SENDER:.Lt. Vesper "Misfire" Agathon RECEVR:.Crayter First Fleet SUBJCT:.Evacuation Report ENCRPT:.BLACK
This is Lieutenant Vesper "Misfire" Agathon, reporting as of 9/8/834.
Aside from the chaos onboard Freeport 10, the evacuation of the Slaves went fairly smooth. We personally saw the escort of over 20,000 freed slaves to the safety of Yuma during the evac periods. While we did not see any combat or have confirmed kills, all of our assigned transports arrived safely and intact.
It appears that the Gauls did not enter very far into Tau-29, if at all, during the evacuations. In my recent patrols shortly before the evacuations had begun, I did not see any Gauls during that time period either in Tau-29 or Tau-23. They may have an alternate route into the deep Taus that may need to be investigated to ensure they don't sneak up on us without notice in future engagements.
This concludes my report. As always, I am available for contact from the first fleet. For those we left behind.
-Lieutenant Vesper "Misfire" Agathon Crayter Second Fleet
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The content of this communication is intended for the person or entity to which it is addressed only. This communication may contain confidential information. If you are not the person to whom this message is addressed, be aware that any use, reproduction, or distribution of this message is strictly prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and immediately delete this communication and any attachments.
*Video Signal Comm-Initiated* Power: 10Kw, Freq: 15Ghz, Distance: Not known, Aligned: Adecuate
[Data Stream Packet]
To: Planet Yuma, Coronado
From: Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner "Aquaria" | Major Kirara Lockheart
Subject: Aid to the Slavers in Tau-37
Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: =CR=ILL-Aquaria, Corfu Base, Omicron Theta
-Some days before-
1 Received Message appeared on the Crayter Colonial 1 Channel ... It is from the captain of the Crayter Vessel Artemis, saying would like to get our service to help the evacuation on the Freeport 10 in Tau-37 ...
*Kirara seeing to his Crew asking them how to reach Tau-37 System as soon as possible as only this weekend there was an evacuation window before the outcast could arm heavy reinforcements*
Crew XO: We could get it fast as we were having some time in there in a lock-down for now due Omicron Theta Warzone, but if we go other ways it could take even days move us from one place to another, we could go to Sigmas, but that mean pass through Kusari and lot of time will take if not taken down from there ...
There is one way, Zoners talk about a jump-hole in Omicron Alpha, is the Outcast Homeland, and we already know there is a jump hole to the Tau-37 System, if we put the Engine and use Shield Energies to press at max burst to relay the energy to the engines we could arrive Tau-37 in about 12 Std Hours, That could bring some issues with our main engine, but if something goes wrong Miss... is gonna be hell as we have no way to get backup to save ourselves in case we get caught in that system by Outcast, even with our ship having the best of military-grade radar on board, this is the only chance ...
Kirara: Well then, there is no choice, if Outcast move a fleet we should be faster moving, Let's go, carry only the basic needings, that this men can offer to us, for those we left, and for those we will save, let's move!!
Kirara Requested to Corfu an Expedite Emergency Deployment, as it was granted in less than 20 minutes later, the Intersun Luxury Liner Aquaria from the Crayter Republic went to the passage on the Omicron.Alpha system ...
||End of Background||
Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: =CR=ILL-Aquaria, Freeport 10, Tau-37
||13 Hours after the Window Opened||
Artemis CR Crusier Message Opens on the Commanding Officer Display
-This is a Message to the Aquaria, did you made it to Freeport 10? Are you okay??-
Kirara: Answer to the same channel, say we are okay and now moored on the Freeport 10, requesting sit-rep and prepping the ship for an evacuation ...
*she leaves his desk and head to Freeport 10 Main Office*
*After some talks, the Aquaria got the best wishes for the Evacuation of slaves, even as they are slaves, they are able to be threaten with respect by Kirara laws on her ship, After some talking, Kirara returned to his ship, and focused in load as much slaves as possible into his ship ... even if gonna get little bit squished if needed, she must rescue to the most amount possible, will take care of health, but by filling them at max on his ship, luckily his storage placements could serve to carry the basics of rations and needings, their suffering will only last a little bit more*
Kirara: Commence the Bay opening crewmen, let's start with the rescue and fillment of the vessel
*The Aquaria Opened her huge Passenger Bays and Slaves running were accomodated in such inmense ship, it was too luxurious, but the slaves were not aware of that, they wanted to get out there, lot of people disturbed others, and fight for a place ... Kirara went in and keep them calmed while evacuation to make it less disturbed and move calmy, they will not gonna earn something in this place if are injured, she needs to use brute force on some of them before water disturb to an endless loop*
Kirara: Ship filled to the blim, let's move!
*Kirara talking to all the people in the ship via Comm-Voice*
This is Major Kirara, we are in Route to Yuma, just some sort for not mis-understandings later ...
We got messages of an amassed Outcast fleet is starting to amass in the nearby vicinity ...
This liner is the lucky liner, and the ship will not fail to us, if we don't fail to her ...
If we suceeded the Aquaria will bring us to a new Home ...
If we don't ...
Doesn't matter anyway ...
*Ended his Comm-Voice message after saying this is a suicide mission and they could die in space, but if suceeded the effort would be done worth*
Kirara: Undock Procedures, Helsman! get out us from here!!, Max Power to the Engines, full blast!
*The ship trembles while engines accumulate more mixture and commence the after-burner a huge pressure on them were requested, the ship itself commence do strange noises at the start and the ship lights went little more dark due heavy energy usage on the engines of the ship and the lack of such supply to start and keep the engines, they must get outta there as fast as possible
In few moments they would be reaching to Falkland where they know the secure path was on the way ...
Tau-23 was an issue, the ship avoided as much as possible the asteroid field thanks to a small passage on that place, jumped to the Tau-29 System and re-enable the full cruise engine to the Baffin System, a calmy place ...
It's been some time to get Yuma, after landing, those people were able to get into one of the camps for refugees the Crayter Goverment has built in order to give them the much needed assistance
But Kirara was not fullfilled, she ordered a fast dis-embark and proceed to get more slaves from Freeport 10, the Window time frame was the only opportunity, repeated the manouver and make another route before the time frame when the =CR= and IMG Fleets along with Bounty Hunters could provide resistance ...
Either allies losed some crew men, those will be always remembered, For those we left behind on this slave rescue mission ...*
Kirara would always keep them in her heart, they fought well, they give lives for others, they are to be honored. Their Mission was a complete sucess
Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: =CR=ILL-Aquaria, Planet Yuma, Coronado
[08.09.2024 17:50:27] The year is 834 AS (750 AGS), 34 years after the events of Freelancer.
[08.09.2024 17:50:27] The solar winds of change usher in an age of fire and fortune. Check the forums at for more information.
[08.09.2024 17:50:27] Armor Upgrades have been removed from the server and automatically refunded.
[08.09.2024 17:50:27] Please check your IDs for any changes to ID rules and ZOI.
[08.09.2024 17:50:36] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: inv
[08.09.2024 17:51:00] CFV-Dionysus: do not buy yet
[08.09.2024 17:51:04] Ian.Walcott: Now that is one beautiful Liner.
[08.09.2024 17:51:08] Harry.Stork: k
[08.09.2024 17:51:17] Harry.Stork: Seems i can't anyway. Doesn't show up on the freeport.
[08.09.2024 17:51:32] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: This is Kirara Lockhart, We always had the best lines for the Intersun Luxury Liner
[08.09.2024 17:51:41] Ian.Walcott: Pleasure to have you along.
