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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: Navarchs, Technocracy of Auxo Subject: Home Station
Hello, Navarchs.
I am informing you that we may have a shift in operations regarding our Research Complex within Inverness. Since the construction and retrofit of our research liner, the Sol, it has proved to match our station in terms of research efficiency and capacity. We intend to relocate our staff and resources to the liner, and keep the vessel primarily deployed within Inverness. This will also mean our current station would be scrapped and donated to the Junkers for their own use.
If a point of interest were detected elsewhere in Sirius or Gallia, it would be much easier for us to jump the Sol via Ageira's jump network to that sector. Which may mean our vacancy from Inverness in those situations. With our plans in the beginning stages, my main concern here is the availability of your own assets in certain regions, if we could expect or request assistance where it can be made ready?
Much of our forces are currently here, with minimal cells operating in specific regions like the border of Rheinland and Gallia, the Omegas and a small number in the deep Omicrons. For obvious reasons I cannot disclose the exact locations of these personnel, not due to a lack of trust but internal security policy. I wouldn't know where they are located apart from regional directives. The exception being the Omegas, where I can direct you to Venator Crucible and the Second Meros. Response time depends upon the cells in question.
Though keep in mind, most of our forces are typically jump capable and can respond to hyperspace distress beacons. Provided your ships are equipped with such measures, we will always be available nearby to assist.
That said however, Logistics and Civil Administration have been conducting an internal review of infrastructure for a pending update to our local facilities and facilities abroad, as we move to establish a stronger position in areas of interest. With that in mind, the Directorate would be interested in acquiring the disassembled components of your research facility for upgrades to Aergia. Those upgrades would increase our capacity and capability for more expansive and exotic studies. Studies our two groups could continue to conduct, if you would be interested in maintaining a local office on board.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: Navarch Leviathan, Technocracy of Auxo Subject: Station Transferral
Hello, Navarch Leviathan.
It is logical that you would not disclose certain information to us, for the sake of security. The only confirmation I need is if you have assets placed in the Omega Border Worlds in case the need of assistance arises. Since this is confirmed, I am content that if we do relocate to any points of interest within that cluster, we will have allies available. Our small Transport and Research fleets are equipped with finely tuned beacons for efficient hyperspace transit, however our explorers have not had the opportunity for this upgrade yet.
Offering the station to your teams at the Citadel can be arranged, over our original plans with the Junkers. What we will need assistance with is the use of your drydock. There are some elements present on the Complex that need to be transported on board the Sol, namely the custom built "Gaia"-Class Hydroponics and the "Carapace"-Class Shielding, to ensure they are properly installed and adjusted to fit the change in size and personnel. Once this is completed, the former Starfliers Research Complex is yours to make use of with Aergia. Do bear in mind that we do not have any way of deconstructing the station. This must be handled by your own teams.
I'm currently away on business, but I can authorize drydock usage for what you've outlined. That shouldn't be an issue. The largest shelved 'projects' in the drydock have been relocated or dismissed altogether. Far more space to go around. It may be a good opportunity to consider upgrading your mentioned explorers, too. Up to you though.
I do wish you the best in your ventures, if you depart before I return. Curious to see where the road'll take you all. What elements of your facility remain can be transferred to Civil Administration, Venator Cromwell or Venator Aether for their work on the local infrastructure upgrades. I'll pass word along to the Directorate about the deconstruction and repurposing of your station. I'll leave instructions with the others to do so.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: Navarch Leviathan, Technocracy of Auxo Subject: The Liner
Hello, Navarch Leviathan.
This does suit our needs, the drydock will make the transferal process much more efficient. It does mean that your staff who were assisting us in our major research departments must return to Valravn. If you would like to keep a handful of staff stationed so we have a direct link to you, this can be accomodated for.
We are getting assistance from our colleagues at Starlight Research Consortium regarding our station's core computing terminal. While your teams are focused on our former installation, they will help us in getting the inner workings adjusted to match the Liner.
I appreciate your words on our future. It hope it is as beneficial and fruitful as I expect it to be.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: Leadership, Technocracy of Auxo Subject: Scanner Reproduction
Hello, Navarchs of the Technocracy.
Some time ago, we had the chance to be side-by-side on board the Citadel. The context behind this was to produce three of our finely tuned active scanners. I am both proud to say that these scanners have turned over much better results than previously estimated during proper usage.
Notes were taken during the construction process on the Citadel, detailed enough to reproduce the scanner on our own. We have attempted such a feat onboard the Sol. After a long and meticulous procedure, the outcome was a successful reproduction of the same scanner. This unit is numbered 004.
With this win, I'd like to present the fourth Starfliers Active Scanner to the Technocracy. Would you be interested in mounting this unit to one of your own "Corvo"-Class explorers? It will be as beneficial to your own projects as it has been with ours.
To maintain a strong foundation for collaboration and mutual support, we will deploy select assets to work alongside the Starfliers, fostering cohesion and shared objectives. Furthermore, should you require any assistance from the Technocracy, our representatives will be at your disposal to accommodate such requests.
We do, however, wish to address a matter concerning the Starlight Research Consortium. Our records indicate that the group had formally dissolved. We kindly seek your assistance in updating our database regarding their current status, leadership, and base of operations, if known.
On behalf of the Directorate, we extend our heartfelt congratulations on your remarkable achievements over the years. Such innovation is deserving of recognition, and we would be pleased to allocate additional resources to support your continued pursuit of scientific discovery. We would also welcome the opportunity to witness your ingenuity firsthand on our own science vessel. Please inform us of any necessary arrangements to pick up the sensor arrays.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: Supreme Navarch Stavros, Technocracy of Auxo Subject: Pickup
Hello, Supreme Navarch Stavros.
I am proud of our teams. We have achieved a significant leap in advancement in a few short years. Our cycle of self-improvement is carrying us further and further along.
It is recommended to contact the Sol's administration before your "Corvo"-Class Explorer docks. Ensure you reference this transmission so they know it's legitimate. They can vacate any necessary space to ensure the scanner is installed uninterrupted.
Your interest in the Consortium is intriguing. Our last records show Ikarus Station in Tau-23 being their base of operations. A long time ago we had brief ownership of the station for a few months before releasing it back to them. In recent months we have not had the chance to visit them to get a status update on what they are up to.
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Albert McKenzie, Starfliers To: Leadership, Technocracy of Auxo Subject: Agreement Update and SLRC
The team at SRLC have reached out to us in recent days, it appears they are active, albeit in a significantly reduced capacity. They are under threat of the Corsairs in the Omicrons, a situation we are unable to directly assist with outside of financial aid. I have asked them to try to relocate to the Research Liner Sol, though this is a huge ask and it is likely that they will remain in the Edge Worlds. Only time will tell.
I did want to revise the agreement that Leon and one of the Navarchs had signed off on a few years ago. My records show it was revised a couple years ago, however some items in the document appear to be outdated as they relate to old services we used to provide.
As I like to operate with updated documentation, I would be thankful if we can revise the backing agreement. You can review the current agreement in the attachment below.