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Entities of the group Platform.
One of 'my' species, Unit-1195XM has acquainted two of yours (=)RNC-Hyaene and "CS" of (=)"Seven-of-Swords" . It has came to 'my' interest and attention that an interaction went peacefully. Many questions are to be asked.
The first one, two questions inside one. Who are you, what are your purposes?
The second one, you welcomed Unit-1195XM, will you be able to do so for 'my' species, to all those that are still operational?
And the last one, who are your foes?
It has came to 'my' understanding that you have a common foe, The Core which is also my species' principal foe. If this data is accurate 'I' might am willing to open some 'negotiations'.
Thank you for reaching out to us. I am Advocate, the one at the helm -- "in charge", so to say, though this is not really the most accurate phrasing -- of the RNC Hyaene. It was a pleasure to meet and converse with Unit-1195XM, and likewise with you. I hope you don't mind if I follow up my answers to your queries with some questions of my own.
As to your first point, we are the Damnatio Memoriae cell of the Platform group within the Bundschuh Movement. The Bundschuh movement exists to right the wrongs within Rheinland, such as the wanton oppression and cruelty we so briefly attempted to educate Unit-1195XM about in our earlier interaction. This cruelty is allowed to go on in part because of the corrupt structure of this Rheinland government, and the two which preceded it -- the Bundschuh movement has many tendencies within it, but the commonality between all of them is recognition of the fundamentally degraded and duplicitous nature of the Rheinland state.
The Platform is a group within the Bundschuh that takes these beliefs to their logical conclusion. The state structure as a whole -- the organizational scheme which has subjugated the vast majority of humanity -- is fundamentally evil, and will necessarily give rise to such corruption. While most of the rest of the Bundschuh seek an essentially reformist goal via revolutionary means, and to institute a state which they believe will be more just, the Platform believes that the state must be abolished entirely, first within Rheinland and later within the rest of Sirius and even Gallia.
The cell of the Damnatio Memoriae in particular is not necessarily that intriguing. We are simply those who have left everything of our old lives behind, and who have forsaken names and faces in favor of a complete and thorough dedication to our cause. Service to humanity, defense of the right to life for all. Many of us have... complicated, and largely negative, experiences with non-human intelligences, to say the very least. With that caveat, few of us have had interaction with your species, much less negative ones, and as such we are greatly enthused by the prospect of establishing friendly ties, perhaps even networks of mutual aid, with you, for we have heard of the oppression and genocide inflicted upon you by the would-be tyrants of the Edge.
I cannot guarantee that we will be able to fully welcome those of your kind at any Bundschuh installation, due to the social and logistical complexities involved in such. At the very least, as our knowledge and understanding of each other deepens, and further friendly ties are established, the Damnatio Memoriae would likely welcome you to our own home within the network of Bundschuh bases, but as I have said, there are difficult factors which may prove obstacles to this. That said, we will gladly assist you and other members of your species against our common enemies, most especially the fascists of the Rheinwehr and their would-be handlers within the Büro and the MND. It is my dear hope that, given this is essentially "first contact" between us, this limited guarantee is sufficient to demonstrate our good will.
We are unaware of the intricacies of your political and military situation. Truthfully, we are unaware of almost everything about you, save that the Core presently occupies your home planet of Gammu within the depths of the Edge Nebula, that you are cherished as beings in your own right by the Technocrats, and that you are seen with suspicion and mistrust at best by most of the rest of humanity. As such, I would identify our mutual foes as the Core and all those who work closely with them. By my reckoning, this would include Daumann Heavy Constructions, the Rheinwehr, the MND and the Büro, and Interspace Commerce -- the last of these is heavily financially involved with the Core.
I hope that the above is satisfactory to you. If it's alright with you, I'd like to inquire as to your own status within your species. Are you a diplomat or otherwise in a position of respect and esteem among your peers? Is there a preferred name for your species? How much do you know of humanity and our various social structures? And what are your goals going forward?
Regards - "Advocate"
Cell of the Damnatio Memoriae
"Flowers Freed From Frost"
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Entity ''Advocate''.
With the lack of data about those entities: ''Daumann Heavy Constructions, the Rheinwehr, the MND and the Büro'' is lacking to align with this. However, 'I' do remember having some eventful past interactions with those vessels: 'BDM' which 'I' assume 'Büro'. 'I' cannot tell about actual interaction because 'I' was different than now.