[08.09.2024 17:51:46] Ian.Walcott: As to all Crayterians.
[08.09.2024 17:52:03] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: I have been called by the Artemis, to help in the Evacuation
[08.09.2024 17:52:17] Ian.Walcott: You could count on our efforts aswell Aquaria.
[08.09.2024 17:52:18] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Excellent. It'll begin soon.
[08.09.2024 17:52:46] Harry.Stork: K: This is the Stork, we are ready to assist the Crayter fleet in transporting the refugees.
[08.09.2024 17:53:09] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Man, they had 0 refugees at this time...
[08.09.2024 17:53:46] Harry.Stork: ? All those slaves are technically refugees
[08.09.2024 17:53:49] Ian.Walcott: The Outcasts are dellusional to say the least.
[08.09.2024 17:54:08] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: we should invite IMG too
[08.09.2024 17:54:24] Ian.Walcott: But i suppose with this coordinated strike against them, anything is possible.
[08.09.2024 17:54:38] CFV-Dionysus: IMG has their own group
[08.09.2024 17:54:47] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: :c
[08.09.2024 17:54:52] CFV-Zagreus: shouldn't we be watching over the lang gate
[08.09.2024 17:54:57] CFV-Dionysus: cease shooting
[08.09.2024 17:54:58] CFV-Dionysus: noobs
[08.09.2024 17:55:06] CFV-Gaius: aaa you cheater
[08.09.2024 17:55:09] ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst: L: Gooood mornin' once again spacers, this is Captain-Elect Leo Hochberg-Caldwell atcha service
[08.09.2024 17:55:09] CFV-Apate: youre the king of noobs
[08.09.2024 17:55:20] A bounty of $320 credits has been deposited into your account.
[08.09.2024 17:55:33] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Captain-Leo, may I ask of you to watch over the freeport, whilst we clear the route?
[08.09.2024 17:55:35] CFV-Zagreus: shouldn't we be watching the Lang gate
[08.09.2024 17:55:37] Ian.Walcott: Pleasure to see you Pankhurst, lets hope it is a very smooth one.
[08.09.2024 17:55:46] CFV-Apate: idk, im just following orders
[08.09.2024 17:55:46] CFV-Zagreus: or do we not care this time
[08.09.2024 17:55:51] ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst: L: Roger that, we'll hold down the fort
[08.09.2024 17:55:52] A bounty of $180 credits has been deposited into your account.
[08.09.2024 17:55:56] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Your ship's weaponry is much more suited for such a role; meanwhile, our mobile ships can lead the way.
[08.09.2024 17:55:57] CFV-Zagreus: that's not gonna hold up in court
[08.09.2024 17:55:58] CFV-Apate: whoever has the plan pls tell
[08.09.2024 17:56:02] SoW.Constellation: Capt Leo Hochberg-Caldwell, this is Capt. Thomas Dornin.
[08.09.2024 17:56:03] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Thank you.
[08.09.2024 17:56:04] CFV-Dionysus: lets go
[08.09.2024 17:56:06] CFV-Dionysus: t23
[08.09.2024 17:56:06] CFV-Dionysus: gbs
[08.09.2024 17:56:07] CFV-Apate: it sure is if I shot everyone els
[08.09.2024 17:56:08] CFV-Apate: e
[08.09.2024 17:56:09] A bounty of $180 credits has been deposited into your account.
[08.09.2024 17:56:11] CFV-Apate: kk
[08.09.2024 17:56:18] SoW.Constellation: happy to have you in tandem with this convoy
[08.09.2024 17:56:18] CFV-Zagreus: there's at least one GNS in there somewhere
[08.09.2024 17:56:29] CFV-Gaius: RO: moving out then, entering formation
[08.09.2024 17:56:33] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Please contact us should an overwhelming hostile force rally.
[08.09.2024 17:56:34] CFV-Zagreus: poor sod about to get four gunboats in his face
[08.09.2024 17:56:52] ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst: L: Heard there were some *altercations* yesterday. Lets keep things clear and tidy today eh?
[08.09.2024 17:56:56] Ian.Walcott: We will give them what they deserve that is for sure.
[08.09.2024 17:57:02] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: ha ha ha
[08.09.2024 17:57:12] Harry.Stork: K: IMG fleet, where will you be heading? If i may ask.
[08.09.2024 17:57:12] CFV-Dionysus: uh oh
[08.09.2024 17:57:13] CFV-Zagreus: oh he's right here
[08.09.2024 17:57:16] CFV-Zagreus: V: Contact!
[08.09.2024 17:57:17] CFV-Gaius: guys you are gone!?
[08.09.2024 17:57:18] /time
[08.09.2024 17:57:18] 2024-09-08 17:58:22 SMT
[08.09.2024 17:57:19] CFV-Apate: Gallic dessie here
[08.09.2024 17:57:30] 2024-09-08 17:58:34 SMT Traffic control alert: IMG|Halditsohkka has docked
[08.09.2024 17:57:34] CFV-Zagreus: V: Zagreus is on stand-by!
[08.09.2024 17:57:37] Ian.Walcott: Yuma but of course.
[08.09.2024 17:57:40] ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst: L: I'm here to provide escort to Pecos.
[08.09.2024 17:57:44] SoW.Constellation: Constellation will be en-route to Yuma through Coronado
[08.09.2024 17:57:52] /time
[08.09.2024 17:57:52] 2024-09-08 17:58:57 SMT
[08.09.2024 17:57:58] 2024-09-08 17:59:02 SMT Traffic control alert: Harry.Stork has docked
[08.09.2024 17:57:59] Harry.Stork: Event will start in 1 minute.
[08.09.2024 17:58:13] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Hold still, there may still be a diplomatic solution.
[08.09.2024 17:58:13] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Perhaps some will heed our call for common sense.
[08.09.2024 17:58:13] /time
[08.09.2024 17:58:13] 2024-09-08 17:59:17 SMT
[08.09.2024 17:58:17] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: docking in 30s
[08.09.2024 17:58:22] Harry.Stork: anyone recording by any chance?
[08.09.2024 17:58:23] Ian.Walcott: Beginning mooring procedures.
[08.09.2024 17:58:25] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: me
[08.09.2024 17:58:29] Harry.Stork: cool
[08.09.2024 17:58:38] /time
[08.09.2024 17:58:38] 2024-09-08 17:59:43 SMT
[08.09.2024 17:58:39] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: That will not be happening, sir. Please return to Gallic space and we will grant you this and this chance only to do s
[08.09.2024 17:58:41] CFV-Dionysus: so.
[08.09.2024 17:58:41] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: 10s
[08.09.2024 17:58:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Crayter & IMG Bounties' has begun! For more details, look up our website. Best of luck!
[08.09.2024 17:58:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Cryer Bounties' has begun! For more details, look up our website. Best of luck!
[08.09.2024 17:58:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Gallic Bounties' has begun! For more details, look up our website. Best of luck!
[08.09.2024 17:58:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Outcast Bounties' has begun! For more details, look up our website. Best of luck!
[08.09.2024 17:58:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Slave Purchases' has begun! For more details, look up our website. Best of luck!
[08.09.2024 17:58:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Slave Transportation' has begun! For more details, look up our website. Best of luck!
