Yes, his address is It receives public email and chances are you will get a response from the person(s) which filters his emails. They only bring to his attention the very important emails.
Information, the first principle of warfare, must form the foundation of all your efforts. Know, of course, thine enemy. But in knowing him do not forget above all to know thyself. The commander who embraces this totality of battle shall win even with inferior force.
I bet'cha Bill Gates has a secret email address he gives to his friends, so that his friends can actually send him something without it going through some other person first, jsut to get an automated reply..
well, then become his friend. Find out where he lives and go buy him a beer. ^^ presto- the SC is yours.
Some say that he is allergic to a fungus found only between the toes of Corsairs,
and that he is oblivious to 98% of Liberty Law. All we know is... He's called the Busdriver!