimes within the Kingdom.
Seeing as it will be tricky to confirm my previous occupation when the brokers handing out these jobs are either dead or long off my radar, I'll take you up on this offer and will see what can be done about your Corsair issue. They're generally tough customers but I'm sure there can be a little happy accident arranged for one or two of them.
I answered a job offering from Galway Frontiers today regarding an apparent pirate activity within Cambridge. They were not joking, except it was more of an invasion fleet of Corsair snubcraft and warships. They attracted enough attention for Red Hessian warships to follow their tracks and also engage all forces present. A few Mollys decided to jump into the mess as well. I spotted some of your colleagues out in the field, though they ended up being shot down. The Armed Forces held themselves well but ultimately suffered losses too.
Alongside the Galway Frontiers' unusual battle constellation of several Grouse-class transports, I put a focus on helping these warships become nothing but wreck pieces floating about. Find here a small collection of guncam shots. The Hessian Battlecruiser also suffered critical damage from an explosion within their engine systems following a few well placed shots by me on hull sections already weakened by Galway firepower. My ship and I left the battlefield relatively intact once the Galway employees starting dispersing to take on the last remaining hostile vessels or disengage themselves.
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From: Harold Hopper, CDI.
To: Mary Arai.
Topic: RE: Enlistment process
Ms Arai
Thank you for the update providing additional supporting information.
I have been advised that several of our constables were involved in the incident you refer to, and have provided a debriefing that noted your performance there. Between that and your current affiliation with the Bounty Hunter's Guild, I have received the green light from my supervisor to progress your application.
Please could you make your way to Planet Sprague for an interview with one of our inspectors. Once that formality is completed, you will be able to log your current ship with the storemaster's adjutant for access to our repair shops, transponder codes and PLOPS licence. You will be required to swear your attestation before receiving the office of constable.
Name:Patrick Phearson Date of Birth:802 A.S. Place of Birth:Graves Station, Dublin Place of Residence:Planet New London Pilot Licence registration number:9182947813 Professional Experience (if any):Nah, just some ordinary captain of some old Clydesdale. Had to live my life with the gold in Dublin until the damned Mollys took over. Though I do have a high school education, I had to drop out because 'ya know, I wasn't passing. Motivation for Enlisting:So, born to two miners in Dublin. When the Mollys struck Graves a few years ago my parents were killed and I barely survived aboard an escape pod, where I had to be treated for extensive injuries. Now, I can barely make ends meet. I scraped together whatever remained of my funds to get the Siren, and after helping 'ya strike a Corsair convoy hauling some Gold, I came to 'ya for enlistment. Hopefully, the pay's good for me compared to what I am now.
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From: Harold Hopper, CDI.
To: Patrick Phearson.
Topic: Enlistment process
Mr Phearson
Thank you for expressing an interest in the Civil Defence Initiative.
Having carried out a successful licence check, I have also received an endorsement from Sgt Top who participated in the action mentioned in your application.
We sorely need capable skippers to helm light transports for blockade, prisoner transfer and logistics purposes. On that basis, we have progressed your application directly to formal interview with one of our flight inspectors at Stanbrook Hall.
Please make your way to Planet Sprague to continue with your assessment. In the event that you pass assessment and induction, you will swear your attestation of office and be issued with a warrant card as a special constable. Please hold on to any travel receipts and we'll be able to reimburse you for reasonable expenses.
As an aside, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your parents. No doubt we can find a place for you on the blockade line to settle some scores.
Sender: Patrick Phearson Location: Planet Sprague, Omega-3 system Subject: Assessment and Induction Priority: High
To Harold Hopper,
I've just arrived at the designated location to see the glorious Bretonian emblem on Sprague's docking ring. Upon landin', there were sirens blarin' all over the distance. The guide told me to go to Stanbrook Hall where I was greeted by familiar faces from days prior.
The interviewer, who looked like he was wearin' formal clothes for the CDI, asked me sternly. I had to, 'ya know, recite the oath, but because I tend to procrastinate, he shouted at me a few times until I recited it perfectly. Then he went with the background and physical assessment. Told me I barely passed the minimum standards. T'was a mistake to party the day before, and I am not quite sober to explain myself clearly.
After the interview, he gave me a card and a note, told me to follow what was written, and sent me back to the Siren. At least I am one step closer to bein' a proper Constable. I can proudly say I'm not a "lid" anymore.
Name:Elizabeth Frederica Beurling. Date of Birth:38, 04.02.796 A.S. Place of Birth:New Berlin. Place of Residence:Planet Sprague. Pilot Licence registration number:774846903. Professional Experience (if any):Basic and advanced training in space superiority, live combat experience in Bretonia armed forces during the Kusari push in Taus and Leeds and the subsequent Gallic attack. Part of the Harris Garrison. Served briefly under New Scotland Yard before moving to independent investigations under BPA cover. Has some less savoury contacts from her time as a mercenary. Motivation for Enlisting:First of all, I live on Sprague. Secondly, I've worked with you on a few occasions and I thought you could use a cadre like me. I'd be happy to help out, but on one condition - I get to keep the Scotland Yard-issued Crusader. It's upkeep won't be your problem, I have friends in the right places.
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From: Harold Hopper, CDI.
To: Elizabeth Beurling, BPA.
Topic: Enlistment process
Constable Beurling
Thank you for expressing an interest in the Civil Defence Initiative.
Your credentials are impeccable, and we've recently had several other BPA constables and inspectors transfer on secondment to the Chief Inspector's staff. I believe Scotland Yard is trying to enforce heightened training standards. You should fit right in with that group. Where you are already based on Sprague, this should be a simple matter of reporting to Stanbrook Hall to have your papers formally transferred.
Regarding the Crusader, we typically restrict the use of our limited stocks of military hardware to our sergeants and inspectors. This is primarily an issue of, well... During the worst days of the war, the average lifespan for a green Special Constable was approximately 96 hours. Issuing them with Crusaders wasn't practical. I understand you've already requisitioned this ship and have made maintenance arrangements with the BPA, however the primary issue is sustainment.
Regrettably, the BPA have abruptly withdrawn from such arrangements in the past, citing budgetary and resource constraints. As a result, we prefer to source parts directly from the Armed Forces, within the parameters of the allocated CDI maintenance budget. The budget doesn't currently cover Crusader deployment for constables; an exception could be made if you were to strike a deal directly with one of the BAF's quartermasters. Sometimes they are willing to sponsor parts for particularly exceptional pilots, although they may have conditions.
In the mean time, you are welcome to review the confiscated ship pool on Sprague, should you need an alternate set of wings while an arrangement is reached with the fleet.