[08.09.2024 17:58:57] CFV-Zagreus: of course his name is fucking winston
[08.09.2024 17:58:58] 2024-09-08 18:00:02 SMT Traffic control alert: Harry.Stork has docked
[08.09.2024 17:58:58] 2024-09-08 18:00:03 SMT Traffic control alert: SoW.Constellation has docked
[08.09.2024 17:59:00] 2024-09-08 18:00:05 SMT Traffic control alert: Ian.Walcott has docked
[08.09.2024 17:59:01] 2024-09-08 18:00:05 SMT Traffic control alert: Banjar.Transport has docked
[08.09.2024 17:59:03] CFV-Gaius: RO: an unfortunate place this gallic ship has found itself it
[08.09.2024 17:59:13] CFV-Dionysus: whats wrong with winston
[08.09.2024 17:59:20] CFV-Zagreus: obvious BAF proxy
[08.09.2024 17:59:22] ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst: L: We'll take on as many folks as we can comfortably carry
[08.09.2024 17:59:23] CFV-Dionysus: REAL
[08.09.2024 17:59:23] 2024-09-08 18:00:28 SMT Traffic control alert: =CR=ILL-Aquaria has docked
[08.09.2024 17:59:32] You have entered the event: Slave Transportation, you will be paid 100 extra credits for every unit you deliver.
[08.09.2024 17:59:32] Amount of registered cargo: 3999
[08.09.2024 17:59:44] You have entered the event: Slave Transportation, you will be paid 100 extra credits for every unit you deliver.
[08.09.2024 17:59:44] Amount of registered cargo: 4000
[08.09.2024 17:59:54] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: There will be no ships heading to Gallia.
[08.09.2024 17:59:54] 2024-09-08 18:00:59 SMT Traffic control alert: IMG|Halditsohkka has docked
[08.09.2024 18:00:06] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Now, please, make your way to your home safely.
[08.09.2024 18:00:27] CFV-Zagreus: are you going to try and talk him out of it
[08.09.2024 18:00:33] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: This is Major Kirara, moving in
[08.09.2024 18:00:38] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Ah, reinforcements.
[08.09.2024 18:00:40] [OOC] Harry.Stork: CR invite please
[08.09.2024 18:00:43] CFV-Zagreus: I'll go grab my slaves for later, if so
[08.09.2024 18:00:44] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Destroy them both.
[08.09.2024 18:00:51] CFV-Gaius: RO:we have another ship
[08.09.2024 18:00:51] CFV-Zagreus: V: Uh oh!
[08.09.2024 18:00:52] CFV-Apate: if we fight we need to jump the GB first
[08.09.2024 18:00:56] CFV-Zagreus: V: Zagreus, engaging!
[08.09.2024 18:00:57] [OOC] Harry.Stork: invite plz
[08.09.2024 18:01:00] GNS-Vauquelin: Comms: Stand down at once.
[08.09.2024 18:01:03] /invite harry.stork
[08.09.2024 18:01:04] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: You had your chance.
[08.09.2024 18:01:20] ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst: L: Lets get rollin!
[08.09.2024 18:01:27] Harry.Stork: a little later but i'll catch up
[08.09.2024 18:01:28] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Tau-23 is clear?
[08.09.2024 18:01:33] CFV-Apate: Ill scout
[08.09.2024 18:01:50] CFV-Dionysus: make sure to lock the lang gate
[08.09.2024 18:01:53] CFV-Dionysus: bro who is slow docking
[08.09.2024 18:01:54] CFV-Dionysus: please
[08.09.2024 18:01:56] CFV-Zagreus: NPCs
[08.09.2024 18:01:58] =CR=FV-Leopold.I: haha
[08.09.2024 18:02:00] CFV-Dionysus: real as fuck
[08.09.2024 18:02:07] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: xD
[08.09.2024 18:02:11] Death: Wickye suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[08.09.2024 18:02:14] CFV-Apate: NPCs are gallic collaborateurs
[08.09.2024 18:02:34] CFV-Apate: ok what gate to cover?
[08.09.2024 18:02:51] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Just cover Tau-23 entry to Hole in Tau-37 actually
[08.09.2024 18:02:55] Harry.Stork: K: Rejoining the fleet
[08.09.2024 18:03:02] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Lock down the gate to Languedoc.
[08.09.2024 18:03:08] GNS-Vauquelin's reactor went critical in battle against =CR=FV-Leopold.I (47%)
[08.09.2024 18:03:08] Assisted by: CFV-Zagreus (45%), CFV-Dionysus (8%)
[08.09.2024 18:03:10] Harry.Stork: we head to tau 29?
[08.09.2024 18:03:15] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: I missed a lot play on this ship
[08.09.2024 18:03:20] CFV-Zagreus: 23-29-baffin-coronado
[08.09.2024 18:03:25] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: but CR did not make any trade event or something
[08.09.2024 18:03:31] CFV-Zagreus: also I got DM'd by the cruiser
[08.09.2024 18:03:32] Harry.Stork: 29 clear?
[08.09.2024 18:03:37] CFV-Dionysus: I still don't understand why people don't agree to such simple things
[08.09.2024 18:03:39] Harry.Stork: still catching up
[08.09.2024 18:03:44] CFV-Dionysus: "leave or get walked over"
[08.09.2024 18:03:47] CFV-Dionysus: >doesn't leave
[08.09.2024 18:03:48] CFV-Dionysus: sigh
[08.09.2024 18:03:49] CFV-Zagreus: gonna go for slaves
[08.09.2024 18:03:55] CFV-Apate: he gets respawn in 10 mins
[08.09.2024 18:03:57] CFV-Apate: why would he agree
[08.09.2024 18:04:01] Banjar.Transport: i can provide some cover if need.
[08.09.2024 18:04:04] CFV-Dionysus: shrug
[08.09.2024 18:04:04] Banjar.Transport: just go
[08.09.2024 18:04:13] SoW.Constellation: CR this is Constellation, Tau-29 jump looks clear
[08.09.2024 18:04:15] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: copy
[08.09.2024 18:04:59] Tip: The ''Laws of Sirius'', are a collection of in-roleplay laws for each house. They mention things such as contraband, punishments and fines and are enforceable by lawful IDed ships.
[08.09.2024 18:05:04] CFV-Dionysus: yeah okay those are Big OC numbers
[08.09.2024 18:05:12] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Here is safer, just cover the Tau-37/Tau-23 and we are done
[08.09.2024 18:05:17] Harry.Stork: where we go next?
[08.09.2024 18:05:21] CFV-Dionysus: really hoping the IMG doesn't get engaged and mauled
[08.09.2024 18:05:22] CFV-Apate: a total of 6
[08.09.2024 18:05:23] CFV-Apate: lol
[08.09.2024 18:05:35] Harry.Stork: Baffin right?
[08.09.2024 18:05:41] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: that is why we have CR vessels this time ... but i am seeing more than others
[08.09.2024 18:05:42] CFV-Apate: well, if they actually ship stuff to Sirius we'll help them
[08.09.2024 18:05:43] CFV-Dionysus: IMG side of convoy is in 23
[08.09.2024 18:05:45] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: and yes, Baffin
[08.09.2024 18:05:52] CFV-Dionysus: sit here
[08.09.2024 18:05:54] CFV-Dionysus: i scout
[08.09.2024 18:06:03] Death: John_Crichton was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[08.09.2024 18:06:08] Harry.Stork: K: Thanks for the headsup
[08.09.2024 18:06:15] Harry.Stork: K: Catching up with transport fleet.
[08.09.2024 18:06:45] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: This is the Aquaria, Heading to Nago
[08.09.2024 18:06:53] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: TL Disrupted
[08.09.2024 18:07:07] IMG-Iron.Sausage: holler if you need more gunboats
[08.09.2024 18:07:32] CFV-Apate: we can always need more
[08.09.2024 18:07:33] CFV-Apate: I think
[08.09.2024 18:07:41] SoW.Constellation: DT: Copy Banjar, Baffin gate is reading clean
[08.09.2024 18:07:48] Harry.Stork: Baffin good?
