"As long as you are Human, we will Trade with you."
Opening Transmission
Sender: Alex King Location: Space Federation Headquarters Recipient: The Order location: Planet Akabet, Omicron Mu System Subject: Request for Trade Permission and Assurance of Non-Engagement and security Esteemed leaders of The Order,
Greetings from the Space Port Federation [PMF], a pioneering entity dedicated to facilitating interstellar commerce and fostering peaceful cooperation across the galaxy. Our network of spaceports and trade routes serves as a beacon for traders, explorers, smugglers and innovators alike, ensuring the seamless exchange of goods, knowledge, and opportunity.
We take pride in our guiding principles:
A commitment to neutrality, ensuring that trade is conducted free of conflict and prejudice.
Advanced logistical systems, enabling the safe and efficient movement of goods across diverse territories.
An unwavering respect for the sovereignty and customs of all civilizations with whom we engage.
As part of our mission to expand profitable and harmonious trade, we humbly request your permission to trade the unique Azurite Gas from your territory. These treasures, imbued with astounding value, would not only enrich the galaxy but also provide significant economic benefits to both our peoples.
Our proposal includes:
Establishing a transparent and secure trade system to ensure proper handling and distribution of Azurite Gas.
Strict compliance with Order regulations to uphold the integrity of these assets.
A fair distribution of trade profits to support local economic growth for your cause within your territory.
In return, the Space Port Federation [PMF] assures:
Our vessels will strictly adhere to designated travel routes through Order Territory, avoiding engagement or disruption of your operations.
Full respect for Order’s sovereignty and customs during all interactions.
Commitment to fostering a mutually beneficial relationship that strengthens economic and diplomatic ties.
We believe that peaceful collaboration is the cornerstone of prosperity. By granting this request, we can establish a partnership that promotes growth, economic appreciation, and a shared vision of progress.
We look forward to your response and remain open to discussions to address any concerns or refinements needed for this agreement.
With respect and anticipation,
Alex King
Executive Director
Space Port Federation
In the pursuit of profit, we find purpose; ethics may guide some, but for us, credits light the way.
⧫ Station: $%#$#@$ $#$@# #$$@
⧫ System: Omicron %#
⧫ From: Colonel Eddy Narson
⧫ To: Alex King
Order Stance Towards Unknown Natural Parties
Greetings Mr. King,
My name is Eddy Narson, Colonel within the Order's First Fleet, also known as The Overwatch. I regret to inform you that natural parties are only cleared to approach and dock the stations of Dabadoru in Omicron Delta, and Cairo Station in Omicron Zeta. All other attempts to enter Order space will result in the removal of violating craft, forcefully if necessary.
I understand the importance of free trade and the benefit of more resources coming into Order space. However, given your status as a neutral force we are not willing to take the risk of letting you into our territory. Until it can be made certain that your faction poses no security risk to the objectives and goals of the Order it shall remain that way. To put it simply, you must prove to us that it is worth the risk of letting you enter Order Space.
"As long as you are Human, we will Trade with you."
Opening Transmission
Sender: Alex King Location: Space Federation Headquarters Recipient: The Deterrence Conclave location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma System Subject: Request for Trade Permission and Assurance of Non-Engagement and security Greetings Col. Eddy,
Pleasure to make your acquaintance, It is totally understandable on your stand to protect your territories considering your position. Therefore we are open to all negotiations which will help us prove our neutrality to be profitable and risk free to both parties.
So, Kindly provide us with the conditions that are favorable for your proof of our risk free nature. Once the conditions are received we will try to make sure all the conditions are accepted as long as they are favorable to us and our profit loving organisation.
We look forward to your response.
With respect and anticipation,
Alex King
Executive Director
Space Port Federation
In the pursuit of profit, we find purpose; ethics may guide some, but for us, credits light the way.
⧫ Station: $%#$#@$ $#$@# #$$@
⧫ System: Omicron %#
⧫ From: Colonel Eddy Narson
⧫ To: Alex King
Road to Silver Access
Greetings Mr. King,
I believe the primary difficulty you'd fine with gaining access to Order space lies in the nature of your organization. To pit it simply, you are free traders and do not distinguished between factions when trading. This would mean that you trade with our enemies such as the Core and the Outcasts. Thus helping our enemies.
After conversing with other members of the Overwatch, you would have to fulfill the fallowing requirements:
⧫: Posting of a rep sheet showing your positive standing with The Order
⧫: Provide a list of suppliers/clients
⧫: Agreements that you wont supply enemy factions such as The Core, Outcast, etc.
⧫: Agree to frequent anti infection inspections
⧫: Adherence to all Order Laws
As stated before I feel that some of these point will conflict with the nature of your cognization. However if you chose to agree to the above listed reequipments you shall be admitted to Silver Tier of accesses.