you must also remember, that everyone has the same problems, since if we catch a spy in alpha and he docks on malta, we cant do anything about it ether.
"Time is too precious to be idle." - Saigo Watanabe "Death is something that is inevitable, Something you cannot run away from." - Katharina Hildegard
Now going under the gaming name: Seraxia
The Disruption idea does look interesting, as you could effectively "lock down" things.
There's also a big BUT. Law enforcement entities sitting near the drop-off point of illegal commodities aren't working very well and won't even if the lockdown becomes possible.
They shouldn't sit still and go get the job done instead, patrol around Liberty, that means Texas, California and Colorado, too... that way traders are going to be much safer, smuggling harder and overall public reputation of police and navy would rise...
I don't see pirates being able to disrupt an enemy Mooring Ring as a downside, no more than a Policeman disabling a Tradelane to stop a smuggler.
The Mooring Rings would need to be made neutral, yes, to stop us getting ourselves blown up.
I believe it is possible, I've tried a few things myself to get it working, but I believe it involves Hard Point modding, which I am unfamiliar with.
If I ever get round to it, I plan to do a test where I replace the mooring ring arch type with a tradelane arch type, and see if it works that way.
And yes, I was only refering to the Mooring Ring, and not the docking ring. Most smugglers only use the mooring ring, as they fly large class vessels. Smugglers in fighter class vessels will still be able to get around it yeah, but lets face it, its' possible to blow those up in a short amount of time.
Although, this won't solve all of the oorp smuggling problems. I've chased software smugglers, only to have them dock at west point. But it isn't practicle to disable a stations' docking systems, in both aspects of the game and in RP. It may cause problems for people trying to launch.
Quote:Every LPI, LN, LSF etc member knows what its' like to be sitting outside Manhatten, idly scanning cargos
This is your problem. Kill the lane closer to westpoint or fort bush if you want to stop smugglers - sitting at the destination isnt going to give you enough time to catch or kill anyone.
Just because YOU cannot stop a smuggler before he reaches the mooring dock does NOT mean its OORP. So what you're proposing is to make it easy for you to get a smuggler.
We pirates do not have such luxuries. When a trader gets "sprung" with his cargo and he makes it to a planet or base ... he docks immediately to avoid being pirated. Oh ... and yes ... they even dock on our bases ... like Yanagi.
As an LPI ... shouldn't you be actually roaming about LOOKING for the smugglers instead of camping the docking rings and mooring docks? We pirates get yelled at by you lawfuls for hanging around jumpholes as traders come and go. We are called campers ... but in reality its no different than you lawfuls camping the planets and bases waiting for smugglers.
I'm getting tired of your hypocrisy ... now quit camping and actual move out to look for the smugglers. You're like a bird waiting for mama bird to show up with your meal.
Geez people ... get real ... OORP because a smuggler tries to get by you? NPCs don't lock the planet the instant they see you have contraband. There's a good 30 seconds to 1 minute before they go hostile because you don't drop it. And that gives you plenty of time to dock and avoid them.
You guys just want everything handed to you on a silver platter. Pirates and mercs are limited to gunboats while you get to run around in battle cruisers. Now you wanna control the rings until you scan every traders/smuggler entering the system. Gestapo comes to mind. The name of your house factions is "Liberty" ... why don't you read what that word means ... cause liberty is hardly what we experience from your type. We get "papers please ... vat is ze purpose of your visit here? ... these papers are not in order ... come vis me."
Take the view of a smuggler. All the time lawfuls are camping in front of the planets and do make it impossible to rp a smuggling run. Even if you have 500 units of Cardi hidden between 4500 units of legal goods they are screaming "HALT!!!!!". You want to avoid oorp smugglers? Then stop camping right in front of the planet.
Fellas, it is not about catching the smuggler, but about rather annoying part where large transport ships simply cruise speed ram in mooring stick and fastdock.
This happens from Crete, NY, and many other places. Making docking lockable is awesome possibility, this should also be done with gates and jumpholes (i saw it done)
Also even if you try to smuggle as it should be (eg, full hold of items and maybe 1-5% is contraband) you will still be shot at, CDed, halted and alike. Do not start about OORP smuggling here, there are bad smugglers and bad law.