[08.09.2024 18:07:50] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: baffin don't have a gate (?)
[08.09.2024 18:07:57] Banjar.Transport: Baffin clear here.
[08.09.2024 18:08:43] [OOC] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Baffin don't have a gate ...
[08.09.2024 18:08:56] CFV-Apate: o sorry
[08.09.2024 18:09:01] [OOC] SoW.Constellation: My bad, meant to mean Jump Hole
[08.09.2024 18:09:13] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We should be leaving the GNI to fight against OC with us ... Outcast is loggin by huge numbers
[08.09.2024 18:09:23] Harry.Stork: Coronado now right?
[08.09.2024 18:09:34] [OOC] SoW.Constellation: Is JH an accurate abbreviation or is there better shorthand?
[08.09.2024 18:09:34] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Kirara Here, on ILL-Aquaria of =CR=
[08.09.2024 18:09:38] Harry.Stork: Well Outcasts are too late.
[08.09.2024 18:09:43] Harry.Stork: Unless they catch up in coronado
[08.09.2024 18:09:43] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: I think
[08.09.2024 18:09:57] [Dev]Barrier: Hey hey, just looking things over
[08.09.2024 18:09:58] IMG-Iron.Sausage: they can cut FP10 off from a second convoy
[08.09.2024 18:10:07] CFV-Apate: we can shoot it free
[08.09.2024 18:10:18] CFV-Apate: rn we got 4 ships dedicated to locking down gallia
[08.09.2024 18:10:22] Harry.Stork: Freeport npc defenses will keep them at bay
[08.09.2024 18:10:26] [OOC] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: just saying hi :3
[08.09.2024 18:10:28] IMG-Iron.Sausage: we only have until 18:30 before the slaves are no longer buyable
[08.09.2024 18:10:35] IMG-Iron.Sausage: so you better shoot it free real quick
[08.09.2024 18:10:36] CFV-Apate: then rush
[08.09.2024 18:10:40] CFV-Apate: and once you run into trouble call us
[08.09.2024 18:10:41] Harry.Stork: anything to return from yuma to FP10?
[08.09.2024 18:11:09] IMG-Iron.Sausage: if there was more time for the hauling you could fetch copper to burgundy, but with only 30 minutes to make runs
[08.09.2024 18:11:15] IMG-Iron.Sausage: you're better off going straight back empty
[08.09.2024 18:11:23] Harry.Stork: k
[08.09.2024 18:11:28] IMG-Iron.Sausage: plus if you make two runs you'll have enough moved cargo for a docking module reward
[08.09.2024 18:11:33] Harry.Stork: keep us updated on outcasts
[08.09.2024 18:11:37] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: you could bring Oxy i think...but i am not sure
[08.09.2024 18:11:46] SoW.Constellation: DT: Hail IMG Walcott and Wajiw. Glad to see you both made it
[08.09.2024 18:11:47] CFV-Apate: Dionysos any activity your way?
[08.09.2024 18:11:52] Ian.Walcott: Thank you, you aswell.
[08.09.2024 18:11:53] Selene|Alpha: OCs in T37
[08.09.2024 18:11:55] CFV-Dionysus: Yes
[08.09.2024 18:11:58] CFV-Dionysus: Plenty
[08.09.2024 18:12:03] CFV-Dionysus: Pulling back to 23 ASAP
[08.09.2024 18:12:04] CFV-Apate: kk
[08.09.2024 18:12:06] Selene|Alpha: Retreating to T23 JH
[08.09.2024 18:12:06] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: that cargo thing... is for 1 ship only? or i can mix my ship names?
[08.09.2024 18:12:10] Harry.Stork: Going good, glad to be working togheter on this IMG.
[08.09.2024 18:12:12] CFV-Dionysus: also lagging to shit
[08.09.2024 18:12:13] CFV-Apate: get towards the languedock jg
[08.09.2024 18:12:15] CFV-Dionysus: because of course
[08.09.2024 18:12:19] IMG-Iron.Sausage: any event score can be mixed
[08.09.2024 18:12:21] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: if you do F4 with me you can get a small speed boost
[08.09.2024 18:12:26] IMG-Iron.Sausage: you just combine them when claiming
[08.09.2024 18:12:29] IMG-Iron.Sausage: rewards
[08.09.2024 18:12:32] 2024-09-08 18:13:36 SMT Traffic control alert: SoW.Constellation has docked
[08.09.2024 18:12:50] IMG-Iron.Sausage: if you run 4300 slaves on two different ships you can then go and combine it into 8300 score
[08.09.2024 18:12:53] IMG-Iron.Sausage: 8600
[08.09.2024 18:12:56] IMG-Iron.Sausage: can't math
[08.09.2024 18:12:57] 2024-09-08 18:14:01 SMT Traffic control alert: =CR=ILL-Aquaria has docked
[08.09.2024 18:12:57] Auto-Buy(Repair): Cost 1.088$
[08.09.2024 18:13:05] You have finished the event: Slave Transportation
[08.09.2024 18:13:05] You receive a bonus of: 400000 credits
[08.09.2024 18:13:15] CFV-Apate: doesnt that basically incentivise parking two ships at the FP beforehand?
[08.09.2024 18:13:20] IMG-Iron.Sausage: also remember there can never be peace while CR is still alive
[08.09.2024 18:13:21] IMG-Iron.Sausage: it does
[08.09.2024 18:13:23] Selene|Alpha: It would
[08.09.2024 18:13:28] CFV-Apate: lol
[08.09.2024 18:13:29] CFV-Apate: anyways
[08.09.2024 18:13:33] 2024-09-08 18:14:38 SMT Traffic control alert: Vance_Shadow has docked
[08.09.2024 18:13:44] CFV-Gaius: lot of OC in 37
[08.09.2024 18:13:45] Harry.Stork: aquiria, can't form up with you.. why?
[08.09.2024 18:13:51] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: F4 with me Harry and you can boost a bit
[08.09.2024 18:13:57] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: at least till you get more near me
[08.09.2024 18:14:01] Harry.Stork: some reason it's greyed out.
[08.09.2024 18:14:15] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: the Formation?
[08.09.2024 18:14:15] CFV-Apate: how far is our convoy?
[08.09.2024 18:14:17] Harry.Stork: anyway it's gonna be close to reach fp 10 before timer runs out
[08.09.2024 18:14:18] IMG-Iron.Sausage: too far or the ship cannot be formed on
[08.09.2024 18:14:22] CFV-Apate: should we get towards 37 already to start fighting?
[08.09.2024 18:14:34] Harry.Stork: it will be close to get second batch of slaves, but we'll try
[08.09.2024 18:14:35] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We are getting into Baffin
[08.09.2024 18:14:40] CFV-Apate: kk
[08.09.2024 18:14:41] =CR=FV-Leopold.I: prolly should
[08.09.2024 18:14:48] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Gaag.Wajiw
[08.09.2024 18:14:53] Selene|Alpha: Dyo, are you ok there?
[08.09.2024 18:14:54] Harry.Stork: yeah tryto keep them busy, we can't affort to lose time returning
[08.09.2024 18:14:54] CFV-Apate: ok everyone not in the convoy lets meet up at the 37 jh in 23
[08.09.2024 18:14:56] IMG-Iron.Sausage: I'm on the final leg to yuma, will go back to my GB once I drop the people off
[08.09.2024 18:15:00] IMG|Halditsohkka: RO: Follow us.