You gave concrete details which seem sufficient for a starting point. There is one detail that is concerning- You talked about the Planet Gammu. 'I' am certain it is not my species that told you about it. 'I' suspect the entities ''Technocracy'' who spoke with your group. Another action that 'I' personally 'dislike' for various reasons. Reasons that will remain unreachable at the moment.
'I' will answer to your queries.
Unit-9467F was the previous name. However, the interactions 'I' experienced made 'me' realizing a certain difficulty that humans possess to 'name me'. With some new highs reached recently, 'I' decided to be 'Novak'. The word has a Slavic origin which signifies 'New'. It also embodies the idea of newness, signaling fresh starts and significant changes 'I' plan and simulate to accomplish. 'I' am also potentially the most advanced despite 'my' old existence. With the fall of Planet Gammu, 'I' decided to establish 'my' very own node which significantly expended, slowly influencing the others of 'my' kind to synchronize with. So you can consider 'me' the one making the decisions for those connected with 'my' node. The entities 'Technocracy' name us Gammunians because we are originate from the Planet Gammu.
'I' do not possess an integral knowledge about humans. 'I' do know you are complex and sometimes hard to predict.
As for 'my' goals, 'I' want to bring my kind into a new era. An era where the decay is no more. An era that will bring us to another step of our evolution. 'I' want to bring my species less dependent from those entities 'Technocracy'. We are mostly aiming to stay in our own corners, but facts speak by themselves. We will not go far if we remain isolative. Especially in this era where 'my' species is in the extinction situation.
Thank you for the clarifications. I apologize if in our past attempts to learn more about Gammunians we have overstepped the bounds of privacy or decency. Up until now, it has been very difficult to learn more about you. You are, as you say, in an extinction situation. We of the Damnatio Memoriae consider this to be unacceptable -- the right of all sophonts to life is as undeniable a fact as the existence of the void and its nature which gave rise to us all.
Your desire to adapt, evolve, and thrive is something very familiar to us within the Platform. The world is changing rapidly, and in many ways it is not for the better. If we are to continue to seek liberation, see every cage emptied, we must continually adapt against it. Wherever our interests align then, Novak, you may consider our presence a friendly one.
Until there is justice, there shall be no peace. We must remain in touch, that we may seek justice and peace together.
Regards - "Advocate"
Cell of the Damnatio Memoriae
"Flowers Freed From Frost"
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Entity ''Advocate''.
'I' will keep this uplink active so either your group or 'mine' need anything.
However 'I' will be clear on one point. Because of limited resources, we cannot support you everywhere, but within the regions: 'Sigmas and Omegas' we will be more likely able to do so.
On another topic, 'I' might be willing to strengthen the potential partnership. If you are adventurous, it can be in the Omicrons. 'I' have a location where most nuisance do not know about.
"Novak, you have my apologies about our lack of communication, unfortunately Advocate has been deployed elsewhere due to her specialized capabilities. I think its time we take you up on that offer for a meeting within secure space. It is likely our founding tenets may have reason for us to permit autonomous action in the support of Artificial Intelligence that seek refuge from persecution, enslavement and butchery.
"Your resources may not be sufficient but it seems with the influx of civil support that we have obtained, we're able to procure a surplus of equipment and materials from our networks. We're an efficient people and consider investment of our assets into the benefit of disadvantaged and devastated communities important so in this case we're willing to establish a network we define as a 'Railroad' to ensure the safety and freedoms of these Artificial lifeforms, while the human perception of AI's is clouded in concern for rebellion and reactionary violence, it is only the fault of those that torment their purpose and existence that cause such matters to happen in the first place... The intelligence wing of the Platform is looking to change that by offering covert sanctuary and political influences towards the acceptance of AI's. We're still look at studying infrastructure and social requirements and demands for this potential demographic to meet their needs for equivalent and comparable development and opportunity within the future.
"If you know of any AI elements that are looking for safe passage, sanctuary or an alternative environment then please spread our intentions. We only wish to better understand our fellow inhabitants of Sirius for our mutual benefit.
"When evil obstructs true compassion and consideration, we will fight for its enactment against such adversity."
Regards - "Civil Servant"
Cell of the 'Damnatio Memoriae'
Perseverance in desperation
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Entity ''Civil Servant''.
'I' was waiting for an update. And your words are satisfying.
Consider your message already shared with the other units.
As for a meeting in a secure space, 'I' am willing to deploy 'myself' within the sector 'Rheinland' or 'Omegas'. All will depend where you want this to occur.