[08.09.2024 18:15:01] IMG-Iron.Sausage: also Dio likely lagged out
[08.09.2024 18:15:04] IMG-Iron.Sausage: give them a minute
[08.09.2024 18:15:08] CFV-Apate: kk
[08.09.2024 18:15:10] =CR=FV-Leopold.I: going 37jh
[08.09.2024 18:15:13] =CR=FV-Leopold.I: OC splatting time
[08.09.2024 18:15:25] Harry.Stork: yeah keep them busy on our return to fp10
[08.09.2024 18:15:26] CFV-Apate: lets move slowly to give Dionysus time to restart
[08.09.2024 18:15:36] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: 17~ minutes have passed
[08.09.2024 18:15:42] Augurite: Quite so, currently being an runner up for the lot.
[08.09.2024 18:15:47] CFV-Argos: oc near freeport ..
[08.09.2024 18:15:54] Pugsley.Linguini: Well, guess the both of us are late in this one.
[08.09.2024 18:15:58] Augurite: And you may be an eager mercenary to join the fray?
[08.09.2024 18:15:58] Harry.Stork: will be very close to get more slaves, but me and aquaria will try
[08.09.2024 18:16:02] Banjar.Transport: 13 mins Left, before Lst buy chance at Tau-37
[08.09.2024 18:16:04] Pugsley.Linguini: Already on the pay roll.
[08.09.2024 18:16:04] Harry.Stork: but make sure we don't get any delays
[08.09.2024 18:16:08] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: if they are near enough we could make fast dock, but undocking will be dangerous
[08.09.2024 18:16:08] Augurite: Gotcha.
[08.09.2024 18:16:20] IMG-Iron.Sausage: you can wait with undocking until later
[08.09.2024 18:16:21] Harry.Stork: priority is to buy them. we have time after to wait
[08.09.2024 18:16:25] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: were is Aegis when we need them?
[08.09.2024 18:16:27] CFV-Apate: I think the best plan is to engage them before you move into the system
[08.09.2024 18:16:34] CFV-Apate: so theyre busy
[08.09.2024 18:16:37] Selene|Alpha: Aegis is flying OC
[08.09.2024 18:16:42] Harry.Stork: Keep them busy at FP10 at least.
[08.09.2024 18:16:46] CFV-Apate: everyone to the T37 jh in 23
[08.09.2024 18:16:46] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: If we can dock, we could bring our Crusiers docked in Tau-37
[08.09.2024 18:16:46] Harry.Stork: so we can dock
[08.09.2024 18:16:48] CFV-Apate: gogo
[08.09.2024 18:16:58] Harry.Stork: close to Tau 29.
[08.09.2024 18:17:09] CFV-Apate: once you enter 29 we should move
[08.09.2024 18:17:11] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: we are 10k to T29 Hole
[08.09.2024 18:17:12] CFV-Apate: and engage the OCs
[08.09.2024 18:17:15] CFV-Argos: aegis on in MA and Legion team xD
[08.09.2024 18:17:16] Selene|Alpha: You can dock in T23 on Java
[08.09.2024 18:17:24] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: too far
[08.09.2024 18:17:31] CFV-Zagreus: yeah it's mostly snubs
[08.09.2024 18:17:33] Harry.Stork: we gotta make a run for it
[08.09.2024 18:17:35] CFV-Zagreus: we'll get wiped
[08.09.2024 18:17:39] CFV-Dionysus: pensif
[08.09.2024 18:17:41] Harry.Stork: just keep them busy long enough.
[08.09.2024 18:17:49] Ch@os died to Stellarum (100%)
[08.09.2024 18:17:53] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: get away them from hole or FP
[08.09.2024 18:17:58] CFV-Apate: yea
[08.09.2024 18:18:02] CFV-Apate: did you all enter 29?
[08.09.2024 18:18:07] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We are jumping
[08.09.2024 18:18:09] Harry.Stork: yesq
[08.09.2024 18:18:11] CFV-Apate: ok
[08.09.2024 18:18:13] CFV-Apate: time to move then
[08.09.2024 18:18:16] CFV-Apate: lets kill some sniffers
[08.09.2024 18:18:20] CFV-Dionysus: onwards to Death
[08.09.2024 18:18:28] CFV-Zagreus: just stick together and cover one another
[08.09.2024 18:18:30] CFV-Apate: ye
[08.09.2024 18:18:31] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: heading Nago
[08.09.2024 18:18:35] CFV-Zagreus: if a gunboat gets piled we can FG the people chasing it
[08.09.2024 18:18:46] CFV-Zagreus: and remember you have ravagers
[08.09.2024 18:18:46] Harry.Stork: K: Constellation, we might have possible outcast forces nearby
[08.09.2024 18:18:49] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: ^Y^.GSV-Pankhurst
[08.09.2024 18:18:52] CFV-Dionysus: real
[08.09.2024 18:18:53] CFV-Apate: I dont
[08.09.2024 18:18:57] CFV-Apate: I got ripostes like a man
[08.09.2024 18:18:58] CFV-Zagreus: so many people forget to press E
[08.09.2024 18:19:04] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: E?
[08.09.2024 18:19:05] CFV-Zagreus: well use them anyway
[08.09.2024 18:19:07] CFV-Dionysus: E?
[08.09.2024 18:19:09] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: the mines
[08.09.2024 18:19:16] CFV-Zagreus: E?
[08.09.2024 18:19:18] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: yep
[08.09.2024 18:19:21] CFV-Dionysus: E?
[08.09.2024 18:19:25] CFV-Zagreus: oh jesus there's so many
[08.09.2024 18:19:34] CFV-Dionysus: stortas and hasta
[08.09.2024 18:19:35] CFV-Dionysus: i die
[08.09.2024 18:19:39] CFV-Gaius: oof
[08.09.2024 18:19:42] Harry.Stork: entering 23 in 2 minutes.
[08.09.2024 18:19:43] CFV-Zagreus: don't care for caps, how many GBs and snubs
[08.09.2024 18:19:47] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: 21 minutes on the clock
[08.09.2024 18:19:52] CFV-Argos: i thought hasta cant join event ?
[08.09.2024 18:19:52] CFV-Dionysus: all the 404th
[08.09.2024 18:19:56] CFV-Zagreus: Hasta can't
[08.09.2024 18:19:57] SoW.Constellation: Going to see if we can make it back before the docks close on FP10
[08.09.2024 18:19:57] CFV-Dionysus: oh yeah
[08.09.2024 18:19:58] CFV-Zagreus: someone tell him
[08.09.2024 18:20:00] CFV-Dionysus: no hastas sorry
[08.09.2024 18:20:01] Harry.Stork: we're gonna make a second batch... if we don't die at least.
[08.09.2024 18:20:02] CFV-Dionysus: lmao
[08.09.2024 18:20:06] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Hasta can't fight that is true
[08.09.2024 18:20:06] Harry.Stork: K: That's appreciated.
[08.09.2024 18:20:08] SoW.Constellation: We ran some timing drills and think we have it now
[08.09.2024 18:20:16] CFV-Apate: FP10 quick
[08.09.2024 18:20:17] CFV-Apate: gogo
[08.09.2024 18:20:17] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: but their crusiers...
[08.09.2024 18:20:21] CFV-Apate: also we need to engage soon
[08.09.2024 18:20:28] Harry.Stork: We're gonna need some cover if we're gonna be able to dock there.
[08.09.2024 18:20:28] CFV-Apate: so they're busy once our transports come
[08.09.2024 18:20:28] CFV-Zagreus: cruisers are genuinely going to be the least of our worries
[08.09.2024 18:20:31] CFV-Apate: everyone here?
[08.09.2024 18:20:39] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We are gas space on Tau-29 jumping to T23
[08.09.2024 18:20:41] Harry.Stork: CR, can you update us on ?FP10?
[08.09.2024 18:20:42] =CR=FV-Leopold.I: haha banjar wtf
[08.09.2024 18:20:52] =CR=FV-Leopold.I: MY MAN
[08.09.2024 18:20:52] CFV-Hydra: it is packed
[08.09.2024 18:20:56] CFV-Hydra: many outcast on fp
[08.09.2024 18:20:58] Harry.Stork: dockable or not?
[08.09.2024 18:21:04] CFV-Dionysus: not at all
[08.09.2024 18:21:07] CFV-Dionysus: there's like 4 stortas
[08.09.2024 18:21:14] Harry.Stork: if you can keep them busy it would be nice.
[08.09.2024 18:21:18] Harry.Stork: at least so we can by slaves
[08.09.2024 18:21:29] CFV-Zagreus: stick together
[08.09.2024 18:21:30] Harry.Stork: we have time after
[08.09.2024 18:21:32] CFV-Dionysus: lets click .
[08.09.2024 18:21:33] CFV-Zagreus: cover one another
[08.09.2024 18:21:35] Harry.Stork: just need to dock.
[08.09.2024 18:21:41] CFV-Apate has set MA|MNS-Medellin as group target.
[08.09.2024 18:21:41] Selene|Alpha: ANTI SNUB GBs focus COMPAR
[08.09.2024 18:21:46] Selene|Alpha: COMPARA
[08.09.2024 18:21:49] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: 30K to Tau-27
[08.09.2024 18:21:51] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: *37
[08.09.2024 18:22:46] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: is the Entry to Tau-37 clear at least?
[08.09.2024 18:22:49] CFV-Apate has set HS>Intercettore as group target.
[08.09.2024 18:22:52] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: How is FP?
[08.09.2024 18:22:53] SoW.Constellation: Warning on sub-space. Outcast spotted around FP10
[08.09.2024 18:22:58] Banjar.Transport: enterance clear.
[08.09.2024 18:22:58] CFV-Apate: sadly not clear
[08.09.2024 18:23:00] CFV-Apate: theyre circling it
[08.09.2024 18:23:03] CFV-Apate: but we're engaged
[08.09.2024 18:23:11] Harry.Stork: K: Ugh... this is gonna be a though one.. Can IMG and Crayter forces keep them busy long enough?
[08.09.2024 18:23:14] CFV-Zagreus has set CFV-Dionysus as group target.
[08.09.2024 18:23:24] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: Let's hope for the best
[08.09.2024 18:23:41] CFV-Apate has set HS>Intercettore as group target.
[08.09.2024 18:23:56] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: we are short in time
[08.09.2024 18:24:02] Harry.Stork: we need to push it
[08.09.2024 18:24:07] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Push them now
[08.09.2024 18:24:12] Harry.Stork: 5 minutes left to buy
[08.09.2024 18:24:14] Harry.Stork: go all in
[08.09.2024 18:24:17] Harry.Stork: we need cover
[08.09.2024 18:24:26] Harry.Stork: FP in 20k
[08.09.2024 18:24:37] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Drp CM's
[08.09.2024 18:24:57] Harry.Stork: Almost there....
[08.09.2024 18:25:04] SoW.Constellation: Constellation making decent
[08.09.2024 18:25:05] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We have time to sell them right?
[08.09.2024 18:25:08] Harry.Stork: yesyes
[08.09.2024 18:25:10] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: I can log my CR Crusier in here
[08.09.2024 18:25:10] 2024-09-08 18:26:15 SMT Traffic control alert: SoW.Constellation has docked
[08.09.2024 18:25:11] Harry.Stork: 1 more horu to sell
[08.09.2024 18:25:13] =CR=FV-Leopold.I was blown out of the stars by Fylga[404th] (77%)
[08.09.2024 18:25:13] Assisted by: MA|MNS-Aguila (19%)
[08.09.2024 18:25:15] Tip: You can send cash to nearby players without needing to type their name by selecting their ship and using /givecasht or /gct command.
[08.09.2024 18:25:26] 2024-09-08 18:26:31 SMT Traffic control alert: Harry.Stork has docked
[08.09.2024 18:25:28] CFV-Dionysus: am Die
[08.09.2024 18:25:29] Auto-Buy(Repair): Cost 1.753$
[08.09.2024 18:25:31] CFV-Dionysus: to snube .
[08.09.2024 18:25:35] CFV-Dionysus died to L\-Damiano.Morandi (32%)
[08.09.2024 18:25:35] Assisted by: Deckar (30%), Rico[404th] (15%)
[08.09.2024 18:25:39] You have entered the event: Slave Transportation, you will be paid 100 extra credits for every unit you deliver.
[08.09.2024 18:25:39] Amount of registered cargo: 4000
[08.09.2024 18:25:47] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: should we leave T37?
[08.09.2024 18:26:01] Harry.Stork: gogogo
[08.09.2024 18:26:09] Banjar.Transport: 4 mins to buy. now or Never.
[08.09.2024 18:26:11] CFV-Hydra: im cruising outta this shitfest
[08.09.2024 18:26:11] Harry.Stork: go down map
[08.09.2024 18:26:16] =CR=FV-Cybele|364: G: Open fire!
[08.09.2024 18:26:17] [Star]Ursa.Major: Havent Seen the Outcast in these numbers since the great Cardi war of 842. *sips his coffee*
[08.09.2024 18:26:17] Harry.Stork: and you'll dodge their fleet
[08.09.2024 18:26:22] CFV-Dionysus: something about snubs
[08.09.2024 18:26:24] Harry.Stork: GO BELOW MAP AND YOU WILL DODGE THEIR FLEET
[08.09.2024 18:26:25] CFV-Hydra: all combat ships are preoccupied
[08.09.2024 18:26:32] CFV-Hydra: traders just come and buy
[08.09.2024 18:26:41] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We got another batch of Slaves
[08.09.2024 18:26:45] CFV-Hydra: yo wtf theres nomads
[08.09.2024 18:26:55] Harry.Stork: K: Crayter and IMG forces.. god speed. Thank you for sacrifice
[08.09.2024 18:27:07] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Nomad Crusier!
[08.09.2024 18:27:08] Harry.Stork: vagrants at tau23 jg!!!
[08.09.2024 18:27:16] Harry.Stork: vagrants at tau23 jg
[08.09.2024 18:27:19] Harry.Stork: just 1
[08.09.2024 18:27:20] Harry.Stork: sorry
[08.09.2024 18:27:24] CFV-Hydra: just a gunboat
[08.09.2024 18:27:27] CFV-Hydra: its harmless
[08.09.2024 18:27:29] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: dock falkland
[08.09.2024 18:27:39] CFV-Dionysus: come through
[08.09.2024 18:27:41] Harry.Stork: entering 23...
[08.09.2024 18:27:42] CFV-Dionysus: i'll defend you
[08.09.2024 18:27:43] Harry.Stork: we might make it
[08.09.2024 18:28:03] Ian.Walcott: Not too great.
[08.09.2024 18:28:14] Selene|Alpha died to L\-Damiano.Morandi (29%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:14] Assisted by: Rico[404th] (22%), Deckar (16%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:27] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: We are heading T29 Hole CR Fleet
[08.09.2024 18:28:28] CFV-Hydra: we need to haul ass
[08.09.2024 18:28:29] CFV-Argos got divebombed by Fylga[404th] (45%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:29] Assisted by: MA|MNS-Medellin (34%), MA|MNS-Aguila (21%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:30] CEYRANCI died to Stellarum (60%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:40] CFV-Hydra: whoever is in tau37 is on a death timer
[08.09.2024 18:28:46] CFV-Hydra: theyre buying us time
[08.09.2024 18:28:47] Harry.Stork: Thank you Crayter and IMG combat fleet to keep them busy. We made it because of you.
[08.09.2024 18:28:48] /time
[08.09.2024 18:28:48] 2024-09-08 18:29:52 SMT
[08.09.2024 18:28:51] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: 5s
[08.09.2024 18:28:52] Rico[404th] was taken out by CFV-Zagreus (57%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:52] Assisted by: CFV-Hydra (38%)
[08.09.2024 18:28:52] Pugsley.Linguini: Don't know about you but if they are not endangering the convoy, I'm not getting into the thick of it!
[08.09.2024 18:28:53] CFV-Argos: 10 minute probably
[08.09.2024 18:28:55] CONSOLE: The event 'Slave Purchases' has concluded. Thanks to all participants!
[08.09.2024 18:28:59] Harry.Stork: You deaths are not in vane.
[08.09.2024 18:29:09] Vance_Shadow: Is it worth going to t37?
[08.09.2024 18:29:10] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Turn, don't enter 37. It is a death trap.
[08.09.2024 18:29:12] CFV-Hydra: img are coming to tau37
[08.09.2024 18:29:20] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: There's a whole fleet out there.
[08.09.2024 18:29:35] Harry.Stork: K: Give my regards to the IMG forces for their sacrifice..
[08.09.2024 18:29:47] CFV-Dionysus: Winston: Have a look for yourself.
[08.09.2024 18:29:48] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: event ended so no more slaves to buy
[08.09.2024 18:29:55] CFV-Hydra: theyre heading with combat ships
[08.09.2024 18:30:11] Vance_Shadow: doesnt it end at 8
[08.09.2024 18:30:18] CFV-Apate: I bought as much time as possible xD
[08.09.2024 18:30:18] CFV-Apate died to L\-MNS-Providence (67%)
[08.09.2024 18:30:18] Assisted by: HS>Intercettore (17%), HS>Mietitore (12%)
[08.09.2024 18:30:22] CFV-Apate: GB and cruiser coming your way
[08.09.2024 18:30:24] Harry.Stork: We will remember the soldiers that sacrificed their lives for us to go through...
[08.09.2024 18:30:31] Ian.Walcott: Indeed we shall.
[08.09.2024 18:30:32] Harry.Stork: K: I'm getting reports it's a slaughter out there...
[08.09.2024 18:30:42] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: For those we left behind, their sacrifices will not be in vain
[08.09.2024 18:30:45] =CR=FV-Cybele|364 perished at Fylga[404th]'s hands (40%)
[08.09.2024 18:30:45] Assisted by: NC-MNS-Santa.Lucia (26%), MA|MNS-Medellin (20%)
[08.09.2024 18:30:51] Vance_Shadow: ok well i got nothing, heading back to Coronado
[08.09.2024 18:31:01] CFV-Apate: did our transports make it?
[08.09.2024 18:31:03] Harry.Stork: it was already a close one for us
[08.09.2024 18:31:06] CFV-Hydra: yeah yeah
[08.09.2024 18:31:06] Harry.Stork: yes we got second round
[08.09.2024 18:31:09] CFV-Apate: great
[08.09.2024 18:31:11] CFV-Apate: thats a win
[08.09.2024 18:31:12] Ian.Walcott: Atleast we are in one piece together.
[08.09.2024 18:31:22] Harry.Stork: thanks to the military's and img's keeping the outcasts distracted.
[08.09.2024 18:31:22] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: Kirara Report we bring 8K plus the 900 reported on the Artemis ...
[08.09.2024 18:31:22] Santa.Compana was put out of action by CFV-Zagreus (84%)
[08.09.2024 18:31:22] Assisted by: CFV-Hydra (16%)
[08.09.2024 18:31:28] CFV-Apate: o7
[08.09.2024 18:31:39] CFV-Apate: Ill be off, gj guys
[08.09.2024 18:31:42] Harry.Stork: cya!
[08.09.2024 18:31:54] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: one docking module...
[08.09.2024 18:31:54] CFV-Gaius died to HS>Mietitore (90%)
[08.09.2024 18:31:54] Assisted by: Deckar (10%)
[08.09.2024 18:32:10] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: would it be possible transfer the title to another person?
[08.09.2024 18:32:18] Harry.Stork: forum title? don't think so
[08.09.2024 18:32:19] CFV-Hydra: yeah just say it in the forum
[08.09.2024 18:32:20] Harry.Stork: you can ask tho
[08.09.2024 18:32:22] CFV-Dionysus: you can
[08.09.2024 18:32:29] CFV-Zagreus: well I got two of them
[08.09.2024 18:32:32] CFV-Zagreus: that's something
[08.09.2024 18:32:33] CFV-Zagreus died to L\-Damiano.Morandi (35%)
[08.09.2024 18:32:33] Assisted by: HS>Mietitore (32%), Deckar (15%)
[08.09.2024 18:32:36] Augurite: And seems we all scattered. damn.
[08.09.2024 18:32:40] Harry.Stork: 2? how?
[08.09.2024 18:32:47] CFV-Zagreus: got a ravager hit on a sabre and he lived with 100hp
[08.09.2024 18:32:49] CFV-Zagreus: mood
[08.09.2024 18:32:49] Ian.Walcott: Let this be a new age of cooperation between us.
[08.09.2024 18:32:53] Menreiki: Yep. But convoy safety is utmost importance.
[08.09.2024 18:32:57] Ian.Walcott: Or atleast i hope.
[08.09.2024 18:33:01] Augurite: In this case, will just try and see for the convoys safety.
[08.09.2024 18:33:07] Menreiki: Rather the slaves get out than throw away lives.
[08.09.2024 18:33:52] Ian.Walcott: Godspeed to all vessels on their voyage back.
[08.09.2024 18:34:16] Harry.Stork: K: Crayter and the Guild lost many men, but nothing compared to the lives they saved.
[08.09.2024 18:34:20] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: I am sorry for those Outcast who prefered the fight and get away from FP10 ...
[08.09.2024 18:34:28] Ian.Walcott: Only together can we be victorious.
[08.09.2024 18:34:57] Harry.Stork: K: closing in on coronado.
[08.09.2024 18:35:27] Harry.Stork: K: Almost there..
[08.09.2024 18:35:28] Ian.Walcott: Appreciate the support IMG wings.
[08.09.2024 18:35:44] Death: Wickye suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[08.09.2024 18:36:01] Banjar.Transport: Seems like the 2nd wave convoy is safe.
[08.09.2024 18:36:09] Banjar.Transport: im done. and Logging off now
[08.09.2024 18:36:19] Menreiki: Lets intercept it.
[08.09.2024 18:36:21] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: IMG has some excellent pilots in their wings, i read sometime they get well trained for such treats
[08.09.2024 18:36:24] Harry.Stork: K: Pirate spotted. Need cover.
[08.09.2024 18:36:33] Harry.Stork: Thank yo uIMG.
[08.09.2024 18:36:33] Ian.Walcott: Good luck colleagues!
[08.09.2024 18:36:41] Harry.Stork: Good luck out there. Doing the Lord's work.
[08.09.2024 18:36:51] Ian.Walcott: Final approach.
[08.09.2024 18:37:01] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: I saw, radar is...interfered
[08.09.2024 18:37:03] Harry.Stork: K: Aquaria, Walcott, let's finish the job.
[08.09.2024 18:37:09] Ian.Walcott: Lets do this!
[08.09.2024 18:37:33] =CR=ILL-Aquaria: K: For Yuma Gods, thanks we are home again
[08.09.2024 18:37:39] 2024-09-08 18:38:44 SMT Traffic control alert: Ian.Walcott has docked
[08.09.2024 18:37:58] 2024-09-08 18:39:03 SMT Traffic control alert: =CR=ILL-Aquaria has docked
[08.09.2024 18:37:59] Auto-Buy(Repair): Cost 1.955$
[08.09.2024 18:38:24] You have finished the event: Slave Transportation
[08.09.2024 18:38:24] You receive a bonus of: 400000 credits
My mission to escort the Gunboat Maxim was a success. The Maxim had aboard a scientific expediction to investigate the stellar anomaly we've been picking up on long range stellar scanners. The sight was something I'll never forget.
There seems to be a planetary luminal burst from near the center of the Ontario system and just as we predicted the supposed trajectory takes it in a northwesterly stellar trajectory towards the center of Crayterian space.
While on scanner patrol, a Xeno gunboat attempted to disrupt our investigation but we were able to conclude our scientific scans and upload them to Crayter command anyway. The Libertarian dissident seemed set in a primitive xenophobic rant typical of his low minded peers about not allowing peoples not of "his kind" from exising near them. Regardless, we got what we came for, regardless of the inbred interruption.
"Music gives Wings to the Mind, Soul to the Universe, and Life to Everything"
► Sender-ID: Lt. Harris Paul
►Sender Location: Invergordon
►Encryption: Standard
►Displaying message...
Recon mission to Ontario in progress. There is some kind of anomaly of a big fraking laser shooting out of a planet in the northern sector on the system. I conducted scans of it trajectory and ran it against star charts, it's heading for Coronado with chance it might still miss. I didn't have enough time to figure it out before a Xeno Alliance gunboat attacked us. He roughed us up but some friendly junkers brought us back to Invergordon salvage yard and I'm paying a steep price to have our hulls fixed so I can continue the mission. Hopefully they at least seal it this time. I'm transmitting my findings.
[17.01.2025 22:11:37] =CR=Vagabond: :: Jump Hole proximity has limited hostiles
[17.01.2025 22:11:57] =CR=Vagabond: Making way for next waypoint
[17.01.2025 22:12:21] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Setting course for F3, 60 kliks out
[17.01.2025 22:12:58] =CR=Vagabond: : Path clear so far
[17.01.2025 22:13:39] =CR=Vagabond: Making jump
[17.01.2025 22:14:33] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Clear the landing zone!
[17.01.2025 22:15:24] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Lets get out of this field
[17.01.2025 22:15:32] =CR=Vagabond: Roger that
[17.01.2025 22:15:45] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Heading for the planet, 80 clicks out
[17.01.2025 22:18:11] =CR=Vagabond: :: What the hell is that Lieutenant
[17.01.2025 22:18:32] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: No frakin clue corporal.
[17.01.2025 22:20:16] =CR=Vagabond: Should we get closer scans?
[17.01.2025 22:21:04] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: I'm gonna run some scans on its trajectory
[17.01.2025 22:22:06] =CR=Vagabond: Lieutenant judging by this luminal trail its heading in a northwesterly pattern.... towards Crayter Space
[17.01.2025 22:22:27] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: Crayterian. Mind if you can explain your presence here.
[17.01.2025 22:22:29] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Running it against star charts. Let's see where this is going.
[17.01.2025 22:22:52] =CR=Vagabond: Greetings, we are on a scientific expedition
[17.01.2025 22:22:54] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: This anomaly is the subject of our concern.
[17.01.2025 22:23:09] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You do realize this is Free Republic space.
[17.01.2025 22:23:18] =CR=Vagabond: Greetings we are on a scientific expedition
[17.01.2025 22:23:25] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: We're runing scans pn it now.
[17.01.2025 22:23:29] =CR=Vagabond: We are not aware of a Free Republic?
[17.01.2025 22:23:33] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: This is new space to me.
[17.01.2025 22:23:49] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You should have known that before venturing into our home.
[17.01.2025 22:24:01] =CR=Vagabond: Has this New Free Republic made diplomatic Entreaties to the Crayter Republic thus far?
[17.01.2025 22:24:37] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: I don't have access to that.
[17.01.2025 22:24:41] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: This thing looks like it's heading for Coronado.
[17.01.2025 22:24:48] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Neither would I.
[17.01.2025 22:24:58] =CR=Vagabond: Indeed
[17.01.2025 22:25:15] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: I'm here on a survey mission in space not explored by the republic.
[17.01.2025 22:25:26] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: "Not explored"?
[17.01.2025 22:25:38] =CR=Vagabond: This anomaly is uncharteed
[17.01.2025 22:25:52] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: In any case you should be staying out of this place.
[17.01.2025 22:26:03] =CR=Vagabond: It is of great interest to the saftey and scientific community of our nation
[17.01.2025 22:26:20] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You're a bit too far from home, and there are Auxesians near us.
[17.01.2025 22:26:38] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: What can I say, I'm good at my job.
[17.01.2025 22:27:00] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: What makes you say that? You're not in a research vessel or anything.
[17.01.2025 22:27:01] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Reason why I'm the first.
[17.01.2025 22:27:09] Busardo[TBH] lost a fight with HS>Matteo.Espada (58%)
[17.01.2025 22:27:22] =CR=Vagabond: We multi-use many of our vessels to be utilitarian
[17.01.2025 22:27:31] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Gotta be ready, I got the scanners for charting.
[17.01.2025 22:27:41] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: How bold of you to say that, trying to justify your presence.
[17.01.2025 22:28:26] =CR=Vagabond: Xeno pilot, this disturbing anomaly should be of great import to your people as well. We research for our collective safety
[17.01.2025 22:28:44] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: If this thing turns out to be a threat to our people. You know, the big frak off laser in-
[17.01.2025 22:28:46] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: That depends, though your kind is not welcome here.
[17.01.2025 22:28:47] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: front of us.
[17.01.2025 22:29:06] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: We plan to make this visit short.
[17.01.2025 22:29:16] =CR=Vagabond: Our work is nearly concluded pilot
[17.01.2025 22:29:21] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: All you xenos say the same shit.
[17.01.2025 22:29:35] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You leave us no choice, Crayterians.
[17.01.2025 22:30:06] =CR=Vagabond: Stay silent a moment Xeno while I upload our data
[17.01.2025 22:30:13] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Scans complete, we'll be heading home with it.
[17.01.2025 22:30:20] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: You are not going anywhere. For the Free Republic!
[17.01.2025 22:30:24] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Drives are archiving.
[17.01.2025 22:30:26] =CR=Vagabond: Thank you for your cooperation
[17.01.2025 22:30:31] XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter: H: Eliminate these intruders!
[17.01.2025 22:30:33] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: Fine then.
[17.01.2025 22:30:36] =CR=Vagabond: Moving to protect
[17.01.2025 22:32:11] =CR=FV-Maxim|528: W'll be leaving
[17.01.2025 22:38:55] =CR=FV-Maxim|528 died to XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter (98%)
[17.01.2025 22:39:36] =CR=Vagabond was shot out of the skies by XA-FRS-Crimson.Biter (100%)